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Sundance Online Film Fest Call For Entries 76

SOFF writes "The Sundance Film Festival is announcing its fourth annual Sundance Online Film Festival, which showcases the most innovative and creative storytellers using new digital technology. We invite all emerging and established digital artists, filmmakers, and storytellers to submit works in the following competitive categories: Animation, Short Subject, New Forms, and Gallery. Deadline: September 12, 2003."
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Sundance Online Film Fest Call For Entries

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  • Bah! (Score:4, Funny)

    by chadamir ( 665725 ) on Wednesday August 06, 2003 @02:25AM (#6623747) Homepage
    the mountain town that is the internet is officially ruined. Damn you robert redford. DAMN YOU!
  • by rf0 ( 159958 ) <> on Wednesday August 06, 2003 @02:25AM (#6623749) Homepage
    Do you think they would accept Ascii Star Wars []?

    • Re:Ascii Starwars (Score:5, Interesting)

      by gokulpod ( 558749 ) <gpoduval AT hotmail DOT com> on Wednesday August 06, 2003 @02:51AM (#6623833) Homepage
      what about ascii matrix []
    • Re:Ascii Starwars (Score:4, Interesting)

      by davejenkins ( 99111 ) <slashdot@[ ] ['dav' in gap]> on Wednesday August 06, 2003 @03:21AM (#6623910) Homepage
      i doubt it. there are no gender issues, minority ascending, or strongly environmental issues in it.

      Flame me if you will, but honestly-- we did a Palm App for Sundance a while back, and there is a definite slant to things there...
      • ...honestly-- we did a Palm App for Sundance a while back, and there is a definite slant to things there...

        Remind me again -- where are the movies that aren't "slanted"? 'Cause I'm watching my share of mainstream movies, and they're full of cool fighter pilots named "Rafe" and a lot of crappy romantic dialog. Pretty dull and stereotypical, you know? Sundance is just a different POV from the commercial one, but it's not more of a POV, not really.

      • Re:Ascii Starwars (Score:4, Insightful)

        by sabinm ( 447146 ) on Wednesday August 06, 2003 @10:20AM (#6625833) Homepage Journal
        Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. You're paid to think critcally, right? Did you ever think the reason why there is so many INDEPENDENT films about minorities, gender issues and enviros because the non independent film industry does not release films with those kind of issues???

        I mean give me a break. That is the most callous and non-thinking reply i've heard in a long time. Talk about a flawed sense of history.

        There was this girl once whom I was crazy about that asked me a similarly stupid question . . . she asked me why blacks had to have an INDEPENDENT black television station like BET (quality issues aside) and always try to make *ourselves* different (as if I had anything to do with the founding of BET or other blacks)!

        I told her that the reason that BET existed is that MTV at the time refused to put on black music artists as actually seeing blacks on tv was considered unmarketable (this was the eighties)!

        You really need to get out from in front of that dead interface and go outside and see real life, buddy. Inject some new code into that aging architecture. True independence exists because the proper channels are closed to legitimate pursuers.
        • Ever think about the fact that indie films are way, way out of touch with anyone but themselves? Maybe that's why they don't address relevant issues and instead spend their time advocating hard-left issues instead of storytelling. It's an insular business, and anyone with different ideas will not be welcome at Sundance.
          • There is always noise that is undesireable in a place that advocates free speech and independence--noise that you or I may not find desirable. To say that because the noise exists and is given an oportunity to be heard is "hard-left" is a false positive. PLEASE use your thinking skills. I've seen some lousy movies come from both independent and Hollywood films. They have nothing to do with being politically sided or not. Not all films are political. Some are just nauseating self gratifying or self dep
            • My point is, they're not at all advocating free speech nor independence. Anyone who comes out with a hard-left film will be cheered, and anyone who has the audacity to challenge this mode of thought will be ostracized and probably banned.
        • BET exists because there is a large market for black themed entertainment. It doesn't *need* to be there it just sells well and survives in this marketplace.

          Indie movies frequently feature such issues as gender roles since lots of people find them interesting and worth exploring. Many (including the poster you replied to and myself) consider this a very tired topic; it is nauseatingly cliche to see yet another indie movie about being gay.

          Like there is this whole crappy ass movie and at the end someone is
        • You're paid to think critcally, right? Did you ever think the reason why there is so many INDEPENDENT films about minorities, gender issues and enviros because the non independent film industry does not release films with those kind of issues???

          Did you ever think the reason why the non independent film industry does not release films with those kind of issues is because the vast majority of people find them boring???

          • LOL you might be the most on the mark out here. Although independent films might not be your cup of tea (and they are not always mine), you should really see one called the Spanish Prisoner. It is really well crafted. I think it was directed by Steve Martin (you know, the Jerk, My Blue Heaven), although this one is not a comedy.
        • You really need to get out from in front of that dead interface and go outside and see real life, buddy. Inject some new code into that aging architecture. True independence exists because the proper channels are closed to legitimate pursuers.

          1. I am not your 'buddy'. Paully Shore is probably a better candidate for that.

          2. I experience plenty of outside life. I've lived in 5 different countries in the last two years, and well... let's not get in a pissing contest there.

          3. You've missed my point: Sunda
          • 1. I am quite relieved that you are no association of mine.

            2. Being to different countries does not a cultured person make. There are McDonalds in every country that has electricity for a cash register

            3. Friend, I live in Utah. I hike through Sundance. Unfortunately, people use PC as an excuse not to be courteous. People who are rude and obnoxious sometimes use PC as a straw man saying "I'm not PC" and saying that they are not frank, when in reality they are boorish and of low character. Bigotry and
            • Sundance does not exist to forward any agenda except Robert Redfords. The reason that there is no "Gun ownership of white people movies" is because they don't try hard enough. Maybe it's because they don't make good movies.

              How do you reconcile those two sentences? a) If Sundance (I used to live there too) exists for Robert Redford's agenda, then you've just echoed my original point. So, I return to my original post.

              b) How do we know if they make good movies or not? With the Redford agenda in place, w
    • All movies bow to Lesko's Revenge. It is the greatest!
    • Re:Ascii Starwars (Score:2, Informative)

      by Solokron ( 198043 )
      For more great ascii movies including the Matrix check out...
    • How about Deep Ascii []. It's the porn movie "Deep Throat" converted via computer into ascii. Its kind of neat to watch, even though the screen is completely filled with characters the detail can be pretty good at times.
  • bad timing (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 06, 2003 @02:28AM (#6623762)
    Hey, it's nice to know about this with only 37 days left until the entry deadline. I'm sure that amateur/budding film makers can find the few hundred thousands of dollars in backing they need from investors, gather actors, scripts, props, film crews, arrange permission and licenses to film in necessary areas, chop, process and edit the films, package them up and submit them in just 37 days. No problem!
    • Re:bad timing (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Sounds like perfect timing. For next year's festival.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      ever see the film Pi? after 18 months of pre-production, filming took 30 days.

      so... if we can just get a time machine & travel back 18 months. then get some sort of idea machine & a decent storyline, we're sorted!
      • yea I've seen pi.. what a crappy movie. I hope the next time somebody makes a "math" movie it has some freg'n chaos theory in it.
        • by Eric Smith ( 4379 ) *
          I hope the next time somebody makes a "math" movie it has some freg'n chaos theory in it.
          Yeah, like the "chaos theory" in the film Jurassic Park. We need more of that. NOT!
        • Re:bad timing (Score:1, Informative)

          by Anonymous Coward
          They have, in a way... an Australian movie called "The Bank" contains chaos theory. And its actually quite a good movie, all things considered.
      • And the movie came out looking like it.

        What a crappy movie. NO math, NO science, NO computers, just a bunch of crap from people who can't tell a CPU from a power supply fan. Just a bunch of Jewish mysticism (WTF?). Pi was the last time I made the mistake of actually paying money to see an art film, and I got burned pretty badly. It was obvious they were intentionally playing to a tiny audience, and that I was not at all welcome to participate.

      • a decent storyline

        Your mention got me to thinking of the perfect storyline! It's about a Robot Driving Instructor who travels back in time, for some reason! His best friend is a talking pie!
    • Re:bad timing (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      It's the online film festival, not the traditional film festival. A lot of great Flash animations came out of last year's festival. And in regards to your comment, you don't decide to go make a film when someone like Sundance, whom everyone knows has a festival every year, announces the deadline for this year's entries. People have a film they did this year, they find out about the festival, they submit it. :P
  • Oh no! (Score:2, Interesting)

    by cliffy2000 ( 185461 )
    No machinima category! Or does that count as animation? Seriously, they're bound to bore /. readers without a machinima category. (Or some sort of IP-related lawsuit to rant about.) But seriously, will the technology ever progress enough to be seriously considered? And MORE seriously, will SOMEONE please come up with a better name than machinima? Gah!
    • golly, pleasing /. readers must be the Sundance organisers' top priority. How could they have missed this one?
    • Re:Oh no! (Score:3, Funny)

      by CB-in-Tokyo ( 692617 )
      I don't even know what machenima means.

      But then again I get confused whenever I see IANAL.

      There is a secret /. goatse consipiracy going on isn't there?

      • Simple:

        IANAL I am a totally anal person; I have severe neuroses.

        Machinima A Chinese expression meaning, roughly, What?! A machine?! You must be joking!

  • Cool (Score:2, Interesting)

    by hughesey ( 694872 )
    I had a bit of a browse last year, and there were some pretty cool flicks. Hopefully this year it is as good. Good for filling in time.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This is where OSS and Linux tools for video production can REALLY shine. It's free people, completely free. For absolutely no cost y'all have equivalent tools the big boys use for movie production and there's no reason we can't bring out some fantastic productions.

    Perhaps it's too late now for entries this year unless you've already been working on them (congrats to those who have) but for next year I'll be sure to be in!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    napster bad [] I'm proposing that the camp chaos cartoons sending up Metallica be entered (although they're cartoons).

  • Warthog Jump! and RedvBlue! oh, wrong thread. =P
  • by Stephen Samuel ( 106962 ) <> on Wednesday August 06, 2003 @03:09AM (#6623878) Homepage Journal
    Obviously, somebody has to point out the Academy Awards Of Halo Videos [] to them. It may not have the best technical effects, but RvB has a reasonably consistent story line, and it's gotten a good number of long belly-laughs out of me.
    • sigh..... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Stephen Samuel ( 106962 ) <> on Wednesday August 06, 2003 @03:19AM (#6623905) Homepage Journal
      Sundance Film Festival will not accept entries that are currently available to the public through a website or any other showcase platforms.

      So you have to produce it specifically for the 'net, but you're not allowed to post it on your own website (at least not until after the film festival).

      It kinda makes sense, but mostly it just makes me cringe.

      • That's pretty common for Sundance. Films entered in their offline festival have to premeire at Sundance as well.

        It's a shame. That means that anything submitted to Triggerstreet [] is ineligible.

        Quite frankly, I can't imagine how many films that truly qualify that they will receive.


        • That bummed me out, too. Fortunately, since I'm still in post, I'll be able to enter in Sundance THEN move to Triggerstreet if I feel so inclined. The big problem now is just whittling down that beast to the appropriate time limit.
  • by PoisonousPhat ( 673225 ) <foblich AT netscape DOT net> on Wednesday August 06, 2003 @04:28AM (#6624034)
    Sorry, it had to be mentioned eventually. Not that it would actually happen, but it would be amusing to find that a homegrown, word-of-mouth supported creation were to beat out a more highly-funded studio's work.

    Comedy [] is an art form.

  • Wonder if the Star Wars Kid [] is eligible for this?

    ... and here's where I insert my gratuitous plug for my own SWK video [] on that site. It's good for a laugh.
  • by shoppa ( 464619 ) on Wednesday August 06, 2003 @08:43AM (#6625064)
    My nomination is Man Getting Hit in Groin By Football, starring Hans Moleman.

    It works on so many levels! [], according to reviewer Homer Simpson.

  • Anyone has an idea where to take a look at older entries from the last Sundance Online Film Festivals? Nothing on their website(s).
  • Digital film (Score:2, Insightful)

    by colmore ( 56499 )
    In my humble opinion digital "film" looks like crap. If you want to go cheap use 8mm. Digital film looks like video, oddly flat and the motion seems to be happening at a slightly wrong pace. It isn't an issue of resolution. It's probably an issue of color depth, and I don't really know anything about shutter speeds and aperatures or whatever else might be having an effect. All I know is that watching movies shot on digital is a distinctly uncomfortable experience.
    • Yup, color depth is a problem. Some of the blacks aren't black enough so you lose some contrast and things could appear washed out. That's one of the problems with some of the jpeg compression. Apparently movie studios use a different, high-end format that allocates more information to the shadows.
    • shoot on super 8. Transfer to DV. edit on computer. Burn to dvd. winner.
    • I agree with you in a lot of cases. The quality of the video can take you away from the subject in the movie. But this isn't always the case. Check out Personal Velocity [] (WARNING: chick flick but interesting still). This was shot with a couple Sony PD-150's, and the color is excellent. Though noticibly different from typical 35mm films, picture quality was not a distraction. No, it's not 35mm, and just about anything short of HD is going to come up short, but Personal Velocity shows you what can be done wit
  • Its still just gonna be gay cowboys eating pudding.
  • AMD's sponsoring a contest to promote animation and digital short film development for 64-bit. Two grand prize winners get an Athlon64 system, $6,400 and global visibility at AMD's launch events for Athlon64. More info at,,3715_9392,00.html?redi r=ANUS01

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
