PG-13 Rating Turns 20 321
Ant writes "CNN has a story about the 20 year anniversary of PG-13 and how it was created/born from two of Steven Spielberg's movies. (Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom and Gremlins)" Oh, Mola Ram and your heart-removing antics, little did you know the profound impact you would have.
Enforcement... (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm not suggesting that just because a movie is rated PG-13 that it is, by default, a bad movie. What I am suggesting is that continuations of previously successful films, and modern horror/action flicks will never be what we all remember them to be. We will never see truly cheesy and senselessly bloody movies like Evil Dead ever again.
Also, if anyone hasn't heard of a decent NC-17 movie since Showgirls, this [adirtyshamemovie.com] one looks promising. I saw the trailer for it the other day.
Re:Enforcement... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Enforcement... (Score:5, Funny)
God I need a life.
OT: Subscriber First Post (Score:5, Interesting)
Bad Karma? No Probalo!
Re:Enforcement... (Score:5, Insightful)
Then again, $5 might be high-ballin for you, in which case I apologize for making light of your econimic status.
Re:Enforcement... (Score:5, Insightful)
Showgirls decent? (Score:2)
Showgirls is not a decent movie. The only real question is whether it's just horrible or whether it's so bad that it's passable as camp. I don't think any of the principals associated with it really want to be associated with it anymore.
Re:Showgirls decent? (Score:3, Interesting)
It's definately camp. Some blame it for destroying Elizabeth Berkley's career, but I blame Saved by the Bell for that. It did wonders for Gina Gershon's though. Oddly enough, she gained a large ho
Re:Showgirls decent? (Score:2, Informative)
Possibly because she played a lesbian in Showgirls and Bound, among other movies?
Re:Showgirls decent? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Enforcement... (Score:5, Interesting)
PG-13 came around about the same time as the studios simply gave up trying. It has nothing to do with making movies teen-safe, and everything to do with the tactic also commonly seen in corporate board rooms: saying to hell with the future, let's see how much junk we can shove out the door on the cheap today before our customers abandon us.
Give PG-13 a break. If anything, it let studios add the occasional adult element to otherwise-PG movies while still allowing the chilluns to see them. Yes, current movies suck, but that has nothing to do with revamping the ratings system.
Re:Enforcement... (Score:2)
On a side note, Rules of Attraction [imdb.com] is the only decent drama I've seen on this side of the century. If anyone knows of any other recent thought provoking films, please post them.
Re:Enforcement... (Score:2)
Re:Lost in Translation? (Score:3, Insightful)
The director -- Sophia Coppola was it? -- apparently lived in Tokyo for sometime, and used her experiences when making the movie. Whatever it was, it really shines through. No matter how enculturated you become (for example, I've lived in Shanghai for years now, speak Chinese, and am possibly now more c
Re:Enforcement... (Score:5, Insightful)
Nah, your real problem is with the movie studios. Basically, they stopped making plots in, what, '86 or so? With the rare exception of a "Memento" here or a "Requiem For A Dream" there, you can limit your watching to only movies made prior to the late '80s without missing a single thing.
People keep saying this, but I don't buy it. We have a collective ability to remember the classics and forget all the crappy movies made throughout the years and think things used to be better. They weren't. They've made shitty hack movies since day one. Sequels aren't even anything new, look how many third-rate sci-fi and detective series have been produced throughout the years. I'll give you that the major studios put out some great stuff in the '70's, but that was a fluke-- before then, it was much the same as it is now.
The truth is, people want the crap. A good movie can do pretty well and find an audience-- look at, say, Donnie Darko-- but the majority want their Alien Vs. Predator. They want to forget their troubles and watch special effects, not be asked to think. And you can give AvP a scathing review, and their friends will tell them it sucked, and they'll still go to see it. If the audience truly hungered for better movies, there would be more of them.
There are good movies being made, by the way. Thanks in part to both DVD potential and the explosion of low-cost digital editing, idependent filmmaking is stronger now than ever. And it's actually possible to make something great on a shoestring budget with no studio backing or big names and get it seen. That was much, much harder to do as recently as fifteen or twenty years ago.
Re:Enforcement... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Enforcement... (Score:5, Interesting)
The issue, if you'll let me troll for a paragraph or so, is that you're old and/or not interested in researching truly good films being made now. The quality of films right now, I'd say, is probably better than before, certainly not worse. For every Empire Strikes Back there were five American Ninja movies. It's just that, over time, we forget bad movies. I mean, who remembers movies like Fklesh & Blood [imdb.com]? But we remember Sunset Blvd. [imdb.com]. In 15 years no one will remember Avp. Just give it time. All the good stuff will rise to the surface.
Re:Enforcement... (Score:3, Interesting)
I mean, who remembers movies like Fklesh & Blood [imdb.com]?
I don't, but I sure as hell remember the 1985 remake [imdb.com] - it had a naked Jennifer Jason Leigh in it!
Re:Enforcement... (Score:3, Insightful)
This has more to do with the mass markety appeal of IMDB than with the cinematic excellence of that survey. Hell, look for just about any summer or Christmas blockbuster on that chart shortly after it opens. People will say it was the best film evar, but eventually common sense will bump it back down a few notches.
Re:Enforcement... (Score:4, Interesting)
So what they did was release the film as unrated, with instructions for theatres not to allow anyone under 18 into the film. Since it wasn't technically an NC-17 film it was okay to show. Since then I think this loophole's been closed.
Anyway rating systems are messed up. Like foreign childrens films like "Billy Elliot" and "Whale Rider" get PG-13, and films with no sex or violence, just people talking, like "Thirteen Conversations About One Thing" and "Before Sunrise" get an R rating because they used the word "fuck" more than twice. I don't get that, use the f word twice it's PG-13, three times it's an R. On the Bourne Identity commentary they said they had to carefully decide which character would get the alloted f word. I don't think language should even be a criteria, kids can see worse language in school libraries.
And what's up with Europeans get the uncut version of "Eyes Wide Shut" while the U.S. gets the family friendly R-rated version?
Re:Enforcement... (Score:4, Insightful)
Here in Scandinavia you can curse in TV-shows and movies. I haven't heard much cursing in children movies, but it wouldn't be against the law.
The same goes with nudity. I've seen movies for children that contained nudity, but in a natural setting (like taking a bath etc.).
What we really try to protect young children against is violence. It seems like the american movies do the opposite. You can show violence, but if anyone shows a tit, the movie instantly moves up a rating
Re:Enforcement... (Score:3, Interesting)
When Robert Altman directed Gosford Park , he included eight "fucks", and earned his "R".
TV Guide stack from 1965-1970 (Score:2)
Requiem... Yeah, that was a good movie if you wanted to put a gun in your mouth the next day....)
Someone picked up a pile of these for $1 at a garage sale.
As he perused through them, he took notes.
From it we got
Good movie, but loses points for standing on the shoulders of an ok tv show
Good Lord, why
Still, the same
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a tanking movie!
Ok, real
Re:TV Guide stack from 1965-1970 (Score:2)
The taste of the masses when it comes to any art form leans towards the bland and mindless. I think when it comes to art/entertainment most people want it as pure diversion. They don't want deep thinking, they want the cheap laugh (There's Something about Mary), the movie where stuff gets blow'd up (Terminator 2), the music that is just empty and catchy (Ace of Base), and licensed video games (Enter the Matrix)
The mass market is going
Movies do not suck (Score:3, Insightful)
Good movies are coming out at an alarming rate. In fact, I would say that for the first time since the 60s it is now possible to go to a mainstream cinema and have a high chance of finding a real grownup movie on. Even wide-appeal movies like the Kill Bill movies, Lost in Translation and so on are grown up in the way that 80's movies never were. We have more 'pure art' movies available than ever before, now that Japanese, Chinese and Korean movies are finally actually being shown on screens (admittedly o
Re:Enforcement... (Score:2)
Also, if anyone hasn't heard of a decent NC-17 movie since Showgirls
You mean the movie that is sold in a package making fun of itself? Right.
Re:Enforcement... (Score:3, Insightful)
At least we have DVD now, so movies hacked up to get the tamer rating can release "unrated" versions with the lost footage intact (in fact, the unrated versions drive up sales, consumers are much more inclined to buy a movier they're already seen wh
Re:Enforcement... (Score:2)
The mind boggles.
Re:Enforcement... (Score:2)
Re:Enforcement... (Score:2)
Re:Enforcement... (Score:2, Insightful)
Making a movie, then deciding if it fits in G, PG-13, 14-Years, R, NC-17 is fine.
Declaring ("We need to make this movie PG-13" | We cannot afford to have a movie NC-17") "so cut it down until it fits" is the issue.
Re:Enforcement... (Score:2)
I've heard good things about Bernardo Bertolucci's The Dreamers [imdb.com], though I haven't seen it myself yet. For what it's worth, Ebert & Roeper both gave it two thumbs up [go.com].
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Enforcement... (Score:2)
Re:Enforcement... (Score:2, Interesting)
Remember the previous Alien and Predator movies? There was blood all over the place. There were even a few shots of naked boobies. And the comedic relief of the "You are one ugly motherfucker" line is missing.
I could understand a new franchise going for the PG-13 market. But established franchises like Alien, Predator, Friday the 13th and Nightmare On Elm Street should stick to their r
Re:Enforcement... (Score:4, Interesting)
Effectively, two cuts of such movies end up on the DVD marketplace, and the consumer decides how offensive they want the movie to be.
Dead wrong (Score:3, Insightful)
It's not a "counter-trend," it's a "profit-trend." The "Unrated" label is just a ploy to sell more DVDs. "Ooh look! This is unrated, it must be full of sex and murder! I want to see what I missed in theaters!"
Re:Enforcement... (Score:3, Interesting)
Also, if anyone hasn't heard of a decent NC-17 movie since Showgirls...
The tomato never lies: Showgirls [rottentomatoes.com] was not a decent movie, it is thoroughly rotten.
It looks decent enough from the trailer for what looks like a B movie. I do not know if they are toning it down for the general audience of Internet users (i.e. includes people who cannot get into an NC-17 film), but it appears as though it is an actual movie and not just a porno on t
Re:PG-13 is a root cause of bad films. (Score:5, Insightful)
You mean films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey? That's probably my all time favorite. I find that "adult" film really means adolescent film. I don't care to spend hours and hours filling my head full of blooshed and gore. There's a whole universe of stuff out there that could make for interesting films, but people are so in love with violence that that's what we get. Either that or just plain stupid, sappy stuff.
Long ago I decided to vote with my buck and just stop going to the movies.
Re:PG-13 is a root cause of bad films. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:PG-13 is a root cause of bad films. (Score:3, Interesting)
This is actually not true, although it is an oft-repeated myth on Slashdot. What immediately comes to mind is "The Matrix" and "Die Hard" - both of which garnered R ratings, and neither of which had any sex or nudity whatsoever. Violence will grab you an R in this country quite easily.
Violence _won't_ get an NC-17, or at least I've never heard of it doing so, but considering that such things as wars, death camps, and
So for 7 years... (Score:5, Funny)
Woah (Score:4, Funny)
Or maybe 20 year olds could be naked now in a PG-13 movie.
Or... how old are the Olsen Twins again?
Misleading headline (Score:5, Funny)
Ratings Creep (Score:4, Informative)
Hooray (Score:5, Funny)
CNN has a story about the 20 year anniversary of PG-13
In a related story... nobody cares.
The Funny thing... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:The Funny thing... (Score:3, Informative)
More info on Kali: here [about.com].
Re:The Funny thing... (Score:4, Funny)
I can't think of any religion which includes roller coasters in the design of their temples.
Revisionist history (Score:2, Interesting)
It really means nothing (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:It really means nothing (Score:5, Funny)
It depends on jurisdiction (Score:4, Informative)
Quebec and Canada in general, seem to have a more liberal ratings policy than their American counterparts. I had the same reaction when I was out for a movie in Texas and saw several movies rated "R" that were 14A back home in BC. Another difference that comes to mind is while the Canadian ratings system is mandated by provincal law, the American ratings system was a compromise created by the MPAA to stave off government censorship (if memory serves).
Something else to note is while in the U.S. the MPAA rating carries over onto the video release, the Canadian distributors apply a "Canadian Home Video" (or somesuch) rating that reflects the liberal Canadian ratings during the theatrical release. No province that I know of classifies home movies other than adult, thus the "Canadian Home Video" rating system.
Re:It depends on jurisdiction (Score:2)
Re:It really means nothing (Score:3, Funny)
Mola Ram removed a heart? (Score:5, Funny)
For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to, in the U.K. cut of Temple of Doom, the British censors refused to screen the movie without deleting the heart-removal scene, and the scene of Short Round being whipped, and maybe one or two other scenes. (The recently released Indy boxed set in the U.K. kept with the original theatrical versions, which pissed me off when I realised the difference.) As you might expect - and as I mentioned above - the heart scene was sorta crucial for making sense of a couple points of the movie.
Re:Mola Ram removed a heart? (Score:2)
I still remember tuning in, and 'sitting down' for the heartripping-bit (yes, i am sick ;) ) : Only to discover they just totally deleted it :D
Re:Mola Ram removed a heart? (Score:2)
Re:Mola Ram removed a heart? (Score:2)
Re:Mola Ram removed a heart? (Score:3, Interesting)
[spoilers ahead]
They had removed the shot in which one of the mental patients threw semen at Jodie Foster. This was a major plot point: the reason Hannibal decided to cooperate with her investigation. In the Blockbuster version, Hannibal told her to go away, then people started yelling, then he called her back and gave her the information she was looking for.
It made a lot more sense when I saw the whole
Re:Mola Ram removed a heart? (Score:2)
Similarly, the version of "Silence of the Lambs" I first saw was the one censored by Blockbuster.
A few people have made comments about Blockbuster censoring movies. How bad is it? I do not have a membership and have not for many years. The last time I rented a movie was a VHS cassette "formatted to fit my screen, edited for length and conent" and all that crap. Now I purchase DVDs formatted to fit my widescreen HDTV and of course the vast majority of DVDs are director's cuts, unrated version, special edi
Re:Mola Ram removed a heart? (Score:2)
Blockbuster says they don't censor films, but they do refuse to carry NC-17 films until the studio cuts them (Bad Lieutenant, Crash) to an R-rated "blockbuster version". Since Silence of the Lambs was originally R I don't see why they would request an edited version.
While it's not censorship, I do think what blockbuster does is deceitful because their customers are unaware that several of the videos there
And what was the first PG-13 movie??? (Score:4, Informative)
For the record (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:For the record (Score:2)
Re:And what was the first PG-13 movie??? (Score:2)
jack valenti can go [CENSORED] (Score:5, Insightful)
Why is this "knews" piece even relevant? CNN has a pro-MPAA, pro-RIAA, Valenti puff piece every couple days. You don't see a whole lot of well-rounded copyright discourse on the major media news outlets. (Gee, I wonder why...) CNN: We're tough on music fans. We like suing kids and grandmas. We equate infringement with theft. We are fair and balanced, too.
Re:jack valenti can go [CENSORED] (Score:2)
Re:jack valenti can go [CENSORED] (Score:2)
You don't see a whole lot of well-rounded copyright discourse on the major media news outlets. (Gee, I wonder why...) CNN: We're tough on music fans. We like suing kids and grandmas. We equate infringement with theft. We are fair and balanced, too.
Quite some time ago (about the time the RIAA started cracking down) CNN had an interview with an RIAA rep on "Newsnight with Aaron Brown" in which Mr. Brown concluded by wishing the rep good luck on their hunt to bring the bad guys to justice. I sent an email
Aaron Brown (Score:2)
The problem is that Aaron Brown is just a mediocre journalist at best. At some point, CNN decided to introduce all kinds of people to the major anchoring jobs that look good and are great at giving some more human touch to stories, throw in a small non-offensive joke once in a while. People like Aaron Brown or Paula Zahn. But they don't excel at their jobs, which is a pity, given CNN's status.
CNN still
The MPAA owns the major news outtlets anyway (Score:3, Interesting)
News Corp owns Fox News and 20th centuary fox
Time Warner owns CNN
Viacom owns Paramount and CBS (and also UPN)
I dont know who owns NBC (I think it is or was Vivendi or General Electric or something)
No matter where you go, most "news" outlets are biased.
When it comes to any issue that affects the big $$$$$ that Big Media makes, they are always going to go with whatever side makes them the most.
With regards to copyright, expect the MPAA to push for HD-DVD players (or whatever the new s
binary rating system (Score:2)
Catholic ternary system? (Score:2, Funny)
SNT = Skirts & Ties
PC = Practicing Catholics
NPC = Non-practicing Catholics
Re:binary rating system (Score:5, Interesting)
I've heard of the Catholic rating system. One thing they do that the MPAA doesn't is they look at how the sex/violence/whatever is portrayed and not just whether it exists. So if someone gets murdered, but the movie shows the consequences of violence rather than glorifying it, the Catholic system tends to take this into account. Of course, it's all based on the Catholic Church's idea of morality, so movies can also get nailed for things like showing unmarried couples living together, gay/lesbian relationships, etc.
They must be doing something right, though. I believe Gigli was rated "Offensive."
Re:binary rating system (Score:3, Insightful)
RC censors operate under rules where they are expected to look at West Side Story, recognize that it's based on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, that the musical score is a skilled orchestral work and integral to the creation as a whole, and that there's an added message about racial and class intolerance that makes a number
The Irish and British systems (Score:2)
G (Irl, General) - U (UK, Universal)
PG (Irl, UK, Parental Guidance)
12PG (Irl, over 12s only, or under with a parent/guardian) - 12 (UK, over 12s)
15PG (Irl, over 15s only, or under with a parent/guardian) - 15 (UK, over 15s)
18 (Irl, UK, over 18s)
Background on Mola Ram aka Amrish Puri (Score:3, Informative)
However the first time I saw Temple of Doom, I specifically didnt enjoy the manner in which Speilberg sought to portray the culture and traditions of India and Hinduism. Thanks to movie such as Temple of Doom, a big part of Western Hemisphere thought this sad portrayal was still true of India until the Indians started stealing their jobs
But heck, its a movie and though not as good as the other two, it is still enjoyable. I hope Speilberg and Ford gets around to making one more and I wouldnt complain if they threw Sir Sean in to the mold as well..
Mola Ram's sect was real -- look up Thugee (Score:2)
Re:Background on Mola Ram aka Amrish Puri (Score:2)
Oh, puh-lease. Unless that was a joke, it ws inane.
Movie ratings and trademarks (Score:5, Interesting)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-rated [wikipedia.org]
Re:Movie ratings and trademarks (Score:2)
Re:Movie ratings and trademarks (Score:3, Interesting)
Do you mean Midnight Cowboy ?
I can remember my parents seeing this in the theatre, and Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, both rated X.
Imagine a world when your parents go out to see X rated movies.
Ok that was too easy, imagine a world where... uh, oh never mind.
Re:Movie ratings and trademarks (Score:2)
I guess even the marketing group for the movie knows the film has nothing going for it other than its explicit fellatio scene...
PG-13 The best/worst thing to happen to movies.... (Score:3, Interesting)
So, to sum up the article (Score:4, Interesting)
The new sub-level then quickly became a marketting tool to capture more teenager money, effectively turning the whole rating system into a 2-level system again, since no filmmaker wants a PG rating anymore.
In short: *yawn*
AVP (Score:3, Interesting)
Voluntary ratings system (Score:5, Interesting)
I found this out when Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 was released this year. There was such an uproar about the film being rated 'R' (and thus a "Bush led conspiracy to keeping some people from seeing it") that a couple of theater owners in the Bay Area said they wouldn't enforce the 'R' rating on the film.
I'm not sure what would happen if a theater owner consistently ignored the rating system.
Hot Sauce (Score:2)
Blah, more like mixing hot sauce with milk. Aiming just below the R for the more profitable PG-13 has ruined many movies in my mind. Giving up grit and realism for something more palatable to censors while thrashing the original vision.
A Step in the Wrong Direction for MPAA (Score:2, Insightful)
The problem is that *all* of the ratings rely on someone else telling parents what's appropriate for their children. I know, but let's pretend that parents in this country actually parent.
A better system of rating would be to rate them for launguage, violence, sexuality, etc., very similar to what many pay-cable networks use.
Google for yourself - there's plenty of outraged people out there who think that some PG-13 movies are unacceptable for 13-year-olds, but if a mov
Pretty much the same in Britain... (Score:2)
However, in 1989, the 12 rating was introduced, primarily as a result of the 15 rating that the James Bond movie Licence To Kill received for one or two of the more violent scenes. The first movie to actually receive a 12 rating was
The myth of PG-13 (Score:2, Informative)
The actual guideline (that the MPAA doesn't really like to promote) is that the
PG-13 rating still allows those under 13 to be admitted without a parent or guardian
source: http://www.mpaa.org/movieratings/about/content5.ht m [mpaa.org]
I'm even though a little surprised that PG-13 allow to get away with the RTFM word [In alien v. predator]; th
PG-13 was a nice invention, but... (Score:2)
Oh yay, let's celebrate a great milestone in thought control.
Maybe 20 years is long enough. (Score:3, Interesting)
I've never seen a rating system for books - thank God. Some popular music is dissed for sex, obscenity, etc., but a rating system? Why are movies special?
Let the film makers make the flick they want to make. ASSume the flicks are viewable by those who have reached the age of majority. Most film makers are already required to shoot alternate footage for the TV version. With digital distribution to theaters (How are we coming on that?) let the theaters show the different versions at different times of the day.
I don't want my media censored. At the same time, I'm weary of writers, musicians and film makers who act like little kids and try to see what they can get away with just for the sake of doing it.
If you don't want to watch something, fine, don't watch it, but you don't have the right to stop me from watching it, so bugger off.
I'm shocked! (Score:4, Funny)
People who are either kids, or are just barely not kids (i.e. most Slashdotters) don't like the rating system! Who woulda thunk it? ;)
But seriously ... grow up, have a few kids, and I don't think you'll mind having a few voluntary tools to keep them from becoming too coarse and vulger, too fast. Trash doesn't have to actually be harmful for you to want to keep your kids from wallowing in it.
After all, when that must-see, super duper important movie that the kids simply *have* to see comes out, you could just take them there yourself, you know. Or rent it, since movies come out on video about five minutes after they're released now.
Re:First PG-13 Movie (Score:3, Funny)
. .
Give up?
. .
Re:This is great! (Score:2)
Re:Removal of Heart? (Score:2)
"Hmm. Considering all the analog stereos around these days, you'd think this would be mandatory viewing for Waste Removal Technicians."
Re:All of the violence, none of the nudity (Score:2)
The cause of the PG-13 "scandal" (Score:2)
Re:... and 20 years later, it's meaningless. (Score:3, Informative)