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Music Media Businesses Apple

U2 iPod: Any Color You Want, As Long As It's Black 489

dave writes "Forbes is carrying the story that U2 and Apple will be releasing a custom black iPod that comes preloaded with the band's new album as well as portions of the band's 25-year back catalog. The custom iPod will be made available the same week as the new album, which is slated for release in the U.S. November 23rd. The article also talks about the larger deal which included the advertisement for iPod/iTunes and exclusive rights for iTunes to sell the album online for the first few weeks of release." skyshock21 adds a link to this article in Revolution Magazine.
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U2 iPod: Any Color You Want, As Long As It's Black

Comments Filter:
  • Black Ipod? (Score:5, Funny)

    by SoTuA ( 683507 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:10PM (#10579124)
    Yay! No more white "mug me please" apparel!

    It comes with U2 preloaded? uughhhhh...

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:10PM (#10579125)
    For pirating U2's next CD before it's official release!
  • Colors (Score:5, Funny)

    by DoorFrame ( 22108 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:11PM (#10579132) Homepage
    I see a red ipod and I want it painted black...
  • if only.. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Artie_Effim ( 700781 )
    gawd, this would rock, that is if U2 didn't suck after they made Johsua Tree.
    • Re:if only.. (Score:3, Insightful)

      by qweqazfoo ( 765286 )
      You can have my Achtung Baby album when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:12PM (#10579139)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Comment removed (Score:3, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:12PM (#10579143)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Re:Finally! (Score:2, Interesting)

      by LemonFire ( 514342 )
      I'm just waiting for iPods to come out with album covers on them as well (like cell phone covers). I'm sure it will happen.

      -- Press the "any" key to play this SIG
    • A $300 rock (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      "Wow a $300 rock album"

      and when the battery dies, it becomes a $300 rock.
    • You know, I'm not a fan of the continual ads about the iPod on Slashdot but that's another story.

      On another tangent, will the next U2 album be so terrible that they need to latch on to the iPod in order to get an image boost as "still relevant"?

      Actually the new album, from what I have heard of it, doesn't really sound like your typical U2 pop rock stuff. Some of it is actually decent and some of it is absolute shit. But I suppose that I'm more tuned in to their older shit and don't really care for th
    • Re:Finally! (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      It must be hard for Bono to decide whether he is a corporate rock stooge or an Apple-using rebel. Thank god U2's music hasn't been compromised.
  • by slimak ( 593319 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:13PM (#10579151)
    Does this mean that we may be able to get serveral colors in the near future? Blue iPod? OR, will other Apple products ship in black? Something about a shiny black iBook seems cool to me.
  • by indros13 ( 531405 ) * on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:13PM (#10579153) Homepage Journal
    I think it's a neat kind of promo, but what about the black-loving non-U2 fan? Will the price be higher?

    Also, any word on how successful these kinds of exclusive marketing deals are? I've noticed that Best Buy does a number of these exclusive marketing tricks. Any evidence to suggest that they actually work? (i.e. substantially boost sales, brand loyalty, etc)

  • by whoda ( 569082 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:13PM (#10579156) Homepage
    So, where can I pick up one of these African-American IPods anyway?
  • by afish40 ( 774995 ) <mario.dotmatrixwithstereosound@com> on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:13PM (#10579158) Homepage
    "It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is... none. None more black."
  • ..but the Estate of Francis Gary Powers wants royalties!
  • Any color you want (Score:5, Informative)

    by mikeylebeau ( 68519 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:13PM (#10579162) Homepage
    You could also get your iPod colored however you want from ColorWare [].. or buy one pre-colored from them direct. Looks pretty cool.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The black letters on black background display might be a little tough to read, but it might count as one of the first real monochrome (mono = one) displays. I like the black play/FF/etc arrows printed on the black case, too.
  • Downhill battle... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by inkdesign ( 7389 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:14PM (#10579173)
    "U2 and Interscope will split a standard royalty for each song downloaded (about $0.60 per download), plus an upfront licensing fee."

    Good to know SOMEBODY is getting something approaching a (more) fair cut of online royalties...

    • by pknoll ( 215959 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:31PM (#10579387)
      Good to know SOMEBODY is getting something approaching a (more) fair cut of online royalties...

      This is what it will take, I think. A big-name band like U2 or Pearl Jam, maybe REM, saying "screw the system, we're going straight to digital".

      Once it's shown that the electronic distribution model can work - and it may take a big name to try it and see - others will follow suit.

    • Check out this link [], as posted on slashdot a couple of days ago. The bottom of the article has a break down of where the money for a $16 album goes. $1.60 goes to the artist, which when you look at the other costs seems like a 'fair cut' to me.
    • by Coryoth ( 254751 )
      "U2 and Interscope will split a standard royalty for each song downloaded (about $0.60 per download), plus an upfront licensing fee."

      Good to know SOMEBODY is getting something approaching a (more) fair cut of online royalties...

      Any artist that signs on with Magnatune gets a guaranteed 50% of any sale. That's 50% straight to the artist, not splitting a ~60% royalty with Apple.

      They're getting reasonable numbers of artists signing on too. Magnatune really is the best online music seller I've encountered
  • Yes, but is it None More Black?
  • by fembots ( 753724 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:15PM (#10579180) Homepage
    Are we seeing a new marketing tactic in the horizon?

    Eg Buy a DVD Recorder with LOTR extendeder version preloaded? Or TiVo with 10 seasons of Friends?

    Oh! It'll be fun if iPod's preloading Beatles songs...
    • Considering the Beatles won't let their music out in a digital format...I think not.
      • the Beatles won't let their music out in a digital format
        Funny, I own several Beatles albums on CD. Last I checked, CDDA stands for Compact Disc Digital Audio and is, as the name implies, a digital format.

        Or perhaps you meant that the Beatles won't allow their songs to be sold in a compressed, lossy, digital format?
    • by tji ( 74570 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @04:26PM (#10580049)
      > Or TiVo with 10 seasons of Friends?

      That's a good idea.. I recently got an HD Tivo, and it had 250GB of empty space that could have been used for sample content.

      It could allow for a better user experience, otherwise you have to wait several days for the Tivo to build up a list of programs captured. It could also kickstart the Tivo learning process by providing many programs for the user to rate. If they threw in a couple of more valuable items, like pay-per-view movies, or HBO movies, it would be even more effective.

      They could probably even get companies to pay them for the privilege.. I'm sure the networks would love the opportunity to pre-load the pilot episode of their programs on Tivos to make it easy for people to greatly increase the chance that viewers give it a chance.

      Even a couple sample HDTV programs would be nice to show off the 1080i video and Dolby Digital 5.1 audio capabilities of the unit..
  • by dougnaka ( 631080 ) * on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:16PM (#10579192) Homepage Journal
    Please note that you are NOT allowed to distribute this file online during its iTunes exclusive rights phase.

  • by IronMagnus ( 777535 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:16PM (#10579193)
    Instead of mac apple and beatles apple fighting.. why don't they team up and sell a version of the white ipod with an apple graphic on the wheel thats pre-loaded with the beatles' white album.. the marketing writes itself.
  • Beatles Lawsuit? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by the pickle ( 261584 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:16PM (#10579197) Homepage
    As noted yesterday [] on As the Apple Turns [], this could have some ramifications for the lawsuit, as Apple Computer is going to be shipping physical media with pre-recorded songs on it. The argument up to this point was that Apple Computer had never shipped any physical media containing songs (Barenaked Ladies music videos on the Mac OS 8+ system CDs notwithstanding), and thus wasn't in violation of the previous agreement with Apple Records.

    I'm curious to see what the Beatles'/Apple Records' lawyers will say about this.

    • by djh101010 ( 656795 ) * on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:21PM (#10579255) Homepage Journal
      I'm curious to see what the Beatles'/Apple Records' lawyers will say about this.

      Well, Apple Computers has continued to do what they agreed not to do, time after time, and continues to give money to Apple Corps, LTD because of it. All I can figure is that it's considered a "cost of doing business" and is factored in already. I can't personally see why U2 of all groups would be what they'd do this with - why not work _with_ The Beatles and release an iPod with the Beatles catalog on it? Now _that_, I would buy, and pay a premium for even (since I own the whole thing in several formats already). Hell, the Beatles collectors would probably buy a ton of these, leave 'em unopened, and so on. What better than a sale with no support costs post-sale? Seems like a natural to me...
    • Re:Beatles Lawsuit? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by iphayd ( 170761 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:28PM (#10579342) Homepage Journal
      Actually, that is completely false. When iTunes first came out, Apple shipped all consumer Macs with a variety of songs in a "iTunes Sampler". This was prior to the iTMS.
  • Too bad this will probably be an U.S. only -deal. I couldn't care less about U2, but I've considered to finally buy an iPod next month, and my metal-weighted music library would deserve black covers around it. ;)
  • by Mad Martigan ( 166976 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:18PM (#10579210) Homepage
    black iPod that comes preloaded with the band's new album as well as portions of the band's 25-year back catalo

    Sure, it's cool that the iPod is black (although, I can't seem to find any pictures of said iPod. I'd love to see what it looks like), but I think the real question is how much of the band's catalog is preloaded onto it? If you are a U2 fan, and the device contains, say, even 50% of the catalog, that's pretty significant value added. Of course, if you're a U2 fan, you probably own those albums anyway, so maybe not.

    Still, I guess it's a nice marketing gimmick by Apple. Exclusive rights to seel the music (online, and for a little while at least), some ads out of a pretty popular group, and a million trillion news outlets covering the story and producing even more press. Kudos, Apple.
  • by FerretFrottage ( 714136 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:18PM (#10579213)
    in reverse....dopi2U

  • I saw them circa 1980. I brought a girl, hoping to impress her. U2 brought their full stadium sound gear. Trouble was, it was a 4,500 seat auditorium.

    I've noticed that as a trend over the years: bands don't tune their sound to the venue very well. The sound guys usually wear headphones, to zero in on this track or that, and don't bother with just how loud the overall band is after the initial sound check.

    The overvolume of the show pretty much ruined me on U2 after that. All I could think of when I hea
    • OT: Earplugs (Score:3, Insightful)

      Earplugs rock. Particularly because it filters out other crap you hear (glass or chairs rattling in a venue, annoying guy next to you) and leaves you with a good headphone-esque volume in your ear during the show.

      I'm still rather young to speak like an old goat about this, but earplugs are the only way I listen to shows anymore. I got tired of the ear ringing directly after, and having everybody shout at you when talking to you for the next 2 days. I love music so much, that I want to protect my heari
  • by goldspider ( 445116 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:20PM (#10579243) Homepage
    Ya'll see that commercial with him pimping the iPod? He counts "Uno... Dos... Tres... Catorce" in Spanish. Now I may not be the most educated man on Earth, but I know sure as shit that fourteen does NOT come after three!!
  • by Eberlin ( 570874 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:20PM (#10579248) Homepage
    My Karma's bound to take a beating for this but oh well...

    This portable mp3 player seems nice and I've been shopping around for a while but I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

    Does it have additional GPS functionality in case I get lost where the streets have no name?

    They initially went with Rio but with the faulty hard-drives, the "Rio Lemon" just wasn't going to be popular.

    They were also pitched a deal with Microsoft but Bono didn't like the idea of Ballmer dancing to Mysterious Ways...and Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me for that matter.

    I heard the new black ipod is nature-proof and can be used even in places of high elevation.

    Asked if the band actually uses the product, Bono admitted that both he and The Edge owned One...but they're not the same.
  • BOY! I sure want ONE of those! I wonder if the headphone WIRE is colored - if not, I'll have to PAINT IT BLACK. If I had a black iPod I'd sure take PRIDE in it. I wonder if it comes in 40 gig? Y'know, I got a white iPod once and it was a LEMON. Now that I think about it, I guess an iPod isn't really what I want. Great... I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR.

    (Go ahead. Mod me down. I'll still laugh at it... WITH OR WITHOUT YOU!)

  • by WormholeFiend ( 674934 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:22PM (#10579269)
    for a Type R iPod in green/purple chameleon paint, and a "spinner rim" scroll wheel.
  • This isn't the first time someone's announced an iPod in non-standard colours.. nothing came of it last time around!

    I don't believe Apple want to issue iPods which aren't in the standard colours as it breaks the consistency of their product line. Black iPods? I'll believe it when I see it.
  • backup the songs? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by MCS ( 202073 ) <(moc.liamg) (ta) (merehcs)> on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:22PM (#10579276) Homepage
    Lets say I bought this new ipod, and I had to format it for some reason.

    Now will I be able to get the preshipped songs back on it? Will I be able to transfer them off the Ipod (or install CD) to make a copy for my (fair) use?
  • If a band is gonna tie itself to a marketing campaign, you might as well give them the whole kit & kaboodle.

    That would entail:

    all albums. Yeah, all of them.
    B-sides. Ie stuff not on the albums/cds/compilations
    outtakes/demos - Get the really-hard-to-find U2 audio. You know, those tracks you have to buy the whole box set to get, and it's usually just 1 or 2 tunes + all the tunes you had before?

    If you're gonna go, go all out. Put some tracks that might not sell well by itself, but would be a great additi
  • Its sales were flying high until spyware was found on board-- then the Government shot it down.
  • by Dirtside ( 91468 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:29PM (#10579353) Journal
    Maybe this is just nitpicking, but the word "custom" usually means "built to custom specifications for a particular customer." Customer. This is really just a special promotional edition iPod that is being mass-produced. Kind of misleading to call it "custom."
  • Earbuds (Score:3, Interesting)

    by FiReaNGeL ( 312636 ) <fireang3l&hotmail,com> on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:32PM (#10579409) Homepage
    I wonder if the earbuds (and cord) are black too. White cord/earbuds used to be a sign of 'rob me, I got an expansive Ipod in my pocket'. Many friends of mine changed the (excellent) earbuds that came with their Ipod for Sony's one for this particular reason.

    As a side note, I just don't get the U2 sponsorship thing... what's next, pink Ipod with Britney preloaded?
  • Obvious (Score:5, Funny)

    by blackmonday ( 607916 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:34PM (#10579437) Homepage
    I'm still waiting for the black and yellow sriped STRYPER edition. Hello?

  • by Proteus ( 1926 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:38PM (#10579479) Homepage Journal
    Once again, Apple demonstrates that they've mastered the art of slick marketing. This new iPod should definately appeal to a few categories of people who don't already own an iPod:
    • Those who don't like the whiteness
    • Those who are fad-driven, since this will be the "latest cool thing"
    • Those pondering an iPod purchase, but who were undecided might see extra value in the preloaded songs, and be pushed to buy
    • U2 fan{boy|girl}s: they will buy because the black iPod screams "I'm a U2 fan".
    I expect that this promotion will be rather effective, and we'll see Apple running similar promos in the future. Also, the poster who predicted changeable iPod covers (a la cellphone faceplates) is, IMO, right on the money.
  • by acomj ( 20611 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:40PM (#10579500) Homepage
    Forbes says "Vertigo has topped the iTunes download charts since its debut three weeks ago". The itunes chart..

    Is this the new metric on song popularity? It would seem to very accurate because you can track who would be willing to pay for a song rather than on an album by album basis..

  • by luiss ( 217284 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @03:50PM (#10579606)
    iPods are officially one-way when it comes to transfering music. You can put music in, but not take it out. So, how will you get those preloaded tunes off your iPod and into your iTunes so that they don't get wiped out the first time you sync your iPod?
    Maybe they come with a music store "gift certificate" or something? You buy the ipod, then logon to download your "preload" ?
  • by adzoox ( 615327 ) on Wednesday October 20, 2004 @04:41PM (#10580205) Journal
    I'm trying to figure out the ways to get this the cheapest. I suppose this will not be available in any other store than the Apple retail store or Apple's online store...

    1) Use a paypal debit card (1.5% back) or other credit card cash back or point reward card (up to 4%)

    2) Buy under a program like MyPoints using the affiliate Apple Store Link = a 5% yield in converted to cash points

    3) Least useful tip: have the item shipped where Apple does not charge sales tax

    Can anyone else think of any other ways to save money on such an item to yield it for the lowest price?
  • Every time you try to operate one of the weird black controls that are labelled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up black to let you know youve done it.

Once it hits the fan, the only rational choice is to sweep it up, package it, and sell it as fertilizer.
