Slashback: Randomness, Donations, Ramp 127
Slashback (below) brings another round of updates and clarification to recent and continuing stories here on Slashdot. This evening, there's more video of the recent space shuttle launch, a reminder about the other 10th planet, an encouraging update about open source medical software, another approach to structure-as-PC-enclosure, and more. Read on for the details.
Shuttle launches are easier to fake than moon landings.
Rex Ridenoure writes "Shuttle External Tank RocketCam video highlights from the STS-114 'Return to Flight' launch on July 26 have been posted on Ecliptic's website. Ecliptic supplied this RocketCam system to ET builder Lockheed Martin Michoud [Louisiana] Operations. A slow-motion clip of the now-famous ET foam shedding event has been inserted at the time it occurred -- about 1:40 after liftoff. Still on the 'things in space' front: Sedna isn't nearly as sexy a name. Martian Anthropologist writes, of the recently announced discovery of a tenth planet in our solar system, "Actually, there's good reason to say that this is really the 11th planet, not the 10th. Another large body, now named Sedna, was discovered last year. It is slightly smaller than Pluto."
(Here's some earlier coverage of Sedna on Slashdot.)
Software for the Commonwealth. Aaron writes "As a followup to a recent story about the U.S. Government giving away its Electronic Medical Record Software, a small practice of physicians describes their experience transitioning from paper to electronic charts. Not everything goes well, from training staff to use Windows XP and tablet computers to viruses that crash their system to physicians complaining about being relegated to data-entry clerk status. In the end, however, they would never go back to paper.
From the article:'"Doctor, do you find you are spending more time interacting with the computer than with your patients?" For a while, the answer was clearly yes.'"
Aw, shucks, he might have done it anyhow. David writes "Thanks to my Ask Slashdot porting query, Ryan Gordon (aka icculus), the man who ported Unreal Tournament and many other popular games to Linux, is going to be working on the Linux version of Lugaru. It should be ready soon!"
You have to watch the quiet types, and never let them near your obscure hardware. jschauma writes "About a month ago, NetBSD made a Plea for 'Cold, Hard Cash', a Call for Donations. The results were very positive: an impressive $27K were donated since then, allowing the NetBSD Foundation to purchase five new machines; three of those machines will be added to the nightly build infrastructure and two of those machines will become anonymous cvs servers. See Christos Zoulas's email for detailed specifications of the hardware, and feel free to continue the donations!"
Definitely not for snowboarding helmet cam use. The CVS one time use camcorder has now been hacked so that videos can be downloaded over USB -- no need to desolder the flash memory.
How to spot a future writer-of-Federal-grants. Jason Schroeder writes "The recent story on the guy who put a Mac Mini in the wall reminded me of something I'd seen a while back: The Parabolic Heat Transference Case Mod for his Red Hat server. Pretty good idea with lots of scientific tidbits to make it interesting."
Hey, these fakes are a bunch of phoney frauds! strib writes "Remember SCIgen, the program that randomly-generated an accepted paper at WMSCI 2005? Well, thanks in part to the generous donations of Slashdotters, we made it down to the conference and gave a session full of fake talks. And it's all on video. Thanks to everyone who helped!"
About the eleventh planet mentioned in slashback (Score:5, Interesting)
So, while I'm sure Disney may object, it looks like Pluto's just a pet and no longer a planet.
But, cheer up, since we can clone dogs now, maybe this is a good thing.
Yeah, but... (Score:3, Interesting)
-after all, pluto the dog is the pet dog of a mouse, sometimes a duck and occasionally another dog..
Re:Yeah, but... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Yeah, but... (Score:2)
Although that is up for debate, as Goofy may have the gift of speech, it seems that Pluto has more ability to reason as shown by many behavioral observations.
Re:About the eleventh planet mentioned in slashbac (Score:5, Interesting)
No, Disney won't object. But the family of Percival_Lowell [wikipedia.org] may:
Re:About the eleventh planet mentioned in slashbac (Score:2)
Re:About the eleventh planet mentioned in slashbac (Score:1)
Why not compromise and name one of the more interesting gas giants around a nearby star after Percy Lowell? Maybe one with habitable (or presumed to be habitable) moons (planets) of its own?
Re:About the eleventh planet mentioned in slashbac (Score:2, Funny)
OK, but I sure wouldn't want to be the one to tell the king of the underworld about it.
Chief Astronomer: Hey! Pluto, come in, have a seat. Look, let me be the first to say you've done a splended job as a planet all these years. But, ahem, you know, things change, and we all, ah, have to be ready to change with the times. Frankly there have been a lot of new discoveries lately and, well, we feel you would be happier in the role
Doesn't Pluto have a small moon? (Score:3, Insightful)
I say, keep Pluto as a planet, and just add new planets to the solar system as they pop up. It's good for the memory: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Sedna, Persephone (possible name for 2003 UB313).
And it reminds us that there's still so much to learn about our our solar system, let alone the universe beyond.
Re:Doesn't Pluto have a small moon? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Doesn't Pluto have a small moon? (Score:3, Informative)
~37 [wikipedia.org]
The best know case is Dactyl [wikipedia.org].
Re:Doesn't Pluto have a small moon? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Doesn't Pluto have a small moon? (Score:2)
Uh, lots [wikipedia.org]. What's your point?
The trouble is that the last three bear no resemblance whatsoever to the first eight.
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Doesn't Pluto have a small moon? (Score:2)
Re:Doesn't Pluto have a small moon? (Score:1)
My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas Sans Elephants.
(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Sedna, Eris.)
Damn IT!!!!!! (Score:4, Funny)
I am so sick of these modern revisionist scientists.
This is the last straw.
Vive la brontasaurus!
Re:Damn IT!!!!!! (Score:1)
Recent studies indicate that you are a moron.
Generated by SlashdotRndSig [snop.com] via GreaseMonkey [mozdev.org]
Re:Damn IT!!!!!! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Damn IT!!!!!! (Score:2)
Definition of a planet (Score:5, Interesting)
could be called a planet and not have anyone argue too much about it. It would mean that in order to know if Pluto is a planet, we'd have to go there and carry out seismology experiments - but that's good, as there's a better chance of NASA getting the funds to see if Pluto is a planet than for them to get funds to see why Pluto is even there at all.
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:2)
Of course, if there was a collision of an outside body with a planet, that might create a messy explosion that was a mix of outside and solar system material. So maybe your definition is better.
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:2)
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:2)
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:2)
The trick, then, is to find something that asteroids and comets have (or probably have) that those things we're certain are planets don't. Then, you simply use that to exclude asteroids and comets.
Lets start with comets. They have rocks in the middle, frozen together by ice. We know this from the remains of dead and dying comets as these have trails of rock where the comet's nucleus on
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:2)
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:1)
Next thing you know, you'll tell us that one of those two gas giants just barely missed becoming a star, and is technically a proto-star
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:2)
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:1)
Is that with or without large rectangular shapes?
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:2)
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:2)
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:1)
Re:Definition of a planet (Score:2)
I searched wiktionary for the etymology of the word planet. To make a long story short, it turns out that Latin "plane" means plain, clear or distinct, while Greek "planes" gives us "wanderer." OK, not much help there, the original choice of words wasn't itself all that well thought out, so we wouldn't be breaking some meaningful ancient tradition even if we called it a "rock" instead.
Why not settle the debate by saying that Pluto is a "Kuiper Belt Planet?" Kuiper Belt Planets can have their own defin
Re:About the eleventh planet mentioned in slashbac (Score:2)
Again?! But that trick never works!
Seriously, this whole Pluto-isn't-a-planet argument's been made before, and the public didn't buy it.
One other thing... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:One other thing... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:One other thing... (Score:2)
Re:Mini (Score:2)
10th, 11th, what next? (Score:5, Interesting)
Or, more sensibly, they could just declassify Pluto as a planet and reclassify it as just some Kuiper belt object (which is what it is) with an classification number and a cute, historical name.
That would leave us with 9 planets, big asteroids, some of which are named Pluto, Sedna or Bernard for historical or affectionate reasons, and all the others being called XYZ-some-number. That would make much more sense, and kill the slightly silly debate over how many numbers of planet there are in the solar system once and for all.
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:3, Funny)
I meant 8 planets of course.
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:5, Funny)
sheesh, I'm gonna go get my towel now...
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:2)
I'm not sure anyone's really set down formal guidelines for classifying all the celestial bodies. I'm not so sure it's possible to do so in generic terms such as "planet" or "moon" when there are so many possible variations. What we probably should have done was formalize a classification system based on size (which largely determines physical appearance) and location. But now that people are used to Pluto being a planet like the other 4 solid ones closer to the Su
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:1, Funny)
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:1)
you made Slashdot very angry!
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:2)
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:2)
"Do not taunt Happy Fun Slashdot."
Somebody's in trouble, oh-yeee-ah!
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:1)
Being 100% geek, I add in way more than the curriculum calls for (worms holes, space-time continuum, SETI, Doom3 'cause it's on Mars.) and mentioning this possible reclassification of Pluto and the newly discovered celestial bodies is also something I think my students will find interesting.
I have found that the astronomy unit is quite interesting to the students, and exposing them
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:1)
Good idea, but it will never happen. There have already been "save Pluto!" campaigns from people and groups emotionally attached to the idea that Pluto is a "planet".
Thoughts that Pluto might be "demoted" to non-planet status created an emotional response in certain sectors of the public. Such news outlets as the BBC News Online, the Boston Globe, and USA Today all printed stories noting that the International
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm swiftly coming to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to classify Pluto, Sedna, and whatever this new object will be called as planets.
I think we need to stop talking about "what's a planet" and start talking about types of planets.
I think a very good solution would be to call these KBOs planets, and then refer to them as such: "KBO planets" or "icy planets." We already have "rocky planets" and "gas giant planets." I think there's no problem with calling these KBOs "icy planets" and saying there's 4 "rocky planets", 4 "gas giant planets", 30 "icy planets" and so forth.
This discussion needs to move away from classifying things as planets versus non-planets and into classifying them as types of planets. I think it would be much more productive.
I shudder to think what will happen when we actually start having detailed knowledge of another solar system, and this issue arises again then.
Re:10th, 11th, what next? (Score:1)
Astrology is going to be a nightmare!
Return to the Slashdot Effect (Score:5, Funny)
A slow-downloading clip of the soon-to-be-famous halon fire extinguisher video has been inserted into the server room at the time it occurred -- about 1:40 after a link to a page with a 14-megabyte STS-114 video went live on Slashdot.
Re:Return to the Slashdot Effect (Score:2, Funny)
CVS Disposable Camera (Score:1)
Re:CVS Disposable Camera (Score:2)
Hurry up to get one, because being a US product hacked by US hackers, the sequence is as follow
CVS camera --> hack --> DMCA lawsuit + new "improved" camera (ooh, the hack doesn't work with that one!)
Re:CVS Disposable Camera (Score:5, Informative)
- Numero uno, I am not breaking the DMCA. Hopefully people only sue when a law is violated, but, sadly, that's not always the case.
- I am accessing my own pictures, to which I have the copyright. The DMCA only protects rights-owners (me).
- I am reverse-engineering for interoperability, which is permitted. Some judges think this only applies to personal computers and not "other" computers (like printer controllers, like in the Lexmark case) -- but I'm interfacing to a plain old PC.
- Cameras have direct parallels to the "analog world". People have been developing kodak film with fuji chemicals for ages. It's a case that judges and juries can understand.
- The courts have found for the defendants even in much less clear-cut cases (like Lexmark).
Here's my webpage about the DMCA and these cameras. [maushammer.com]
One very good trick Pure Digital has that keeps people out of their cameras is changing the architecture. The three cameras have had 3 different processors (8051, 8-bit RISC, MIPS), 3 kinds of toolsets (one big program, mini-OS, and full-blown embedded OS), and 3 IP vendors. This means the work I don on one camera doesn't apply to the next one... and will eventually tire me out -- it's a lot of work to do, and it takes them less effort to modify an existing camera than it does me to unlock it.
(p.s. my Make submission contained essentially the same text as my earlier, rejected slashdot submission [slashdot.org]
Re:CVS Disposable Camera (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:CVS Disposable Camera (Score:1)
Re:CVS Disposable Camera (Score:2)
Do they specialize in Cialis or something?
Or is it the French pronunciation "Farm-a-pree"?
Re:CVS Disposable Camera (Score:2)
It took me about a year and a half after moving to the U.S. to start saying "convenience store" instead of "depaineur" (literally, "de-breader": one that removes bread (or facilitates the same, from its shelves)).
Almost failed my WA Drivers' License eye test, when I read off "Zed" instead of "Zee". :-)
Re:CVS Disposable Camera (Score:1)
Given that googling for depaineur gives zero hits, and googling for depanneur gives 12700 hits, I conclude that my memory that it is written as depanneur is correct.
This means of course that it has nothing to do with bread, which is a pity, since your explanation was quite creative.
This prevents the World Wide Web (Score:2, Funny)
Classic shit.
They should have posted an invitation here (Score:2)
Vista and CPRS (Score:1)
Why hack CVS? (Score:4, Funny)
Last I checked, cvs co works well enough.
New Names? (Score:2, Funny)
Also, what happens to the moons of Pluto - IIRC, Pluto has two satellites orbiting it...Chip and Dale, I think. If Pluto becomes a non-planet, do these just become asteroids?
Re:New Names? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:New Names? (Score:2)
[Yes, I know where the name Charon comes from.)
Always a conspiracy theory. (Score:1)
No linux source for CVS hack? (Score:3, Interesting)
I wonder how hard it would be for someone to port the code to a useable linux application?
Re:No linux source for CVS hack? (Score:5, Informative)
I developed the unlocking code & did it on the mac. The Mac's user-land usb code is much easier to use than Window's (mainly because I don't need to create & install a specialized driver).
earlier slashdot sub [slashdot.org]
Re:No linux source for CVS hack? (Score:4, Informative)
CVS still had a bunch of these cameras today and picked up a few more for the kids. This is the best hack I've seen yet.
Re:No linux source for CVS hack? (Score:3, Informative)
http://www.newsguy.com/~dattaway/Movie_005.avi [newsguy.com]
This has got to be the easiest to use camcorder ever. The binary utility to download the video is only 13KB too!
Re:No linux source for CVS hack? (Score:1)
can I come work with you guys?
Re:No linux source for CVS hack? (Score:1)
Sedna isn't nearly as sexy a name... (Score:1, Funny)
How do you use the USB? (Score:2)
Cache In, Trash Out!
Re:How do you use the USB? (Score:2, Informative)
Weren't there TWO "tenth planets"? (Score:2, Informative)
Although I've heard that Quaoar has been classified as a non-planet, I'm not sure about Sedna.
Besides, according to New Scientist, there could be many, many more planets [newscientist.com] out there.
Re:Weren't there TWO "tenth planets"? (Score:2)
In a word: No.
The discovers of both tell [caltech.edu] all.
Re:Weren't there TWO "tenth planets"? (Score:2)
After all, there have been at least [wikipedia.org] four [google.com] different [google.com] "fifth [google.com] Beetles [google.com]".
Question about E.T. tank video (Score:2)
I think it was when the E.T. tank had separated, you could see a dot that appeared to be in the distance moving from right to left above the curvature of the Earth. The speed appeared to be steady, but I didn't time it and it appeared slow. Just guessing, the dot was:
It was there for a chunk of time. If it was a chase plane, it was darn high up and moving very fast in a weird geometry. If it
Re:Question about E.T. tank video (Score:2)
One other possibility is that it's a piece of E.T. debris. If it is, it would have had to fly away from the shuttle significantly to produce such pronounced right-to-left motion.
Re:Question about E.T. tank video (Score:2)
There's a normal explanation; I just don't know what it is, and I'm curious.
Re:Question about E.T. tank video (Score:2)
Re:Question about E.T. tank video (Score:2)
The E.T. is no longer ac
Re:Question about E.T. tank video (Score:1)
Re:Question about E.T. tank video (Score:2)
Re:Question about E.T. tank video (Score:2)
Re:Question about E.T. tank video (Score:2)
1) A second or two before the shuttle starts moving away after ET separation (around 3:25) you see some pieces shoot out to the right, then appear to come back to the left. These pieces are fluttering and spinning as indicated by the cycling of light/dark coming from them. These are most likely debris from the separation mechanism due to the time that they occur and that the "leftward" movement is actually them trailing off into the background.
2) After ET separati
icculus (Score:2)
Not because he is porting more projects than anyone, not because he is talented, not because he is blazzing fast, not because he has swear to have every other linux porter to starve, not because he wants the money, no, just because the moves of the rabbit are really cool and i'm sure he liked them.
Re:icculus (Score:2)
That's Loup Garou, or werewolf for you English speakers.
Re:icculus (Score:2)
There shall be only 8 planets (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Buy Meat V? (Score:2)
Re:How About Intelligent Design? (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:How About Intelligent Design? (Score:1, Insightful)
There, I think that should just about set the record straight to everybody's satisfaction.