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One Year Since John McAfee Fled Belize 66

Velcroman1 writes "It has been a year since fallen software magnate John McAfee fled his adopted home and country — wanted by police for questioning in connection to the murder of his neighbor. In that year, the often eccentric programming pioneer led the media and the public on a wild ride with his outlandish behavior and off-the-wall statements during a catch-me-if you-can escape from the small Central American country. McAfee is a person of interest in the investigation surrounding the murder of his neighbor, American ex-pat Gregory Faull, near his compound in San Pedro Town on the island of Ambergris Caye. No headway has been made in the investigation — and authorities in Belize are still looking to speak with McAfee. 'Nothing has really changed. It's not a closed case,' police spokesman Raphael Martinez said. 'He is still a person of interest.'"
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One Year Since John McAfee Fled Belize

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