Mac OS X Maximum Security 154
Mac OS X Maximum Security | |
author | John Ray and William C Ray |
pages | 768 |
publisher | Sams |
rating | 7 |
reviewer | Tony Williams |
ISBN | 0672323818 |
summary | Comprehensive but sometimes long winded book that covers securit on your Mac well |
It really didn't concern me until one day when I was checking the logs on my Mac OS X box while developing a web app and discovered dozens of entries from all over the globe probing my box to see if it was an insecure IIS server. I then decided I needed to pay attention to security alerts and the help of a book like Macintosh OS X Maximum Security to help me understand and fix any holes.
The Good
The book is divided into four sections. Part 1 is about learning to think about security, covering such topics as physical security and protection from your users and bad guys. Part II, 'Vulnerabilities and Exposures,' covers the various sorts of attack such as password attacks, trojans and worms, sniffers and spoofing. Part III, 'Specific Mac OS X Resources and How To Secure Them,' covers just that, the various servers such as FTP, mail, Apache and SSH and how to go about making them safe. The final part covers attack prevention, detection, reaction and recovery with topics such as firewalls, alarm systems, logs and disaster planning.
Macintosh OS X Maximum Security is a large, extremely comprehensive volume. For the average person who wants to protect a small home network the information it provides is probably overkill. To make matters worse, the style is fairly verbose, particularly in the first section. Of course, if you want to secure a company network then you may need to know all the information -- and so all this background material is useful, if only so you can reach the right level of paranoia and suspicion.
The book is not a 'recipe' book that tells you "take these steps and you will have a secure machine"; rather it takes you through the possible holes and how to fix them. This approach seems much better for security, since it teaches you a respect for the places you have to open up and a methodical approach to doing so that will hopefully carry over beyond the specifics addressed. Any recipe is bound to have flaws since the operating system and the services are all changing, I'm hoping the methods and style this book have imparted to me will last beyond any changes.
The book also deals well with all the Macintosh-specific stuff, informing you well about such topics as Rendezvous, Apple Remote Desktop, using NetInfo and the like. One aspect that isn't well covered is Airport; securing an 802.11 network is barely touched on.
The Bad
The information provided in all areas of the book is quite detailed, and includes many links to further places to look for more (and more recent) information. Once again, for a book in an ever-changing field like security, this is a huge benefit. I would have appreciated some sort of a small website devoted to the book with the links mentioned gathered together and perhaps some notes on how things may have changed since the book's publication. Unfortunately the Sams Publishing site has a broken link to the book and while the authors say "we are creating a security section for the www.macosxunleashed.com website," no such section exists as I was writing this review. Frankly I am disappointed at this, I think with a book on this sort of topic it behooves either the publisher or author to provide a place for errata, discussion and notes. The best you can do is go to Amazon where you can see the Table of Contents and one chapter. [Ed. Note: The site's errata section is currently up and running.]
My only real complaint with the book itself is the huge size, and the long-winded nature of some of the material. I found the first two sections in particular almost tedious and definitely lecturing in tone. I would have rated this book higher if the editors at Sams had taken a large red pencil to slabs of the first section. Overall, I'd say that while not a 'must buy,' this book will have to do till I find something better, and I expect to loan my copy to several friends.
You can purchase Mac OS X Maximum Security from bn.com. Slashdot welcomes readers' book reviews -- to see your own review here, read the book review guidelines, then visit the submission page.
Re:max security??? (Score:2)
Alternatively, you could just nuke Apple's Cupertino campus.
Question (Score:5, Interesting)
How secure is it, how secure can it be?
I've read a few articles describing certain features that it has (ease of use and gee-whiz stuff) that sounded to me like a potential vulnerability.
It seemed that a lot of these things were enabled by default and wide open.
I seriously hope this isn't the case. Apple's better than that, right?
I'm not trolling, i'm asking sincerely. With all the "OS X IS UNIX(tm)!!!" fanfare loudly touted in the press, i'd hate to see a major outbreak of compromised OSX machines to blacken the name of all things *nix.
Bottom line: If you're on the internet, paying attention to security is mandatory. Regardless of platform.
Re:Question (Score:5, Informative)
apple has been very responsive to sec alerts and networking passwords are encrypted.
you can also ftp over ssh. (sftp) type stuff if you need to move a files over... there is also apple remote desktop and timbuktu to let you control the machine in all its aqua glory..
i do believe (for what its worth as I am comparing this to win and top tier linuxes) its the most secure out of the box..
insert blah blah no system is totally secure statement here
of course this is true, but out of the box and over the past 2 years OSX has been and is a reamrkable product...
Apple Remote Desktop is not secure (Score:2)
Re:Question (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Question (Score:2)
I do not know what "ease of use" and "gee-whiz" stuff is "wide open".
This is not meant to be a flame, but I'm curious: what exactly is enabled by default that poses a security risk?
Re:Question (Score:2)
Nothing, afaik. The mods just didn't appreciate my irony, it seems :) I just wanted to say that it's true that Mac OS X by default is user friendly and that it has a lot of gee whiz stuff that is readily accessible, but that otoh the standard network security holes are (virtually?) non-existant, as all services are turned
Re:Question (Score:2)
Re:Question (Score:2)
It's all off. In the sense that I haven't read the book. Yet.
a very good question (Score:5, Interesting)
Apple releases security updates [apple.com] fairly quickly, and their Software Update system makes them available and easy to install for the average user. If I recall correctly, Mac OS X defaults to checking for updates weekly. Installation of updates may require an administrator password, but other than that it's as simple as a couple of clicks.
With my FreeBSD system, I subscribe to freebsd-security-notifications to keep abreast of updates. Knowing when updates are available and knowing how to apply them is probably beyond the average user's ability.
Depends on what kind of "security" you need (Score:3, Interesting)
It seemed that a lot of these things were enabled by default and wide open.
Of course they are, OS X is primarily a
Re:Depends on what kind of "security" you need (Score:2)
Funny, on my systems, I allow only anon ftp. You are aware that non-anon ftp is just as bad as telnet, security-wise, aren't you? (Referring here strictly to ftp proper, not sftp or any other ftp-over-an-encrypted-channel variants.)
Re:Question (Score:2, Insightful)
XXXXX Maximum Security (Score:5, Funny)
Re:XXXXX Maximum Security (Score:3, Funny)
Re:XXXXX Maximum Security (Score:4, Funny)
Re:XXXXX Maximum Security (Score:2)
Standard email programs don't connect to buggy proprietary email servers? The horror!
Oddly enough.. (Score:3, Funny)
this book doesn't sound too useful (Score:4, Interesting)
It really didn't concern me until one day when I was checking the logs on my Mac OS X box while developing a web app and discovered dozens of entries from all over the globe probing my box to see if it was an insecure IIS server.
I think that pretty much sums it up - IIS can easily be insecure, just like the rest of the Windows world. But why does that mean that the Mac's web server (Apache) should be a cause for concern?
I've been using OS X for about a year and a half, and I don't see how a "Mac specific" book on security is worth the cash outlay. Sure, there are pretty UI widgets to interface with things like Apache, ipfw, the ftp server, etc., and a how-to book might be useful for a novice. But I don't see why a book like this will distinguish itself given that most of the real security info is way more Unix-centric that it is Mac-centric.
From what I recall, most of the OS X system defaults were set to reasonable, fairly secure settings, unlike Windows where a basic install will leave a zillion services running on your machine, all of which are listening to the outside world, exposing some heinous portion of the OS to components that have no right messing with it in the first place.
Re:this book doesn't sound too useful (Score:5, Informative)
For fun a decided to compare open ports on default but updated installs of OSX and XP.
Windows XP Box Port Scan
Max OSX Port Scan
Gentoo Port Scan
Re:this book doesn't sound too useful (Score:5, Funny)
What the--
Re:this book doesn't sound too useful (Score:1, Funny)
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 20.910 seconds
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.357 seconds
HA HA !! Look how long it took to scan the OS X box! Macs SUCK!
:-) <-this means I'm joking, dear moderator
Re:this book doesn't sound too useful (Score:2)
Re:this book doesn't sound too useful (Score:2)
Re:this book doesn't sound too useful (Score:2)
I think that pretty much sums it up - IIS can easily be insecure, just like the rest of the Windows world. But why does that mean that the Mac's web server (Apache) should be a cause for concern?
This part had me stumpped too. He was able to "watch" his box trying to be gotten
Re:this book doesn't sound too useful (Score:1)
His point is that he was simply using his personal computer, and there were people port scanning him. For a good long while (far too long), I was convinced I had security through obscurity. Why would anyone want to crack my computer? He probably had much the same perspective. With his logs, he was clearly wr
[In]Secure IIS server? (Score:4, Funny)
Maybe they were looking for a secure IIS server. Ripley's "Believe it or not" is starting production again, maybe they needed material?
OS X: off to a pretty good start (Score:5, Interesting)
When I received one box back from servicing today, a botched update completed itself upon booting, and a warning came up that a particular video driver file may be compromising the OS's security, did I want to fix and use, not use, or just use it? Nice. All I have to do is run software update. I want more of that caution built in, but as things stand, keep it up Cupertino.
Re:OS X: off to a pretty good start (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:OS X: off to a pretty good start (Score:2)
Enough said.
Re:OS X: off to a pretty good start (Score:2)
Re:OS X: off to a pretty good start (Score:2)
Apple releases a significant number of patches for their software, through software update. It is the same process on the WinBlows machine - and infact, no action is needed on my WinBlows machine - the *critical* patches are automatically installed.
I realize that software updater has this feature as well, but there were several patches in the past that I downloaded that caused trouble. Also, there are updates which Software Update insits on such as iDVD, and
Re:A shame (Score:3, Insightful)
Why kill your hardware sales buy selling your OS on a cheaper platform?
OS X on x86 is a failsafe hardware manufacturing exit strategy. Nothing more.
Re:A shame (Score:1)
That's right on. Plus, if you start supporting x86 hardware, then you have to start supporting the infinite hardware configurations... with their current model, they only have to write a small amount of driver code, and focus their efforts on that "it works" :D. Maybe they could pull it off, but working with controlled hardware is IMHO the way they can assert that "it works". I would need a shot of some strong drink to say that w
Use OS9 for secure server NOT OSX! Its 100% secure (Score:4, Interesting)
Thats why many universities, and military websites used mac OS9. OS9 has never had an exploit, while OSX has had at least over 35 or so documented exploits.
It is a concrete fact that that no MacOS based webserver has ever been hacked into in the history of the internet.
The MacOS running WebStar and other webservers as has never been exploited or defaced, and are are unbreakable based on ample historical evidence.
In fact in the entire SecurityFocus (BugTraq) database history there has never been a Mac (classic Mac OS) exploited over the internet remotely. Scan it yourself, though I believe an uncommon 3rd party mac product from 1995 or so had one exploit.
I am not talking about FreeBSD derived MacOS X (which already had a more than a 35 exploits and potential exploits in BugTraq) I am talking about current Mac OS 9.x and earlier which are highly sophisticated abstract-OS models.
Why is is hack proof? These reasons
1> No command shell. No shell means no way to hook or intercept the flow of control with many various shell oriented tricks found in Unix or NT. Apple uses an object model for procces to process communication that is heavily typed and "pipe-less"
2> No Root user. All mac developers know their code is always running at root. Not hing is higher (except undocumented microkernel stufff where you pass Gary Davidians birthday into certain registers and make a special call). By always being root there is no false sense of security, and programming is done carefully.
3> Pascal strings. ANSI C Strings are the number one way people exploit Linux and Wintel boxes. The mac avoids C strings historically in most of all of its OS. In fact even its roms originally used Pascal strings. As you know pascal strings are faster than C (because they have the length delimiter in the front and do not have to endlessly hunt for NULL), but the side effect is less buffer exploits. Individual 3rd party products may use C stings and bind to ANSI libraries, but many do not. In case you are not aware of what a "pascal string" is, it usually has no null byte terminator.
4> Macs running Webstar have ability to only run CGI placed in correct directory location and correctly file "typed" (not mere file name extension). File types on Macs are not easily settable by users, expecially remotely. Apache as you know has had many problems in earlier years preventing wayward execution.
5> Macs never run code ever merely based on how a file is named. ".exe" suffixes mean nothing! For example the file type is 4 characters of user-invisible attributes, along with many other invisible attributes, but these 4 bytes cannot be set by most tool oriented utilities that work with data files. For example file copy utilities preserve launchable file-types, but JPEG MPEG HTML TXT etc oriented tools are physically incapable by designof creating an executable file. The file type is not set to executable for hte hackers needs. In fact its even more secure than that. A mac cannot run a program unless it has TWO files. The second file is an invisible file associated with the data fork file and is called a resource fork. EVERY mac program has a resource fork file containing launch information. It needs to be present. Typically JPEG, HTML, MPEG, TXT, ZIP, C, etc are merely data files and lack resource fork files, and even if the y had them they would lack launch information. but the best part is that mac web programs and server tools do not create files with resource forks usually. TOTAL security.
4> Stack return address positioned in s afer location than some intel OSes. Buffer exploits take advantage of loser programmers lack of string length checking and clobber the return address to run thier exploit code instead. The Mac compilers usually place return address in front or out of context of where the b
Re:Use OS9 for secure server NOT OSX! Its 100% sec (Score:2, Insightful)
And all 98 developers know their code runs as root. Has that helped?
why? (Score:1)
Re:why? (Score:2)
It's an old troll that I think even predates Mac OS X. The AC that posted it probably just pasted it in from his collection of trolls and added a few lines to make it a better fit. Take out the few lines that explicitly refer to Mac OS X and you've still got most of the post. Try the NetCraft link and you'll see that www.army.mil runs Mac OS X.
Also, lines like this : --- too bad the linux community is so stubborn tha
Re:why? (Score:1)
And since mid-march, it runs OSX (Score:2)
Re:Use OS9 for secure server NOT OSX! Its 100% sec (Score:3, Informative)
Except for the fact that it's not
The site www.army.mil is running 4D_WebSTAR_S/5.3.0 (MacOS X) on MacOSX.
Re:Use OS9 for secure server NOT OSX! Its 100% sec (Score:1)
FYI (Score:4, Informative)
No information please, we use Linux (Score:3, Funny)
The information provided in all areas of the book is quite detailed, and includes many links to further places to look for more (and more recent) information
Yes, that is quite bad. How dare they provide information in a book. They should have buried it all in a HOWTO with the wrong name on an obscure website.
Re:No information please, we use Linux (Score:1)
Redundancy (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Redundancy (Score:1)
Re:Redundancy (Score:1)
Virii? Bring 'em on! (Score:1, Insightful)
Meanwhile, the rest of you can stop with this "juicy target" stuff. There is, have never been, ANY OS more susceptible to virii than Win.
Back in the 8.5-9.x days, I used to spread my IP address all over Usenet, in hopes someone would bring down my computer, so I could learn something from the genius.
Now, I won't quite do T
Re:Virii? Bring 'em on! (Score:2)
Not flame : Mac OS9 100% secure not OSX (Score:2, Interesting)
It is a concrete fact that that no MacOS based webserver has ever been hacked into in the history of the internet.
The MacOS running WebStar and other webse
Re:Not flame : Mac OS9 100% secure not OSX (Score:2)
That usually stopped them fast in their tracks.
They other thing that I asked anyone who was questioning the security of the classic Mac OS was to name one instance -- just one -- where a classic Mac OS machine had been cracked.
Of course, they couldn't.
You've written a nice post. I wish your grammer, spelling, and capitaliz
Re:Not flame : Mac OS9 100% secure not OSX (Score:2)
That usually stopped them fast in their tracks.
They other thing that I asked anyone who was questioning the security of the classic Mac OS was to name one instance -- just one -- where a classic Mac OS machine had been cracked.
First off, there was a debug level command line, just because you may not have been bright enough
Re:Not flame : Mac OS9 100% secure not OSX (Score:2)
Secondly, who would trust a server that has poor memory management (80s technology), no modern OS features like: Journalled FS, Pre-Emptive Multitasking, Ability to use Large Partitions, Multiple CPUs, More than 2GB of RAM, Etc, Etc, Etc...
Give us a break, Mac OS9 is technically at the same level as Windows 3.1. Hence why Windows3.1 is not a high risk OS for the internet, there is not much in it to hack short of the Winsock add-on.
So we should all go
Re:Not flame : Mac OS9 100% secure not OSX (Score:2)
I stand by my comments.
This is not about how many times someone can prove a Mac running System 9 o
Re:Not flame : Mac OS9 100% secure not OSX (Score:2)
- You will find the numerous Appletalk and other various TCP/IP based flaws/insecurites in System 9, 8, and even OSX that you seek and somehow haven't found and don't believe exist.
Re:Not flame : Mac OS9 100% secure not OSX (Score:2)
Secondly, just go to www.securemac.com - there are MANY examples of insecurities in Mac OS 9, including many that are yet unfixed.
If you want an instance of someone using one of these exploits to hack a Mac OS9 System I suggest that you keep pissing people off on Shashdot with your ignorant (100% secure statements), and you will probably get a wave of them.
Securemac.com shows several
Re:secure mac does not cite ANY default EXPLOITS (Score:2)
This is the definition of an exploit... If the OS is INCAPABLE of protecting itself from programs creating security invulnerabilities, it is the OS that is failing, not the software.
This is why the Windows9x series of OSes are so badly perceived, because even though their core code is quite stable, it has NO inherent security or mechanisms to protect itself from the software that runs on it. Developers could write software that b
Re:Proven wrong by Good ole Google (Score:2)
BTW, here's a clickable link: http://www.tbtf.com/archive/1997-08-18.html [tbtf.com]. Thank me.
Nice review . . . (Score:3, Informative)
Anyone else looking for some good OS X secuity books shoudl chech out the latest edition of Practical Unix and Internet Security published by O'Reilly. I have the second edition, and its a great book, and the third edition specifically mentions OS X and solaris, in addition to the standard *BSD unix and Linux information.
Helpful book idea (Score:1, Insightful)
Creating an Encrypted Disk Image no MacOS X (Score:1)
Readers interested in MacOS X security may want to check out this recent article at Cryptonomicon.Net: Creating an Encrypted Disk Image no MacOS X [cryptonomicon.net].
Secure Programming HOWTO (Score:2)
Re: (Score:3, Informative)
Are you daft? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:2, Informative)
netinfo(3) - library routines for NetInfo calls
netinfod(8) - NetInfo daemon
nibindd(8) - NetInfo binder
nicl(1) - NetInfo command line utility
nidomain(8) - NetInfo domain utility
nidump(8) - extract text or flat-file-format data from NetInfo
nifind(1) - find a directory in the NetInfo hierarchy
nigrep(1) - search for a regular expression in the NetInfo hierarchy
niload(8) - load text or flat-file-format data into NetInfo
nireport(1) - print tables from the NetInfo hierarchy
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:1)
[Luna: ~] pho% man lookupd
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:2)
I especially hate the poorly documented NetInfo
I don't know how good it actually is (never studied it) but maybe Understanding and Using NetInfo [apple.com] (warning: PDF link) is useful?
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:3, Funny)
So, their business of selling hardware is being hurt by their need to sell hardware? No wonder they're always beleaguered.
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:1)
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:2, Informative)
A grain of truth perhaps, but no more.
Firstly, quartz is a low level graphic driver, it creates no more problems for running X than NVidea's closed source X driver for Linux, and even sits in the same place between the user and the OS, nor does it create any more moral dilemmas.
As for the binary format, Mach-O is not a proprietary binary format that is exclusive to Apple, but to the old variant o
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:2)
Why Apple didn't use X for the window system (Score:5, Informative)
What Apple is providing is an Apple-original window system that is graphics model agnostic, as well as a vector drawing system that maps very well to PDF, which is a sort of PostScript without the non-graphical operators. This is packaged under the name 'Quartz' for easy reference by Marketing types.
The window system is designed to support both buffered (like an offscreen PixMap) and unbuffered windows, and is graphics model agnostic, working equally well with QuickDraw, OpenGL, the Quartz drawing engine, X11, and third party solutions, and managing window geometry for the Classic, Carbon, and Cocoa environments. The server portion is a hybridization of screen arbiter and compositor models (and if that's all Geek to you, don't worry about it).
The Quartz drawing engine supports drawing primitives similar to the graphics primitives that might be found in the DPSClient single-operator primitives library for X and NeXTSTEP. There are no math and flow control primitives, as these can be done more efficiently in the native
compiled code. There are no DPS or PS wrappers, as this optimization for server-side graphics is not needed in the Quartz client-side graphics model.
The operations provide imaging and path construction and filling operations as well as some interesting other bits that map well into the direction that 2D drawing is headed. (See Longhorn, or the X raster projects.) The drawing engine can output to rasters (like a window!), as well as PS and PDF streams to feed printers. The Mac OS X printing system takes advantage of the capabilities of Quartz to support all sorts of printers, and make the life of printer driver developers much, much easier.
Things we'd need to add/extend in X Window software (protocol+server+manager+fonts+...):
1) Extend font server and services to vend outlines and antialiased masks, support more font types, handle font subsetting.
2) Extend drawing primitives to include PS-like path operations.
3) Add dithering and phase controls.
4) Add ColorSync support for drawing and imaging operations, display calibration
5) Add broad alpha channel support and Porter-Duff compositing, both for drawing in a window and for interactions between windows.
6) Add support for general affine transforms of windows
7) Add support for mesh-warps of windows
8) Make sure that OpenGL and special video playback hardware support is integrated, and behaves well with all above changes.
9) We find that we typically stream 200 Mb/sec of commands and textures for interactive OpenGL use, so transport efficiency could be an issue.
So, yes, it looks like we can use X for Quartz. All we need do is define extensions for and upgrade the font server, add dithering with phase controls to the X marking engine, add a transparency model to X imaging with Porter-Duff compositing support, make sure GLX gets in, upgrade the window buffering to include transparency, mesh warps, and really good resampling, and maybe augment the transport layer a bit.
Ummm... There doesn't appear to be much code left from the original X server in the drawing path or windowing machinery, and it doesn't appear that apps relying on these extensions can work with any other X server. Just what did we gain from this?
Oh, yeah. My mom can run an xterm session on her desktop now without downloading the Apple X11 package, a shareware X server or buying a software package.
Been there, evaluated that.
Re:Why Apple didn't use X for the window system (Score:3, Informative)
See a previous post of mine [slashdot.org] for references to Usenet posts from Mr. Paquette.
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:1)
Please put your tin foil hat back on.
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:2)
'nuff said. Why oh why do people troll?
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:1)
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:2)
Blah blah blah...
This is a cut-and-paste troll that has been answered dozens of times on Slashdot. Basically it boils down to a lot of FUD. Apple's X11 server is pretty much the same as all the X11 servers people use on other platforms. Apple's Mach-O format binaries are open, tested standards that several other operating systems use. MacOS X is extremely compatible with
Re:How secure can it be if it's PROPRIETARY? (Score:1)
1. Aqua is proprietary and Apple's X11 is slow.
2. ELF is standard and mach-O is not
3. Netinfo holds most OS X configuration info and is non-standard.
4. Apple deliberately breaks compatibility
1. No Apple's X11 is hardware accelerated on the graphics cards Apple ships.
2. As others have pointed out, mach-O is an executable format from NeXT. Since Mac OS X runs the Mach kernel, perhaps this is a better choice. Mac OS X also supports the CFM (Code Fragment Manager) format used by legacy M
Re:Moderators on crack again (5core : 5, insightfu (Score:1)
OS X? Security? What an oxymoron (5core
He actually typed in the mod in the title. So no worries for the apple users, all is well, nobody that posts anything closely resembling Windows hype ever gets above a 3 here....
Re:Security is a Myth. (Score:3, Insightful)
I sure wish I had a better memory... Last spring, a study was published on this exact claim.
Turns out that even when volume weighting adjustments are considered, Macs ARE more secure than Windows (as was Unix/Linux).
It's time to put this myth to bed.
Re:Security is a Myth. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Security is a Myth. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:The only secure Apple system (Score:1, Funny)
WARNING: The preceeding post has violated the OS Joke Cliche rule. This "joke" has taken the form of a cheap shot towards a familiar OS without any supporting detail substantiating the claim (possibly ruining the "joke"). In fact, the lack of supporting data causes the "joke" to be increasingly unfunny.
This particular "joke" relied on the following unsubstantiated data:
(___) Linux/Windows/OSX users are better than other users
(_X_) Linux/Windows/OSX is better than other operat
Re:The only secure Apple system (Score:2, Informative)
Re:morons continue pummelling dead whores (Score:1, Funny)
Nah, I think we'll leave your mother out of it this time.
Re: Mac 6.6 times more common than linux (Score:1, Interesting)
Mac 6.6 times more common than linux measured by millions of browsers. (no one spoofs os, though some spoof browser brand).
1. Win 98 15416286 (40%)
2. Win 2000 11518338 (30%)
3. Win XP 7329054 (19%)
4. Win NT 1140924 (2%)
5. Mac 881868 (2%)
6. Win 95 844872 (2%)
7. Unknown 565197 (1%)
8. Win 3.x 188799 (0%)
9. Linux 132828 (0%)
10. WebTV 58173 (0%)
11. Unix 23838 (0%)
12. Win ME 10638 (0%)
13. OS/2 2118 (0%)
14. Amiga 648 (0%)
mac has been 7 times mor
news flash (Score:2)
while linux has had over 400 discovered exploits.
The Linux kernel or software running on Linux? In case you didn't know there is a big difference. I love how every apache, wuftpd, bind, etc... vulnerability gets categorized as a "Linux exploit.." This reply is simply pure fud..
Re: Mac 6.6 times more common than linux (Score:2)
If I don't, I get browser identification code that tries to be helpful and never is. These days, pretty much the only thing that Moz won't do is run ActiveX controls, so very few sites need to actually do anything based on my browser. If I let them identify me they'll tell me to install IE, if I lie, the page works perfectly.
Re:Market share (Score:2)
It would be nice if... (Score:1)
I've never seen a slow copy such as you're describing. (In earlier versions, I did see weird issues with copying thousands of files at once, though.)
Within my reach are 4 MacOS X machines, two mine and two my co-workers, and they're easier to use and more stable than the XP machines around here. Your mileage obviously varies.