NPR's Car Talk Dumping RealMedia 717
olcrazypete writes: "Click and Clack are apparently fed up with Real Networks. They have switched to Windows Media Player format. 'Why? Because, for a long time, we've had tons of complaints about RealNetworks. And the one that ticks us off the most is the perceived trickery they use to sell their premium products. This is just our opinion, mind you, but it's shared by enough of our listeners, that we
finally decided to take action.' The whole story is here . My favorite line: 'It stinks so much that it even makes Microsoft look good by comparison. That's something, huh?'"
Realmedia (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Realmedia (Score:4, Funny)
Yeah, seems like no matter how high you set the buffering value it falls behind. It almost seems like that setting isn't actually connected to anything in the code. Maybe there will be an open surce equivalent soon that will let you write the whole godam stream to a file before it even starts playing. That would solve the problem...
As is so often the case, Microsofts tactics (and I don't doubt for a minute there is some financial incentive behind this) will pay off for them. The more locked into WMA people get the more they will get screwed over in the long run.
I can hardly wait for the fuckwits at Microsoft to Screw you Tapit brothers, I'll not be listening again. (They didn't give very good car advice anyway, it's just a comedy show these days).
Couldn't they have at least waited for the community player to get off the ground?
Re:Realmedia (Score:4, Interesting)
I wrote them a nasty letter. While I was doing so it occured to me...
If what they say is true why aren't they just using an MP3 stream? that works everywhere. Could it be this has something to do with their hosting company being a big Windows 2000 server farm?
Lets see, last time a big hosting company went all Windows, wasn't that Digex? I wonder what ever happened to them? hehe
Funny their demise didn't make nearly the splash that their switch to Windows did. Oh well.
Realmedia vs. MP3/M3U (Score:3, Insightful)
I was just thinking the same thing. Winamp Shoutcast (although a little funny) or IceCast would work great. I have been playing with this stuff myself (check my homepage -err rather don't my little box can't handle more that a few streams) and the standard MP3/M3U combo works great. Am I missing something? Or are the
Re:Realmedia vs. MP3/M3U (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Realmedia (Score:5, Informative)
Maybe there will be an open surce equivalent soon that will let you write the whole godam stream to a file before it even starts playing.
mplayer -ovc copy -oac copy -o foo.avi rtsp://whatever
(And what does "disp" mean? News about English slang is tragically lacking over here in the land of the rising sun . . .)
Re:Realmedia (Score:3, Insightful)
Your windows media 9 is corrupt so that it doesn't open windowsmedia.com by default? And of course the popups?
Oh come on...
Damn, I should have filtered Real stories somehow, burn karma burn!
Re:Realmedia (Score:5, Informative)
1. its HARD to find the free player. They keep saying "free player here" but then nothing be for sale ones show up, then you find the little link hidden in the corner somewhere.
2. they want email for download. I know you can enter a fake one. But I get tired of it all.
3. They will install loads of *extra* garbage that MS wont. (Or MS is much better and covert-ops)
4. It will take you weeks to learn all the tons of things you need to turn off to keep that thing from harrassing you.
5. if you don't register, it keeps asking you each time you try to play a file. You get choice OK-Cancel (among other issues) which implies either register, or don't play. Quicken does the same horrible thing with their update feature...
I used to like realplayer better than MS. But if they are going to be equally as corrupt, I'll stick with MS since I already have it
Re:Realmedia (Score:5, Insightful)
This is the reason I removed realplayer from my systems. Along with comet cursor Real inc has the distinction of being one of the few sites I have blocked using the 'parental filter' feature of my firewall. I don't want anyone else downloading that crap onto my systems either.
One of the depressing facts of comp sci is that everything gets copied blind. I have no idea why every 'mejaah player' feels the need to support sixty different 'skins' none of which support the native look and feel of the machine O/S. I'm not a 14 year old kid, I want a tool not a kalaidescope.
I use media player because it has the fewest whizz-bang features of any of the players - you still have to turn some off. It also does a pretty good job of buffering enough content to play without jitter most of the time.
One thing I have never quite worked out is why the audio/video sync on so many players is so poor. That is the one feature that has the single biggest effect on quality. Even with a really fat pipe I usually end with a lag of about 2 secs at the end of a lot of clips.
This stuff is not rocket science you know.
Re:Realmedia (Score:5, Insightful)
I promptly uninstalled the garbage.
You installed it in the first place?
RealPlayer my ass. AdPlayer more like it. You get this huge window full of advertisements and flashy widgets, and maybe 10% of the window is covered by actual video in blocky, shitty quality that jumps and skips constantly. Even Windows Media Player, for all its DRM crap, has the majority of the window covered by the video.
I remember back when I had phone line modem that video would pause every few seconds as RealPlayer loaded up more ads. Of course it wouldn't just pause, it would skip those parts of the movie.
Re:Realmedia (Score:3, Funny)
What I don't under is that they had the chance to look like the good guys (for a while)...I mean they were going up against Microsoft's player.
They should have take a page from the classic play book: Make it badass, Give it away for free, then later on when everyone loves you, start to slowly increase revenue generating schemes.
As far back as I can remember, Real has made themselves the biggest nuisance.
WTF were they thinking? Real Business Plan:
1. piss
Re:Realmedia (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Realmedia (Score:3, Informative)
Why bother when it already comes on your machine? Look for "mplayer2.exe" in your latest Windows Media Player folder.
Re:Realmedia (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Realmedia (Score:3, Informative)
Install RealPlayer, and then start -> run -> gpedit.msc -> Administrative Templates -> System -> "Don't run specified windows applications", and add everything real player you can find. Fire up the thing and check your process list, etc.
Then, go download TARA's winamp plugin, and get winamp 2.7x and up or winamp5.
Then, adjust your file associations. RealPlayer files now play in Winamp, one of the most lean and ad free pieces of software out there.
Re:This will be modded down (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:This will be modded down (Score:5, Insightful)
Slashdot is not a research facility, it's not a debtate, it's an informal discussion, and you can't come in and demand that people involved in the discussion be less biased - accept that this is the tone of the group, and if you want to, join in.
No one's forcing you to read....
So why not QuickTime? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:2, Informative)
I wouldn't use QuickTime for authoring unless my audience was primarily Mac-based.
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:2)
I mostly agree, other then the stupid skin and thus not really following all the standard OS keyboard shortcuts, and the lack of a real full screen maximize feature unless you pay them money, Quicktime is a pretty good player. I never have any stability problems with it, and it even works great with Mozilla on my Win2000 box. The single frame forward-back and pause/play keyboard shortcuts probably make up for the downfalls just listed above though. Really I guess I could deal with the dumb looking skin if
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:3, Insightful)
Wait a minute. Isn't this a radio program we're talking about? Who cares if it won't go fullscreen?
Seconded! (Score:5, Funny)
AutoDesk advise upgrading to Windows ME, so B is duly upgraded, and fails, and is wiped and reinstalled, and works. Hurrah! Both machines can plot.
Management now decides to shoot for homogeneity, so upgrades to ME on A as well... and it stops plotting. Wipe and reinstall doesn't help. Wipe and revert to 98 does.
Exit one technician, stage left, screaming.
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:2)
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:3, Informative)
iTunes (which runs QuickTime underneath) streams Sean Hannity [hannity.com] (in MP3) for me without a hitch on WinXP and Win2K. That's three hours a day with no glitches, unless there's a problem on the server side. (I know the problem is on their end because Winamp doesn't work any better
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:5, Insightful)
I guess it's just easier to make vague implications without actually accusing--the major tool of baseless propaganda, which we all lovingly refer to as Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt...
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:3, Insightful)
Let's put it this way: it happens so often with Microsoft's competitors that it seems likely that either Microsoft is deliberately sabotaging rivals who code for Windows or Windows itself has some serious issues and causes a lot of programs to glitch. Either way it doesn't look good for Microsoft.
Now, since Microsoft has been convicted of being a monopoly that HAS abused its monopolistic position [wikipedia.org] in the market I'm in
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:3, Informative)
If you really do think this, I'd suggest reading Raymond Chen's blog [asp.net]. Raymond is a Windows shell programmer (and author of the famously popular TweakUI) and has been working with Windows since long before Window
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:5, Informative)
We tried to do streaming media with Darwin Streaming Server.. the problem is that you need Quicktime Pro in order to make streaming quicktimes.
Also, DSS doesn't do on-demand. It works like TV, you can't start at the beginning, you have to "tune in" to the broadcast.
As crappy as realmedia is, we can do live broadcasts, as well as let people listen in from the beginning, all with the same stream. Once we find a solution that lets us do both for relatively cheap, we'll switch.
DSS is almost there, they just need the ability to do on-demand streaming.
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:3, Informative)
Not the price, but the fact that Quicktime pro can't capture a stream and encode it on the fly.
We need to:
A. be able to record and stream a video and audio on the fly
B. allow the user to either tune-in, or play from the beginning.
Realmedia is the only solution I've found that allows both of these. We're always open to other solutions though if you know of any.
Re:So why not QuickTime? (Score:3, Informative)
Why not just use MP3? (Score:2)
Sure, it's not a free solution for them, but at least it's universal.
Re:Why not just use MP3? (Score:2)
I guess it's pretty bad when *even Linux users* would rather have streaming radio in Mindows Media format than Real Media format.
Re:Why not just use MP3? (Score:3, Interesting)
Oh well, enough of Car Talk, I guess. At least RealPlayer worked... I can't get it to work in MPlayer OR gxine. Anyone have some pointers?
Re:Why not just use MP3? (Score:5, Informative)
Why lock in listeners? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Why lock in listeners? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Why lock in listeners? (Score:2, Insightful)
Shoutcast open? Try Icecast or Helix. (Score:4, Insightful)
And for that matter, to be fair to Real, the the Helix server/player/tools [helixcommunity.org] are also Open/Free (both Speech and Beer).
That doesn't really address the 'free Real player is harder to find than Osama Bin Laden at night' comment... Real's own employees have bitched about that for years, God knows the rest of us have. Hopefully that gives the Open movement within Real (the Helix Community) a little more leverage in selling their case to the more hardline business folk still trying to figure out why their user base is evaporating.
OTOH, I'm a bit pissed off... I have a free Real player (with all the source) that works great. Thanks Click and Clack, I can't listen to your program anymore. That 'free' windows player comes with a $200 Windows tax attached.
Nothing like a damned fool 'statement' that flies in the face of common sense.
Re:Shoutcast open? Try Icecast or Helix. (Score:3, Interesting)
Got a Mac? Guess there's an OSX tax there, along with the inflated hardware tax.
On Linux, you can use MPlayer to play wma files. Completely free. Except for the PC tax.
For some reason, your post reminded me of this. [penny-arcade.com]
Hope you don't mind the PC tax required to view that strip....
Re:Shoutcast open? Try Icecast or Helix. (Score:4, Informative)
Mod parent up. (Score:4, Interesting)
One defense I will offer for our hardline business folks is that they've figured out how to keep the lights on. The fact of the matter is, we just announced that consumer revenue was 76% of our 2003q4 revenue [realnetworks.com], up from 70% the previous quarter. "Consumer revenue" is made up of subscriptions to our premium business, as opposed to systems revenue selling media servers. People assume that our business is still about media servers. So, they do get a little zealous about keeping the subscription business growing.
The thing that can't be repeated enough is that RealAudio is a supported format on Linux. Now, Linux users are forced to use jury-rigged solutions to listen to Car Talk. Very sad.
Rob Lanphier
Helix Troublemaker [helixcommunity.org]
"On the Media" uses downloadable MP3 (Score:5, Interesting)
Click and Clack probably haven't noticed this -- busy, as they always are, laughing at their own jokes.
Re:Why lock in listeners? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Why lock in listeners? (Score:4, Informative)
Real already changed the site in response to this (Score:2)
Real already changed their site in response to this public embarrassment. Though they will probably never admit it...
Not so. (Score:2)
I'm looking at this from a mac computer, and it is detecting my appleness, so maybe the sight looks different from different browsers?
Re:Real already changed the site in response to th (Score:5, Informative)
go to http://www.real.com/ [real.com].
the headline reads: Introducing RealPlayer 10
subheadline: New Powerful Free
with a big image with a big, bright "Free" logo.
click on the free logo takes you here:
there are two big "Download Now" buttons on this site. both lead to the non-free premium player. in the margin on the right, with grey text over a grey background, there is a link to the free player.
that is bullshit. i know the free player is there, and that real plays tricks, so i specifically look for it. the average internet user, on the other hand, may not be that aware.
real are still assholes, and i am glad cartalk is moving away from their format because of their shitty tactics.
Re:Real already changed the site in response to th (Score:5, Funny)
Reminds me of this:
From The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, by Douglas Adams.
Re:Real already changed the site in response to th (Score:5, Insightful)
What really got my goat when I could last be arsed to try RealOne, though, was that it was the worst annoy-ware ever. None of the obvious options seemed to convince it that
1. no, I do _not_ want it to keep pre-loading itself, and
2. no, I don't want to be spammed with their lame pop-ups... even when I'm not even watching and realmedia files any more, and have manually removed all file associations to it
It was _not_ convincing me to fork over the dough for the premium version. Au contraire, it just served to convince me that I _don't_ want to "vote with the wallet" that such lame practices continue.
Now mind you, this was some two versions back, so I don't know if they fixed it or not in the meantime. But still, it's left such a bitter taste in my mouth, that I don't want to have anything to do with them again. Ever.
And just for the sake of having a good rant, what the **** is with all these business models based on annoying the potential customer? I can understand that they need money, but then don't bloody advertise it as "FREE!!!"
The whole thing is as if I advertised "FREE MP3 players!" Only once you've got one, I started showing up at your house, reading your diary, making a list of what music you're playing, listening to your phone conversations (the non-Internet equivalent of what spyware does to a TCP/IP connection), and shouting in front of your window to give me money if you want me to shut up. Even when you're not actually using that MP3 player.
Surely noone would put up with that kind of a trick, for a non-computer product. But in the software world it's become accepted and expected that, hey, the user is a computer-illiterate anyway. You're _expected_ to sell him/her snake oil, rape his/her privacy as hard as you can, never test or debug the product first, and generally be as annoying or dishonest as possible if it makes you money. etc. How did this happen?
Linux and FreeBSD options (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Linux and FreeBSD options (Score:4, Informative)
others who dont import the codec will see the error "Cannot find codec for audio format 0xA."
http://cartalk.cars.com/Radio/help.html [cars.com] used to say
but they took that out of the current page google cache []
Never fear? (Score:3, Informative)
Rather than celebrate another format win by Microsoft, complain! Put up a stink.
In the meantime, if you don't like the way the RealPlayer cur
Why not Quicktime? (Score:5, Insightful)
Question (Score:2)
Re: (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Question (Score:2)
Re: (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Why not Quicktime? (Score:3, Insightful)
Actually, QuickTime is not a player, it's a multimedia framework. The framework itself is very nicely written and is a joy to use. The default player that ships with it is a royal pain in the arse. Since the framework is documented, however, it is trivial for a third party to write another player for it. A good one for the Mac is Cellulo [cellulo.info]. There are probably ones for Windows as well. In fact, there are probably some cross-plat
Wrong -- QuickTime just plain sucks (Score:3, Insightful)
At one point, up until the final version 2 release (I believe 2.5.x), QuickTime was a pretty solid software suite. The player had an extremely compact GUI, a good featureset for the time, and was stable. It wasn't commercial, and didn't constantly beg for money. It even had MIDI support.
Then came the dark, dark days of version 3. At some point, presumably buoyed by the
Real has had its day in the sun (Score:2, Informative)
The main problem with Real is the server licenses. That and the really bad reputation their spyware gave the format.
Give people a choice of Windows Media and QuickTime, for video or audio, and you really can't go far wrong.
Flash video is looking really good these days too, although it's still early days for the Macromedia folks.
I don't like Real Media either (Score:4, Interesting)
No difference to me (Score:2)
The company they keep (Score:5, Interesting)
Of course it also didn't help my opinion of them that they provided my state with Maria Cantwell.
Adult Industry (Score:5, Insightful)
Divx.com is guilty of the same thing. They have a free codec package that will work fine with Windows Media Player. But it isn't in their table of their three main products. Also if you do find it, and just go with the install default config options, you'll see a Divx watermark at the start of every video. This can be turned off easy enough from the "Decoder Configuration Utility".
Buffering...Buffering... (Score:3, Funny)
Why not use QuickTime Streaming Server (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Why not use QuickTime Streaming Server (Score:2)
So I guess the big cost would be, what? A low-end (say, a G4 iMac to do the initial encoding and send the audio stream to the QTSS box for mass distribution. Oh, and a few brain cells.
Four words (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Four words (Score:3, Interesting)
Great move (Score:4, Insightful)
As much as it doesn't sit well with me, Media Player is included with Windows. It requires no downloads, it doesn't bombard me with ads, and it seems to work pretty well.
Good lord, THANK YOU NPR (Score:2)
Why not Shoutcast, OGG, etc. (Score:5, Insightful)
The transition will therefore be as seamless as possible for the listeners -- a simple matter of "click here" and the program will play. No messing around with downloading new clients, configuring, or what have you.
Whether you (open source booster) think this is right or wrong is another matter entirely.
Re:Why not Shoutcast, OGG, etc. (Score:2)
Never go back (Score:5, Informative)
It plays Real Audio crap without the need for Real's crapware.
Windows only, I do believe.
Here's an idea (Score:2)
Since i'm sure their switch to windows media was in good faith I doubt they'd mind switching over if the demand is there.
File Types (Score:5, Insightful)
Behind the scenes (Score:5, Funny)
ffmpeg (Score:3, Informative)
The only 'problem' I have with ffmpeg is that it's been using 100% cpu on one of the processors. But since it's a dual-processor server that we are no longer using for anything major other than the streaming, it hasn't been a big enough issue to figure out why it's doing it.
This may be a bit off-topic (Score:4, Informative)
Do it yourself (Score:3, Informative)
Instructions on how to make RP10 less annoying (Score:4, Informative)
Some choice quotes:
But mplayer doesn't work with this codec!? (Score:3, Informative)
But no: "Cannot find codec for audio format 0xA" and mplayer bails. Many hours of googling, trolling mplayer-dev/user and all I can come up with is:
I've got MPlayer 1.0pre3, and /usr/lib/win32/wma9dmod.dll (along with the rest of the "essential.tar.bz2" codecs) from the mplayer web site.
If someone has *actually* listened to a wma CarTalk feed and can tell me where to find the magic codec I will be a very happy camper. I will even accept a necessary minimum of abuse for not finding the solution on my own.
I only use WM because (Score:3, Insightful)
I've never been satisfied with Quicktime or RealAudio and never realy have had problems with WM player.
Thats the way it is and I believe M$ should have been broken up so that 3rd party apps at least have a chance to be competative.
As it is right now, 3rd party apps targetted by Microsoft simply cannot compete and make money and I don't have time in my life to wrestle with products continously being sabatoged by MS, crippled ware or little used variants.
Format wins for Microsoft (Score:5, Informative)
I'm not going to be an apologist for RealNetworks past actions. RealNetworks is a big enough company, that Jamie Zawinski's quote [jwz.org] "[G]reat things are accomplished by small groups of people who are driven, who have unity of purpose. The more people involved, the slower and stupider their union is." I'll admit we've done slow and stupid things. However, there are certain things that can only be done by big companies, no matter how slow and stupid, which is why I haven't written a similar rant.
However, I'd like to point out that, in the "slow and stupid" vein, we're slowly getting better. The RealPlayer 10 beta isn't perfect, but it's better, and I imagine that things will be better in the final release.
Moreover, we've got a lot of really great things going on in the Helix Community [helixcommunity.org]. We've got the Helix Player [helixcommunity.org] for Linux, which just the won Best Open Source Project award at LinuxWorld [realnetworks.com]. That means that if there's something that annoys you about it, you can fix it. It's based on Gtk, and the engine code is all cross-platform, so someone could theoretically port it to Windows even.
So, we're trying. I'm hoping that folks could cut us a little slack. I'm hoping that the Linux folks out there could help us change Car Talk's mind, since Windows Media is a pretty Linux-hostile format.
Rob Lanphier
Helix Troublemaker [helixcommunity.org]
Onthemedia (Score:3, Interesting)
Perhaps the recent significant contribution to npr by the McDonald's widow, and president Bush's new found appreciation for the NEA, has loosened the noose a little.
You can find mp3 streams of various npr affiliates via shoutcast.com [shoutcast.com], but I think we would all love to have a national stream, and individual shows in an open format.
The only way to get this is to A) Pledge, and B) Suggest it.
It would also be nice to download official Nova episodes in an open format.
Submitted via email to Car Talk: (Score:5, Insightful)
And NO, I am not going to suggest they use Ogg - yes, it would be free, MP3s not, but I'm trying to stay on-point that WMA is bad, not muddy the issue with a format that Click and Clack may never have heard of, and certainly a large portion of their audience has not heard of.
Re:They are pretty obnoxious (Score:2)
Re:They are pretty obnoxious (Score:3, Interesting)
Honestly now, if you couldn't find this link [winamp.com] in under 30 seconds after visiting their page, you're either blind, braindead or just plain stupid. Maybe even all three. Finding winamp's free download is not even remotely close to slogging through Real website.
Yes, way to rate those topics, mods.
Re:I like The Tappet Brothers. (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm a Conservative/Moderate and I listen to NPR, I feel that their news is the best and least biased around because they are non-profit, they don't have to worry about keeping one side or the other happy.
The best thing about NPR is that they don't try to hype news to get me to listen. Cable news makes me sick with the way they twist the truth in teasers to get you to tune in to whatever is next by playing with your emotions. NPR treats me like an intellegent person
Re:I like The Tappet Brothers. (Score:2)
NPR is flat out the best though. I totally agree. An in regards to our flame baiter, I think the Car Talk guys are doing alright financially and I bet they hav
Re:I like The Tappet Brothers. (Score:3, Insightful)
Interestingly enough, the study found that people who watched Fox News had the most misconceptions.
Leftist Swamp? (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm disappointed that they don't use Shoutcast/MP3 or Quicktime, although Quicktime might piss them off for the same reason as Real Media does as every time you start it Apple ends up trying to get you to shell out some dineros for Quicktime Pro.
Re:Leftist Swamp? (Score:4, Informative)
Here's a little trick that works for Mac users and may work for Windows users.
Set your system clock ahead like 10 years, then run Quicktime player. When it asks you if you want Quicktime Pro hit the "Ask me later" type of option. Then quit Quicktime Player and reset your system clock to normal.
The next time Quicktime Player will nag you about Quicktime Pro will be 10 years from now!
You may already be an instant dupe (Score:2)
On the otherhand windows media player has all sorts of problems on macs. On my macs I often find radio stations that echo when you connect using WMA.
Re:Good (Score:2, Interesting)
I used to be an engineer at Real. Most of us got fired a couple years ago. I think the programming is done out of India, or one of those former soviet republics.
Re:Surprise? (Score:5, Interesting)
Tom Bio [cars.com]
Ray's Bio [cars.com]
Tom had scholarships to both MIT and Harvard, worked as an engineer, got an MBA, earned a PhD, taught for several years as a professor, taught international business abroad, started his own do-it-yourself auto repair shop (very hacker like), and has a successful auto repair show. Oh, and Ray, the "stupid" one, went to MIT too.
Also, if you listen to their show, every week they have a math problem [cars.com] for their listeners to solve. The show is great. They're both pretty funny and the show is surprisingly entertaining. Who said gearheads are stupid?
Re:Very little car talk on "Car Talk" (Score:4, Funny)
Hyperbolize much?
Re:Isn't there an open source player based on Heli (Score:3, Informative)
On linux, there's the open-source HelixPlayer [helixcommunity.org] project, which has recently had a Milestone 2 preview release.