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Firefox Mozilla Upgrades

Firefox 45 Will Remove Tab Groups Today, Get This Add-on To Replace It ( 267

An anonymous reader writes: Firefox 45, set to be released today, will remove the Tab Groups feature, a feature that many people used, but Mozilla decided to ask due to buggy code. The good news is that a developer created a perfect replacement for this feature as an add-on. Users that use Tab Groups on a daily basis are urged to install the add-on before upgrading to Firefox 45. The add-on will take over from the browser's Tab Groups feature without any complex configuration. Users that update to Firefox 45 will have their tab groups moved to their Bookmarks as folders, which may be difficult to move back into the Tab Groups add-on later on, especially if some people have hundreds of URLs.
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Firefox 45 Will Remove Tab Groups Today, Get This Add-on To Replace It

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @10:52AM (#51658791)

    In my day, we would axe a good question in school. Today, we ask a feature that sucks. What a future

    • It's not just about ranting about bad grammar. I had the reread the sentence to understand. What if I was not so advanced in reading English? Slashdot editors should take care of grammar and spelling to make this site more friendly to non-native speakers of English.
      • I had the reread the sentence to understand.

        I had to reread the sentence about rereading the sentence to understand to understand.

  • What did they ask due to buggy code? Must use Cortana........
  • Wrong lingo (Score:5, Funny)

    by twitnutttt ( 2958183 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @10:57AM (#51658827)

    "Mozilla decided to ask due to buggy code."?
    I think /.'s editors got their lingo wrong.
    You better axe somebody!

  • So why not just fix the buggy code? I'm getting a little worried about the slips the Mozilla foundation is making. First with pushing "recommended sites" on the "home page" when a new tab was opened (used to push advertising agenda), now this. The is a new browser from the founders of Opera called "Vivaldi" at [] and it's very good. MS is pushing "Edge" (along with windows 10 on every Windows 7+ OS and involuntary at that...shut down Windows Update in your services to prevent OS hijacki
    • by Desler ( 1608317 )

      Too busy chasing IoT which they will dump when no one wants Mozilla's solution. Then they'll move to the next buzzword technology.

    • Whatever else you want to say about Edge, the design spec given to the team was a print out of the w3c spec.

    • along with windows 10 on every Windows 7+ OS and involuntary at that...shut down Windows Update in your services to prevent OS hijacking by MS

      No, don't. Windows Update is how you get security updates. And more importantly, if you don't trust your OS vendor to act in your best interests, and you distrust them so much you want to disable security updates, then why are you continuing to use their OS???

      If your OS vendor is actually untrustworthy, (and the OS is closed-source so you don't really know what's go

    • I'm getting a little worried about the slips the Mozilla foundation is making..

      Said the uncontested Master of Understatement!

      BTW, thanks for the heads up on Vivaldi - it's installing as I write this. It's been a while since I took a new browser for a spin...

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents 'I never used it at all', and 5 represents 'I used it all the time': How often did you use the 'Tab Groups' feature in Firefox?

    Me? '1'; I knew what it was, but didn't see the point to it and therefore never used it.
    • by Mr D from 63 ( 3395377 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @11:25AM (#51659039)
      I thought it was a cool feature. I never had a use for it. I guess it was a solution in search of a problem.
    • I used it. Sometimes. Except, like many Firefox "features", it has been stagnant for years.

      Imagine, if instead of Tab-groups, it was integrated as a Window Manager. Which would enable a whole slew of productivity uses.

      So instead of making it actually useful, it got delegated to "not even the icon is shown on the toolbar anymore". Lets put Pocket where Tab Groups were.

      Mozilla has been planning to remove this feature for 3 or 4 years now. Innovation at work.
    • by Ken D ( 100098 )

      2. I used it once. When it came out.
      Dozens of tabs turned into a Tab Group. Tried to undo it or whatever. The Group closed. No way to reopen a closed Tab Group. Dozens of tabs that I was using gone in an instant. Never touched that buggy shit again.

    • On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents 'I never used it at all', and 5 represents 'I used it all the time': How often did you use the 'Tab Groups' feature in Firefox?

      For me, it's a "5". I use it all the time and find it indispensable.

      Instead of opening 5 tabs one by one, I group 'em and click "Open all n tabs". For me it's an extremely useful feature. I have about a dozen tab groups that I use all the time, every single day. The feature works perfectly for me, I had no idea it was considered "buggy".

      Thanks, Mozilla, you really know how to fuck shit up.

    • I used it in Opera

      I would have used it in FF, but I find I have to kill tabs so often because some strange bug makes them slow down my whole computer, that I cannot abide the extra level of GUI./p

    • by sootman ( 158191 )

      0, didn't know it existed.

    • 4, Used to group tabs by topic: news, programming docs, etc.
      I thinks it's a neat idea altough it was probably invented by Opera 15 years ago. If few people use it I think making it an extension is the right call
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Pale Moon is the Firefox that you wish Firefox still were.

  • Is there any other reason to upgrade to version 45?

    In other browser news I see Comodo Dragon is up to version48.12.18.243
    But Avast thinks its a virus and won't let me download it.

    • There is almost no reason to use Firefox standard. Firefox Dev (aka Aurora) is more stable than Nightly, more feature-complete than FF-Dev or Beta, and gives you the ability to disable Extension Signing and makes other power-user|Dev features (CSS, JS, etc) easier to access.
      • doh. s/ more feature\-complete than (FF\-Dev) or Beta/ more feature-complete than FF Standard or Beta/g
      • AFAIK. Piro's TreeStyleTab and handful of related Extensions (Multiple Tab Handler, Context Menu Extensions) are not signed (at least the current versions anyways). So one might have to use Dev or Nightly.
        Unless ye prefer Tabs Mix Plus - I always found TMP to be too much Kitchen Sink, less stable, with a slower turnaround in bug fixes, AND functionally worse compared to TreeStyleTabs, if yer flavour is Side Left|Right Tabs at least.
        • by rossdee ( 243626 )

          "Unless ye prefer Tabs Mix Plus - I always found TMP to be too much Kitchen Sink, less stable, with a slower turnaround in bug fixes, AND functionally worse compared to TreeStyleTabs, if yer flavour is Side Left|Right Tabs at least."

          FWIW Tabs Mix Plus also just got updated -when I reset FF after the update installed.

  • by LichtSpektren ( 4201985 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @11:53AM (#51659185)
    Unlike IE, Chrome, and Safari, Firefox is not the default browser on any widely used platform (except desktop Linux, although even that is still mostly a system for nerds and not widely used by ordinary plebs). That means that the market for Firefox is the users that are knowledgeable enough to download a binary to replace the default web browser on their platform--likely, this means power users. Power users like things like advanced tab and cookie management. Power users do not like social media integration. Power users do not appreciate when the features they like (especially the ones they like enough to work around some long-lived bugs) are axed and replaced by an extension they have to go out and download.
  • by sexconker ( 1179573 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @01:01PM (#51659657)

    Mozilla Boss: How can we fuck up Firefox for the next release?
    Mozilla Dev: We've had great success fucking up or removing features people use.
    Mozilla Intern: And make sure we make it more like Chrome, people hate that.

    MB: Sounds good, what should we target next?
    MI: I can run some numbers and see what features a moderate percentage of our users use. That way we continue the nice slow spiral down the drain.
    MD: As long as I don't have to add anything new, I'm all for it.

    MB: All right, so we pick some remaining features that distinguish us from Chrome, and we take one away that users depend on. Not too few users, not too many.
    MI: I'll run a report against a target 20-40%.

    MD: Once we pick a feature, I'll get on bugzilla and start adding bullshit about how it's a security risk for unspecified reasons, how it's unmaintained despite it not needing any maintenance, etc.
    MI: I'll use my sock puppet accounts to create a few dupe accounts to reply in agreement with our actions.
    MB: I'm fine with this as long as we make it absolutely clear we don't give a fucking shit what users want. Make sure to mark all their issues as "will not fix" and lock the comments whenever they post evidence of use or arguments against our "unmaintained" line.

    MD: Don't worry, I'll post that we're redirecting all "conversation" to the mailing list.
    MI: And as the moderator of the mailing list, I'll simply reject any postings that argue against us.
    MB: Excellent. At this rate, we'll have a complete Chrome clone by the end of the year!

  • Does anyone know of a good alternative for the Mac? The one thing that is really keeping me on Firefox is it's ability to restore my session after a crash (either browser or system). A few years ago I tried a couple other browsers and they would lose tabs that I had open if they quit unexpectedly but Firefox doesn't do that.

    It's important because right now my system freezes sometimes when it goes to sleep. The screen will turn back on and I can move the pointer around with the mouse but that's as responsive

    • by KGIII ( 973947 )

      Take a gander at Opera. Give it a full week, try out any extensions you might want (Chrome extensions work too), and see if it fits your needs. I'm not sure how many years have gone by since I started using Opera but I've been using it since the days where I had to pay for it. I'm pretty happy with it as my main browser though there was a period where they kind of lost direction.

      I have firewall logs and Wireshark runs that show no unknown traffic getting out. I'm pretty happy with it. It's based on Chromium

  • So with the new owners click-whoring headlines enter Slashdot? I've been visiting the site from pretty much the beginning and haven't really noticed this journalistic cancer before. If you stop it now, no major damage happens.
  • It's hardly that big a shift. Tab Groups (Formerly Panorama) used to be an add-on called "Tab Candy" (IIRC).
  • Flashblock on Firefox seems to have gone to shit recently. Is there a version that works?

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