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New Terminator 3 Trailer Released 477

An anonymous reader writes "Sony has just released a fantastic Terminator 3 trailer on the Apple trailer site. After several ho hum WB trailers I was feeling like this movie was going to be a re-tread, but the Sony trailer really raised my blood temperature. Also I checked out the official Terminator 3 website. Although it's flash only (major sin), it is full of good stuff. The time travel forum could use a bit of filling out."
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New Terminator 3 Trailer Released

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  • Comment removed (Score:3, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @04:52AM (#5797477)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by blancolioni ( 147353 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @05:02AM (#5797509) Homepage
      Somehow I managed to be unaware of Arnie's nature before I saw the movie (I must have been spending less time on the internet back then), so the part where he says "Get down" was brilliant.

      It was strange that the marketing didn't try to keep it a secret, since the movie itself went to some trouble to make things ambiguous.

      In other news, it appears that even killer she-bots from the future like to keep their modesty intact with carefully positioned hair. I think that's funny.
      • seems like every movie nowadays is a reflection of our end-of-the-world fear, exactly like what happened during the cold war hype of the 50's with all those radiation-induced monster movies. then of course there's our obsession with sex -- not surprised at all to see a female terminator, of course she's hot, and of course she's running around in her skivvies. i'll still probably go see it, but it just seems to me that our entire culture has this undercurrent of fear right now.
  • by aarondyck ( 415387 ) <<gro.eifu> <ta> <noraa>> on Thursday April 24, 2003 @04:53AM (#5797479) Homepage Journal
    Isn't it great that we have a company like Apple Computer that will publish (freely, I might add) trailers for movies? In a time when we see an increasing push to capitalize on every possible stream of revenue it makes me happy to see a single company that puts something on the market for free...of course, if you don't have their proprietary software, you're screwed...
    • ... or mplayer []

    • Yeah, it certainly is nice of Apple not to charge for their movie advertisements. I feel so guilty not paying for the hype.


    • Its also too bad not all trailers are savable. Sometimes I have to root through the browser cashe, and sometimes it still isn't anywhere to be found. Yes I tell quicktime to cashe whenever possible. Anyone know how I can save any quicktime movie from a page? I remember the years before hosted the trailers and there were sites devoted to serving trailers. These sites had no problem letting me save the trailers.
    • oh how altruistic, NOT !
      They figure that the expense is worth the initiative it might provide for users to download windows version of their software. If it werent for trailors, i wouldnt have Quicktime bloatware on my machine.
    • this makes no sense.
      sure it's free! why should you pay for getting advertisements?
    • Yeah, I hate downloading that free version of their software to watch a movie that can be played on almost any platform. Now, I don't have a linux box, but it's been pointed out by several people on slashdot that there is software available that will play quicktime movies for those boxes.

      I'm so sick of seeing comments like this whenever a new movie trailer comes out. Its quicktime because its on Apples effin site and its a good way to promote quicktime technologies which they would like to see adopted beca
  • Anyone got it on bitorrent yet?

  • T3 (Score:4, Insightful)

    by mrpuffypants ( 444598 ) < minus punct> on Thursday April 24, 2003 @04:56AM (#5797487)
    I really want to see this movie do well and be engaging for the audience...Arnold's lost a lot of his power to newcomers like Vin Diesel, and I think that a new Terminator Movie done right could smack thme across the face and say:

    this is how and action movie should be made

    still, though....I'm a lot more excited about the matrixes than T3 :)
    • If the AI had used more than one, then it would take more than one 10 minute session in the matrix to free everyone.

    • There are certain kinds of movies that only Arnold can do right, and this is one of them.

      Vin Diesel could never play Terminator, neither could stallone. Arnold is also good in movies that are sci fi, like Total Recall the more recent sci fi movie he made about cloning.

      Some stuff only Arnold can do, and then theres stuff only Vin Diesel can do, like racing cars around.
  • Well then (Score:5, Funny)

    by carcosa30 ( 235579 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @04:56AM (#5797490)
    It certainly appears to fulfill its gatling gun quota.

    I wasn't sure what kind of flick this was going to be, like the original poster said I thought it was going to be a bit of a retread... but if a movie has gatling guns it automatically makes it about twice as good. Look at Predator for example.

    Or maybe it's just me...
    • but if a movie has gatling guns it automatically makes it about twice as good

      While I agree that gattling guns dramatically increase the quality of an action film, I find them a bit passe. This is a sci-fi film, and that means they can do anything within reason, so why not be a bit more inventive? Why not a gattling rocket launcher? When will we see the first railgun in a film?

      • How about a gatling gun that lauches rockets containing mini-gatling guns?
      • Railgun, schmailgun.

        Contemporary military weapons are fine with me.

        Rotary multibarrel cannon? Sure, but let's see it loaded with depleted uranium rounds or high explosive/incindiery at least. And nothing smaller than the 30mm variant.

        RPG? Don't use the shitty Soviet RPG, use the Javelin. MUCH better boom -- it'll blow a T72 tank totally to pieces.

        Plain machine gun? Not some lame .30 cal, let's see Arnie hold and fire a .50 cal or even the 25mm Bushmaster.
    • It's a Vulcan Rotary Cannon - jeeesus, call yourself a film-buff/man?
      • There's quite a few rotary multibarrel cannon in various calibers, some of which fire explosive ammunition (like the 30mm) and some that just fire lead (7.62mm).
    • by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @11:35AM (#5800343) Homepage Journal
      ".. but if a movie has gatling guns it automatically makes it about twice as good. Look at Predator for example.

      Or maybe it's just me... "

      It's just you. The rest of us saw the naked chick.
  • IMDB (Score:5, Informative)

    by ergonal ( 609484 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @04:57AM (#5797491)
    IMDB link for the movie here []. Enjoy.
  • by ramzak2k ( 596734 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @05:04AM (#5797515)
    This war will be fought on our bandwidth.
    A new generation of machines are about to take over the remaining websites...
    no mirror shall be spared.

    Rated R, opening shortly on browsers closest to you.
  • Ya... I dunno.... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Nogami_Saeko ( 466595 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @05:04AM (#5797517)
    No Jim Cameron, no Linda Hamilton...

    We'll see, but I don't have my hopes too high...

    Gonna wait and see what the reviews are like before I shell out.

    • The trailer, uh, to be honest, wasn't that great. I wasn't impressed.

      In essence, T is a dark story and I think that T should be told like that. The trailer looks like, how should I put this, ...

      > No Jim Cameron, no Linda Hamilton...

      They both have shadowy side and T needs to have that. Not just T, many sci fi stories are kind of dark and shadowy. Without these aspects, sci fi just doesn't look like sci fi.
      • I agree, it looks like it'll be worth a look, but it's not dark. The terminator chick is hot, but hot chicks don't really look like killing machines. They could've cast an attractive woman that looked more imposing. And Jon Conner looks like a bum off the street. He just looks dirty. Hopefully they were holding back on that trailer.
        • Yeah.....Carrie Anne skin tight leather! SHE KICKS ASS! This new terminator looks....well.....too damn feminine. I ain't saying that she should look like a biker chic.....but she should at least not look like she's ready to do a Victoria Secret ad!
          • This new terminator looks....well.....too damn feminine. I ain't saying that she should look like a biker chic.....but she should at least not look like she's ready to do a Victoria Secret ad!

            Why not?

            If I were the central decision making hardware in SKYNET, I would certianly assign a high probability to the chance of a very attractive (read: desirable) female getting closer to those in charge (read: men) than a naked beef stick (read: the other Terminators).

            Or maybe I just like my women... hot?

            From the
            • I've got some plot consistancy questions... I'll just throw them out there as food for thought. Unresolved issues if you will.
              1. The Chick Terminator (whatever her model number is, I'll call her T-XX) has the same kind of "skinning" ability the T-1000 has (quick shot... watch carefully). But from the first trailer can also produce weapons internaly. What's the deal with that?
              2. I thought T-XX was designed to kill other machines. If that's the case why is she disguised as a female. The psycology thing mak
              • 1. It looks like she's only creating energy weapons (lasers, phasers, whatever) which don't need any moving parts.. just a huge energy source. Maybe she can pull energy out of the air or something?

                2. She's designed to kill people. The T-800 just gets in her way. (:

                3. Skynet can't nuke EVERYTHING, so has to have ground troops to clean up the mess.

                4. When I dream about the end of the world, I don't dream about a 2 (or 3?) star general whining about all the computer systems being offline and taken ov
            • I didn't say that it wasn't a good idea.....but really, when Carrie Anne Moss is naked, do you think she'd look as tough? Besides I know most men would try regardless of what they looked like. Also, most females who are muscular are generally fit too so they usually look hot! ;) The new terminator, while she does look hot and fit, she just....well, looks fit in a Christina Aguilara way and not in a muscular, well developed way. I ain't saying she's ugly, it's just usually I would like to see a terminatr
              • by 1u3hr ( 530656 )
                I would like to see a terminatrix look like she can possibly kick ass....not look all soft and all...unless that's just the id she chose at the time

                Since she's a robot and doesn't have muscles in the meat sense, it's clear that looking either soft or hard is no more than decoration.

  • To release this trailer right after the Matrix sequel is released?

    Bad timing if you ask me.

    • X-Men 2 is Wednesday, May 2nd.
      Matrix Reloaded is Thursday, May 15 (which is odd, because most movies don't launch on a Thursday).
      Terminator 3 is coming out Wednesday, July 2nd.

      X-men 2 and Matrix Reloaded will both be clamoring for viewers. X-men 2 will open on the bigger screens in theaters when it comes out, but be moved off to the smaller screens when Matrix Reloaded comes out.

      However, Matrix Reloaded will have been out for a month and a half when T3 comes out, and a lot of the big theater chains like t
  • Direct Link... (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 24, 2003 @05:06AM (#5797525)
    Here's a direct link to the large version: []

    You can do this yourself for the other trailers by viewing the pagesource and putting the letter 'm' before the resolution number.

    --Anonymous Karma Whore

    • Out of interest, what tool do you use to get that link? When I look directly at the .mov in the source, it's only a few k in size and obviously contains a redirect to the real file. What do people use to convert that?
      • You can just run strings on the reference file to see all of the Urls in it.

        Or, if you are feeling brave (and have a mac), you could use movie to xml [] to decompile it to a .qtrm source file.
        • Re:Direct Link... (Score:5, Informative)

          by Pathwalker ( 103 ) <> on Thursday April 24, 2003 @06:39AM (#5797775) Homepage Journal
          As an afterthought, if anyone wants to see the decompiled version of the reference file (to see what it checks for and what it does) I've put a decompiled version here [].

          Basically, it checks for old versions of QuickTime (anything before 5.0.2) and redirects them to a page telling them that they need to upgrade. Versions 5.02 and later are allowed through to the movie.
    • Where's the Slashdot effect?

      I got this file at 6.10M/s with wget!
      But then mplayer wouldn't play it :-(.
    • That's the large version? ( Yeah i know it is), but the quality isn't overly impressive - Apple trying to shaft T3?

      Their web sites shal be assimilated!
  • I call for an law suit against this movie, for cruelty to the time-space continuum and Artifical intellgent organisms.
  • I guess people in the future are genetically engineered to be a lot more flexible, in order to better fight the machines. In fact 95% of their skeletal structure is now converted to cartilage.

    This explains why when they die and decompose, all that's left are their frikin' skulls.

  • by pubjames ( 468013 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @05:14AM (#5797553)
    Although it's flash only (major sin)

    Why is it a "major sin" that it is Flash only?

    The producers of this site wanted to make an impressive multi-media rich site to make people want to go see their film. The only way to really do that effectively is with Flash. The vast majority of people have the Flash plug-in, and won't really care (or even know) what format the site is in.

    Yes, the world would be a better place if multimedia web sites could be practically developed using open tools and open file formats such as SVG. But they can't. So people use Flash. Live with it.

    I still don't understand why SVG isn't default in all OSS browsers. You can complain about Flash or you can try to change the status quo. Many people in the OSS community like to complain...

    • Many people in the OSS community like to complain...
      You can't always generalize everything
    • Besides, the Macromedia Flash plug-in is a relatively small download--well under 1 MB! Compare that against the download you need for Windows Media Player 9.0, RealOne or QuickTime 6.0 with its 10+ MB sized downloads.
    • by Bedouin X ( 254404 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @06:56AM (#5797868) Homepage
      Because it's a "sin" in the sense of the whole point of the web to deny people content by requiring a plug in just to READ and SEE PICTURES. Some people just want to read info about the movie on their own terms without shit clicking and spinning (and SOUNDING - ARRRGH) all over the place. It would take a very small amount of time to put the contents (which on sites like this are generally relatively sparse) in a plain HTML page. Normally, once it's done it's done so there would be minimal updating required after the fact.

      I went to the site and the Flash does nothing but waste time. I click on a link and it takes 20 seconds of loading animations and whiz bang bullshit to get to what I want to see. I get there and I have to strain to read it because of the tiny ass font that I would at least be able to adjust if it were HTML.

      Sorry... I'll stop now.
  • by Freston Youseff ( 628628 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @05:14AM (#5797555) Homepage Journal
    Arnold: Come with me if you want to live.*
    Jon: Let's get out of here quick! The new terminator is on her way!
    Arnold: Do not worry. The new terminator is installing feminine products, this will take some time*.

    *Insert proper Austrian accent for effect.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Direct link to the movie file for poor windows sods who are stuck with the QuickTime player (14 MB) [] (just in case you wanted to save that to your HD for some obscure reason (read: it sucks).
  • A terminator movie is NOT a terminator movie without good old Dr. Silberman...

    I found the whole mental institute part utterly amusing in T2.

  • Check the credits on IMDB for T3: []

    Mark Famiglietti .... Scott Peterson

    Isn't that the guy who just murdered his wife and unborn child []?

    Some cameo :P

  • Anyone know how to get the .mov file? I never got streaming QuickTime working in linux (is it possible?) so I can't watch the trailer right now :- /
  • Enjoy []. Looks pretty danged cool to me.

  • The time travel forum could use a bit of filling out

    it already has been, you just can't see it yet...
  • It's going to have to be fantastic to beat the trailer for Charlies Angels 2, which looks amazing.

    (Not to mention X2, The Matrix 2/3, etc.)
  • heh. (Score:5, Funny)

    by colinramsay ( 603167 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @06:17AM (#5797717) Homepage
    "All military systems have been infected."

    Goddamn, I *told* you to patch Outlook Express!
  • The poster mentions that the entire site is done in flash. And while I'll never make a site totally in flash, what was the sin here? It seemed to me like he had no problems accessing the site, so why bash flash? (The amount of animation between clicks is over the top tho)

    And I'm just curious, I understand the bad parts to an all flash site, accessability, need for a plugin etc. but with flash installed on 93(90,91?)% of all browsers is it really all that bad to use?
    • And I'm just curious, I understand the bad parts to an all flash site, accessability, need for a plugin etc. but with flash installed on 93(90,91?)% of all browsers is it really all that bad to use?

      Flash is fine if you are a) able to install it and b) able to drive it as an able bodied human. It sucks if you want to search through the contents of the site using, say, Google to find all the references to, say, gatling guns. It totally sucks if you are disabled and rely on braille readers, text to speech br

  • Can someone explain to me how Arnold is back in this one? I thought he melted himself in the last movie.

    Remember? "Nowh Ie nouw wiey you kry..."
    • Isn't this a new model of terminator that still looks like the old model (arnold)?
      Speaking of which arnold is getting old.
    • For fsck's sake, did you even bother to follow the basic plot of the movie? Ah-nuld's character is a cyborg, made by the robots in 2029. He is identical (except for his orders) to the bad guy in the original Terminator film. The robots in 2029 presumably have a factory where they churn out Arnies by the dozen.

      By the way, isn't Arnie getting a little bit old to be playing an invulnerable robot?

    • Stolen Car (Score:5, Funny)

      by moc.tfosorcimgllib ( 602636 ) on Thursday April 24, 2003 @09:40AM (#5799063) Journal
      I was planning on replying to this, but I just saw someone drive away in my car. They changed the plates, though.

      Hopefully they will repark it and replace the plates before the police arrive, again (seventh time this week).
  • needs more cowbell.
  • They certainly know how to appeal to my (and 50% of the population's) id.
  • From the "we made them female so they would be less agressive" detparment comes the latest creation...

    The Chick-inator

    Grab some haggandazz and prepare for the beating of your life!!!
  • OK, I can understand the idea of having a female Terminator to take out Connor. Seems logical enough.

    But the actress just doesn't seem to be the right one for the part, at least judging from the trailers. Robert Patrick was absolutely awesome as the T-1000 in T2 -- even though he barely showed any expression, he still felt menacing (maybe because of that utter blankness on his face). But the T-X...just feels wrong to me. (OK, maybe I should see the movie first before passing judgement too much.)

    Woulda b

  • Or is the time traveling confusing me again?
  • doesn't the plot look like a rehash of T2? "new and improved terminator travels back in time to take out John Connor but is stopped by our favorite old-school terminator, arnold."

    i'll see it - don't get me wrong. i'm just a little worried. there does seem more scenes from the future, but are they just filler for the time-travel thread or actually related to a different plot thread? we'll find out....
    • It looks like the WHOLE movie takes place right at the dawn of the machines... when Skynet grows a brain, and launches nukes at all the major population centers... And the chick terminator just goes back that far (and not to the 1990s or whatever) to make sure Conner doesn't survive to send the first terminators back to save himself... twice. And stuff.

      Time travel gives me a headache.
  • Sure, this is Hollyweird we are talking about, and they are hardly one to care about consistancy, but in the 1st movie, when Kyle comes back to save Sarah, he talks about that the humans had won and they'd smashed skynet. Skynet was basically in the death throes and sending out the last bits of machines to the past to try and win.

    Assuming this is correct, where do all these 'spaecial advanced' cyborgs come from? Unless Skynet has time traval facilities all over the world that do nothing but send machines t

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
