NASA Attempts To Assuage 2012 Fears 881
eldavojohn writes "The apocalyptic film 2012 has dominated the box office, taking in $65 million on opening weekend. But with all those uninformed eyeballs watching the film, NASA has found itself answering so many common questions that their Ask an Astrobiologist blog offers calming, professional reassurance that there is no planet Nibiru, nor will it collide with Earth (although I do recall a massive solar storm forecast). NASA's main site even offers a FAQ answering similar questions. NPR has more on NASA scientist David Morrison and his efforts to calm the ensuing public hysteria, but survivalists are already planning for the big one. Pretty funny, right? Not according to Morrison: 'I've had three from young people saying they were contemplating committing suicide. I've had two from women contemplating killing their children and themselves. I had one last week from a person who said, "I'm so scared, my only friend is my little dog. When should I put it to sleep so it won't suffer?" And I don't know how to answer those questions.'"
Wow. (Score:5, Insightful)
Just, wow.
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Insightful)
I think that's what the suicide offers are for - to reduce the number of stupid people. Seems like a naturally self-correcting system to me. I say let it run its course. Next thing we will have 10foot disclaimers on the entrance to cinemas telling the dumb masses that its just pretend.
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Funny)
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You know...this didn't really bother me or grab my attention THAT much, till I read that last one about the guy putting his dog down.
Geez..I dunno what it is but I have a soft spot for animals. I mean,
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Used to be they would kill/hurt animals. No special effects. ...
Probably still do in some movies, maybe not in the west but
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As someone who still remembers his childhood, I'd like to point out that children are indeed inocent - which means that they are the closest things to demons this side of Hell, torturing other people for fun without even a hint of guilt or conscience. Sure, they are a joy to be around if you're adult and thus superior in power, but absolute horrors otherwise.
The same is true of animals, of course - a dog can be absolutely loyal to it
Re:Wow. (Score:4, Insightful)
"Ignorant" is not the same as "stupid", and can be cured by means much less dramatic than death.
The problem is that we don't train people in the fine art of bullshit detection -- mostly because doing so would challenge mainstream religions, not to mention most American's understanding of their nation's history and place in the world. When you've got a culture where many people take ancient Hebrew creation myths as true and are not laughed at, it's no surprise that belief in the imminent destruction of Earth by collision with the rogue planet Nibiru will proliferate.
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Informative)
"Ignorant" is not the same as "stupid", and can be cured by means much less dramatic than death.
Correct, but I think deciding to kill yourself and your loved ones based on a work of fiction counts as stupid.
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Funny)
> "Ignorant" is not the same as "stupid",
No, I'm pretty sure believing what you see in a movie is stupid.
Honestly, these people see 'Transformers', 'Superman', 'Batman', 'Star Trek', 'Dogma', 'Godzilla', and '2012'. Then they choose to believe the world is ending but they won't be saved by Superman or Batman. They won't be killed first by giant robots or a giant lizard. And angels and demons... well ok they probably do believe in Dogma.
Actually these people probably already have a mental problem and fear the world is ending BEFORE seeing 2012. Seeing the movie just gives them an excuse to bring it out.
Why else would they choose this one as the real one?
Personally, I choose to believe in 'The Last Starfighter'. I am practicing, Centauri, I'm practicing...
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Insightful)
"Ignorant" is not the same as "stupid", and can be cured by means much less dramatic than death.
In this case it is exactly the same.
These reports did not come from some long overlooked rainforest tribe, but rather from people intelligent enough to call NASA with worries and fears. These are people able to read or at least watch TV news, or surf the net.
Yet they can't distinguish between a movie trailer and real life.
That, my friend, is not ignorant, but rather, stupid, in bold type, writ large.
The chance of educating these people is slim to none. The recidivism rate of stupidity is astoundingly high. The success stories few and fleeting.
No one wants to wake up on December 24th to watch their dim witted neighbor's body being carried from the next apartment due to hysteria induced suicide.
But by the same token, no one wants to hand-hold these people thru every motion picture release based on a misinterpretation of a calendar developed by people who never invented the wheel and who's year had only 360 days.
Re:Wow. (Score:4, Insightful)
No one wants to wake up on December 24th to watch their dim witted neighbor's body being carried from the next apartment due to hysteria induced suicide.
Speak for yourself, I hate that bastard. Merry Fucking Christmas, dipshit.
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Insightful)
99.99% of Christians are not going to fear Nibiru after watching 2012, so it's only fair to distinguish between them and the people Morrison is talking about. You must realize, he is fielding questions from a population of millions of people, some significant percentage of whom are literally psychotic (which actually means losing touch with reality, not being an axe murderer). This "idiocracy" meme (that the masses are stupid and we are the smart ones) is just ego stroking - don't feel good just because you're more sane than the bottom 0.001% who are off their meds.
Re:Wow. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Funny)
don't feel good just because you're more sane than the bottom 0.001% who are off their meds.
Look, I gotta take it where I can get it, alright?
Re:Wow. (Score:4, Insightful)
"Ignorant" can be cured. By teaching. "Refusing to be taught" is a different matter.
And, bluntly, if you manage to get to 30 years of age in what we deem a "civilized" country and are still ignorant, it's usually not a lack of available information.
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Informative)
Is this close enough?
"And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter." (Revelation 8:10, 11 - KJB).
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wormwood can also be meant to imply poisoned or rotten. thats what (allegedly) makes true absinthe dangerous, in that pure wormwood oil is poison.
Re:Wow. (Score:4, Informative)
Just tell them there is no mention of Nibiru in the Bible
I did that, but apparently theres a mention of a "star called wormwood which will fall into the sea"
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Insightful)
Just tell them there is no mention of Nibiru in the Bible
I did that, but apparently theres a mention of a "star called wormwood which will fall into the sea"
I agree.
The problem is that we don't train people in the fine art of bullshit detection -- mostly because doing so would challenge mainstream religions
"The problem is that we don't train people in the fine art of critical thinking -- mostly because doing so would challenge the intellectually lazy's of mainstream religions"
As a Christian, I frequently mentally (and sometimes physically) [facepalm] when talking with other religious people.
-Young earth creationists
-Militant anti-evolutionists
-God gave us the earth so anything we do to it must be His will
-That person doesn't believe the same things as me so they must be going to hell
-That person sins, so I'm justified in hating/judging/ostracizing them
-etc. etc. etc.
These aren't the markings of a religious person or mainstream religion in general and it is dishonest to attribute these kinds of things to everyone who is religious . These are merely are the markings of those who have failed to have an open mind and apply reason and logic to their faith. These kinds of people are more concerned about being right than what's right. And what's more condemning to them is that they are more concerned about being right than they are in following the core tenants of their faith to show charity and compassion towards their fellow men.
On the flip side, what further bruises my forehead is when I see a person or group of people who have faith in God do adjust their beliefs to new evidence they see while still holding on to elements of their faith they see as still consistent with that evidence and they are ridiculed for doing so by others claiming to be critical thinkers. Why would such a person attack the essence of the scientific method, namely the adjustment of theories against evidence? The answer is too often that, although they'd like to think otherwise, those who attack people simply for having (or not having) faith in God fear what they don't understand and thus feel the need to tear down it. It's our nasty primal instinct kicking in. Take away the fear and replace it empathy and understanding of why people choose (or don't choose) to have faith in God, and the desire to attack, belittle, or demean will go away on both sides.
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According to /.ers there is no rational in believing in any God, but it is ok to say you are part of any religion as long as it isn't one related to Judaism.
Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
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"Critical thinking" is a fancy name for bullshit detection. And mainstream religion is intellectually lazy -- people, sadly, prefer the simple answers, and any spiritual practice that requires
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Mat 24:35-36 [biblegateway.com] Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Re:Wow. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Funny)
Well, while everyone waits for the world to end on December 21, it will actually end on December 20, and no one will have expected that. :-)
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Or just show them this re-edit of the 2012 trailer: link [youtube.com]. It's pretty much impossible to take the film seriously after seeing that. (Assuming you were inclined to take the film seriously in the first place).
Re:Wow. (Score:4, Insightful)
Well magical thinking is magical thinking. Makes you wonder how many people think all the shows on TV are documentaries?
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Funny)
Those poor people on Gilligan's Island...
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Funny)
Does the Cylon attack come before or after 2012?
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Funny)
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With an answer like that, you'd think one works at Infinity Ward!
Re:Wow. (Score:4, Funny)
Okay, let's round up all the people that believe 2012 [imdb.com] is in any way related to actual scientific fact, and let them go see The Invention of Lying [imdb.com]. If they don't get the coincidence, explain to them it already is 2012 according to the Gregorian calendar...
Re:Wow. (Score:4, Funny)
Like, oh I don't know. Mythbusters? (Score:4, Insightful)
That show has some REALLY bad science in it at times. For instance, one episode discussed the "myth" (rather old wives saying) that with breakfast cereal (the american kind) the cardboard box it comes in contains more NUTRITION then the cereal itself.
The amazing mythbusters then went on to determine the CALORIE/ENERGY and FAT contents of both products. Do Americans REALLY need more CALORIES or FAT in their diets? Not once did they test EITHER of the products for NUTRITIONAL values, as in minerals/vitamins etc. They proved that sugar coated grain gives you energy. No shit sherlock. Your MOTHER is talking about nutrition as you find it in fresh vegetables, and fruit. Not a sugar cube or lump of butter.
And yet many here at slashdot consider mythbusters as valid science and often quote their results to prove how silly a myth is.
I seen another show where helicopters were discussed and the claim was made that helicopters do not have ejection seats. Correct. US helicopters do not, SOVIET helicopters did. How many believe a lie because they thought a documentary was a documentary?
The truth, the real absolute, total and complete truth is not good entertainment and does not fit in a soundbite or between commercial blocks.
And the truth is hard to understand because you need to understand an lot of complex subjects that you actually need to spend some time thinking about.
What IS the mayan calendar and why is 2012 significant and as mentioned in the article is that different then 31st december 2009? If you don't understand WHAT a date really is, how time is tracked, then you COULD think 31st december 9999 would be an ending (which is rougly what 2012 is to the mayans). Silly if you TRULY understand calendars, numbers and such but many don't.
For many people, magical thinking fills in the gaps between their understanding of the world and a LOT of us do it. Come one, be honest how much of your understanding of gravity is a rubber sheet with a weight on it? There is no rubber sheet, that is magical thinking to help your limited intelligence deal with the concepts thought up by truly brilliant people.
So, don't be to condescending, you are no Einstein.
Our world is filled with half lies to explain things away because explaining everything to everyone would explode the education system and not help getting the bloody toilets cleaned and garbage collected and even peoples wounds dressed.
A simple story: In africa there used to be a believe that if you used a cooking stick twice, evil demons would posses it. White missionaries said this was silly superstition and forbid this practice. people soon dropped dead. Why? The evil spirit called food poisoning. This is LESS of an issue in colder climates like europe, but in the hot african sun food spoils far more rapidly.Oh, the story might not be true, but the gist of it is that sometimes "magical thinking" fills a gap between knowing that something is true and knowing the reason behind it.
But we humans ain't perfect and we all can't spent all our time reading books. These people heard something, didn't understand it and nobody is willing to clearly explain it and then there are stations like Fox that even add to the fear mongering for their own gains. Hell even Discovery and National Geographic are happy to host a "lets scare people" show to get ratings. How are people to know the full truth when the lies are sold so much better?
I think what NASA is doing is the right thing, but they should do it more clearly and get someone like Carl Sagan, someone who can talk plain english to explain it on tv on popular chat shows. SHOW people. Don't hide in the ivory tower sneering down, come out with the science. People LOVE science, but you need to open up to them, not by talking down to them, but by starting easy and then pulling them up. Why do you Einstein is such a celebrity? Because HE could do that. Few can. Certainly not most people here.
Re:Like, oh I don't know. Mythbusters? (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah, that's just what the superstitious need: Zombie Carl to explain the not-coming apocalypse!
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Interesting)
Stupid people raise stupid people.
Whatever the genetic component of intelligence may be, it is clear that environment and education make a huge difference. These kids would end up a lot smarter simply by being brought up by someone other than their stupid bitch of a mother.
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(No I am not going to tell you what my beliefs are or those of my parents, I want to leave this intentionally ambiguous.)
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I remember from my psychology class that what religion you follow has no heritability, but how religious you are is at least partially heritable.
Also, Intelligence has a negative correlation between children and parents, at least according to Wikipedia.
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Funny)
O RLY? [myfemdom.net]
(not even a little bit work safe)
Re:Wow. (Score:5, Funny)
I see potential in this (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah, so if you run into one of these idiots, and she happens to be cute, just tell her that you are a Mao Shan master [theregister.co.uk] and you know the perfect ceremony to stop Nibiru from hitting the Earth, if you could just get a little help from her...
Re:I see potential in this (Score:5, Interesting)
And if the "ritual" have been performed in the right way (after some training of course) the planet never shows up. So you were right, weren't you. And so you are a real Mao Shan Master.
Education Time! (Score:5, Informative)
A friend of mine is taking an Arky (Archaeology for those less hip) Class, as she is an ancient & medieval history major, and she is taking a class this semester SPECIFICALLY on the Mayans. Her Prof is one of the archaelogists who work on sites like Tucan. The prof held an open public lecture in the University of Calgary in the first week of November here. My friend and I both attended, and while I never did believe in the whole Mayan Myth it's interesting to see where its origins begin.
So this prof is basically a Mayan pro, she can translate most inscriptions just by looking at them (no reference needed) and she intimately understands their number and Calendar system. The first thing to know about Mayan numbers is that they don't use Base 10, they use base 20. The other thing to know is that there is not ONE Mayan Language. They were similar to all of Europe, where the europeans had french, English, spanish, german, etc, the Mayans had about 6 to 8 different Variants. And with that in mind, they were never a single nation, each city had it's own king/queen type leader, and they peacably would trade with the other cities of the area. No one city was truly the capital, but those major trade hubs and those with rarer goods tended to prosper more than the little towns.
Anyways, so the Mayans used 2 different Calendars, and I can't remember how big, but there was a sizable gap in between the usage of each (I think like 800 years?). But basically what it breaks down into is the Short count and the Long count.
The Short count is very much like our Calendar today, 18 months of 20 days each with 5 days at the end of the year for some religious purpose (Similar to the egyptians). They also had Names for days of their week, like Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Except Mayan Gods instead of Norse Gods). So if I were to say, Friday, December 25th, you'd know I mean this Christmas and not last Christmas or the next Christmas because they don't land on a Friday. This works well for 8 years until Christmas lands on a Friday again. You could be more precise about the date if you gave me the year, which is where the Long Count comes in.
We attribute a year to 365 days. So I would say that Dec 31 2009 would be day 733285. The Mayans didn't use years, they merely counted days. Which is neat in some ways because there were 20 days in a month (And they're number system is base 20, remember?) But also a bit of a hassle in others, because there are 18 months.
So the way Archaeologists expressed their long count is in a series of numbers seperated by decimals (It looks like a long IP Address to me). Day 1 would be like and Day 23 would be like - - Except here's the kicker - Mayans didn't set day 0 as anything in particular. In fact, their creation story takes place well after 0. This leads many people to believe that the Mayans set a date in the future as some signifigance and worked their way backwards. What day that could be or what they believed it would be has yet to be discovered. There are some speculations. No, its not 2012.
Essentially the numbers further to the left represent longer periods of time, so each in the long count is really like 8767 years give or take, which is a really long friggen time, right? We celebrate every year pretty much, but every odd once in a while we hold huge celebrations, like when we ushered in the new millenia in the year 2000. That sort of thing was also important to the Mayans. If I recall correctly, we're roughly around the era on the Mayan Calendar. So when it rolls around to be - wouldn't that be a rollover worth celebrating? To the Mayans it would be. Guess what day that happens to fall on? You're right, December 21 2012.
So now that you've got a crash course on the Calendar and how it works, where exactly does the Prophecy come in? I'll tell you. Amongst the ruins of cities, Mayans had what we call Stelas. They are basically big stones which have stories and such carved into them, very much like a monu
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I forgot "The Great Alignment".
There is no real planetary Alignment scheduled for Dec 21, 2012, which the Movie shows as the Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, etc, all being PERFECTLY in line. Yeah no, not going to happen.
As for the whole, Earth, and one of the constellations making a perfect line with the "Dark Rift" - Yes, that IS scheduled to happen! But guess how rare it is? It happened in 2008, and 2004, and 2000... and you get the idea. Its not very rare at all.
It's easy (Score:5, Insightful)
No you don't (Score:4, Funny)
The economy is in a shambles and you need a job. You respond with "The FSM will return on Dec 24, 2012 and your death will be more horrible than you can imagine. The only way to prevent this fate is to kill yourself, preferably by drowning in a bowl of spagettios."
Then you take his job after he kills himself.
If he doesn't kill himself, drown him in a bowl of spagetti.
Re:It's easy (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:It's easy (Score:5, Funny)
No NASA should respond with "Yes it's real and we need $1 trillion in funding to determine how to stop it" and then spend that on real research.
That's awesome. And then in 2013 when the public goes "Hey, you took that $1 trillion and built a space station and a moon base and a bunch of rockets and solar power stations and telescopes and rovers and stuff, when you were supposed to be preventing the end of the world!"
And NASA can say "What do you think all that stuff was for? It worked, didn't it?"
LOL. Make it so.
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spacious reasoning; reasoning with large gaps where the logic just slips right through.
Re:It's easy (Score:4, Funny)
Will the secret city made in the shape of a 3.5" floppy disc?
How this scam works (Score:5, Insightful)
2. Create a hysteria and panic about the world ending due to Y2K or Planet Nibiru or Mayan Calender cycle ending or Banks collapsing or Obama winning the elections.
3. ...
4. Stock of survivalgears_are_us.com zooms up and ..... profit!
Re:How this scam works (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:How this scam works (Score:5, Insightful)
The joke will be on them when they discover the value of real estate in 2013.
Comment removed (Score:4, Funny)
Re:In other news (Score:5, Funny)
How Histery Repeats .... (Score:5, Interesting)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_(radio) [wikipedia.org]
Quote: "Some listeners heard only a portion of the broadcast, and in the atmosphere of tension and anxiety leading to World War II, took it to be a news broadcast. Newspapers reported that panic ensued, people fleeing the area, others thinking they could smell poison gas or could see flashes of lightning in the distance."
Re:How Histery Repeats .... (Score:5, Informative)
In the case of The War of the Worlds, the radio broadcast WAS designed to sound "real", complete with interrupting musical programs for special announcements and so on. Someone who tuned in in the middle of the show would have missed the announcement that it was just a radio program, and it predated the transistor radio by a decade so most of the people who decided to flee or whatever wouldn't have had a way to keep up with the program and hear any other announcements that they were listening to a fictional story.
There's no excuse at all for 2012.
This is pretty simular. (Score:5, Informative)
The problem isn't people watching the movie 2012, it is the viral advertising surrounding it. They ran ads that made the movie sound a dramatization of a real idea rather than complete fiction, ala the Day After Tomorrow, and encourage them to search the web for the "real truth". The studio created a fake website purposing to be a scientific institute predicting a collision with earth in 2012. On top of this loonies have been talking about a 2012 apocalypse of some sort since we first understood the Mayan calendar, and latter some of them latched onto the Nimbiru idea after the books came out, so the internet is full of websites giving "evidence" of this catastrophe, many of whom claim to be scientific websites themselves.
Yeah, people with a decent bullshit detector should be able to figure out that this is all crap, but it's not like they just watched a normal movie and thought it was read - the studio is trying to present it as though it were real, by making it a conspiracy that the mainstream is covering up.
I wonder... (Score:5, Interesting)
oh, please! (Score:5, Insightful)
I've had two from women contemplating killing their children and themselves
You tell them to come in, explaining that you have a secret rocket that will take some of us off of this planet. When they arrive, you have social services take the kids away and the police can take her to the nearest asylum for the criminally insane.
When should I kill myself? (Score:5, Insightful)
Before you breed...
Flattering, I guess... (Score:5, Interesting)
This is the first film I've worked on that caused actual general panic. Grudge 2 scared people, but it's actually a little gratifying to think that work I did is scaring people even AFTER they walked out of the theater. At the time we were making it I knew the whole black president/conspiracy thing was definitely going to push a lot of buttons, just considering the way things are right now, but to be honest, the whole scientific backstory of the film is so thin I never actually considered that people would genuinely fear a cataclysm as depicted in the movie. "Mutating neutrinos"... really?
ps. I was the lead sound effects editor on the show. Along with blowing up Yellowstone and other sundry destructions, I personally cut about 80% of the computer screen beeps. And I cut every one of them just for you guys, because I know you love them so much :D
Re:Flattering, I guess... (Score:5, Funny)
I won't see the movie immediately, but I'll pre-emptively say that the beeps were entirely unnecessary, inappropriate, or plain impossible, and no programmer worth their salt would make an interface that noisy. But I'm sure you were just following orders. You know who else was just following orders?
Seriously, I'm going to see it just for the beeps now, cos I'm intrigued how an informed person would accomplish this task as opposed to the mindless goons who think they know how computers work.
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You put the beeps in for the same reason the male actors wear makeup, and scenes at night always are in blue light. It's a convention. If you make things blink on a 100 foot projection screen and they don't make a sound, people's get distracted by the absence somehow.
As someone who does this for a living but also is a hobbyist Objective-C/Cocoa/Ruby developer, I do find myself thinking about whether the beeps are triggered by key events, or if they should be emanating from windowserver, and we absolutely
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but to be honest, the whole scientific backstory of the film is so thin I never actually considered that people would genuinely fear a cataclysm as depicted in the movie. "Mutating neutrinos"... really?
Yeah, I can't even hate you for working on it, nor the producers et al for creating it. It's just a movie, after all, so you don't fall into anything like the same class as the people who are promoting the 2012 thing as fact for their own benefit.
If anyone ends up killing themselves or ruining their lives, i
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I always saw the whole "destruction of the world" as sortof an excuse to have a movie about a "conspiracy to save humanity." The interesting part of the movie isn't necessarily how Los Angeles is destroyed as much as why people in government and in echelons of th
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> "Mutating neutrinos"... really?
Well, that does occur in nature. Neutrinos emanating from our sun change type on the way here. Until a few years ago this was not known. The missing neutrino count from the sun (compared to theoretical predictions) was a big mystery in astrophysics, which is now explained by neutrinos changing type.
Re:Flattering, I guess... (Score:5, Funny)
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Just as a footnote to your footnote, the only character in the movie who relates the end-of-the-world to the Mayans is a complete nutjob (played very well by Woody Harrelson). The rest of the cast is much too busy running and screaming and dying to worry much about the Mayans' prophetic ability.
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Yeah, oh well. I added them, and then the re-recording mixer tossed out gobs of them, circle of life.
"Cut" means I added it, in the sense that "I found these sounds in the library and then I 'cut' them so that they would sync up with the picture." Something about CGI special effects is that if you used the literal on-set sound of every shot in the movie, 2012 would be about 50% dialogue, 50% render farm fan hum.
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Blade Runner pretty much invented that cliche. I only wish an imitator would make the chucka-chucka-chucka sound when the character pans the image around.
Sound guy, you on that?
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What's wierd is it's the same chucka-chucka you hear in Alien when the Nostromo computer receives new orders, and it also pops up in various parts of Brazil, The Black Hole, Logan's Run etc. I think it's an old Bernoulli drive or some kind of dishwasher hard disk. You can hear what we're talking about it on the Amazon.com website, just audition track 1 of the Blade Runner soundtrack.
Re:Flattering, I guess... (Score:4, Informative)
Oblig Movie Quote (Score:3, Funny)
This is part of NASA's purvey. (Score:5, Insightful)
Ignorance is not stupidity. NASA has addressed the ignorance. Good for them.
Not stupid, just scared (Score:5, Insightful)
Lots of people have commented on how incredibly stupid these people are. I don't think it's quite that simple.
I think that they're just scared. There's so much fear in our culture, people are scared of health care, scared of a black president, scared of terrorists, scared of oil prices, scared of cell phone companies, scared of pirates (the Somalian kind), scared of pirates (the MPAA kind), scared of the RIAA and MPAA, scared of swine flu, scared of unemployment, scared of having a job that doesn't pay a living wage, scared of peanuts, scared of global warming, scared of pollution, scared of home invasions, scared of floods, earthquakes and fires, scared of nuts with guns, scared of the government taking away everyone's guns.
Fear makes you irrational. It suppresses the "carefully think about the situation" part of your brain, and supercharges the "fight or flight" part. If people stopped to think rationally about it, they would realize it is fiction. But the fear prevents them from thinking rationally.
We live in a constant state of fear, and our culture (or our media, depending on how you look at it) keeps giving us more reasons to be afraid.
What we need is more reason to be hopeful, not fearful. If we remove the irrational fears about health care, presidents, terrorists, MPAA, pirates, global warming, etc., then we would also have fewer irrational fears about the planet Nimbus crashing into Earth on December 21st, 2012.
Cinematic Neurosis (Score:4, Informative)
Why are you still talking? (Score:5, Informative)
"Kill yourself now, before its too late!"
alternative ending:
"Why bother, we are all gonna die in 2012!"
alternate alternate ending:
"Well its 2009, and the world ends in 2012, so if we take one number, 2009 and subtract it from 2012 you get the number 3. Its called math. So you should kill yourself in about 3 years. If you want to get really accurate, you could look at a calender and see what month it is, and what day, and really work out exactly when to do it! Either way, it isn't for awhile and your probably likely to die drowning looking up during a rain storm before that, so leave me alone..."
alternate alternate alternate ending:
"Don't worry about it we will be hit by a meteor or a comet long before then!"
As an aside I have also heard that this Mayan 2012 prediction is all buffoonery. They Mayans thought their the world would end just like we think the world ends after December. It was their calender for keeping track of time. I think it was implied that you just restart the calender once the cycle is over. Perhaps it is so implisit that they didn't feel the need to explain this just the same we don't put a sticker on every calender we ever make that says "Not to worry, world not ending, new calender next year!"
How many people are actually worried? (Score:3, Insightful)
I've been noticing a lot of these "NASA Calms 2012 Fears" articles in the last few days, enough that it makes it sound like there's more of a story here than I think there really is. The real question is, how many people are actually worried about this? I'm guessing that it's a tiny number, and probably what happened is, a statistical blip caused a few of the crazier ones to contact NASA. So then he posts on the blog about it, and for some reason a lot of places pick up the story.
I offer 2012 insurance (Score:3, Funny)
OK, if you really believe 2012 is the end, I have a wonderful deal for you:
I will give you 50% of the cash value for all your belongings AND you can keep them through 2012. IF the world doesn't end, I get to have your things in 2013.
Any takers?
Of course, there actually IS a planet Nibiru . . . (Score:3, Informative)
. . . because Nibiru is the name of Jupiter in the Babylonian compendium of astrology, Mul.Apin.
Jupiter isn't going anywhere, of course.
The New Dark Ages... (Score:3, Insightful)
You know plenty of people laugh at the superstitions of people in the Dark Ages, but science as we know it, didn't exist then. I mean Aristotle had some great ideas, but there was little or nothing to take the place of raw superstition until about the 13th or 14th century (at least in the West).
But what is peoples' excuse today? How is it that people who presumably graduated from the American educational system are no better off than some dirt-farming peasant from barbarian times? Things weren't always this bad. If I had the choice of hiring someone with a high school education from 1909 or someone with a high school education from 2009, I'd choose the 1909 person, and 90% of the time I'd be better off.
But of course or education system is fine, it just needs more money thrown at it.
Re:Easy strawmen to knock off?.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Why is the taxpayer's money being spent on this nonsense?
It's one way of doing science PR these days, I guess.
Re:Easy strawmen to knock off?.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Easy strawmen to knock off?.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Why is the taxpayer's money being spent on this nonsense? What's next? Scientific evidence, that there is no Santa Claus? That black cats crossing your path do not cause "bad luck" (whatever that is)?
It's a blog post and a FAQ. That's it. No probe to prove there is no planet Nibiru, no expensive mission. Are you really worried that one man probably spent a few days writing this up?
Frankly, I thought it was nice to hear that a NASA scientist is working to take the time to respond to a worried public and trying to minimize that time by having an informative page. When I was a kid, I wrote to NASA from Minnesota all the time. Every single time they responded. I still have fact sheets on all of their shuttle craft in my parent's closet. I read those things over and over trying to imagine how someone could come up with such amazing machines. Go ahead, spend a few minutes to hand write them a letter, you might be surprised with the response:
And if you came here to complain that NASA wastes tax payer money, you're in the wrong place. NASA's budget is about half of one percent of the Federal budget [wikipedia.org]--don't even get me started on what our defense budget comes out to be. That's a ridiculously low amount of money for an agency that's charged with a major component of our future and probably the whole future of the Earth and its inhabitants.
... what exactly are you implying these questions and blog are strawmen for?
Your subject confuses me further
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
Why is the taxpayer's money being spent on this nonsense?
It's a blog post and a FAQ. That's it. No probe to prove there is no planet Nibiru, no expensive mission. Are you really worried that one man probably spent a few days writing this up?
They probably saved taxpayer money by writing a FAQ instead of getting repetitive calls from all the loonys.
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Mi is a hard core anti-government libertarian. For him, there is no excuse to thin to turn into an opportunity to bash the government. He's one of those people who think government can never, ever do anything good. If it looks good, you aren't looking hard enough. To people like Mi, NASA is just socialism for scientists and engineers who should be working in private industry.
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Well it wroked for Gordan Brown...
Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)
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The real crime is that you think it is okay for people to assume movies have any relation to reality to begin with. ALL movies would have your disclaimer, making it worthless.
Re:Let them kill themselves (Score:5, Insightful)
And remove themselves from the gene pool.
Almost no stupidity or suicidal tendancies are hereditary. Most mental disabilities are caused by accident or disease. A very large number of children are born every day with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome to (other then being alcoholics) perfectly sane, normal, intelligent people. The "Darwin Award" is pure bullshit; evolution doesn't work like that.
If a stupid woman has fifteen kids and ten die, and you have never had sex, she won the Darwin game and you are its loser.
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I'm sorry, you're concerned about the PLOT of a disaster movie? The plot. Of a disaster movie. Stay where you are, the people who are arriving shortly are there to help you. They are bringing you shiny things.
Complete spoiler: Something scientifically impossible happens. Lots of people die and the laws of physics are apparently among the first casualties. Lots more people die. A few people suffer terrible injuries but somehow recover miraculously and are therefore immunized against death for the rem