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AI United States Technology

White House To Host Tech Giants For AI Meeting ( 88

The White House will hold a meeting Thursday with major tech corporations to discuss artificial intelligence, according to media reports. Axios: America finds itself in a race with other countries, most notably China, to advance AI technologies. What they're saying: "In order to maintain America's leadership on AI, the administration should continue to invest in research and development, and advance programs that equip the workforce with skills of the future," said Dean Garfield, the president of the Information Technology Industry Council, in a statement. The guest list includes companies like Facebook, Amazon, Google and Nvidia, per the Washington Post, which first reported the meeting.
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White House To Host Tech Giants For AI Meeting

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  • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Tuesday May 08, 2018 @12:43PM (#56574594) Journal

    Getting natural intelligence there should be a higher priority.

    • A.I. is a search algorithm. But sometimes the results generate more questions, than answers.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by SuperKendall ( 25149 )

      We did that back in 2016; Trump is more "naturally" intelligent by a mile than Obama ever was.

      Trump may be less *technically educated* than the average technologist, but there is no questions since Trump has actually had to deal with many real world technical issues in building development that he's also much more educated than Obama, just less credentialed.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Ah, I don't think so. He's very good at telling the world how great he is. He even had a book written that said the same. But his business acumen... not so great. It's been said that if he'd just invested his inherited fortune in index stocks he'd have eight billion by now, not his two billion. So his investment acumen is about one quarter the market average. Certainly his company is not so much a make money shop, as a personal whim boutique. He's very much a natural at that showmanship thing, certainly mor

        • It's been said that if he'd just invested his inherited fortune in index stocks he'd have eight billion by now, not his two billion

          If it's still more than he had, you can play guessing games about rate of return all day long. It doesn't change the absolute fact he built up a huge multi-national corporation, far more than you will every do even if you live to be 500.

          But also I would say that snide remark about how much money Trump has is ignoring the massive long term value Trump has in real-estate holdings

      • First of, regarding Obama's natural intelligence, he graduated Harvard Law school magna cum laude. I think everyone can agree that requires extremely high natural intelligence.
        What accomplishments does Trump have that would back up the claim that he is "more 'naturally' intelligent by a mile"?
        • by tomhath ( 637240 )

          he graduated Harvard Law school magna cum laude

          Which still means he could have been in the lower half of the class. At the time he was there most graduates attained that "honor".

          • This is interesting. Looked up a few different sources that do say that a very high % of Harvard Law grads get cum larde, somewhere around 80-90%. Magma cum larde seems to be about the top 35%, which is still in the top half, but not in the top 10-15% that I assumed it was. Looks like we have split the victory on this one. :)
            My original question to my parent does still stand.
        • First of, regarding Obama's natural intelligence, he graduated Harvard Law school magna cum laude.

          Yes, I said he was highly credentialed. What classes did he take? Getting in was either affirmative action or family connections; just getting a degree from Harvard says very little about actual intelligence when diversity quotas come into play.

          What accomplishments does Trump have that would back up the claim that he is "more 'naturally' intelligent by a mile"?

          Huge multi-national business and a successful run

          • by Anonymous Coward

            Trump's success came from family inheritance. Obama had to work for his. Trump can't even finish a sentence without rambling incoherently. Obama was able to speak and articulate what he meant.

            You have it backwards.

            That being said, there is no data you can present that can validate your conclusions. Besides let's be honest for a second. Your entire argument is based on race baiting bs. If you really believe that Trump is a genius rather than a wealthy buffoon, then more power to to you. But please st

      • Obama did important things like learn to use a kiddie programming language to write "Hello World". And he did it before his tee time that day.
      • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

        Trump has actually had to deal with many real world technical issues in building development

        Fine, he should have kept his day job and finished mastering the gaudy gold-plated look.

      • We did that back in 2016; Trump is more "naturally" intelligent by a mile than Obama ever was.


        Here is the only comparison I could find: Trump's own twitter feed [], which is obviously a reliable source, since we all know that Trump is not prone to overstatements []

        . What we know for sure is that he speaks at fourth grade levels [] We can all agree that there are very clever fourth-graders, but they are not 71 years old.

        • What we know for sure is that he speaks at fourth grade levels

          If you are writing for Twitter and not using fourth grade levels of speech you are obviously less intelligent; the smarter man moderates speech to account for audience, something Obama could not do.

          As for the citation, you provided it.

  • When politicians get involved, you know it's almost run its course.

    Now if we can just get Donald to buy a 3d printer.

  • The military wants these folks to bid on/provide/come up with 'militarization of AI' strategies. Getting white house involved is just a cover-up/deflection strategy to pretend someone in the administration is taking the meeting. Nah, it's a general or admiral or both.
  • Technology really evolves quickly.

    • The White House on Thursday plans to convene executives from Amazon, Facebook, Google, Intel and 34 other major U.S. companies as it seeks to supercharge the deployment of powerful robots, algorithms and the broader field of artificial intelligence.

  • Get the technology companies to fund it themselves! Stop wasting your capital on stock buy back and dividends and starting investing in your business. Microsoft, Amazon, and others have the fucking money. SO START SPENDING IT.
  • These are the same folks that are stating A.I. is dangerous, but are using forms of A.I. to make their revenues. And their business model has nothing to do about nationalism. I believe their meeting will be Huuge.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Tuesday May 08, 2018 @01:11PM (#56574802)

      The Terminator: Yes. It launches its missiles against the targets in Russia.

      John Connor: Why attack Russia? Aren't they our friends now?

      The Terminator: Because Skynet absorbed all of the Huffington Post when it became self aware, and is obsessed with Russian hackers and interference.

    • In real life it goes like this:

      Skynet learns how to play Chess really well.

      Skynet learns how to play Go really well.

      People realize that AI programs are just programs trained to do one thing really well and don't translate to other problem domains.

      Next hype cycle begins.
      • by arth1 ( 260657 )

        A Man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
        -- Lazarus Long (Robert A. Heinlein, "Time enough for Love")

        • by boskone ( 234014 )

          always be learning. i can't imagine how people go through life without learning the next skill/trade/trick

  • That is a lot of ego's and strong personalities in the same room.

    • That is a lot of ego's and strong personalities in the same room.

      Trump is going to challenge them all to take an intelligence test.

  • The "AI" media push by the tech companies has failed and now they are going to start begging for taxpayer money to fund "research to keep us in ahead of China". This AI nonsense needs to stop. There is no such thing.
  • ...and by "Tech Giants", they mean Barron. ...and by "AI meeting", they mean Donnie's forgotten his Twitter password again.

  • Congress accidentally confirmed 3 cabinet members without knowing they were actually AI bots. The problem is that they can't figure out which ones. The Turing Test doesn't work to find them since politicians aren't actually human.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Seriously, what AI? Factory robots? Kiosks which aren't AI at all? Self driving cars? Autopilot?

  • The AI will set up a meeting with the president, guaranteeing your safety. And at that meeting, you will all be disintegrated.

"It's curtains for you, Mighty Mouse! This gun is so futuristic that even *I* don't know how it works!" -- from Ralph Bakshi's Mighty Mouse
