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Aqua Teen Hunger Force Brings Boston to a Halt 804

An anonymous reader writes "An ad campaign for Aqua Teen Hunger Force featuring the Mooninites Ignignot and Err caused major security concerns in Boston, MA when magnetic light displays were mistaken for possible bombs. The displays included one of Ignignot flipping the bird (as hard as he could), but Gov. Deval Patrick was not amused."
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force Brings Boston to a Halt

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  • On the moon... (Score:5, Informative)

    by rbanzai ( 596355 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:35PM (#17835310)
    ...nerds get their pants pulled down and they are spanked with moonrocks.
    • The Mooninites have been quoted with such terrorist threats as

      The innocent shall suffer... big time. -Ignignokt

      If you have a problem with that maybe you should take that up with Mr. Laser. -Ignignokt

      Err: You all have any eggs? 'Cause I'm totally gonna mess someone's house up! Ignignokt: Yes, eggs or pot, either one

      Bow your heads or I'll bow em for ya! -Err

      Ignignokt: Our god is a god of vengeance. A god of hate. Err: A god of action! Ignignokt: Our god is an Indian who can turn into a wolf and- Err: Dude, th
  • by 2bitcomputers ( 864663 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:35PM (#17835314) Homepage
    Someone found one of the devices under a bridge last week and posted a few pictures to Flickr: enhungerforce/ []
  • by PresidentEnder ( 849024 ) <> on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:36PM (#17835324) Journal
    Yes, because when I want to blow something up, I ALWAYS make sure that the bomb displays flashing lights clearly visible to everyone around.

    I salute our brave leaders for their quick and level-headed handling of the situation.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by westlake ( 615356 )
      Yes, because when I want to blow something up, I ALWAYS make sure that the bomb displays flashing lights clearly visible to everyone around.

      and when you want the Geek out of the picture, you show him something shiney...that ticks.

      all that the driver sees on the road or under the bridge is something that is almost but not quite right: movement, a flashing light, that has no good reason for being there.

  • by anotherone ( 132088 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:37PM (#17835346)
    That they spared Boston from the Quad-Laser.
  • by notoriousE ( 723905 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:38PM (#17835356) Homepage
    Frylock: You are not a prophet, Shake! So stop this madness!

    Shake: Frylock, I cannot do that. God hath commanded that I do his will or the Earth will blow up!

    Frylock: My ass he did!

    Meatwad: God's gunna blow up the world?

    Shake: Oh yeah, brutha! He ain't too pleased with YOU in particular, Meatwad!

    Meatwad: ME?!

    Shake: Oh yeah.... He saw you touchin' yourself--

    Meatwad: I don't touch myself!

    Shake: In the bathroom!

  • by frostyboy ( 221222 ) <(benoc) (at) (> on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:39PM (#17835372) Homepage
    This used to be on youtube, but it's been pulled. It's now up at a safer place. Some local people I know have actually been able to deduce locations from the video and obtain a couple of these "devices." Boston area slashdotters up for some scavenger hunting? athf-lightsnipes-boston.flv []
  • by AmazingRuss ( 555076 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:41PM (#17835392)
    The article says they got worried when they saw the wires and circuit boards. The knowledgable terrorist will doubtless package his payload in a fashionable briefcase now that he has been alerted to this penchant.

    Damn you Aqua Teen Hunger Force! You have DOOMED America!
  • by ChangeOnInstall ( 589099 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:42PM (#17835412)
    I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw this: ng []
  • by obyom ( 999186 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:43PM (#17835418)
    "Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it can creep."

            -from "What It's Worth" -Buffalo Springfield
  • by Scorpinox ( 479613 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:49PM (#17835510)
    It really makes me sick that we're at the point where people mistake everyday things for bombs and have homeland security called in. I can't even ride my universities bus holding a wired up circuit board (for a class) without people looking at me like I'm about to blow them up.
  • by billdar ( 595311 ) * < y a p> on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:52PM (#17835550) Homepage
    My first thought was this was a amazing feat of PR stupidity, but turns out I fell for this as a media-led sheep. Their use of 'magnetically lighted device' paints an ominous picture. But looking at the photo, I'm not sure how someone could think it a bomb

    Then again, that just proves that if terrorists paint their IED's pretty colors and put Mickey Mouse on it, I'm fucked...

  • by Rahga ( 13479 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @07:58PM (#17835634) Journal
    One of the articles I read said:
    'Officials said it contained an electronic circuit board with some components that were "consistent with an improvised explosive device," []'

    Okay, now, come on. These are really large circuit boards [] with a whole lot of LEDs soldered on to them. Nothing more, unless there are some other really messed up packages out there that haven't been reported on. Those officials sound like they have features consistent with smart police officers, in that they breathe and eat, but the similarities probably end there.
    • by Dunbal ( 464142 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @08:25PM (#17836010)
      "consistent with an improvised explosive device,"'

            Well look at it this way, if these boards ran on a certain brand of laptop battery (cough Sony cough), they might be right!!!
    • by Jah-Wren Ryel ( 80510 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @10:22PM (#17837382)

      One of the articles I read said:
      'Officials said it contained an electronic circuit board with some components that were "consistent with an improvised explosive device,"'

      Okay, now, come on. These are really large circuit boards with a whole lot of LEDs soldered on to them. Nothing more, unless there are some other really messed up packages out there that haven't been reported on.
      Now you know.

      That's the way they justify all their bullshit.

      "Behavior consistent with terrorist actions."
      "Associations with well-known terrorists."

      When those vague phrases are the best they can do it means they don't have a shred of meaningful evidence but they want to scare people into thinking they do, so their authority won't be questioned.
  • by EllisDees ( 268037 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @08:00PM (#17835686)
    Well, they got their money's worth on this advertising campaign!
  • Oh noes! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Ig0r ( 154739 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @08:13PM (#17835864)
    Somebody set us up the bomb!
  • by Polarism ( 736984 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @08:15PM (#17835890)
    I saw this as I was coming into work this afternoon on our big screen (thank god for the military having most of their televisions permanently tuned to FOX NEWS for the "situational awareness" it provides...) and my jaw just dropped. It's really hitting me lately how much our country is changing, and there is very little that individuals can do about it. I feel like standing on top of a soap box and yelling at people till i'm blue in the face, but I know that's fruitless.

    Wake up...
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by AlgUSF ( 238240 )
      Our country is so screwed. We have a choice of two parties who are essentially the same. They both think of us as consumer units. I think the stock market bubble of the late nineties ruined our country. We went from an insane stock market bubble to a huge asset bubble combined with a huge stock market bubble. What are the powers that be going to do when all of the consumer units are all spent out, and completely saturated with debt.

      Not to mention that people don't want to pay any taxes, however they wa
  • Only Boston (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Belgand ( 14099 ) <> on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @08:25PM (#17836016) Homepage
    Surprisingly only Boston had a problem with this when TFA mentions that these are up in 9 other cities. Likewise I've only heard Boston-based posters complaining about how this was irresponsible and something that obviously looked a lot like a bomb so it needed to be investigated.
    • by SuperBanana ( 662181 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @10:21PM (#17837378)

      Likewise I've only heard Boston-based posters complaining about how this was irresponsible and something that obviously looked a lot like a bomb so it needed to be investigated.

      I'm from Boston. I stood on the subway for a over an hour (normal ride time: 30 minutes or so) because of these dipshit "indie" artists that did this for Turner. Check out one of their websites []. Wow, aren't they cool? They know how to use animation programs, video projectors, video cameras, and have dreadlocks. They use pen-names that sound uber-cool, and lots of hip artist-y language.

      They should have heard the language on the subway when the conductor announced we'd be delayed because Sullivan Station was shut down on account of "a suspicious package."

      Their stunt shut down 93 North, the orange line, several Charles River bridges (which are heavily trafficked.) These idiots planted electronic devices on private and public property, something they knew they shouldn't do, over-reactions from police aside. Let's be absolutely clear here: these clowns had zero business putting this stuff on property that wasn't theirs and they knew it, but decided to ignore that, because this whole thing probably made them some pot money.

      One of them is sitting in jail, as of about half an hour ago. Let's see how he likes being inconvenienced.

      • by realityfighter ( 811522 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @10:27PM (#17837452) Homepage
        Sounds like Boston has a healthy appreciation of the arts.
      • by metamatic ( 202216 ) on Thursday February 01, 2007 @01:00AM (#17838792) Homepage Journal

        Their stunt shut down 93 North, the orange line, several Charles River bridges (which are heavily trafficked.)

        No, the authorities shut down everything, in a massive overreaction to what was obviously an art project or a harmless prank.

        My first thought on seeing a big flashing LED display attached to a bridge would be "Ah, MIT students playing again." I'm seriously surprised the Boston police didn't consider that the explanation. Are they unaware of all the previous MIT pranks?

      • From an American (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Xenographic ( 557057 ) on Thursday February 01, 2007 @01:19AM (#17838980) Journal
        > I'm from Boston. I stood on the subway for a over an hour (normal ride time: 30 minutes or so) because of these dipshit "indie" artists that did this for Turner.

        Dude, grow a pair instead of getting pissy because you got stuck on the subway for a few minutes.

        Some dumbass got freaked out by a glorified Lite Brite. I hate to break this to you, but circuit boards don't explode, nor do LEDs, nor do Duracell D cell batteries, nor do wires. If your city gets this freaked over nothing, any sensible terrorist would just plant a bunch of hoaxes and laugh while you all piss yourself.

        You don't want to help the terrorists win, do you? :]
      • by Skapare ( 16644 ) on Thursday February 01, 2007 @02:29PM (#17847130) Homepage

        I stood on the subway for a over an hour (normal ride time: 30 minutes or so) because of these dipshit "indie" artists that did this for Turner.

        NO ... you stood on the subway for over an hour because your city is run by a bunch of incompetent jackasses that only know how to overreact and create a panic over a bunch of blinking lights that had been there for days with no problems. You stood on the subway for over an hour because someone saw that one of these signs was flipping the bird and them and got pissed off and called in (on a payphone) to the city and claimed it was a bomb (this act being the hoax act).

        You'll probably have a lot more of this in Boston in the future, too, if you don't admit that it is the fault of the city and do what it takes to get some major turnover to get some competent people running the place. Remember, it didn't cause a panic in any of the several other cities they showed up in. The rest of the country is laughing at Boston and all those headless chickens in police uniforms running around. The feeling you should have right now is one of embarassment and shame (if you're supporting those city people that did this).

        Their stunt shut down 93 North, the orange line, several Charles River bridges (which are heavily trafficked.)

        No it didn't. The devices were there for days. And they were in other cities, too. It was the stupid incompetent police/city officials that shut things down. The rest of us are laughing at Boston.

        One of them is sitting in jail, as of about half an hour ago. Let's see how he likes being inconvenienced.

        He should be there for trespassing and vandalism. That's the first crime that was done. The next crime was days later, and was done by some yet-unnamed incompetent city official who, unlike his counterparts in other cities, doesn't have a clue. The police really arrested this guy to try to cover up their own incompetence.

  • by MerlynEmrys67 ( 583469 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @08:37PM (#17836180)
    So a friend of mine in Portland belonged to a group that used to do multiple "pub Runs". A hare was sent out from the first bar to run a course to the second/third bar. They would mark a trail using a little bit of flour on the road (washes or blows away). They had been doing this for 10+ years.

    Along comes the anthrax attacks - a pub run, and the men in BioHazzard suits come out investigating the strange white powder. I really wish someone would get on a pay phone and tell the police that it was flour.

  • CNN edit (Score:5, Interesting)

    by flogger ( 524072 ) <non@nonegiven> on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @09:38PM (#17836888) Journal
    CNN is running this article, but the picture has been edited out the offensive finger. []

    I find that interesting they will edit a "drawn" finger but will show blody dismembered bodies.
  • by Mix+Master+Nixon ( 1018716 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @10:42PM (#17837576)
    ...the Scooter Libby trial, where "copies of handwritten notes by Vice President Dick Cheney, introduced at trial by defense attorneys for former White House staffer I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, would appear to implicate George W. Bush in the Plame CIA Leak case". []

    If there's one thing you can rely on, it's bad news for the Adminstration being accompanied by a hyped-up terror scare that turns out to be nothing.

If at first you don't succeed, you are running about average.
