European Piracy Crackdowns 219
DigitumDei writes "The British
Phonographic Industry has been busy over the last half year. Their recent success which netted them £50,000 in out of court settlements is certainly not going to be the end of it with the UK courts forcing 6 ISP's to release information on a further 31 file sharers. The ISPs have 14 days to comply. And once located will be offered the opporunity to settle out of court. 'We would particularly advise parents to check what their children are doing on the internet and make sure that they are not breaking the law by filesharing illegally,' said Geoff Taylor, BPI General Counsel." And in other news, the oldest and largest ISP in Sweden, Bahnnof was the subject of a raid that netted what looks to be the biggest results in Europe ever; as well papper writes "The Swedish organization Antipiratbyrån, which has nothing to do with Swedish goverment, recently got hacked. This was both revenge for and an attempt to stop similair raids like the one who took place this friday, against the ISP Banhof. During the raid several FTP-servers were seized. On the hacked site the responsible group, AUH, posts some private e-mails about an alleged informer and makes threats to release more information and of course there is the mandatory braging. The site is located at Antripiratbyran with a mirror elsewhere and a translated verison also online (although it seems unreachable at the moment). "
ehm first post? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:ehm first post? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:ehm first post? (Score:2)
Caller: Why can't you do X? Bahnhof does X.
support tech: Well, Bahnhof is a German ISP and they use a completely different system than us, X simply cant be done with swedens' telephone systems.
Caller: meh....
It is not all dark... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:It is not all dark... (Score:2, Informative)
That news story is nearly as interesting and informative as it was three farking days ago [slashdot.org].
Re:It is not all dark... (Score:2)
The problem is, by default, most P2P clients have uploading turned on. So unless you take proactive steps not to 'share', you're in violation. And of course if everyone did that, there would be nothing to download.
British Phonographic Industry? (Score:5, Funny)
Is there much of a British Pornographic Industry?
Re:British Phonographic Industry? (Score:2, Funny)
Today, their main purpose is giving the derring-do to the chinamen selling pirated phono-graphs from the boot of their tin lizzies. I refuse to dance the Charleston to a counterfeit phono-graph. Huzzah!
Re:British Phonographic Industry? (Score:3, Informative)
"Crazy kids! Downloading Phonographs!"
Wow, and if you think that's wacky, the NAACP stands for the National Association of Colored People, when "colored" has been politically incorrect for half a century now!
And guess what the 2nd "T" in AT&T stands for -- "telegraph!"
Seriously, it's interesting that people start tripping on the "P" in "BPI" whenever it's posted. I'm guessing that it's because many Slashdotters are teenagers, and organizations that have been for around for longer than they have
Re:British Phonographic Industry? (Score:3, Informative)
Anyways, a lot of companies simply change what their initials stand for, or just remove any meaning from their initials. See 3M or BP for example.
3M now stands for "3M", instead of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing. BP is simply BP now (for all practical purposes). They are no longer British Petroleum.
Re:British Phonographic Industry? (Score:2)
" It's called a joke. Poking fun at a clearly dated name."
Correct. It's clear that the GP was trying to be funny. I should have been more careful in my point: I don't know why so many Slashdotters find that old company names are funny. I stand by my theory that it's because many Slashdotters are teenagers, and thus haven't run into a whole lot of old company names yet.
You can add KFC your list as well. They still fry 'em and they're purportedly still chicken, but frying isn't so friendly of a conc
Re:KFC (Score:2)
Apparently, the idea is to make you think about everything you read, and not just to trust it because Snopes said it...
Re:KFC (Score:2)
Narcissus is correct that Snopes' explanation is actually a joke, but for what it's worth, I was fooled as well when I first read it a few years back.
Re:British Phonographic Industry? (Score:2)
Re:British Phonographic Industry? (Score:2)
Or just got the opposite. Remember when there used to be restaurants called 'Kentucky Fried Chicken'? No more...for some reason, it is now just KFC....with no mention of what it stands far.
When did eating fried chicken become non-PC?
Re:British Phonographic Industry? (Score:2)
I thought that coloured was the politically correct term, and that nigger and coon and wog were the ones frowned upon? Are we supposed to call them black now? And who is it who decides this, and from who do they get their authority?
Re:British Phonographic Industry? (Score:2)
Remember, the world would be a wonderful place if french cooked, germans made cars, british were policemen and italians were lovers. And a wretched place if germans cooked, french made cars, italians were policemen and british were lovers. So you better look up IPI.
"The British Phonographic Industry" (Score:4, Funny)
Re:"The British Phonographic Industry" (Score:2)
At this very moment I'm laughing my ass off.
Boycott (Score:5, Insightful)
What happens if I don't want them looking through my private mail/pictures/documents?
They will not stop this stupid behavior unless we hit them where it really hurts, their wallets.
So, don't buy another CD, don't see another film, dont rent another DVD and don't buy any programs from the companys sponsoring "Antipiratbyrån" until they stop this foolishness!
Re:Boycott (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Boycott (Score:2)
I figure god has it in his todo list
"#82773. at 2012/dec - initate pole flip, let in the cosmic rads, let the cleansing begin"
Re:Boycott (Score:5, Interesting)
Anyway, if you really plan on doing this (and getting enough people to do it), then be sure to really let them know why you aren't buying their stuff... otherwise you'll just give them ammo (hey, sales are lowering, that's because of piracy, we need more lawsuits!!!)
Re:Boycott (Score:2)
Yep! Sending in a letter will take the ammo right out of their guns!
Then they couldn't lobby and blame the losses on piracy, because that would be like dishonest or something.
Re:Boycott (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Boycott (Score:2)
Re:Boycott (Score:2)
Re:Boycott (Score:1)
People also have to stop downloading RIAA/MPAA stuff.
As long as people demonstrate a demand for their product (either by buying or downloading), the industries will have ammunition to bring to their favorite congresscritters.
In fact, doesn't downloading instead of buying make the industries' case for them?
Stop buying and downloading RIAA music. Stop buying and downloading MPAA movies.
Re:Boycott (Score:3, Informative)
If they can show a correlation between falling sales and rising downloads, they can argue that people still want their product, but are obtaining it illegally, depriving the industry of sales.
However if they have falling sales AND falling downloads, that would suggest that people just don't want their product anymore.
Of course most people simply want shit for free, and disguise it as a protest.
Re:Boycott (Score:2)
Re:Boycott (Score:2, Interesting)
People don't buy CDs, rent DVDs or buy programs. They download.
A lot of people claim to live by the line of "If I like what I downloaded, then I'll buy it" which is complete crap. Very few people I know that download a lot actually buys what they like. I'm not saying this kind of person doesn't exist, I'm saying that they're
Re:Boycott (Score:2, Interesting)
Or, maybe go back to actually paying for expensively produced entertainment so that the entire industry doesn't feel the need to bother with this crap and will look silly when they do. Every time someone decides to "punish" them for protecting their rights by declaring "I wouldn't normally ever pirate anything, but now I'm g
Re:Boycott (Score:2)
Not at all in this case, it was for copyright infringement.
>Anyways... This does NOT give the anti piracy
>bureau any permission to enter your home or
>search through your stuff.
>AFAIK the raid on Bahnhof HQ was also made by
>the police, on a tip from the Anti Piracy
>Bureau, not by the APB itself. So... no need to
>freak out in sweden.
What happens is that someone can go to court if they think they have good enough proof of co
Translation... or not. (Score:5, Funny)
Hi and greet to AUHs nya home in cyberrymden! We have displaced in here behind they precedence proprietor stayed outcast frn Internet liked a body as braces away kill and unwanted organ. We have as it were yourself wondered very about what as actually happened with Bahnhof and as wes is , formerly youngest , almighty arga s feels wes ourselves exhort that divide that information but s mnga as possible. All for that yous also ska kunna become arga , and that eras friends ska become arga and their friends and s forth until Internet gator is full by an mad mob as sound AUH! AUH! AUH! and am claiming Ponténs blood!
Re:Translation... or not. (Score:1)
Did you translate Troll 3(Sweedish Collectors Edition)?
Re:Translation... or not. (Score:1)
Re:Translation... or not. (Score:1)
Re:Translation... or not. (Score:1)
A swede translates... (Score:3, Informative)
We have moved in here after the former owners got rejected from Internet like a body rejects dead and unwanted organs. We have, like you, wondered what actually happaned at Bahnhof and since we are, except young, very angry we feel requested to share this information with as many as possible. All because you should be able to be angry too, and so that your friends can be angry and their friends' friends and so forth until the streets of Internet are filled wi
Re:A swede translates... (Score:1)
Re:Translation... or not. (Score:2, Informative)
A good translation: "Welcome to AUHs new home in the cyberspace
We have moved in here after the previous owners were rejected from the internet, just like a body that rejects a dead or alien organ.
Just as the rest of you all, we have been wondering what really happened at
Re:Translation... or not. (Score:5, Funny)
To make that desision easier, here's that same text, translated from English to Sweedish and back by InterTran:
Re:Translation... or not. (Score:2)
"Dark is the suede that mows like a harvest."
Good Grief... (Score:2, Insightful)
Its amazing that government authorities still aren't aware that in most cases, its pretty damn clear to a child (over the age of 11 anyway) whether they are filesharing illegally or not. They should be responsible for checking their actions, not the parents.
Re:Good Grief... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Good Grief... (Score:2)
Re:Good Grief... (Score:2)
Re:Good Grief... (Score:2, Insightful)
Parents are legally liable for the actions of their children. Just because the child knows/doesn't know that downloading copyrighted material is illegal doesn't release their parents from responsibility.
Re:Good Grief... (Score:2)
Re:Good Grief... (Score:5, Insightful)
Any parent who lets their kids continue doing illegal, wrong, or hurtful things is not parenting. So the government encouraging parents to actually be involved with their kids lives is a Good Thing.
Re:Good Grief... (Score:2)
Re:Good Grief... (Score:2, Interesting)
I think that there are many parents that don't have even the slightest idea that downloading songs or movies from the internet could be illegal.
I know some and they don't believe me when I tell them.
Maybe I'm stating the obvious (Score:2, Informative)
And the site targeted is Antripiratbyran
Settlements (Score:5, Informative)
Unreachable? (Score:1, Funny)
After being posted on
There getting better (Score:1)
Oh hell... (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm a bit split at how to take this. APB (Translated: "The bureau of anti-piracy") is using illegal methods and a lot of money to track down and convict pirates. I believe we all agree that APB generally sucks. Right?
But defacing the website to publish information about private citizens is in my view worse. There's currently several campaigns going on which aims at terrorizing Pontus Pontén (chief asshat of the APB) by sending hate SMS, e-mail, snailmail. His own kids have gotten several death threats for fucks sake. What kind of message does that send?
There have also been several attempts to break into the APB locales, in at least one case using heavy tools.
APB uses methods thate are questionable to say the least, but this response will only strenghten the public view that pirates are evil anarchists that ought to be hung.
Sweden is a democracy, and we have freedom of speech. I'd like to encourage everyone to protest openly.
Has the RIAA or the MPAA ever provoked this kind of responses?
Re:Oh hell... (Score:1)
Re:Oh hell... (Score:3, Funny)
Give us the dubloons and the mp3's and nobody gets hurt! Arr!
Re:Oh hell... (Score:3, Interesting)
It sends the message that they are dirty slimeballs and they will rightfully deserve to be against the wall when then people get pissed-off enough at them.
When y
Re:Oh hell... (Score:2, Funny)
PS. You are mental.
Re:Oh hell... (Score:2)
Needless to say they changed their mind after the first couple of them blew up.
Wacky Norse.
Re:Oh hell... (Score:2)
Re:Oh hell... (Score:2)
Re:Oh hell... (Score:2)
Beyond "piracy" (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm sure this will all end up the same old discussion all over again, but this case with Bahnhof actually goes beyond "piracy", it's a question of judicial security.
What seems to have happened is this; APB (these are an umbrella org. for Sony and the other big giants) went to a court to get a warrant to search against Bahnhof. They listed the material they were after; Lisa Miskovsky, Kylie, Peter Jöback, Rebecka Törnqvist, Santana, The Ark, Totta Näslund(!!) and Ulf Lundell were some of the artists they mentioned. Anyhow...
They went in, shut the company down for the whole day (no one was allowed to use their computers for the rest of the day -- you can imagine how easy it is to run an ISP when you're not allowed to touch a computer) and found, they say, nothing of the material they used to get their warrant. Nothing!
Now, they did find other material, which they tipped off the police about (seeing as that would have to become a criminal case) the servers.
Now the question is; is it now basically acceptable to lie or just make up material for the search warrant? Should a consortium of large companies be allowed to put a million SEK in escrow, and then shut down another company while looking for anything illegal?
I don't think I've adequatly expressed all the problems (and known details) here, but this is big.
Swedes should look here [visionweb.se] (JO-anmälan) and here [skriver.nu] ("Piratjaktens Faror -- Om balansen mellan personlig integritet, rättssäkerhet och upphovsrätt")
Piratbyrån (Score:3, Informative)
Going underground... (Score:3, Insightful)
In fact, cutting out 90% of the activity may well satisfy The Man. I can't see that it's worth spending millions chasing down people swapping files among their friends via FTP, private newsgroups etc.
Re:Going underground... (Score:1)
Some of these place are only for the chosen few, but even the average surfer has found his way to the paid newsservers. Traffic is just going to shift from one place to the other, and when they start busting people in one place, the others will move quickly. It won't be long and people will start using (more) secure connections for their warez needs.
Re:Going underground... (Score:2)
Joe Surfer will continue to download music with the help of his friend the nerd. Freenet and such networks is functioning today and only needs a good gui and youre off to pirateland. Sharing will also increase over physical mediums like cdroms, dvds etc like in the old days. This will in no way stop piracy, just drive it underground where it cant be touched.
To really get to filesharing the media industry has to get their costomers to like them again and lower the prices so that piracy becomes a burdo
Re:Going underground... (Score:2)
Learning from the Yanks (Score:3, Interesting)
If they can't make money selling their product, the'll make it by collecting "piracy" settlements. The margins are probably better, too!
swedish law (Score:3, Informative)
software piracy falls into the same group as prostitution. its illegal to perform the "act", but its not illegal to exist. if that makes sense.
for example, if a police office catches a prostitude selling services to a gentleman, a crime is being committed. however, prostitutes are legal citizens - and, even their tax is declared so.
the same goes for software piracy, if a company can say "hey, i downloaded this file from user X - which is a copyright violation" and the cops come and cease your computers and find the file in question - you will be convicted of sharing files illegally over the internet.
however, if you have 1TB of TV shows and DVDR images - yet they cannot find the file they have the injunction for; you are free to go. owning the files is legal, sharing them isn't.
there was a case with some direct connect users where a guy got busted by the cops for sharing files; however, he got his computer back with all his illegal files without any legal action been made because they could not find the file in question.
What is the point of this? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:As a musician (Score:2)
For someone which usually does not like indie music, and has basically no musical hability whatsoever, I actually liked these.
typo (Score:1)
From the hourses mouth. (Score:5, Informative)
Hi Oliver,
Please find our P2P fact sheet attached.
Kind regards
BPI Anti Piracy Unit
Sent: 08 March 2005 16:27
To: Tonia Howell
Subject: P2P networks
I am a small producer for a few local bands here in the UK and have been thinking about releasing some demo tracks on the P2P networks, as it seems simpler than getting air-play time.
I am worried about recent reports in the news and advertising campaigns linking P2P networks with piracy and Terrorist activities. Although I am not a member of the BPI I would be glad of any advise on the matter.
"The unauthorised distribution of music over the internet is against the law. It infringes the
legal rights of artists and record companies. And it's bad for music.
The British record industry, which is responsible for the lion's share of the UK's investment
in new artists in excess of £150 million per year cannot possibly hope to continue
investing in new music if nobody pays for it."
Note, 'distribution', not copying.
"After years of widespread illegal uploading, the new legal download sites give music buyers
the opportunity to access an enormous range of music whenever they want."
Note, 'uploading', not downloading.
"The UK's official download chart was launched last September, and is set to be merged
with the UK singles chart this April."
Note, this doesn't include bittorrent downloads.
1) Illegal filesharing and the music industry
a. What is filesharing?
b. How can I tell if I am filesharing?
c. What's wrong with illegal filesharing?
d. The research: why filesharing damages sales
e. The picture in the UK
2) Online music piracy the industry response
a. Litigation
b. Instant messaging & consumer awareness
3) The rapid growth of legal music downloads
a. The UK digital download market
b. Broadband: opportunity for growth or the end of the album?
4) Further information
a. the UK's main digital music services
b. UK Digital Music Timeline, March 2005
c. Why illegal filesharing is wrong what the industry says
"a. What is filesharing?
Filesharing is the activity of trading digital files with other users over the internet. Users
trade files by downloading (to obtain them) and uploading (to distribute them).
In this context, downloading is when an internet user obtains a digital music file from the
internet. If this is done, for free, from an unauthorised source, it is likely that it has been
done illegally. UK internet users can download legally from an increasing number of
sources; see section 4a of this pack.
The more serious activity of uploading, is when an internet user allows other internet users
access to their digital music files. This is commonly done using filesharing programs. The
uploader is effectively distributing music illegally on the internet. This act is unlawful
regardless of whether or not the music was acquired illegally or legally.
Although the technology (also known as peer-to-peer, or p2p) offers lots of potential for the
development of legitimate services, the vast majority of songs currently available on file-
sharing networks are copyrighted works that are being distributed illegally."
"b. How can I tell if I am filesharing?
If you have filesharing software (known as a client) on your computer, have music in a
shared folder, and are connected to the internet, it's highly likely that you are filesharing
music illegally.
Here is a list of the more well-known filesharing clients that are used to fileshare illegally:
Kazaa, Grokster, eDonkey, LimeWire, Overnet, Direct Connect, BitTorrent, Soulseek,
Bearshare, iMesh, WinMX, Ares, Gnutella, GrabIt.
The only way to be sure that no one is illegally filesharing from your computer is to remove
the filesharing software altogether.
Bookmark the webpage below for a simple guide to re
Translation (Score:5, Informative)
Hello and welcome to AUH 's new home in cyberspace!
We have moved in here since the last owners were evicted from the internet, like the dead and unneeded organs of a body. We have, like you, wondered a lot about what really happened at Bahnhof and since we are, except young, very angry, we feel compelled to share this information with as many people as possible. So that you will be angry too, and your friends will be angry, and their friends will be angry and so on until the streets of the internet is filled with an angry mob chanting "AUH! AUH! AUH!" and demanding Ponténs[Note: Henrik Pontén, lawyer and front figure for Swedens Anti-Piracy] blood.
We'll start of slow by letting someone named 'Peter' sum up the situation
Hello there, Peter! It will be interesting to find out what kind of infiltration you guys have been doing
Before long, we realize that Pater is a pretty nasty person - time to infiltrate the infiltrator. An just so you know, we have infiltrated you, your sites, your mail and your activity ever since we stole your passwords through SONG 4 years ago. I suppose this makes us more macho than you.
Interesting, Peter is mailing IRC-logs to Anti-piracy. Could this means - is Peter the bad guy? Let's continue looking and see what we'll find!
Oh my.. That's a bad Peter! Mailing from home when you're undercover is just what you need to do if you want people to find out!
w00t! A chello address in
Re:Translation (Score:2)
Now the real question is, is that person actually who they thought it is?
Or did they just victimize some innocent man for something he didn't do at all..
*whistles tom dooley..*
Re:Translation (Score:2, Informative)
Our "social security" numbers aren't secret. You need a valid ID to do any of the things you speak of. Being able to mortage a house just buy knowing a string of numbers is insane. That'd require photo ID+signature, in person
Whereas identity theft is apparently a big problem in the US, it's pretty much unheard of in Sweden.
Re:Translation (Score:2)
Now you're stuck in a situation without any documentation about who you are. Only option is some trusted person who could identify you. With the "friends" help, you might be able to get new identity card with false name, assuming you know your place of birth and social security number. I'd assume they would ask alot more questions bef
Re:Translation (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Translation (Score:3, Interesting)
This isn't some law enforcement agent we're talking about. It's a greedy little worm, offering up his "friends" for money. He's a mercenary; and mercs are paid money for risk.
I say screw him.
Can a precedent be set? (Score:3, Interesting)
Follow my logic here, and in particular, I'm going to concentrate on Sharman networks, but the same also sort of applies to anyone accused of sharing files.
Sharman is basically being sued for providing the means by which people are illegally trading files. Thus, Sharman is likely going to be held legally liable for the actions of its users. In the same way that if I make files available on my machine and you download them illegally, I am really being held liable for your illegal actions.
Now why is this a good thing? Well, IANAL, but it seems to me this opens a terrific can of worms for other industries. By the same analogy, can we not now make gun companies legally liable for gun related deaths? Can we not make cigarette companies legally liable for smoking related deaths? I mean, really, it's the same thing isn't it? Holding the product supplier responsible for the actions of its users?
I certainly wouldn't mind seeing these two industries sued out of business. So, if some clever lawyer can make the coming precedents cross over into these industries and form the basis for some really major class action lawsuits, I might not see all of this as such a bad thing. I mean after all, why should big business have it both ways. Producers liable when it's in their interests and consumers reliable when it's in their interests. Surely we have to decide, as a society who's actually responsible. Either way, the consumers win, I think. Either sharing files (but not downloading them) becomes legal or cigarette and gun manufacturers are liable and thus pretty much out of business.
Re:Can a precedent be set? (Score:2)
>on my machine and you download them illegally, I
>am really being held liable for your illegal
This is not really how it works. You don't get "responsible" for the copying. What happens is two different actions.
One is making a work available to the public. This is done by the one who shares. This is typically copyright infringement in most every country in most situations.
The other act is the copying, done by the downloader, this is infri
Numbers game (Score:3, Insightful)
52,000,000/100 = 520,000
520,000/31 ~= 16.7K
Hmm, what are the odds of getting hit by a bus? Now, if the revent Slashdot stories about Britonss being the largest group of downloaders out there means that there are more than 1% downloading, the numbers get worse for the industry.
Besides suing your customer base not being the brightest idea on the planet, just ask SCO, the odds of them doing anything appreciable are laughable. Look at eDonkey for example. The RIAA has sued thousands of users in the US, and it is putting such a dent in..... never mind.
This is a headline grap people, and with each headline they grab the tool gets less and less effective. In the US, rounds of new suits barely make a third tier story at HardOCP.
My prediction: News headlines, people fearing big brother, thousands of files purged. Millions shrug and go on with their lives.
Next round: Page 4 news headlines, people mildly nervous, hundreds of files purged. Millions shrug and go on with their lives.
Round 3: Covered in niche publications, no one gives a rats ass, tens of files purged. Millions shrug and go on with their lives.
Round 4: Niche publications have better things to cover, cattle mutilations and CIA microwave mind control lasers trump the latest file sharing atrocities. 7 files purged and a grandmother in Cardiff wets herself. Millions shrug and go on with their lives.
Bahnhof promoted DRM on Swedish TV (Score:2)
See my journal entry: Swedish ISP, on national television, promotes DRM [slashdot.org]
One of the employees of the Bahnhof ISP promoted DRM in his interview with Swedish television. It's like Alien vs. Predator. Whoever wins, the freeloaders or the overstepping lawyers, you lose.
Re: (Score:2)
British Phonographic Industry (Score:2)
Re:They're finally going after individual infringe (Score:1)
What was it about the way it is presented that you took to mean that this ia a Bad Thing?
I'll repeat the summary here:
Re:They're finally going after individual infringe (Score:5, Insightful)
They sued the mp3 codec clones, but I didn't speak out because I use ogg vorbis,
They sued the pirates of Windows, and I didn't speak out, 'cause I use Linux,
They sued over CSS, but I didn't speak out because it wasn't in my country,
They sued the music and movie downloaders, but I didn't speak out because I used a different filesharing network,
They sued me, but there was no-one left to speak out for me.
Re:They're finally going after individual infringe (Score:2)
If hackers could destroy the RIAA botnets that would be increadible... hardly immoral and a better solution than just boycotting (Though that's what I intend).
Re:They're finally going after individual infringe (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm not suggesting that we should burn our money so everything can be free. I'm more pragmatic than that. Further, I think that legal methods should be used to bring justice where the law is broken, but there remain questions about the way in which the industry associations have gone about s
Re:BPI claims losses, how? (Score:2, Interesting)
So therefore, I was not a real sales loss. I think that most people fit in to the same category as myself.
Also, Y is the guilty party. X only provided the oppertunity for Y, X didn't make Y a Y, Y did.
Totally crazy and confusing, reminds me of calculus...
Re:Uh-Oh. (Score:3, Funny)
I could see that working. Of course, I'm too lazy to go through all that trouble, so I just set up an unprotected WiFi, purge all connection logs regularly, and claim I have no idea who downloaded the whatever it was thats on my heavily encrypted wireless external harddrive hidden where No Man Would Want To Go... (under the GF's tampax)
*cough* well thats what I could do, theoreticall
Re:Uh-Oh. (Score:2)
What you need is something that will power down when your home has been entered, and a safe code has not been passed.
Either that or have it located on someone else's property, although that presents its own problems.
Re:Uh-Oh. (Score:2)
I sense a new project for the Easter holidays.
Re:Boycott RIAA products (Score:2)
Re:Filesharing illegally? (Score:2)
>saying that filesharing is illegal?
No, he is not, he is refering to filesharing illegally as oposed to filesharing legaly. If a specific filesharing is illegal or legal depends on many things, including the copyright status of what is shared, permision to do so or not or if the situation is an exception that is not an infringement and so on.
>sharing copyrighted content illegally
If I go by your initial interpretation, you seem to sugest that shari