Why Offshore When Canada's Next Door? 1111
Roblimo writes "A study by accounting and consulting giant PriceWaterhouseCoopers claims Canada could lose up to 75,000 IT jobs by 2010 to offshore outsourcing, but could also *gain* 165,000 jobs through U.S. outsourcing contracts. The trick is, according to this story at IT Manager's Journal, that while Indian, Chinese, and Russian programmers may cost 80% less than U.S. programmers, the time zone, language, legal, and other problems involved with sending work half way around the world can eat up much of the labor savings, while Canadian programmers are nearby, speak English with nearly American accents, have a similar culture and legal system, and get paid 40% less than U.S. programmers. Might be time to think about moving North, eh?"
Well, I'm one example (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Well, I'm one example (Score:5, Funny)
"Well, it works on my end!"
Re:Well, I'm one example (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Well, I'm one example (Score:5, Insightful)
I thought that one of the big attractions of India et al. is that they're on the other side of the planet, so they can effectively extend the work day overnight. Are there going to be a bunch of third shift programming positions opening in Toronto?
Re:Well, I'm one example (Score:5, Insightful)
In about three years, the big names will notice that product quality and sales have dropped dramatically while adjunct costs of outsourcing kept the price per product about the same, and they'll start looking to hire people here to clean things up. Either that, or all the great little startups popping up in this country will steal away their business.
Oh, and maybe we'll get lucky and companies will reverse the process, start hiring Indian executives willing to work for mere hundreds of thousands a year, rather than millions. This will help us effectively extend the slacking-off day.
Re:Canadian-Hungarian notation (Score:5, Funny)
And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Interesting)
Yes. That truely is what matters. Am I correct in supposing the cost of living in Canada is similar to that of the Northern US? I'm sure it is significantly less then tech-heavy places like California.
If US companies are considering outsourcing to Canada, it seems like they could try other places in the US where they could hire people for less then in California or NY.
I live in Lexington, Ky which, despite being in a state with an agriculture based economy, has a fairly large tech community. Some big name companies here are IBM and Lexmark (LEXmark LEXington.) I read somewhere where Lexington is ranked 9th in US cities in percentages of persons with at least a Bachelors degree. It's a city where you can live lavishly or have a quiet and comfortable life. Hey, I've even seen Shatner in a coffee shop here.
I think there are still lots of opportunities in the US before the Canada route is taken. There are places other then the West Coast available for programming/tech jobs.
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Insightful)
Not as such. Just as there is cost of living diversity among states and cities in the U.S., there are differences among provinces and even cities therein.
Here in Alberta (debt-free province, no provincial sales tax, top 3 IT hubs in Canada), cost of living and wages are approximately 10-15 per cent less than in Toronto, Ontario. However, se
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Insightful)
Think of Canada as another state. Except that while they tax you in Canada, they actually seem to do something with the tax dollars besides 'defence' spending.
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Interesting)
But since the cost of living is so high in L.A. and San Fran things start to work out. From what I've seen living in both countries is that dollar for dollar many items are the same price or at least close. An American $499 Dell is Canadian $550. An American $2.00 loaf of bread is $1.00 Canadian.
My standard of living will not be changing too much when I move from the States to Canada. Even though I'm taking a pay cut.
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Informative)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Insightful)
I make 40% less here than I did in Houston, but my quality of life is almost identical. On top of that, while I didn't save much in Houston, I save a lot every month here.
Plus, you know... not in Texas. w00t.
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Informative)
Try using the International Salary Calculator [homefair.com], it's handy. According to that, if you made $80,000 USD in San Francisco, you'd need to make just over $60,000 USD in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (a.k.a. "Silicon Valley North") to enjoy the same standard of living. Also, Ottawa is one of the top 5 most expensive places to live in Canada.
The biggest difference, of course, is that housing is cheaper in Canada, and so is food. You save a LOT on your medical expenses, since Americans spend on average $5400 USD per year on medical expenses, and Canadians only spend about $3500 on average, (if I remember correctly), but get better care than the average American, though I suppose not as nice as the richest.
Also, depending on the province you live in, you can save a lot of money if they have non-profit government run auto insurance. As well, automobiles themselves are cheaper, even ones built on the same assembly line. If you want to check, go to gm.com and do a "build your own vehicle", then do the same exact thing on gmcanada.com, and compare the final MSRPs. You have to do the conversion for the exchange, but it's much cheaper in Canada, even with the higher tax rate.
Gas is more expensive in Canada (about 25% higher, depending) due to taxes, but the cities are smaller, so you tend to spend less time commuting. Other things taxed more are alcohol and cigarettes, but that's supposed to help pay for the health care. Might as well be the drinkers and smokers that carry the burden there, eh?
Food is cheaper in Canada, but clothing is more expensive. Electronics are more expensive, but you can always get a buddy to pick something up for you in the U.S. at cheaper prices.
Broadband internet access is generally wider spread in Canada, and cheaper, because Canadians are more urban than our American counterparts.
Income tax itself isn't that much different anymore, though it used to be. I know for certain, since I have to file both. I'm a computer engineer, and I find that I would pay the same in either country, within a couple hundred dollars. Sales tax, of course, is higher in Canada.
If you're right leaning, you can always move to Alberta, which is a booming wild west place. If you'd prefer the government pay your way, there's always the east coast, and if you're a greenpeace member, there's always the west coast. If you're an accountant, then you'll be at home in Ontario, but Quebec's always close by for those big let-your-hair-down parties. In particular, if you can't shovel snow, Toronto's the place for you, because if it ever snows more than 3 cm, they'll declare a state of emergency and call the army in to shovel your driveway for you.
Just to be fair... Manitoba's population density is 1.9 people per square kilometre and if your dog runs away there, you can still see him running 3 days later, and Saskatchewan is a cooler version of Arizona (dog thing also applies, but the dog will probably be eaten alive by grasshoppers by the 3rd day).
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Funny)
I tried to bin Canada last week, but it was way too big, and the garbage collectors wouldn't take it.
Cost of Living (Score:3, Insightful)
This is why people are leaving California. Cost of Living. They may make 100,000 a year, but have to pay 450,000 for a 1 bedroom 1 bath 'house'- with no yard or garage.
Re:sorry (Score:5, Informative)
The maximum tax rate in Canada at the federal level is 29%, and that kicks in when you make more than $113,000. Since the tax rate is progressive, you pay nothing on the first $8000, 16% on the money between $8000 and $35,000, 22% on the money between $35,000 and $70,000, and 26% on the money between $70,000 and $113,000.
The highest tax rate in the country is in Newfoundland/Labrador, and at it's MAXIMUM, you pay a TOTAL (that means including federal tax) of 47.02% on money over $113,000. Remember that the tax rate is progressive. If you make $113,001, you pay 47 cents of tax on that ONE DOLLAR, but everything below that is taxed at a lower rate.
Nowhere in Canada does you full tax approach 50%. You may be paying anywhere from 30% - 40%, depending on how good a job you have.
In Alberta (the lowest tax rate in the country - a flat rate of 10%), your personal exemption is $14,337 and the federal exemption is $8012. You pay 16% federal tax up to $35,000, and a flat 10% provincial tax.
So, we'll do provincial tax first. You only have to pay tax on $20667 because of the exemption. It's 10%, so you pay $2067 provincial tax.
Federally, you would pay tax on 26988. The rate is 16% in this bracket, so that's $4318. That's a grand total of $6385 on $35,000. That works out to a total of about 18% of your gross income.
Please stop saying that we're taxed at 50%. It simply isn't true. I've given you the number, and you can do the math yourself. NOBODY IN CANADA PAYS 50% TAX.
Whether or not there's corruption and waste in the government is another discussion. (Though it is worth noting that while the government pissed our money away, the books were still balanced. We haven't had a deficit budget in years.)
Oh, and here's where I got the tax info from. Check my math yourself. It's possible that I made a mistake, but the conclusion is still true.
Re:Tax Freedom Day .... (Score:4, Informative)
From the site's FAQ:
In short, they're throwing in things that none of us consider to be taxes on income. They're saying "we" pay for corporate taxes and mining and petro royalties.
If we did this to the U.S., it would work out the same because the U.S. also has price controls on tabacco, sugar, corn and a host of other foods. Not to mention the county and state taxes on the phone bill, etc. Don't buy the propoganda.
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Informative)
I just got my paycheque. My income tax deduction was 20.097%, and I have extra taken off to ensure that I won't owe at the end of the year.
I'm a technical worker, and my income is higher than the median income, nationally.
Even if I paid GST and PST on every dollar I spent, my total tax rate could not be higher than 34.597%, logically, given 7% GST and 7.5% GST. Sure, there are those hidden taxes, such as on gas or liquour, but I think it all balances out. My tax rate is not more than 35%.
I h
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Insightful)
One challenge would be paying any US debt load (student loan, US car payment, credit card debt) with Canadian dollars.
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Interesting)
It's no wonder why we're home to Bioware, Quicken, and large support centers for General Electric and Hewlett Packard.
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Informative)
However my trips to the states have shown that getting premium liquors (i.e scotch but not beer) is cheaper in Canada (esp Alberta and NorthWest Territories)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Standard of living CanadaUS (Score:4, Funny)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Insightful)
Someone's never been to Montréal...
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:5, Informative)
Consider that a chocolate bar or a can of Coke costs $1cdn here and when across the border the same candy or Coke costs $1usd, that alone accounts for the cost of living savings. Americans can't buy new Canadian cars and import them back to the US because they are cheaper here.
Granted living in NYC has its advantages, but don't compare a large city such as NYC to some small city in Canada. Compare it to cities like Toronto, and Montreal, where you can do just the same things, and probably experience MORE culture there than in NYC. These are large international cities that host world events such as NYC, and dramatically a lot safer too. No worries of gun toting bandits in Canada.
- I once went to a sporting goods store in the US, and found stacks and stacks of bullets sitting on the floor without any sort of security with a sign marks "On sale, 25% off all calibre bullets and shotgun shells". Don't they lock up dangerous goods behind secure areas???
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Interesting)
I take 20% of my salary now and save it away. It has grown to about $100,000. If I had a job in Canada, that would mean I would only have $60,000 saved up isntead of $100,000.
YEs, moving to Canada after you retire makes a lot of sense, but to anyone that is currently saving to retire, it makes FAR more sense to get the higher paying job.
If I lived in Toronto I could only go tango dancing 5 days a week, not 7. And I would not have choice
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Funny)
You must be a sugar fanatic.
Wow, NYC is a freaking Xanadu! (Score:5, Funny)
Wow, what's Tango Dancing? Museums? What the hell are plays?
This NYC place seems pretty darned fancy-looking! I should save up my 40% weaker Canadian dollars, sell my moose lodge, canoe down there, and experience what can only conceivably be a DREAM CITY IN THE **KING CLOUDS, YOU SELF-INFATUATED NY MORON.
You think freaking Tango lessons set NYC apart from the world? If *that's* your basis for judgement, you'd do us all a favour and stay put, friend.
Re:And get paid 40% less? No thanks. (Score:3, Insightful)
I think your arguement that you cant get culture in Canada doesnt have any real basis.
Canadian tech support is a pain in the ass (Score:5, Funny)
% sua
sua: Command not found
Re:Canadian tech support is a pain in the ass (Score:3, Funny)
I once was involved in a tech support call while I was in the US (I was doing the calling) where I was asked to spell out a username that had a "z" in it. Being Canadian, I used "zed". Every time I said "zed", the tech support woman said "What?".
I felt pretty dumb once I realized the issue.
The land of the free (Score:5, Funny)
On the other hand, we're responsible for Celine Dion. On behalf of all Canadians, I apologize profusely.
Burn down our whitehouse, then Celine Dion... (Score:3, Funny)
I don't aplogize about Celine. (Score:5, Funny)
Celine Dion is our weapon of mass destruction!
Heck, if we ever attack a country, she's on the front line singing her heart out. After one of her Monster Ballots, we just walk in with our hockey sticks and Zambonies and clean up the enemies. We don't need fancy things like short range tactical missles, or ugh.. tanks, guns, ammunition.
Actually, on a serious note, I like it that we don't spend anything on military. In the simpson's they used the joke (excuse me if I get this wrong):
Scorpio: "What country do you like the least, Italy or France"
Homer: "France"
Scorpio: "No one ever says Italy"
Then Scorpio blows up France. Well I like it that to the rest of the world Canada = Italy. The U.S. = France.
I can just imagine terrorist meeting... "Guys what country do you like the least? Canada or the US?"
Re:No military in Canada (Score:5, Insightful)
Your right, Canada had a signifigant contirbution to WWII ( and I ), and in fact had the second largest Navy at the end of the second world war ( Mostly because of the shit kicking that Japan and Germany took... ). However, entering the war, that was not the case. Canada is a country that rallies at the time of war ( real wars, not political invasions... ).
Now, the biggest irony is the reason why Canada is not a military power these days... The US! Do a search on a company called AVRO. The created the CF-100, then the CF-105(Arrow). The AVRO arrow was basically decades ahead of its time ( actually, it was heavily ripped off to create the F15
Now the real reason? Basically it boils down to one of two reasons. THe first one is a no brainer... War is a major industry for the US. Had Canada had the best jet fighter/intercepter on the market, how well would sales of the StarFighter, F4 Phantom, etc have gone? Second reason, basically boils down to the U2 spy plane. That plane was the backbone of US intelligence, however its only defence was the alltitude it flew at, and altitude the Arrow could easily fly at. Ironically, the U2 didnt prove to be that invulnerable in the end did it? I believe in the end, Gary Powers was shot down by an AA missle launch from a Mig25.
So, long story short, Canada was on route to becoming a major military power, at least industrially. One of the biggest reason that Canada isnt these days, is because America basically dictated ( weilding a big stick ), come under our protection, OR ELSE!
Finally... the world isnt really that dangerous of a place with two exceptions. 1) Nukes. 2) The US. With the end of the Cold War, the US is the only country maintaining a large and agressive force, with the possible exception of China. TO put things simply, I think the world was much safer before the US invaded Iraq, then it is now.
However, thats the nice thing about Canada... should the US join "the dark side", watch how fast the "free world" unites against you, should you invade ( and not simply annex, big difference ). Also, dont kid yourself... Canada does not have nuclear weapons... but they are pioneers in the field. I imagine it would take a matter of minutes to create a weapon. The amount of weapons grade material in Canada if you were a parnoid, and Canada not a peaceful country, would probrably keep you up at night. Canada is a peaceful country by choice, not necesity. Dont get me wrong, should a landwar happen, Canada would get clobered... a budget of 100x to 1, and a population of 10x to 1 just cant be overcomed. However, if there is another WW, its going to be nuke based... population size and military budgets mean jack-shit in those situations.
Todays conflicts are going to be resolved with terror, because frankly, the US is the only country heavily investing in the military. However, the nicest defence against terrorism, is not to be a prick. Thats a defence that Canada has mastered... the US still has a hell of alot to learn. Im not even gonna mention isreal here... they are going to be targeted by terrorists for a very very long time.
Re:What about piss testing? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:The land of the free (Score:4, Funny)
But seriously though, US media is a threat to national unity. If we allowed the airwaves to be flooded with US stuff, we'd lose a good deal of our Canadian identity.
Always a good thing (Score:5, Interesting)
Canada really is the ideal place for US companies to outsource. If you have a Roadrunner cable modem and have ever called tech support, chances are you've been talking to someone at a local Ottawa firm called Convergys. I bet you never knew it, either.
Re:Always a good thing (Score:3, Informative)
Strictly speaking, Convergys is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is the result of what happended when a firm called CBIS aquired, merged and otherwise assimilated variety of other firms then changed its name. CBIS (Cincinnati Bell Information Systems) was, as the name implies, a spin-off of the local telephone company.
They are no doubt taking advantage of wage advantages described in the article.
Canada, a Freedom Loving America (Score:5, Funny)
Beer == Good.
So, bring it on. Outsource me to Canada. I'll move there, what with their reasonable immigration policies, and shack up with a burly lumberjack babe and start my life anew.
Re:Canada, a Freedom Loving America (Score:4, Informative)
Even getting citizenship in Canada is a breeze compared to the states, especially for us "third world escapees". After I had lived here for 5 years, I applied for citizenship, and within a year and half, had gone through the entire process.
I don't know where you're getting those statements from, but they definitely don't reflect my experience with Canadian immigration. I find the bureaucracy here to be much more tempered than in the states. Not nearly as much red tape to deal with.
Its been happening for years..... (Score:3, Interesting)
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
heh (Score:5, Funny)
<obligatory British joke> ;)
So they pronouce English slightly better then?
</obligatory British joke>
Re:heh (Score:3)
Why not outsource to me in West Virginia... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why not outsource to me in West Virginia... (Score:4, Funny)
Or to Michigan (Score:3, Insightful)
I almost headed out to Silicon Valley during the boom, but after considering that state taxes are literally double what they are here in Michigan, the cost of housing is 2+ times as much, traffic is worse, people expect you to work way longer hours, and federal taxes are going to bite down hard on that extra marginal income, I figured: what's the point?
Plus I never did get the hang of Spanish...
Oh yeah, the weather. Well, the
If You Choose To Move... (Score:3, Funny)
A, ay!, B, ay!, C, ay!, D, ay! . . .
Want your fries without gravy? (Score:3, Funny)
BTW, even the McDonald's in Ottawa would offer gravy on their fries. Gravy on McDONALD'S FRIES??? What is this heresy?
I should have it so well. (Score:5, Insightful)
Where can I sign up? Really.
It isn't necessarily all it is cracked up to be (Score:5, Interesting)
My wife has family all over Canada, and I can tell you that from their experiences, the healthcare system isn't all that great. While everyone has coverage, it can be pretty tough to get in to see a doctor. Things take longer because their system is swamped. And I remember something about how the banking industry isn't that good up there, so you don't get decent interest rates. Or something like that, I can't remember. I just meant to say that it is no "wonderland", they do have their own issues.
But damn, are they polite up there. We went there on our honeymoon, took a 2 day tour on the Rocky Mountaineer [rockymountaineer.com]. When we were pulling out of the station in Vancouver, there was graffiti sprayed on a nearby overpass. What did it say?
"Welcome to Vancouver".
Cracked my ass UP. Victoria was absolutely beautiful, I would move there in a second if I thought I could find a job.
Re:It isn't necessarily all it is cracked up to be (Score:3, Informative)
Wow, now that's a concrete and profound statement.
Canada has Chartered Banks [www.cba.ca]. This is a wonderful thing. It means that when you travel, you can find a branch of your own Bank! It also means that there is excellent inter-bank co-operation and the level of serv
Re:It isn't necessarily all it is cracked up to be (Score:3, Informative)
If you want to see a specialist. Well, that's another story...
Re:It isn't necessarily all it is cracked up to be (Score:5, Interesting)
One of the biggest problems we have here is with medical imaging. The cost of MRI equipement and technicians is absolutely astronomical which makes funding these clinics publically much more difficult than normal clinical staff in a hospital. Imaging is a pre-operative necessity in and this respect the entire system is gummed up at one point. Of course to the ignorant it looks as if the whole system doesn't work. That's not the case at all.
Upon inspection of most public healthcare programs here the major stumbling points usually have nothing to do with the talent of the staff or funding as such but more so to do with economic pressure from the south. Millions of Canadian tax dollars are used to train RN's and MD's who take work south of the border every year. Canadian healthcare workers are a rare breed who get paid peanuts compared to their US counterparts because they believe in equal access for all. The idea of uncomprimised equality for all is a very much a part of our culture in Canada. It is indeed no wonderland however our detractors from south of the border usually don't know all the details.
Re:It isn't necessarily all it is cracked up to be (Score:4, Insightful)
You mean just like with my HMO, which is one of the top 10 US HMOs [tufts-health.com]?
Re:I should have it so well. (Score:4, Informative)
In my opinion ... (Score:5, Funny)
Can we trust them? (Score:5, Funny)
But the flipside... (Score:3, Funny)
sure, you'll have a job; and sure you'll be working out of your own apartment instead of driving 2.5 hours to a cubicle somewhere; and sure you'll probably earn more on the whole than any of your other Canadian friends...
But really, half your income goes to the government, and what you're left with doesn't go as far, cause an iPod costs six hundred bloody dollars here, and... and... you have to say "bloody" in casual conversation... and "eh", sometimes, too... and...
Please don't come here! I can't take any more competition!
I'm moving to Vancouver next month (Score:3, Informative)
I'm part of what Canada calls the "Brain Drain" where large numbers of highly (yet cheaply) educated Canadians rush to the States after graduating. The U.S. (California in particular) provided an opportunity to make a lot of money. My company stopped hiring Canadians (and actually anyone out-of-state) soon after I started, to cut out relocation costs.
I've been saying that companies should out-source to Canada ever since this out-sourcing thing became a big deal. Now that the tide is turning, I wonder what they will rename the "Brain Drain" to!?
Re:I'm moving to Vancouver next month (Score:3, Funny)
Brain Suck?
40% is all relative. (Score:5, Informative)
As a point of interest, my company tranferred me to London, England for 2 years. Overnight my salary more than doubled, but my costs more than tripled. I've since moved back and despite the large paycut from returning to a Canadian salary, it works out better for me in the end due to cost of living differences.
Mercer human resources has a chart [mercerhr.com]outlining cost-of-living differences in the world. Ottawa - my current home - is almost exactly 40% cheaper than New York. Canada's most expensive city (Toronto) is only slightly higher than the US's lowest city (Pittsburgh).
Personal experience. (Score:3, Interesting)
For example, a typical, 2500-3000 sq ft house around Poughkeepsie (Hopewell Jct to be specific) went for about 300-800k USD. A friend of mine bought a 2500 sq ft (ranch) house 15 min drive from down town Montreal for 140k CAD, with a pool and a very nice neighbourhood.
140k CAD is aprox 100k USD(at about 70 cents to the canadian dollar). So by this rough (I am sure prices in Hopewell have soared even higher), at worst the price is 66% less, and at best upwards of 88% less than the US counter part in that area.
Is it worth it? Thats for you to decide. I know I have more disposable income, even when converted to USD.
I do have the added benefit of being a dual citizen, but that is a minor issue. As long as you have a degree and a letter from a company stating you have a standing job offer in Canada, it's a matter of going to the border patrol office and they will do a little paper work (from what I have been told, less than a hour) and you are all set.
Canadian Accents? What's that aboot? (Score:3, Interesting)
This quip really made my day. Now I know that accents vary over North America, but the idea that the "Canadian" accent is distinctly different from an "American" accent is really laughable.
Compare a New England accent to a Southern accent to a Maritime, to an Ottawa valley, to who knows what other region. Accents vary by much greater degrees within the two countries than they do between them. Or do most Americans feel like Canadians all talk the same, and that is somehow different from all Americans? I'd love to hear opinions on this... Cue South Park quotes now...
Too Bad (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Too Bad (Score:3, Informative)
Second, the way these polls happen and the questions asked really bias the results. I will paraphrase what I interpret to be the majority opinion here: "Americans are really cool, and they're our best friends. But their government SUCKS ASS and some of those hardcore NRA members and Right Wing Christians really freak us out."
well then (Score:3, Funny)
As a Canadian Programmer (Score:3, Insightful)
I think it might be time to move South!
80% Savings 40% Savings (Score:5, Insightful)
COmpanies used to use child labor util we made laws about it. Companies used to work people round the clock until we made laws about it. From their past track record companies WILL DO whatever they can GET AWAY WITH - until we unite and make a law about it.
SO GET OUT THERE and crack some skulls!
Re:80% Savings 40% Savings (Score:3, Insightful)
Again, this is a case of the small business getting lumped with Big Business. Just like Bush saying Edwards is against small businesses; well, no, he's not. He's against corporations that break the law.
Join a union (Score:3, Insightful)
Yet any time it comes up that companies are looking to get cheaper labor for the same work, Slashdot cries foul. It's all fun and games until it happens to you. Companies hire fresh college grads for less, too.
What's the other Slashdot mantra...oh yes "adjust or die." Isn't tha
Re: (Score:3, Interesting)
Canadian Sysadmin (Score:3, Informative)
If I moved, I could make a lot more, but I'm also currently living in a small town. So if you wanted to compare:
If I moved to a larger city, rent could probably be around $600-800+ for about the same accomodations as I have now, gas would be up a bit, car insurance insane... but I'd also be expecting to make a fair bit more so it would probably still put me ahead.
Canada for students (Score:3, Funny)
Where do I sign up (Score:5, Informative)
"Looks like I'll be moving up north" or
"Where do I sign up?"
Well, you can Sign up here [cic.gc.ca]
Thats the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website, with all the forms and whatnot for admission to the country. Enjoy!
Re:Where do I sign up (Score:3, Interesting)
(a) finangle a job offer from a Canadian company, which of course will be conditional on you getting the permit
(b) show up at the border with the offer letter, your resume showing a couple years' experience, and proof of your education, and
(c) convince the border worker that
"Nearly American accents"? (Score:3, Insightful)
I challenge the average Slashdot reader to grab a life-long resident of Alberta and Montana at random and decide who is who based not on their word choice or beliefs, but strictly their accent.
Health Care Costs (Score:3, Interesting)
The down side, of course, is more tax. And the CBC.
Please, don't. (Score:5, Informative)
You'll find it even harder to find a job then we do being a foreigner without a permanent visa.
50% tax rates?? (Score:5, Informative)
The approximate tax rates are (fed+prov combined):
Up to 35,000: ~22%
Up to ~70,000: ~31%
Over 70,000: ~38%
But we also receive tax credits, and if you contribute $ to your retirement savings plan you can greatly reduce the amount of tax paid.
Overall I pay about 26% tax on my yearly income. Nowhere near 50%!
Re:50% tax rates?? (Score:4, Insightful)
"[This calculator includes] all taxes from all levels of government that Canadians pay. This includes: income & sales taxes; liquor, tobacco, amusement & other excise taxes; automobile, fuel, & motor vehicle licence taxes; CPP/QPP and EI contributions, medical & hospital taxes; property taxes; import duties; profit taxes; and natural resource levies"
You can find the Fraser Institute (right-wing thinktank) tax freedom calculator [fraserinstitute.ca] here. Just did mine (for Ontario) and it turned out to be almost exactly 50%.
Why not outsource IT to Canada...? (Score:3, Insightful)
You know what? (Score:5, Insightful)
Outsource to the US (Score:5, Interesting)
Where I live in Illinois, the cost of living is:
And my city is slightly above the national average for cost of living.
UN says Canada is a better place to live (Score:4, Interesting)
Pay Scales in Canada (Score:3, Interesting)
As an example, im in London, Ontario, which has a population of about 350K. Im a fairly high level developer, basically one step below IT manager. I pull in about 60K a year. From my understanding, I could go to New York city and basically double my salary, and have a 10% less tax to pay. Ditto, I could go to Toronto, and make about the same almost double what I make now ( more like 40% more ), but really what does that money buy me.
I am in the process of buying a luxury loft, 1,700 square feet in size, for about 150K. From what I understand, the same would cost me about about 400K in Toronto, and probrably well over 1/2 million in either NY or Cali. After, expenses, taxes and all that crap, im probrably left with about 1,500 a month of disposable income. That includes my mortgage, car payment, getting reamed for taxes ( that part aint a myth
As to currency differences, to be honest, I dont really see any. When I go visit our Lansing site in Michigan, I pay basically the same as I would in canada when I eat out, get a hotel, order a beer. It used to be we could cross the border and save a ton of cash on things like gas, smokes, groceries, etc... but now, thats no longer true. Actually, I have a friend whos business consists of buying vehicles in Canada, and driving them up to the States for resale. Gives you a hit at how the exchange rates work
There are plenty of reasons to chose one country over the other... but wage sure isnt one of them. Cost of living/standard of living is the most important thing... wage is... when comparing one location to another... just a useless number.
We're full up! Please go away! (Score:4, Funny)
Nope, nope. We're all full up here in Canada. Yes, please go away.
You won't like it here. It's cold, yeah.... It's 25 C here in Vancouver. Brrrr.
Yes, that's right. Our healthcare system sucks. That's right. Please go away. *cough*, *cough*. Just ignore the international reports saying we has slightly better life expectancies.
Try Mexico or, maybe, India...?
Re:Because Canada is fucking freezing (Score:3, Informative)
I live in BC. In a desert.
Portions of the interior of BC, around the Thompson-Okanagan region are actually considered deserts. We get little precipitation (ie: snow) and in the summer temperatures can hit 40 degrees C or 104 F.
In winter, we don't usually drop below -10 (about 15 F).
Vancouver, a 3 hour drive away, gets almost no snow in the winter (although a lot of rain) and is more temperate in the summer.
Re:Overhead Absurd (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:French-Canadians? (Score:5, Informative)
Here's some census in fo for you.
1996 Census info on Language [communication.gc.ca]