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Syrian Government Hacked, 43GB of Data Spilled Online By Hacktivists ( 60

An anonymous reader writes: On April 6, a hacking outfit going by the name of Cyber Justice Team leaked data from multiple Syrian government and private websites. The leak includes the password file from the breached server, along with MySQL host permissions, admin passwords, and a link to the 10GB compressed file, uploaded to the file sharing site MEGA. While some of the data seems to be from older data breaches, some of it is also new. This is one of the biggest leaks of Syrian government data, a regime that has remained protected against such threats due to an aggressive cyber-policy. The government has been known to secretly back the Syrian Electronic Army hacker group, who the US government recently indicted (3 members at least).
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Syrian Government Hacked, 43GB of Data Spilled Online By Hacktivists

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  • not much going on
  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:08AM (#51883277)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Every time something like this happens it's "dem haxx0rz did it! wif de haxx! dey did done went and gone haxx0red on teh intarwebbertubez!" as if that somehow absolves the poor widdle victim organisations, more or less ignoring the real victims whose personal data was leaked... again. The terminology exists to convey innocence through ignorance, or at least force majeure because who can defend against the cyber bogeyman? Either that or to convey a sense of urgency to pay the speaking "white hatted", "ethica

      • by Anonymous Coward

        I don't really see how "Syrian Government Hacked, 43GB of Data Spilled Online By Hacktivists" could be any more calm and factual. I guess you got to bitch and moan about something though.

    • by dave420 ( 699308 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @10:16AM (#51883957)

      Your position reeks of paranoia. You've got to show why this has not the likeliest explanation, but some complicated scheme involving not just hackers, but hackers working with a cabal of government/reptilians/whatever trying to skew your precious mind.

      To me this sounds like business as usual: 'Bad guys' have some data, 'good guys' take it and release it. Who is good and bad is subjective, however, hence the quotes.

  • Double Standard (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:28AM (#51883351)

    Whether it's Assad's regime using chemical weapons on the Syrian people or ISIL committing all sorts of atrocities, there are no good guys in the fight. Both sides are Islamic, and both are clearly in the wrong. ISIL has committed numerous attacks around the world, slaughtering innocent civilians in cowardly terror attacks. We'll probably learn more about the attacks on the Syrian people by the Assad regime in this data breach. Again, all of these evils are done by Muslims in a war that is very much about Islam. In the West, we're constantly told that Islam is a religion of peace. Those who point out the violence in Islam are branded as bigots or dismissed as fools. Islam is called a religion of peace and is given a free pass for the violence committed in its name. However, a Christian baker who refuses to bake a cake for an LGBT wedding gets widely criticized by the media and Christianity is labeled a religion of hate. The Christians aren't stopping the LGBT couple from getting married ad there are plenty of other bakers willing to bake that cake. Yet Christianity is routinely attacked by the media as a religion of hate, while Islam is considered a religion of peace and gets a free pass. Can anyone justify this double standard as anything but extremely unfair?

    • Re:Double Standard (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Mashiki ( 184564 ) <> on Monday April 11, 2016 @09:45AM (#51883713) Homepage

      Can anyone justify this double standard as anything but extremely unfair?

      Of course not. Islam is the media darling and can do no wrong because "islamophobia." Fun reminder, that at the extreme end of the media claiming islamophobia(a word coined by islamist extremists) and these things are problematic when people call out the BS. Then you'll see stuff like this [] and the media trying to cover it up, [] claiming that "the story needs more work."

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Since the multiple attacks and a argue with a Muslim colleague I could no longer come at peace in my mind. I still can't understand how and why these attacks are occurring in free nations offering many opportunities for immigrants. His claim was that the attacks are entirely the fault of the white western man because of the medieval crusades (!!!). His claim is that the current terrorist attacks are all set up by Americans who are controlled by the Jews. It is one Zionist plot and the US are their puppets.

    • Re:Double Standard (Score:4, Interesting)

      by EmeraldBot ( 3513925 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @09:51AM (#51883767)

      Whether it's Assad's regime using chemical weapons on the Syrian people or ISIL committing all sorts of atrocities, there are no good guys in the fight. Both sides are Islamic, and both are clearly in the wrong. ISIL has committed numerous attacks around the world, slaughtering innocent civilians in cowardly terror attacks. We'll probably learn more about the attacks on the Syrian people by the Assad regime in this data breach. Again, all of these evils are done by Muslims in a war that is very much about Islam. In the West, we're constantly told that Islam is a religion of peace. Those who point out the violence in Islam are branded as bigots or dismissed as fools. Islam is called a religion of peace and is given a free pass for the violence committed in its name. However, a Christian baker who refuses to bake a cake for an LGBT wedding gets widely criticized by the media and Christianity is labeled a religion of hate. The Christians aren't stopping the LGBT couple from getting married ad there are plenty of other bakers willing to bake that cake. Yet Christianity is routinely attacked by the media as a religion of hate, while Islam is considered a religion of peace and gets a free pass. Can anyone justify this double standard as anything but extremely unfair?

      Wars were caused in the middle east because the current leaders are all idiots, not because of a religion. The religion's just a propoganda cover story, for the purpose of convincing more idiots to bloe themselves up - or, for people like you to once again bring back the xenophobia. Blacks were once responsible for all our problems: then it was Jews, then Japanese, then Russians, then Chinese, and now the Middle East gets their turn. Do you really think we haven't done this whole spiel before?

      • Re:Double Standard (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Mashiki ( 184564 ) <> on Monday April 11, 2016 @11:08AM (#51884375) Homepage

        Wars were caused in the middle east because the current leaders are all idiots, not because of a religion. ...

        Islam is not only a religious system and legal system, but a political system too. And many of the leaders in that region use it as justification for their actions, that includes the current, past, and terrorist groups. That's not propaganda, that's a combination of cultural and religious. That is your fundamental difference between your "it was 'jews, japanese, russians, chinese" bit. Judaism was a religious and political system, until it had it's reformation. Now there are only the die hard hold outs. Christianity never really was, neither paganism or orthodox christian were religious and political system. And neither is shintoism.

        You're welcome to believe whatever you want though, but there's no xenophobia involved. And what islam needs to do is get caught up to the 21st century, and that means taking those religious scholars that say "making snowmen is idolatry," "women are inferior," "a man's testimony is twice that of a women's." That whole "it's just a propaganda problem" didn't fly during the middle ages, and it didn't fly in the 1980's either here in the west.

      • Wars were caused in the middle east because the current leaders are all idiots, not because of a religion. The religion's just a propoganda cover story, for the purpose of convincing more idiots to bloe themselves up - or, for people like you to once again bring back the xenophobia. Blacks were once responsible for all our problems: then it was Jews, then Japanese, then Russians, then Chinese, and now the Middle East gets their turn. Do you really think we haven't done this whole spiel before?

        Well, to be fair, when it was the Japanese being blamed, they had just hit Pearl Harbor. You also skipped the time everyone was blaming the Nazi's...

        Saying that religion has nothing to do with the Middle East's violence is about as stupid as declaring that religion is it's only problem.

        Iran and Pakistan are religious states based upon their founding documents. The absolute worst(by nature and population) religious hate mongering is founded in Wahabi Islam, out of Saudi Arabia. All 3 of these states and thei

    • War is still more profitable than infrastructure and hookers

      Islamists (including your ISIL, ISIS, Whatever) are using the ammo* they buy from the U.S.

      The Christians are hoarding it.

      Both are good customers.

      The Russians are pissed.


      *Just think, if the supply ever dried up, the war would be over. Interesting concept, don't you think?

      • by Anonymous Coward

        > *Just think, if the supply ever dried up, the war would be over. Interesting concept, don't you think?

        imagine if ammunition was subject to the same price hikes as medicine!

      • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

        *Just think, if the supply ever dried up, the war would be over. Interesting concept, don't you think?

        Then they would fight with sticks and stones. People have been killing each other since there have been people. Bullets just make it more efficient.

    • by Megol ( 3135005 )

      Whether it's Assad's regime using chemical weapons on the Syrian people or ISIL committing all sorts of atrocities, there are no good guys in the fight.

      IOW: it is an ordinary war.

      Both sides are Islamic, and both are clearly in the wrong.

      Only if you define "in the wrong" as being Muslim. Yes "both" (the actual war is among a huge amount of groups affiliated with some other groups) are in the wrong but the use of religion as a bait is universal, even non-religious groups like the German National Socialist movement used Christianity (and also Islam(!!)) in order to get stronger support from various groups of people. The Syrian government is a version of the Baath party which (as the one previously in Iraq) is essent

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Also, The premise of the article is false. There is no Syrian government. What was apparently hacked was just one faction in a Syrian Civil war with at least 4 different major factions. Despite recent Russian backed gains, the Assad regime doesn't even control half the country.

    • Agreed that both Assad and ISIL/ISIS are horrible. However its not true that both sides are Islamic and this civil war is the farthest thing from a religious conflict.
      I am of Syrian origin and been living in the US for the past 10 years. I am born Christian, lived in Islamic societies for a couple of decades and feel qualified to correct this mis-information. I'm now agnostic so I can also shed my perspective a bit later about the disparity.

      Assad's regime is actually the Ba'ath party which is more socialist

      • Please mod parent up.. I was born and raised in Syria, and lived there most of my life. Like parent, I'm tired of hearing misinformtion about Syria. Assad couldn't be any farther from being called Islamist. Not sure where GP got his information from. Assad regime is a secular repressive dictatorship. To portray the war in Syria as mostly religion motivated is a big distortion of the complex multidimensional situation. Many people who stood against the Assad regime are secular. Many of them ended up being
    • Whether it's Assad's regime using chemical weapons on the Syrian people or ISIL committing all sorts of atrocities, there are no good guys in the fight. Both sides are Islamic, ... blah blah ... However, a Christian baker who refuses to bake a cake for an LGBT wedding gets widely criticized by the media and Christianity is labeled a religion of hate.

      Do you pick many cherries?

  • 43GB of Data Spilled Online

    Ugh, thanks a bunch. Now I've got to find someone to clean up the mess!

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Why not?

      Gotta start somewhere. I'm guessing the first guy to have it didn't want to be a) traced too easily or b) pestered with "Please seed!!!11!" when he went sleep.

  • by ITRambo ( 1467509 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @09:56AM (#51883795)
    I hope that no one believes that the western world governments aren't glad this breach, and subsequent leak, occurred. They're no doubt combing through the data to find anything new that supports the position of deposing the murderous, and yet somewhat charismatic, scoundrel Assad.
  • Maybe SQL Injection attack infected on this site, idk but probably...

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