'Make' Premier Issue 198
Make | |
author | Published by John Battelle and O'Reilly Media |
pages | 192 |
publisher | www.makezine.com |
rating | 10 |
reviewer | Alex Moskalyuk |
ISBN | 0596009224 |
summary | A quarterly magazine on DIY technology |
But enough with the links. On the front page the magazine features 181 pages for DIY technology, promising stories on aerial photography, backyard monorails, XM radio hacks, iPod tricks, DIY magnetic card reader and blogging made simple. Make is roughly half the size of a normal full-page magazine (like PC Mag or InfoWorld) and generally feels like a paperback book more than a magazine. The paper is also not the glossy print you'd see in normal magazines, it says on page 8 that they used New Leaf Paper, made 100% from post-consumer waste. Make generally uses normal-type font, which should be readable by anyone, except for some pages where they switch to really large fonts.
The magazine is broken down into several logical categories. It starts with editors' welcome letters and short features of some DIY projects people have done on their own (this guy's backyard monorail stands out). The Maker pages in this premiere issue contain an interview with Neil Gershenfeld from MIT, an article on heirloom technology, possibility of building an open-source car and an expose of Bay Area Dorkbot group.
The Projects category (starting at p. 49) is where the real fun starts. The projects take up majority of the pages, and it makes sense - looks like the authors put their best into providing excruciating details, pieces of advice and general information, so that anyone can follow their work. The projects are well-illustrated, some contain necessary diagrams and cartoon-like explanations of what needs to be done to assemble the proper devices, the step-by-step pages contain both pictures and text. Each project is sub-divided into several parts - Set up (list of everything needed before you start), Make it (the actual step-by-step instructions and discussion of the projects), Use it (reasons for tinkering with the project in the first place). The setup list is also provided on Make Web site, like here's the list of components for magnetic stripe reader.
The projects for the issue include adding a disposable camera to the kite for aerial photography, a $14 video camera stabilizer, 5-in-1 network cable (the combination of RJ45 and DB9 inputs) and the magnetic stripe reader.
The major projects are followed by the projects consuming less time and efforts. This is mainly for people who would rather spend more money at the spot, buy some cool accessory to complement their electronic device, and do minimal engineering on their own, as far as I understand. The categories include Home Entertainment, Mobile, Cars, Online, Computers and some additional projects that did not fit anywhere above. The table of contents contains the complete list of projects.
It looks like the magazine that is needed in the market. At some point playing with technology became synonymous with running to the nearest mall and getting the latest electronic gadget, and even RadioShack nowadays mostly looks like a flashy storefront for selling cell service plans and new PDAs. Make is the magazine for people who like to look under the hood, who like to work on do-it-yourself projects and who feel great accomplishment when a project is over, even though its practical usability might be questioned. Of course, the amount of projects in the magazine is a bit overwhelming, but my guess is they figure you'll find some extremely interesting and some are just not interesting at all.
Since I grew up in the Soviet Union, Make magazine reminds me of Young Technician (when technician meant someone involved with technology), a Russian must-subscribe boy magazine that would pull the latest science and technology news together, and also dedicate large portion of its pages to readers' projects. Of course, nowadays, in the age of Hack A Day, Lifehacker and numerous HOW-TOs such magazine might not exactly have the exclusive coverage of the DIY projects. Google might turn out more results, but for some of the projects it also looks like the authors were either pioneers or authorities in their field since googling for DIY aerial photography provides just Make article and a bunch of links to it.
Make is a quarterly publication, so $35 subscription fee covers only 4 issues per year. A bit expensive, but if you plan to enrich yourself and spend free time more productively, I think Make has lots of content to entice the reader and keep him busy for 3 months. First impression might not mean a whole lot, but Make was one of few magazines that I enjoyed reading from page 1 to page 192.
I'll wait (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I'll wait (Score:1)
Re:I'll wait (Score:5, Funny)
And after you finish reading 'Make', read it again
(but just the Install section).
Re:I'll wait (Score:1)
Nah... (Score:1)
Re:I'll wait (Score:2)
Up next: APT magazine (Score:2)
Thus saving, of course, the endless time one would waste building it oneself: gone are the days of endless hours wasted and headaches endured trying to debug your rickety homemade photography kite or videocam image stabilizer.
Re:Up next: APT magazine (Score:2)
Re:I'll wait (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I'll wait (Score:2)
Re:I'll wait (Score:2)
Re:I'll wait (Score:2)
Re:I'll wait (Score:1)
Yeah, But... (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah but, will it ever replace Slashdot?
Re:Yeah, But... (Score:5, Funny)
Probably not...duplicate stories will cost you $8.74
Re:Yeah, But... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Yeah, But... (Score:3, Funny)
Until I get a flat panel monitor on the wall of my bathroom, the magazine will have to do.
Just use a PDA with a wireless adapter... (Score:2)
Re:Yeah, But... (Score:2)
Re:Yeah, But... (Score:2)
Re:Yeah, But... (Score:2)
Never, because the point behind 'Make' is to actually READ the articles.
$35 for 4 issues (Score:2, Interesting)
192: My First Computer
Remembering how my dad built an Apple II from scratch.
170: MakeShift
Imagine this: Your car battery is dead, and you're stuck in the woods. Your mission: Get home before you freeze to death.
84: $14 Video Camera Stabilizer
You don't have $10,000 to spend on a Steadicam? Make this ultra-low-cost video camera stabilizer and see how much better your video shots turn out.
I think I'll pass on this one. Maybe when they get to 12 issues for $12
Not very fair... (Score:5, Informative)
What's arong with a cheap stabilizer? Let's you run along with video cameras just about as well as pro stabilizers, and is dead-simmple to build.
But they have lots, and lots of other stuff as well. Other more interesting projetcs like a home-made mag-stripe reader to see what is on your cards. Or tips on proper soldiering/desoldiering (to prepare you for future projects no doubt). Or even the kite thing which was interesting.
They also do a very good job with project descriptions, to the point where probably almost anyone could do any of the projects.
It is 195 pages after all, and has a wide range of material. At only $8.75 and issue I think it's a pretty good deal.
Re:$35 for 4 issues (Score:2, Funny)
Re:$35 for 4 issues (Score:2, Funny)
Pantyhose work wonders for a makeshift engine belt, but are difficult to explain to the wife...
Never mind that, how do you explain your sig to your wife?
Re:$35 for 4 issues (Score:2)
Re:$35 for 4 issues (Score:2)
Re:$35 for 4 issues (Score:2)
Re:$35 for 4 issues (Score:2)
Then drive back to my streamside cabin, dock the car to the paddlewh
Re:$35 for 4 issues (Score:2)
Does this mean... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Does this mean... (Score:2)
Aren't there bears "Outside?" [penny-arcade.com]
Re:Does this mean... (Score:3, Funny)
Issue #2 will have an article . . . (Score:2)
I know this sounds kind of scary, but it is pretty easy, and fairly safe once you have the right equipment.
Go Make Go! (Score:4, Funny)
of course, now i'll have to suffer with h4x0r inferiority complex, but thats the price i'll pay....
Re:Go Make Go! (Score:2)
Re:Go Make Go! (Score:2)
192 Pages? (Score:4, Interesting)
In the day of paper thin magizines (anyone read 'Time' lately?), that's pretty hefty. Even if it is 1/2 size.
What I didn't see was any mention of how much advertising there was (or will be).
Re:192 Pages? (Score:4, Informative)
not much at all.
Reminds me of "Wired" in the late '90s? (Score:4, Funny)
But seriously, those things were huge. It was a giddy era. Negroponte was waxing philosophical about digital this and digital that. Articles about crazy new technology abounded. Everyone walked around wearing shades because the future was so damned bright.
The future just ain't what it used to be, eh?
Re:Reminds me of "Wired" in the late '90s? (Score:2)
(Or something to that effect.)
Hehe.... I thought it was silly even when I bought it. Wish I could have the writers here so I could really rub their noses in it.
Re:Reminds me of "Wired" in the late '90s? (Score:2)
Wired?? Bah! (Score:2)
At one point the mag was so thick that police officers in major cities were subscribing, just so they could use 'em as hillbilly personal armor. I used to use my back issues to reinforce deterioriating sections of the basement walls in my house.
Wired was for pansies. Real men used the Computer Shopper. That was personal armor, and you coud have built your basement with back issues. Kids today...
Re:192 Pages? (Score:2, Insightful)
I count 8 ads. At least one of which is for a *very* cool company. There are also links for places to buy the stuff you need for the project in the articles themselves. But I consider that info rather than ads. It is worth every penny.
Lucky, lucky, lucky... (Score:5, Funny)
(Still waiting)
Re:Lucky, lucky, lucky... (Score:1)
Re:Lucky, lucky, lucky... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Lucky, lucky, lucky... (Score:2)
Credit Order in the amount of $34.95.
Your subscription term is for 13 Months.
Your first Issue will be the 3/1/2005 Issue.
You may have to wait a while. In the meantime, I picked up the first issue at Linux World this week.
Make (Score:1)
I figured even RPM installs are better. For easiest use, deal with apt, urpmi, or synaptic.
Wonder if the magazine was proposed by a gentoo user. Wait, even THEY use emerge!!!
it's about time (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:it's about time (Score:4, Informative)
It's a nice mix of technical and not-technical. about 1/3rd of the stuff I saw looked like stuff I would have loved to have played with as a kid (i.e. if you're technical enough to handle model rocketry), and another 1/3rd is moderately technical. Another 1/3rd is product reviews and recommendations - like an explosive drain clog remover that uses CO2 cartriges.
The actual projects have step-by-step instructions, so I assume you wouldn't need to be technical at all to do them. The list of items for some of them is pretty intense though, like the kite photography howto, makes me wish they offered kits.
Overall I think it's an awesome magazine and I hope it lasts.
Re:WTF? Make up your mind! (Score:2, Interesting)
There was a review of 'Warcraft 2', back when it was first released, in one of those 6" thick English PC mags. It was hyserically funny, and I bought the game on the strength of it, so I guess it did the job intended. But I had to wade through more than 100 pages of ads just to get to the contents page, letalone the review!
And then there was a story from a 'Byt
Re:WTF? Make up your mind! (Score:2)
I think its begining to change with Linux and a generation that has grown up around computers, but many publications that can live happily in the US market would be bust within m
First Issue arrived yesterday... (Score:5, Informative)
No Link? (Score:3, Informative)
No link to Popular Mechanics [popularmechanics.com]? They've had a web presence since '96 or so. Give them some love, editors.
Geekazine! (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes, you can Google stuff, but nothing compares to the portability of dead trees.
I can wallow in the memories of the projects (some now illegal, alas, if done today) I did as a young nerd (1964-1984).
Will they publish deadtree-only content? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Will they publish deadtree-only content? (Score:2)
But we all know that never happens on the Internet. Why do they insist on treating their customers like CRIMINALS!?!
Re:Will they publish deadtree-only content? (Score:1)
Which seems rather odd, considering that much if not all of their material (at least this first issue) CAME FROM other web articles.
eg 5-in-1 cable [ossmann.com] and I'm sure I read the kite-digicam mod somewhere...
Doubtful (Score:5, Insightful)
Sure you could probably get similar info on most of the projects anywhere. But will you? The answer is probably no. Doallars to donuts that by the time the next Make rolls around you will have read nothing of any of the projects they feature, even though you could look them up. I know because I am the same way!
The purpose of the magazine is partly an aggregator of interesting projects, but also partly a motivator to try and be more than just a consumer again and start exploring the possibility of creation that so many of us enjoyed when we were kids. I mean, one of the projects is a home-built mag-stripe reader, how cool is that? Well I think it's cool.
Also I would say that the general level of presentaiton is very good and possibly more clear than a lot of articles you are going to find online. They really did go to a lot of work to make sure than even someone with trepidations can do a lot of the projects, they are so clear.
Re:Doubtful (Score:2)
Actually yes, since I follow Engadget's RSS feed. That was how I knew where to go get that story, even though the reviewer said that googling for it did not turn it up.
I don't deny the coolness factor. I love the idea. I'm just saying that if it's nothing more than a print version of stories that have already been circulating for 3 months, then there's no real reason for me to buy it
Bonus sneakpeek of... (Score:5, Funny)
Future editions are expected to feature many such real life pictures of geeks in action, potentially attracting thousands of subscribers.
Re:Bonus sneakpeek of... (Score:2)
LinuxWorld (Score:2, Informative)
One more link from their company was http://www.makingthings.com/ [makingthings.com]
i'm stoked (Score:2, Funny)
i've been waiting for this badboy for a while now. not that i'm actually adept at tinkering, but that's the whole idea, i guess, right?
for the meantime, i've been reading nuts and volts magazine while running the elliptical thing at the gym. its so funny, because everyone else is reading fitness magazines, and i'm lookin at inductor related schematics. wtf?
yeah i went to RPI.
Subscription Promotional Codes (Score:3, Informative)
Why not? (Score:1)
Re:Subscription Promotional Codes (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Subscription Promotional Codes (Score:3, Informative)
I would just add that the promo code gives you a free edition above and beyond the 4 you get with a regular subscription. So it is a free issue, but it requires a full subscription, in which case you get five issues instead of four.
but useful info nonetheless, thx.
One of my treasured possessions. . . (Score:5, Interesting)
She didn't even blink when she came home one day to find I had built a formula car in the dining room because there wasn't room for it in the living room workshop. We all just lived in the kitchen for awhile, which is where we spent most of our family time anyway.
More recently she's actually the one who clued me in to the whole dorkbot thingy (I'm a fairly solitary tinkerer, although testing new vehicles does seem to draw something of a crowd at times).
So what the hell happened to PM anyway?
Sounds like I'll have to at least check out Make, but I fear I'll be disappointed in it. .
Brick and Mortar? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Brick and Mortar? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Brick and Mortar? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Brick and Mortar? (Score:2)
I'll guess is how it's written... (Score:3, Funny)
cd make-magazine-1.1
make articles
make magazine
getting the obvious joke out of the way (Score:1)
Current issue with subscription? (Score:2)
Finally (Score:2)
Well... (Score:2)
Actually my favorite mod that I did when I was younger was to remove the keyboard from an Atari ST (built into the main computer), slap a pizza-box around it for a backing, then use a joystick cord to connect the keyboard back to the PC. It held up for years like that and was a lot more convienient. It was not very complex but it had a lot of value.
I subscribed to Make because I've been yearing
Re:Well... (Score:2)
Re:Finally (Score:2, Funny)
Sorry, I was busy getting laid....
Re:Finally (Score:2)
The good old days weren't (Score:2)
Re:The good old days weren't (Score:2)
Re:Finally (Score:2)
Howtoons (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Howtoons (Score:2)
Yeah, the one about building a little motor is actually in the first issue of Make
hmm.. (Score:2)
I'm impressed with it (Score:4, Interesting)
When I was lookin' through my issue last night I kind of skimmed by the stuff they showed OS X doing - but when I went back and read it this morning, it actually looked like some cool stuff.
I do hope that in the future they have some actual electronics projects in there of some sort. I am sure they will. This time around it looked to be mainly taking what is already out there and showing different ways of putting said gizmo to use, or fixing it.
Overall though, I have to give Make a big thumbs up. It looks nice, is fun to read, and is gonna be really useful.
BTW, as I was typing this, I kept trying to come up with what Make reminds me of. I think I got it.... a paper version of The Screen Savers when the show did not suck.
I'll get it (Score:2, Funny)
Can you get it without subscribing? (Score:2)
This magazine sounds really cool, but I'd like to actually read an issue before deciding whether or not I want to subscribe.
Does anyone know if you can get it in any stories, or is it subscription only? From reading the site, it sounds like it is subscription only, but I'm hoping that's not the case.
PS: Is it just me, or do most of the projects they covered sound awfully lot like slashdot stories we've had in the last 6 months?
Re:Can you get it without subscribing? (Score:4, Informative)
When will it be out?
The premier issue of Make should ship to subscribers and single-issue purchasers in mid-February and hit bookstores and newsstands at the end of February.
subscription process (Score:2)
It asks for your CC info, then gives you a "you've been invoiced" page where you can click on another link to "pay" with your credit card (again?!) but this time you really seem to submit it. Bizarre.
Rather surprized no-one has mentioned the railgun (Score:3, Interesting)
A cheap way to arm your home-built patrol Death-Bot.
Re:Rather surprized no-one has mentioned the railg (Score:2)
BEWARE! These magnets are exceedingly strong and fragile. They WILL jump out of your hand and smack together, often cracking one. Due to this fragility, there is an upper limit on number of magnets and speed. Too many, and the ball bearings will go too fast and crack the magnets.
To placate the handwringers, we called it a 'Linear Accelerator' instead of a railgun or Ga
EXCLUSIVE! A peek at Issue #2's Table of Contents (Score:3, Funny)
* SpaceShip Two plans.
* Wood: Where does it come from?
* Trap Doors 101
* The wacky world of George Foreman Grill hacking.
* The first article of a five part series on DIY genetic engineering, describing how to modify your colonic bacteria so that your farts smell like orange potpourri. (The issue with part five, "Catgirls," is predicted to be best-seller.)
Tux Magazine gone (Score:2, Interesting)
praise (Score:2)
Anyway, I wish them best of luck!
1970s Whole Earth Catalog (Score:2)
Re:Can they keep the pace in the future? (Score:2)
Oooh, classic Slashdot negativity there! There are thousands and thousands of possible DIY projects out there. The Make team doesn't have to come up with new stuff, just track down what other people have already done.