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Simpson's Cast On Bravo This Sunday 278

droopus writes "So, what does Dan Castelleneta look like? (He's a kinda weasly looking bald guy.) See Dan, Hank, Harry, Yeardley, Julie, Nancy and the rest of the Simpsons cast this Sunday at 8PM (EST) on Inside the Actors Studio on Bravo. According to the website: "In anticipation of the landmark 300th episode of The Simpsons, James Lipton sat down with the series' accomplished ensemble to meet the actors behind the voices in order to discover how they have managed to create such a wealth of believable and beloved characters." I saw a quick preview, and seeing that thin, weasly bald guy go "Aggggggh, donut" was alsolutely hilarious. Watching Nancy Cartwright morph effortlessly from Bart, to Nelson, to Ralph is waaaaay cool. My TiVo is set for this one. One hitch: it's on at the same time as the usual new Sunday Simpsons episode, so Bravo has thoughtfully repeated the show at midnight so fans can record both."
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Simpson's Cast On Bravo This Sunday

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  • writers (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ianmalcm ( 591345 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:16AM (#5262453)
    I wonder if any of the writers will be on the show too. Most of the success has relied on excelelent writing. I think this is the first time ever the voice actors have been allowed to do their characters on a television show other than the cartoon itself. James Lipton sure knows how to negotiate for his guests!
    • Re:writers (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      actually they were on conan once, too.
    • Some of them have been on Conan at least once. Really amazing people, can't wait for the show tomorrow~!
    • Well, Conan O'Brian has this late night TV show that you could watch -- he was one of the writers you know.
    • They've always been allowed to do the characters' voices, but they're not allowed to create new material. So Dan Castellaneta can't (for instance) endorse some product in Homer's voice. He is, however, allowed to say 'D'oh!' or 'Mmm, donuts' as much as he likes, because those phrases are already Homer-canonical. Nonetheless, whenever any Simpsons voice artist goes on a radio show, they _always_ try to get them to say something like 'I'm Homer Simpson and you're listening to QXFR radio'. Never works.

      • Last year Dan/Homer introduced Paul Krassner at a speaking engagement in LA. Krassner wanted to put it on an album but after reviewing the material, Fox declined. They don't seem to restrict him from posting it on his web site. Check it out. [] Unfortunately it is in Real. You'd think Krassner would distribute it in Ogg Vorbis.

        I thought they reported this here, but a cursory /. search returned nothing.
        • Thanks for the link. Great intro. However, Paul Krassner could have done a better job transcribing, I noticed several errors. Nothing major, but dammit if you're gonna put Homer to text do it right!
    • Two of the guys were on Conan once. They played out a whole scene with about 15 characters.
  • Same Time (Score:3, Funny)

    by viper432 ( 589797 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:16AM (#5262454)
    Thats right... put a show about the Simpsons on at the same time FOX is showing the real thing...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Or some of them anyway, since many appeared on the original home of the Simpsons, the Tracey Ullman Show.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:17AM (#5262459)
    For all things Simpsons, head over to [].
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Hey, I remember some Ask Slashdot or something about having a Tivo like system based on Linux for recording either 4+ or 16+ streams. I guess this gives a little validity to wanting to record at least two streams anyway. And hell you might even like something asides from just the Simpsons, and want to record three things at once. :)

    • Umm Microsofts Ultimate TV can handle two streams, so with it you could record two shows at one. I believe it's the only system to offer this in their first version. Perhaps Tivo will have it in their next?
      • Umm Microsofts Ultimate TV can handle two streams, so with it you could record two shows at one. I believe it's the only system to offer this in their first version. Perhaps Tivo will have it in their next?

        I believe the DirectTivo variant has had two tuners for a while. Since the dish receiver and Tivo are in the same unit, it made a lot of sense to go ahead and throw in a second tuner.

        For a stand-alone unit, this is a bit more difficult. My (now dead, first Philips version) Tivo didn't even have *a* tuner, unless you count tuning in channel 3 or 4 for the RF input. But even so, and even with two, only one could be your cable box/dish receiver, the other could potentially be an antenna or (non-pay channel) cable input... though certainly possible.

        My next PVR will most likely be a DirectTV w/Tivo built-in for just this type of reason (plus just being able to channel surf while something else is recording would be nice).
      • DirecTivos can already do this. They can record one program off the digital feed and one off the analog going in the back... both at the same time.
    • You can do this using MythTV [].
  • Ha ha ha! Well played! Maybe someday they'll have "Inside the Writers' Studio". Until then, the voice talent is who belongs on this show. I'm taping it. In Betamax. By the by, a "Writers' Studio" show would be fascinating.
  • by mikeophile ( 647318 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:29AM (#5262505)
    I think his impersonation of James Lipton is much more entertaining than Lipton himself.
  • by FireBreathingDog ( 559649 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:36AM (#5262531)
    Homer: ...but we're gonna miss Inside the Actors Studio. F. Murray Abraham's on, Marge. F. Murray Abraham!
  • Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:36AM (#5262535)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • My TiVo already knew it repeats......Ha-Ha
  • Notice... (Score:3, Funny)

    by Quaoar ( 614366 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:38AM (#5262543)
    ...that they don't have the current writers for the show on his program. That would turn into a lynching.
  • Hank Azaria (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by calyxa ( 618266 )
    I watched Mystery Men [] with a friend the other night who had never seen it. she commented on how occasionally she could hear traces of Prof. Frink's voice in the character of The Blue Raja, played by Hank Azaria. throughout the film, it's hard to get a grasp on Azaria's "real" voice. for most of it he's faking a British accent.


  • by blair1q ( 305137 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:41AM (#5262560) Journal
    People who weren't watching the Tracey Ullman show.

    That's who.
  • by green pizza ( 159161 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:49AM (#5262585) Homepage
    Yeardley Smith (the voice of Lisa) is kinda cute in a geeky foreign way... I saw an interview of her a few years ago. Apparently more than a few guys have told her that it's their fantasy to make love to her while she screams the famous "More More More!" Lisa Simpson line.
    • She was on "Hermans Head" years ago.

      She looks like Dr. Ruth.
    • by Inexile2002 ( 540368 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @01:00AM (#5262625) Homepage Journal
      One halloween, a friend of mine got up green tube dress, white choker pearls and did her hair up like Marge. We went to a halloween party, and seriously I've never seen one girl get hit on so many times at a party. Nor have I heard so many attempted Homer-isms as pick up lines.
    • I remember her acting on Herman's Head [] on Fox [].
    • by Aronymous Coward ( 619197 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @02:19AM (#5262824)
      Anyone ever see her as a little kid on the Square One TV math show on PBS? I'm revealing my relative youth here (maybe not, Slashdot seems full of teenagers who might not know what Square One is), but on the detective story segment on the show (called "Mathnet" as a parody of Dragnet, I think), she played the caretaker of a gorilla that had gone missing. And the detectives she hired used math to find it, as expected. Getting back on-topic, Ms. Smith sounds EXACTLY the same now as she did then, in the eighties and when she was a little kid. Not like that's some big revelation, but when I first started watching the Tracy Ullman show and later on Herman's Head (which starred both her and Hank Azaria as major characters), I couldn't shake the association of that voice with that of the "Mathnet gorilla girl." ....Well, after some quick googling, apparently it looks like Square One is being shown on the Noggin educational cable channel. Found that bit of info on a site dedicated to the show [].
      • THAT IS AMAZING. I remember that specific episode, and even though I was 8 or 9 when I saw that show and had no idea who Yeardley Smith was, now that you remind me, I remember that and can somehow tell that that was her. Maybe it's just the power of suggestion, but damn.
      • Her character on Mathnet was named "Jane Rice-Burroughs."
    • I've always thought she was *really* cute. She and Hank Azaria were both on the Fox sitcom "Herman's Head" for the year or two it was on. There was even a joke once--on the show, she said something like "People keep saying I sound like that Lisa girl on the Simpsons!" She was also in Maximum Overdrive and had small parts in a few other movies, too.
  • Dan Castellaneta (Score:5, Informative)

    by Otter ( 3800 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:58AM (#5262616) Journal
    So, what does Dan Castelleneta look like? (He's a kinda weasly looking bald guy.)

    Married With Children fans will remember him from the "Dance Show" episode, where Peg went dancing with Marcy and had a flirtation with a gay guy, whose husband (Castellaneta) went complaining to Al.

    Incidentally, how stupid does Bravo have to be to put this on in that slot? Why not Sunday at 10 pm?

    • Re:Dan Castellaneta (Score:5, Informative)

      by maladroit ( 71511 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @01:15AM (#5262671) Homepage
      And L. A. Law fans will remember him as the guy who worked at an amusement park, wearing a Homer Simpson costume. He was fired from his job when he got sick and took off the costume head. Of course he was suing, this was L. A. Law after all.
      The best parts were when he would put on the costume and talk in his Homer voice, and the jury of Homer Simpsons was a nice touch, too.
      imdb [] says it was an episode in 1992.
    • It was never a question for me.. he went to my high school, so when i got there (a number of years later) his picture was up on the wall. he's been spotted walking down the street a few times, too.

      for what it's worth, that reality show, "high school reunion" is also all grads from my high school. I'm kind of ashamed to admit that, though.

      for that matter, ernest hemingway was a graduate, and ray kroc (founder of mcdonalds corp) was a drop-out. Yay.

  • Well, no kidding... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 09, 2003 @01:04AM (#5262641)
    Of course Nancy Cartwright has no trouble shifting between different characters. According to her religion^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hcult, she's infested with the souls of dead people & aliens [], many of whom were blown up 75 billion years ago by the Galactic Overlord Xenu [] in volcanoes by H-bombs.

    Because of this, and other dirty deeds done by the cult of $cientology, I personally boycott The Simpsons, JAG, Dharma & Greg, South Park, and other TV shows and movies that employ $cientologists. (And yes, my local affiliates and the networks know why I don't watch their shows!)
    • by garethwi ( 118563 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @02:15AM (#5262814) Homepage
      That's a bit over the top isn't it? These shows have scientologists working on them, true, but they aren't promoting the thing.

      • You decide for yourself. [ALL Capitals changed to lowercase letters to escape the lameness filter. Interesting that a $cientology page would be stopped by /.'s lameness filter, don't you?] []

        "kirstie alley opens church of scientology mission in wichita"

        "travolta fever"

        "faith in scientology keeps him going"

        "on the record: isaac hayes"

        "bart simpson's voice credits her recent career success to scientology"

        "straight, no chaser"

        "eduardo palomo says that a book gave him his success"
      • I think we should all boycott any TV show, or any other enterprise (no, not a pun) for that matter, which employs people who profess a religion we don't like. The people who profess the religion we don't like should be hounded out of most professions, and be required to wear, say, some kind of symbol on their sleeves to identify them. They might be invited to move into new homes where they can all be together, and their own homes and possessions be given to people we do like. Most likely, the people who profess the religion we don't like will ultimately just disappear in some mysterious fashion, out east.

        Sound like a plan?
    • by jericho4.0 ( 565125 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @03:21AM (#5263042)
      You are in BIG trouble Mr Anonymous Coward.
    • Isaac Hayes has no control over the content of South Park -- there has been a blatantly obvious diss of Scientology episode (Blanetology.) Considering the utter fear everyone has about Scientology (and rightfully so) I am happy that Matt and Trey didn't let it control them at all.
    • I'm tired of all these whacko relegions running amok on my TV. Look at em all, you got yer scientologisgts, yer christians, yer jews, yer muslims, yer bushists, yer hindus. It's enough to make a guy sick. You'll all see the truth when Marshall Applewhite comes back. Just wait and see, Hale-Bop is coming back and we'll all be taken to the Physical Kingdom Level Above Human. Where's my applesauce?

    • That has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Believe me, most religions are just as much cults as Scientology is. Do you boycott every show that has a non-atheist on board?

    • Dude that chick from JAG is so hot that if she was a baby eating Thelemist I still watch her!

      Further, I don't care what the cast members of The Simpsons believe in becuase I still believe it is "The Best Show... Ever."
    • A response from Fox:

      In regards to your specific comments about the show, our research shows that one person cannot make a difference, no matter how big a screwball he or she is.

  • by majcher ( 26219 ) <slashdot@majch e r .com> on Sunday February 09, 2003 @01:07AM (#5262648) Homepage
    Hello? Haven't any of you people seen the Tracey Ullman show? Nobody remembers Herman's Head?

    Excuse me, I'm just going to sit here and yell at the kids to get off my lawn now.
    • The old Tracey Ullman's were brliiant, the orginal Simpons were so funny, especially with Homer being horribly cruel to bart.

      Hermans Head! Wow, that was a great show. Hank Azaria as his dirtbag friend. All those nutty people in his head. Truly an original and funny sitcom. Herman getting a date with the real Marsha Brady.

      Also remember Flying Blind with Tea Leone and some other guy? About a jewish kid who falls in lover with a goy redhead model. Really funny show. Fox in its ealy years, such fond memories.


    • Herman's head was a great show!

      A couple of great links about the show:
      A Complete Overview []

      A Big Resource []
  • by McQuaid ( 524757 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @01:21AM (#5262686)
    I remember reading somewhere a few years ago that in their contracts, it restricts them from doing the character voices in public or on something televised. There was an episdoe of LA Law where Dan Castelleneta plays a character who works at an amusement park as Homer Simpson. Throughout the show you hear the Homer voice but only when he's in the costume. I thought that was a way of getting around their restriction in their contracts.

    Anyone know if they actually had to get permission to do the voices for this ep of actors studio?
    • by raju1kabir ( 251972 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @02:15AM (#5262816) Homepage
      I remember reading somewhere a few years ago that in their contracts, it restricts them from doing the character voices in public or on something televised.

      Ages ago I worked for a pop-media magazine. I was friends with a reporter who did an interview with Dan Castellaneta, and at the end he persuaded him to do answering machine messages for a few of us on the tape he used for the interview.

      Sad thing is, it was almost impossible to get people to believe it was the real Homer! Everyone thought it was a passable fake but nevertheless obviously a fake.

      Anyway, that's public, isn't it?

    • They probably let them do the voices because they are doing it ostensibly to promote the show, and I believe aren't getting paid for it. It's a different story if they just wanted to use the voices and get paid for it in some other context.
    • Fox told Paul Krassner and Castellaneta that they couldn't release a Homer simpson introduction to Krassner's audio book/album. You can still get it on web in real format here:

      click []
    • Anyone know if they actually had to get permission to do the voices for this ep of actors studio?

      Well, considering that two of them were on Late Night with Conan O'Brien several weeks ago, I'd say whatever restrictions that might have been placed on them, has since been lifted.

      Conan had them adlib Homer getting examined by Dr. Hibbard.. Well, I can say one thing... impressionists should NOT be allowed to ad-lib!
  • by Splork ( 13498 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @02:04AM (#5262788) Homepage
    DirecTiVo owners can record both at the same time.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 09, 2003 @03:36AM (#5263081)
    It was a few years ago in Sydney, Australia. As has been mentioned elsewhere in this thread she's a Scientologist. The local AO (Advanced Org - god I know too much about these whackos) had spent over a hundred thousand dollars to open a "Dianetecs Center" on the main street in town, right in the middle of all the movie theaters, video arcades and fast food joints. To that end they constructed a huge two story volcano with a bigscreen TV embedded in it on top of the awning in front of Planet Hollywood (how apt).

    I happened to be on the sreet on opening night and was witness to what followed. There was a large rent-a-crowd of local Scientologists gathered in front of a stage setup on the street, with many more inside the theater they had rented for the evening, in addition the street was packed with the usual Friday night revelers who where all totally perplexed. All of a sudden the loudspeaker came on, and Bart Simpson's voice blared out "Hello, Sydney!" The the video hookup from inside went live and she appeared on the screen, welcoming everyone to the opening. Shortly after Kate Cebrano (tubby Aussie songstress and devout Scientologist) came on stage to annouce the big opening, blah blah blah to the bafflment of the most non-Scio crowd present, then she and the tuxedo wearing tanned yank Scio out from head office began the countdown to the "grand opening". Drums rolled, they hit one - I should mention at this point thaty it had been raining - nothing happend. these two fuckwits are standing on a damp stage in front of what looks like a two story paper mache science project while the only sound is the passing traffic and the noise of hundreds of cinema goes trying to push through the crowds of the faithful to get to their movies. After much running around, swearing and thumping the pyro guys get TWO roman candles to sputter to life as Cebrano and captain Dickhead from LA clap and go "woo.", and the local devotees clap wildly on queue. You know, with so may OT-III's and above present I'd have thought their Thetans could have put on a better lightshow - but what the fuck do I know, right?

    Anyway, the point is: Nancy, you got busted going "Bart" to promote your "Church". Betcha thought no-one stateside would ever find out, huh?

  • The show rocked (Score:2, Informative)

    by PenguinOpus ( 556138 )
    Surprisingly, they got to use their character voices on stage. For a while, it looked like they'd always have excerpts playing, but... most of the character interviews could be seen with the actor doing the voice... very cool! Homer and Bart were the most shocking to see, but nearly everytime one of the them opened his/her mouth, it brought a roar from the audience. For some reason, Julie Kavner bailed after her initial interview and was conspicuously absent the rest of the show. Hope she's OK.
    • Re:The show rocked (Score:3, Insightful)

      by droopus ( 33472 )
      I agree, it was GREAT. Laughed till I ached. Gained a lot of respect for Hank Azaria especially.

      I suspect the clips over the voices were required by Fox, because they had little relation to what the actors were saying.

      I notice that not only did Julie Kavner leave halfway through (right after the Marge segment actually) but she is the only one we never saw do one of her voices. There must be a reason for that...but she had the best off the cuff comment with the "I have more than one G-Spot" comment. Loved when Dan said "yeah, where is it Marge?"

      I also liked that they had a Simpsons writer there, and that they showed the classic Ranier Wolfcastle/James Lipton interview where Lipton, after being shot by McBain says "it's an honor to eat your lead."

      The clips were annoying, but it seemed like nearer the end, they just said "fuck it" and showed the characters doing the voices. The Bart - Moe phone calls were just brilliant.

      Except it was Amanda Hugankiss not Kissandhug.

  • A couple choice quotes:

    Marge: Let me just put it this way ... I have more than one g-spot.

    Moe: Moe's tavern, home of the world's smallest large-screen TV.

    James to Apu: How much would two dollars worth of gas be? Apu: That's four twenty. (An obvious Phish reference if I've ever seen one (and I have)).

    Very enjoyable, they should do another one. I wish they had shown the actors doing the lines more, rather than covering them up with Simpsons clips. (steepling fingers) Excellent.

  • The Simpsons are regularly pointed out as one of the most Christian family on popular television. I never thought I'd see the day. 0940.shtml []

A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. -- Klipstein
