Microsoft Keeps Eye on Open-Source Prize 119
Rob writes to tell us that at the recent Open Source Business Conference in San Francisco Microsoft's director of platform technology strategy, Bill Hilf, outlined why Microsoft is staying involved with open source. From the article: "Challenges of working [coopetively] in the open-source space include the balance between competing and cooperating with a rival, he said. Perception also is a 'big' challenge for the software giant. 'In many regards, the Microsoft open-source story lends itself to a great metaphor of David and Goliath,' he said. 'That is a challenge over perception.'"
Error in title, please fix (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Error in title, please fix (Score:2)
Starting in 2000, MS changed tunes when they found out that thir minions had been drinking MS kool-aid and the web was already owned by Apache, with Linux already on some odd 16% of all web servers.
Re:Error in title, please fix (Score:4, Insightful)
I would argue that's still the case. OSS (and by that you mean Linux) has targeted the traditional Unix market and done very little to compete with Microsoft's installed base. So, MS lost a huge growth opportunity with all those 'obsolete' Unix/RISC servers going away, but has done very well growing their natural base of desktops/groupware/file+print/intranet despite Linux.
Re:Error in title, please fix (Score:2)
Why assume the parent meant "Linux"? Just because MS's largest product is an OS doesn't mean we should only focus on OS's. OSS has some very good projects other than OS's, and some of which are significantly eating in to MS's market share, for example Firefox eating IE market share, OOo slowly eating a tiny bit (but should increase when it's improved a little more).
On target (Score:5, Funny)
Did he mean to say "through the lens of a high-powered rifle's croshairs"?
Re:On target (Score:3, Insightful)
Freudian slip!!! (Score:5, Funny)
never a truer word spoken... Microsoft loves to coopt software... hates giving back though... just absolutely loves the BSD license
Re:Freudian slip!!! (Score:3, Funny)
Is that the EULA that comes with windows Blue Screen of Death?
Re:Freudian slip!!! (Score:3, Interesting)
To take or assume for one's own use
To neutralize or win over through assimilation
Re:Freudian slip!!! (Score:2, Funny)
*looks up at the top of the page and gets a chill*
I guess that... (Score:4, Funny)
It's not a bug, it's a feature. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I guess that... (Score:2)
Re:I guess that... (Score:1)
Coopetition (Score:4, Insightful)
So that's what they call it. Translating the doublespeak, is that a euphemism for "Buying the companies whose IP you need, and crushing everyone else" perchance?
Re:Coopetition (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Coopetition (Score:1)
Re:Coopetition (Score:2)
Re:Coopetition (Score:1)
Isn't that every company's strategy or am I missing something?
Enemies (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Enemies (Score:1)
perceptions (Score:4, Funny)
Indeed. Many people "perceive" their software to be bloated and buggy.
Staying involved = SCO (Score:1, Redundant)
they only involvement in open source is to kill it, regardless of what the method actually appears to be doing.
Market through a mirror (Score:1, Interesting)
And when OSS teams paddle in Microsoft's water (e.g. Firefox vs IE) they have the disadvantage of competing against a hugely entrenched market leader
Maybe each party should stick to where they are most profitable, although innovation would suffer as a result.
Re:Market through a mirror (Score:2)
OK, that's a bit of a generalisation. Not all open source projects are about freedom... (for example, I'll bet that's not Microsoft's goal).
Not only innovation. (Score:2)
C'mon. Seriously? (Score:2, Funny)
Microsoft views open source through the lens of "coopetition from commercial and open-source strategies at the same time," Hilf said.
This sort of blatant disregard for the English language is simply intolerable.
Re:C'mon. Seriously? (Score:1)
yes, its a new word, get over it.
english is reinvented all the time, hundreds of new words are added each year, maybe this will be one of them if it ever gains popularity.
so, stfu grammer nazi, you are stifling the progress of the english language!
Re:C'mon. Seriously? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:C'mon. Seriously? (Score:1)
so how many people do have to use a word before it becomes accepted as part of the language?
Re:C'mon. Seriously? (Score:1, Funny)
C'mon, somebody was going to say it.
Re:C'mon. Seriously? (Score:1)
Re:C'mon. Seriously? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:The meaning (Score:2)
It describes Microsoft's new strategy:
Cooperate, Compete, Coopt.
(Embrace & Extend apparently wasn't working very well)
Re:C'mon. Seriously? (Score:2, Funny)
Also, there are 126,000 h
Re:C'mon. Seriously? (Score:2)
I'm as much of a grammar nazi as anyone, but it actually bothers me less when a new word is invented, versus butchering the existing language and calling that evolution of the language, which is actually simple laziness and ignorance.
Re:C'mon. Seriously? (Score:1)
Re:Please define (Score:2)
I hate this San Francisco style techno babble. It involved misusing common words to make the ordinary seem new,
But then you wouldn't be a proactive, forward-thinking outside-of-the-box market leader! You wouldn't be able to make up new words like "coopetition"!
On a more serious note, it's not really San Francisco techno-babble. It's another attempt by a business executive to sound like they have a novel idea. Many businesses have realized over the years that there are times and areas they where
Re:Please define (Score:1)
Re:Please define (Score:2)
Re:Please define (Score:1)
Perception (Score:5, Funny)
talk about flipping a metaphor! (Score:5, Funny)
I can't belive that they DARE to try to use David vs Goliath as a metaphor in THEIR FAVOR!
Poor little beaten-down monopoly....
Re:talk about flipping a metaphor! (Score:2, Insightful)
Now I'm not sure.
Re:talk about flipping a metaphor! (Score:1)
David vs. Goliath? (Score:2)
PR (Score:5, Informative)
"On the desktop, we have a strategic win today (monopoly). We must keep the desktop." - Presentation, Microsoft Executive Staff Retreat, May 10, 1990
"We are engaged in a FUD campaign to let the press know about some of the bugs. We'll provide info a few bugs at a time to stretch it out." - Brad Silverberg, July 22, 1991
"Objectives: FUD DR DOS with every editorial contact made." - MS-DOS 6 PR Plan, November 1992
"look what znix is doing! cut those fuckers off." - Brad Silverberg, May 19, 1992
"Five minutes after any agreement is signed with Microsoft, they'll be thinking of how to violate the agreement. They're predators. They crush their competition. They crush new ideas. They stifle innovation. That's what they do." - Massachusetts Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly, Quoted by Matthew Szulik at a U.S. Senate Hearing, Dec 12, 2001
Could be their corporate conduct [msversus.org].
Re:PR (Score:2)
Re:PR (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:PR (Score:1)
It all seems clear (Score:1)
I think I speak for all of us when i nod my head and laugh
Is this a case of david defeating the goliath (Score:4, Insightful)
GNU/Linux and Open Source softwares are like the multiple weak sticks which have come together to become very strong. And microsoft is realising that it is not going to be a cake walk any longer.
The end users are the one who are going to benefit from the whole thing.
Re:Is this a case of david defeating the goliath (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Is this a case of david defeating the goliath (Score:4, Funny)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faggot [wikipedia.org]
Or he's calling them fascists (Score:1)
Re:Is this a case of david defeating the goliath (Score:1)
Did you just call the F/OSS software movements Fascist?
I knew I shouldn't have woken up this morning...
This guy is big! (Score:2, Funny)
He must be a director / big fish. He tells something, everybody knows and still gets public.
What did anyone expect? (Score:3, Insightful)
Microsoft has used opensource code before... (Score:4, Interesting)
c:\> strings.exe c:\WINDOWS\system32\ftp.exe | grep Copyright
@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 The Regents of the University of California.
Re:Microsoft has used opensource code before... (Score:1)
This is actually A Good Thing. OSI never got traction because there was no reference implementation of their network stack, only an ambiguous specification.
If Microsoft had had to write their own TCP/IP stack from scratch, we'd still be trying to work out the interoperability problems, and the Internet would be far smaller / less pervasive as a result.
Re:Microsoft has used opensource code before... (Score:2)
So... all those worms would have to find another means to propagate?
Re:Microsoft has used opensource code before... (Score:1)
Re:Microsoft has used opensource code before... (Score:2)
Re:Microsoft has used opensource code before... (Score:2)
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that: (1) source code distributions retain the above copyright notice and this paragraph in its entirety, (2) distributions including binary code include the above copyright notice and this paragraph in its entirety in the documentation or other materials provided with the distribution, and (3) all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softwar
Re:Microsoft has used opensource code before... (Score:1)
type c:\windows\system32\ftp.exe | find "Copyright"
You get the same result.
IBM? (Score:4, Insightful)
MS had always competed with IBM. IBM is seen has very good to Open source. IBM still makes profit benefiting from open source. MS may be thinking along the same lines and I think they are not able to come up with a viable business plan of how to make use of open source movement that do not hurt their bottomline of MS OS and MS Office.
Re:IBM? (Score:2)
uSoft about 8 years behind IBM on OSS lesson (Score:2)
The presenter explained how brutal it was for IBM when interacting with the OSS community. Nobody trusted them. Their size and history gave them less than zero clout with the OSS community.
But they stuck with it and now they're defending Linux from commercial pirates.
So now Microsoft sees "perception as a big challenge for the software giant."
IBM has to be laughing their way to the bank over this.
Nonsense Grammar (Score:2, Offtopic)
I guess you can spell a quote correctly, but editing for grammar would hinder our perception that he's an idiot.
Re:Nonsense Grammar (Score:2)
OT Gobldi Guk - the Grammar (Score:1)
Gobbledygook, the real grammar [frath.net]. Not for the faint of heart!
ms is already open (Score:2, Insightful)
they don't go out of there way to make it hard to develop on there platforms or they'd just be another mac and you wouldn't even care to flame them
Re:ms is already open (Score:1)
fear is a powerful force.
That is apparent by the FUD campaigns and SCO legal action. The bigger the beast the more dangerous their fearful actions become.
Re:ms is already open (Score:2, Insightful)
Perhaps you should explain your definition of 'open' and we will gladly point out where that differs from both the dictionary definition and common usage of the word.
Re:ms is already open (Score:2)
Re:ms is already open (Score:2)
Re:ms is already open (Score:1)
Would having MS source help? (Score:2)
Or do "we" (as in the open source community) know enough about NTFS and its just a matter of actually writing the code for it?
Re:Would having MS source help? (Score:2)
It's not due to lazyness, as you seem to be implying. In fact probably about 100 times as much work has gone into attempting to reverse-engineer NTFS than would be required to get it to read/write with documentation.
Re:ms is already open (Score:1)
It is to laugh. I'd rather develop with Cocoa and Objective-C than look at another line of .NET crud in my life. And I've got enough experience with both to back that statement up.
MS in Open source ;-) (Score:2, Insightful)
There's also the problem of the "observer effect," which is potentially changing an environment being part of it. "This is the important part for Microsoft," he said. "We have an impact from what people call the ripple effect ... What would actually happen if we were in that environment?"
You'd really mess it up comes to mind!
One of the things MS fails to see is that the Open Source movement has lit a fire under the whole computing industry and opened doors for many who have great ideas. The part I lik
big companies love open source (Score:4, Insightful)
The open source movement provides a huge ecosystem of software projects which a large company like Microsoft can monitor. When a large company sees a successful open source project, they know there is value to what the project is doing. A level of demand is thus established. Then, they can do some research and try determine whether or not there is a successful business model which can be built around the project, i.e., whether or not the project can be made to generate cash. If it can, then they can decide an appropriate strategy to profit from it, either through purchasing the company or its talent, or simply duplicating the company's work.
There are few other industries where so many talented people are willing to work for free.
Re:big companies love open source (Score:2)
Music and Sport being two of them.
Not that "open source" does not equal "working for free". The vast majority of open source code that people are actually using, is created by people who get paid competitive salaries.
misread title (Score:2)
More FUD (Score:2, Funny)
Challenge "over" perception probably "of our" (Score:2)
The challenge 'of our' perception
and they misheard it as
The challenge 'over' perception.
Suggested improvements to Microsoft's F/LOS stance (Score:1)
I've tried to find Hilf's blog, but he doesn't appear to have one. These are some suggestions I've made to Microsoft's previous Shared (Scared?) Source Czar, Jason Matusow:
Now that there has been an attempt to halt license bloat, begin by releasing the MS WinCE under the unlimited MS Community License, replacing the four existing Shared Source Licenses with one, offering businesses a one-off lump sum license buy-out or an annual relicensing deal a la AT&T and Unix;
Microsoft wants the developing nat
Oh my god... (Score:2)
My bullshit meter just pegged, shot a great blue flash all the way across the room and is now lying on the floor in flames...
Quantum FUD mechanics (Score:2)
Statement: ... What would actually happen if we were in that environment?"
There's also the problem of the "observer effect," which is potentially changing an environment being part of it. "This is the important part for Microsoft," he said. "We have an impact from what people call the ripple effect
Dammit, we reacted badly to the OSS movement and too many people noticed. Now we have to fight that perception as well as OSS itself.
zomg mindshare is leaking...but we can't let
Regular Open Source or "MS Open Source TM"? (Score:1)
Re:The only reason MS is interested (Score:4, Informative)
Re:The only reason MS is interested (Score:3, Informative)
"I personally don't believe tech support calls for a commodity product is sustainable,"
No one ever made money out of Open Source
"In many regards, the Microsoft open-source story lends itself to a great metaphor of David and Goliath," "That is a challenge over perception"
One way of meeting the challenge is to hire on the best out of Open Source taking them out of the Gene pool.
"Microsoft has benefited from OSS, has par [slashdot.org]
Re:The only reason MS is interested (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:The only reason MS is interested (Score:2, Funny)
Re:The only reason MS is interested (Score:3, Insightful)