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Underworld Trailer 185

Scoop writes "Just wanted to let everyone know that UGO is exclusively hosting the trailer for Underworld, an action movie set in a world where werewolves and vampires exist, and are at war. Pretty cool stuff, check it out."
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Underworld Trailer

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    it's only 3.5 megabytes but I bet it will get overloaded anyway...

    direct download url:
    mms:// nderwo rld/underworld_teaser_trailer_high.asf

    1 minute 46 seconds long... looks like a decent movie...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Okay, that trailer was.... not so good, and a total Matrix rip off, with a helping dose of Blade, and just reminded me why Buffy does the whole Vampire thing sooooo much better than anyone else ever has.... but damn. How the hell can you not love Kate Beckinsale in all black leather with guns blazing?
    • OK, the Mary Poppins crack is maybe a bit out of line, but look at the jump she does early in the trailer. It looks like she's skipping through the puddles. That straight legged landing looks like it was produced by the Mary Poppins Flight Simulator(tm).

      I like Kate Beckinsale as much as the next guy (probably more actually), but I don't see her as an action star. Maybe they should've gotten the Jurassic park graphics team to model her for the action sequences.

      And to all those that say in response to criti
    • Hot chicks in tight leather == geek movie hit. I can dig it.
  • It is so amazingly exclusive that you can also watch it in quicktime at

    High Resolution []
    Medium Resolution []
    Low Resolution []
  • by Valdier ( 398217 ) on Saturday April 19, 2003 @06:54AM (#5764216) Homepage
    It is so amazingly exclusive that you can also watch it in quicktime at

    High Resolution []
    Medium Resolution []
    Low Resolution []
    • I've watched both the apple and UGO trailers, they are slightly diffrent (watch both and look at the titles, i didnt pay close enough attention to notice any other large differnces) so yes, the UGO is exclusive.
    • If you want to download it, look for the mov files in the html source of that page. And an 'm' just before the resolution. There you go.

      Or you can actually download the mov file (which is very small), run it through 'strings' and find out the real name.
    • It was exclusive when they released it a few days ago :)

      That being said, thank you for links to a bigger version I can save to my HD so I can make it even bigger so I can see wtf is going on (that UGO one was TINY, even the "high quality" one).

      Kate Beckinsale is so damned fine.

  • looks crap. overly loud, pointless hollywood drivel...
    • Wow, you could tell all that from a teaser trailer, MY GOD you are GOOD!

      Nevermind the fact it has nothing at all to do with anything even remotely related to the Matrix....honestly, even from that trailer I have no clue how the f*ck you managed to come to that conclusion.

      For the record while it is an action movie, it is not primarily geared to that sense. It's kind of half action half romance. Read up on it and you might just find out its nothing like Blade OR The Matrix, and it might just be good.
      • OK, someone is a little touchy about other peoples opinions on a movie.

        The trailer:
        People wearing black shiney leather, shooting guns, jumping off buildings, and a whole bunch of other wire fu. Even the archetexture inside the building looks like it was from the matrix. If it is more then that, then the people who made the trailor should have put some tease of that in the trailer.

        If you have to go read up on a movie, then the trailor has FAILED.

        You may have a life that consist of spending evet waking mom
        • If you have to go read up on a movie, then the trailor has FAILED.

          I completely agree with this statement. So what is the point then of releasing them? I assume there has to be some point. Terminator 3 and Pirates of the Carabean both had completely pointless trailers at first (seeing 3 arc welded out of metal for t3 and seeing flashing swords and only swords "artistically" flying across the screen and and *one* cgi foot for PotC) but I have seen their most recent trailers and they certainly promise mor

  • Lame dialogue (Score:3, Insightful)

    by DoctorFrog ( 556179 ) on Saturday April 19, 2003 @06:22AM (#5764228)
    The trailer's dialogue is lame beyond belief. "I am a death dealer... for centuries my kind have waged a hidden war against the Lycans (tm)..."

    Looks like another "it's an excuse for special effects and damn the physics. Damn the acting too" movie. Yawn.

    The day when special effects can carry a movie past lame dialogue, stupid plots and wooden acting are mercifully passing, as FX become cheaper and thereby less remarkable. That day is not yet, though... I hope this movie is better than the trailer makes it appear, but I doubt it.

    • Re:Lame dialogue (Score:3, Insightful)

      Yeah, my first thought was, "Oh, vampires and werewolves... yeah, that's #&^%#*ing original."

      Looks like another example of 94 minutes of padding used to extract a 2 minute trailer and snatch enough ticket sales to break even before word-of-mouth gets out.

      Yawn is right.

    • That is atrocious dialogue.

      Why call them Lycans? You already have vampires, why not call them werewolves and at least avoid Special Name-itis?

      Because they aren't very bright, that's why.
      • Re:Lame dialogue (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward
        Probably because the whole "wolf" connection is tenuous at best. The term for a person that becomes an animal-- wolf or otherwise-- is "lycanthrope." So "lycan" is a perfectly reasonable colloquial abbreviation.

  • I have downloaded the Quicktime version of it... it's a larger one and it's
    better quality. I don't know about you but I hate asf[P]
    This movie looks good, she looks really hot too :) (that leather outfit
    makes her look like that 1800-Call-ATT woman[P]

    Well anyway here's the link, hopefully my can server can handle it for a
    [LI] erworld.html[ /LI]
  • hummm, vampires and werewolves... Vampire: The Masquerade anyone?
  • Surely this couldn't just be an excuse to produce another film laden with pseudo-martial art and special effects to cash in on the audience of The Matrix? Doesn't even look slightly similar...
  • Streaming Windoze media player format...
    RealPlayer format

    Great, neither of which will play on my linux box without having to recompile something or other...

    You know, sometimes I just want things to work...especially now at midnight.

    (And all I wanted to know was what the SFX are like: Are we talking decent werewolves here or a bunch of freaking hoary muppets :P)

  • *Exclusively* hosting a large movie trailer? With a link on Slashdot you say? Uh uh.
  • by CreGen ( 628609 )
    a quicktime version can be found at the apple site []

    The plot summary reads as follows:

    "Underworld" reimagines Vampires as a secretive clan of modern, aristocratic sophisticates whose mortal enemies are the Lycans (werewolves), a shrewd gang of street thugs who prowl the city's underbelly. The balance of power is upset when a beautiful young Vampire and a nascent Lycan - deadly rivals for centuries - fall in love. Len Wiseman directs Kate Beckinsdale and Scott Speedman in a fast-paced, modern-day tale of de

    • ok, so basilcy its the good old romeo and juliet plot dropped into the blender along with some white wolf stuff (slightly modefied to dodge incoming lawsuits) and given a spin. alltho i havea feel that ill probablysee it, just for the combat stuff (the same reason for why i watched the blade movies and some other stuff)
  • by dubbayu_d_40 ( 622643 ) on Saturday April 19, 2003 @08:08AM (#5764272)
    Thought I was in for a little Underdog meets Waterworld! One can only hope...

    • No, knowing the people behind movies like "SnowDogs", we would have gotten "WaterDog", with both Kevin Costner AND Cuba Gooding Jr.

      Just the thought of that is making me cry...
  • Watch it under Linux (Score:3, Informative)

    by CvD ( 94050 ) on Saturday April 19, 2003 @06:41AM (#5764279) Homepage Journal
    If you wanna watch it under Linux, you can use mplayer, which will play straight in mozilla if you have the mozilla-mplayer plugin.

    Or if you wanna save it onto your HD you can view the HTML source and pick out the URL []. Get the asx file with wget. Then take the mms:// link that is in there and feed it to MMS client [].

    These (mozilla plugin, mplayer, mmsclient) are all available as Debian packages. :-)


  • by Andorion ( 526481 ) on Saturday April 19, 2003 @09:20AM (#5764292)
    Real Video, High Quality []

    Real Video, Low Quality []

    Windows Media, High Quality []

    Windows Media, Low Quality []


  • by Glyndwr ( 217857 ) on Saturday April 19, 2003 @09:27AM (#5764294) Homepage Journal
    Vampires and werewolves fighting a secret war against a modern backdrop? Zeitgeist and angst? If I were the produces of the World of Darkness [] pen&paper roleplaying games series, I think I'd be rather annoyed. This film seems to have stolen most of its premise lock, stock and barrel.

    In other news, it appears even /. itself is now slashdotted. Marvellous.
    • HEh...maybe even Silvestri from Image comics can claim this infringes on Wetworks :)

      Here's just hoping that this movie has the style of the first 7 or 8 issues rather than what came after.
    • When there were several pulp magazines dealing with Vampires vs Werewolves and underground societies etc .. This isn't anything UNIQUE that they came up with...
    • The writers of The Real Ghostbusters (yeah, remember that cartoon?) should be pissed. A war of vampires vs werewolves?

      I seem to remember an episode called No one comes to Lupusville [] that features that same story.

      White Wolf seems to have stolen most of its premise lock, stock and barrel.
  • by truffle ( 37924 ) on Saturday April 19, 2003 @08:26AM (#5764298) Homepage
    high res trailer []

    You can watch it full screen and not in the matchbox in the web page

  • Looks like a shameless attempt to cash in on the success of both Blade and The Matrix at the same time. Pearl Harbor doesn't seem to have done much for Kate Beckinsale's acting career. . . gee, there's a shock. Might not be as bad if she looked a bit better wearing a tight leather suit - from the trailer, I don't think she'll be replacing Trinity in any geek fantasies.

    This one has "no advance screenings" written all over it.
  • vd.html

  • DUDE! Rock ON! Werewolves? Vampires? Hot tits and ass? YES!

    Seriously guys, lighten up a little... it's a bunch of eyecandy. Explosions, jumping 80 feet in the air, car chases, sex... Christ, whaddya want, a plot? You watch this movie on the level you watch a porno. Don't cheapen it by looking for more.


    See guys... doesn't it feel good to bring yourself down an intellectual notch for 2 hours of your life? It won't kill

    • See guys... doesn't it feel good to bring yourself down an intellectual notch for 2 hours of your life?

      I bring myself down a couple intellectual notches at work for 8 hours a day, I don't need it when I [in theory would] go to the movies too. =P

      Only movie I'm looking to see this summer is Kill Bill, which at least hints at having a coy sense of style.
    • Amen. It's a fucking MOVIE! What's next? Are we going to debate the impossibilities of Daffy Duck? Don't want to see "ads" for movies on Slashdot? Don't click the fucking link! Don't want to see this movie? I'm sure Pirates of Silicon Valley is on the shelf somewhere at Cockbuster. Oh, that's right... we pasty computer geeks don't like to venture out of the cave for long. Seriously. Lighten up.
      • It's not even an ad, it's a user submitted link to something on interest. People need to SERIOUSLY get the fuck over themselves. If you dont want to see it, fine, but shut the hell up with your retarded comments about the movie. Nobody gives a shit what you think, you aren't cool, you aren't "in" your just some loser on a message board spouting off his piece.
    • just like episode 1 and 2. you fast forward to the light saber fight scenes, and just ignore all the other crap like gungans, elected queens, pod racers, and clones.
  • by mvdwege ( 243851 ) <> on Saturday April 19, 2003 @10:40AM (#5764421) Homepage Journal

    The Hollywood Business Plan:

    1. Rip off the plot from Romeo and Juliet again.
    2. Rip off the setting from White Wolf's World of Darkness.
    3. Profit?

    Seriously, the more new movies come out, the less I care. They're all boring and derivative anyway. Stolen plots, cardboard characters, and they only rely on some special effects to draw in the crowds.

    And ironies of ironies, the MPAA is one of the organisations fighting against people making derivatives. Perhaps after a hundred years of strong copyright they might finally start making original movies again. Too bad I'll be dead...

    Sigh. It seems the old philosopher was right: there is nothing new under the sun.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Rip off the plot from Romeo and Juliet again.

      If you know of a better story, I'd love to hear about it. "Romeo and Juliet" is one of the few architypal stories we have: impossible love. "The Odyssey" is another: finding one's way home. "Hamlet" is another: intricate revenge. Do you think "The Matrix" had an original story? It was the reluctant messiah myth; that one's older than Jesus!

      In other words, my misguided friend, the phrase "rip off the plot" basically has no meaning. There are only a few stories
      • You are right of course. But there is a difference between using the tried-and-true device of the 'star-crossed lovers' and ripping off the plot. Be fair, how many Hollywood movies have done something original with the tragic love story?

        The true test of art is not being 100% original, the true test is taking an existing device and doing something interesting with it. Hell, most of Shakespeare's plays are based on that method, and he knew how create something interesting and daring from a cliché.

        I don

  • Look kids, it's retreaded NOUN: THE GERUND! Now with 50% more Matrix-style anime action!

  • Get off your high-horse, artsy-fartsey soapboxes and enjoy a movie for a change!

    This looks like it might be a fun movie. I don't want to pay to see what the real world looks like, I want action and fantasy.

    Yes, like just about any movies produced in the next few years, it borrows from a few recent movies:

    The Crow.
    Queen of the Damned.
    And any other Goth/Vampire/Techno/Action flick.

    But they were all a fun ride. If done well, this may be good too.
    • I agree.

      Typical computer geek elitism. Somebody comes out with a movie like the Matrix, and all you here is "Matrix wannabies!" instead of "cool, another Matrix-like movie. Now I have something to do tonight besides bitch on slashdot about ..."

      Sometimes I like movies without a lot of plot and just a lot of action and special effects. They're fun to watch.

      This movie looks like it'll be fun, and I already like the storyline of vampires vs. werewolves. Sounds interesting.

    • blade and queen of the damned were by far the worst vampire movies ever released. you should be ashamed for having put them in a list of good movies un-realistic movies with good special efects.
  • Others have noted the extensive ripping off from The Matrix look, both in terms of costumes and in the slo-mo etc. camera work.

    I can't believe the lame stunts that we've seen 20 times before: the ol' punch through the roof of the car and the ol' shoot a circle through the floor (The Fifth Element and even, I think, Bugs Bunny).

    Wasn't that big leap off the building done in The Crow, too?

    Gee, and that ol' mortals caught in between a super-war is trés Highlander and even Terminator.

    It's one thing to watch

    • NOthing is wholey original.

      How many stories were written about conflict between gods where man is caught in the middle? that goes back a long way. The first telling of that plot was probably the first night man had fire.

      FTR the matrix did nothing new. Wire Fu? been done.
      Person in an unbelievable world? been done.
      Human enslavement? been done.
      Person with unbelievable power? been done.
      Wearing black and kinking ass? been done.
      Stabbed in the back by a co-worker? been done.
      Hoover cars? been done.

      The point is n
  • The website for the movie basically sends us to the trailer and not much else... I do recall in my table top RP days that White Wolf's world generally had vampires and wear wolves against each other. I'm curious if this movie is based on that world or not. Not like it will make my decision or any thing. Give me a movie with hot vampire chicks in skin tight leather like material with lots of voilence and I'm there. I'm just curious about the movie's origins.
  • unfortunately, this seems to just be a lame vamps vs furries movie. with lots of hollywood special effects. If someone ever managed to license the World of Darkness from whitewolf, they could have some AMAZING movies. If they were tastefully done of course. The depth of the vampire society and their disciplines....the different forms and gifts of the garou not to mention the many other shapeshifters in that universe...the reality-shattering power of the mages, the cantrips of the changelings etc. Cool
  • The guy writes one of the best books of the past 50 years (called "Underworld") and they take the title (which they're allowed to do, of course) and make a friggin werewolf movie out of it. Oh well. I just hope too many literature snobs don't go see the movie expecting something it's not :)
  • So, how many ways can you retell Romeo and Juliet []?
    See [] for what I'm talking about.
  • 11:52 AM, CST: MPAA announces major anti-piracy initiative, including summary in-theater executions of people carrying in video cameras.

    Slashdot response: Boooo! Burn the MPAA! Down with Hollywood! Help, help, we're being repressed! Boycott all MPAA movies forever, support independent cinema!

    12:28 PM, CST: $MPAA_afillitaed_studio releases trailer for $shitty_summer_scifi/horror_movie. (or the next Matrix rehash, or Lord of the Rings: part n+1, or Star Trek: We can't believe anyone still watches these
  • Cool...i think....hmmmm.....

    Be worth buying off the 6.49 rack at Wal Mart.....

  • WTF? (Score:3, Funny)

    by fluxrad ( 125130 ) on Saturday April 19, 2003 @01:47PM (#5765097)
    It looks like the dialogue goes something like this:

    Wolfeus: "Take the red pill and you turn into a warewolf. Take the blue pill and you turn into a vampire...and I show you just how deep this vampire hole goes."

    Gothic-Neo: "Woah!"

    The pitch to get this shit made probably went something like, "Ok, it's The Matrix meets Buffy meets Romeo and Juliet meets Ishtar!"
    • "Ok, it's The Matrix meets Buffy meets Romeo and Juliet meets Ishtar!"

      Well, I guess time will tell on that. I assume you mean "It'll have super action and FX, star-crossed lovers, and IT'LL SUCK." Funny :-) Though, to be fair, "Romeo and Juliet" was hardly an original plot even in Wm. Shakspere's time...
  • All these comments about this film being "yet another matrix rip off"... ever considered the fact that the matrix effects are a direct take on some of the eastern greats? Films *like* Iron Monkey and Crouching Tiger were around long before the matrix.

    This film is just another western interpretation of eastern film styles. And like 90% of hollywood productions now it's going to be anther fun popcorn flick.
  • I had the great fortune of taking a class in college on Vampire mythology (very cool class) and one of the really interesting revelations is that the mythology of the vampire and the mythology of the werewolf have the same roots. Many hundreds of years ago, and in many culture across the globe, the two were the same beast.

    I only probably hoping beyond hope, but it would be fantastic if this movie would reference that somehow. It would be almost like H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, where humans evolved in two branches, the Elois and the Morlocks.

    (well, maybe mythological creatures don't take as long to evolve -- or maybe they simple evolve at the same rate as the myths that are based on them)

    well, it would be cool anyway...

  • Does anyone know the name of the song & band that does the song in the trailer?

    It's also used in the "Time & Tide" trailer - a pretty good Hong Kong action movie by Tsui Hark. Check it out.

  • This lacks Everything Everything.
  • A high quality 15 megabyte Quicktime version is avalible here [].
  • by SyFryer ( 173279 )
    It is a movie of Vampire: The masquerade.

    Either its with their blessing or not, its still looking like it will be shit.
  • Original Plot? Well let's watch the trailer and pick out the influences.
    • Sword/thunder sound effects during opening cuts : Lord of the Rings
    • Girl in shiny skin tight leather : Matrix
    • And black trench coat : Matrix
    • Shooting straight armed in subway with tiled walls : Matrix
    • Bad guys running into hallway with guns and aiming at empty wall : Matrix
    • Girl on top of building surveying the city : Ghost in the Shell
    • Surveying the GOTH city : Vampire Hunter D
    • Same girl jumping off of tall building : Ghost in the She
  • Are the directors/producers THAT stupid to think that most people will see the similarities IN JUST THE COMMERCIAL!!!

    Oh yeah...and Kate Beckinsale looks H-O-T in patent leather....hubba hubba....
  • Yeah, seen parts of this trailor three times before before. 50% from The Matrix trailor and 30% from the X-Men trailor and another 20% from the X-2 trailor.

    Seems too little too late to me! ::yawn::

    Damn, can I add another 10% somewhere for The Crow?
  • This movie was filmed in Budapest, and much of that took place within a few blocks of my house. One night I got to lean out my living room window and watch them slide a new Maserati around on the wet cobblestones for about 3 hours until they finally pitched the car into the wall of a building and had to wrap for the evening.

    They had a great artificial torrential downpour, too!

    I am willing to bet 2000 Forints that watching the movie being made was much more fun that watching the final product in the theat

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
