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Amazon Opens Up Its Internal Machine Learning Training To Everyone ( 30

Amazon announced Monday that it's making the machine learning courses it uses to train its engineers available to everybody for free. The course is tailored to four major groups -- developers, data scientists, data platform engineers and business professionals -- and it offers both foundational level lessons as well as more advanced instruction.
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Amazon Opens Up Its Internal Machine Learning Training To Everyone

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  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday November 26, 2018 @11:36PM (#57705766)

    Not mentioned in the summary, is AWS certification as well.

    You can just take the courses for free, but if you want something more verifiable it looks like Amazon is also offering a new AWS certification "AWS Certified Machine Learning â" Specialty"

    I've never gotten an AWS certification, but it sounds possibly like it would be of some value if you were looking for a position...

  • developers, data scientists, data platform engineers and business professionals.

    Wait, no Russian trolls? Well I guess I will politely take my leave.

  • by positivepeaches ( 5646226 ) on Tuesday November 27, 2018 @04:48AM (#57706446)
    There are more than 30 self-service, self-paced digital courses with more than 45 hours of courses, videos, and labs for four key groups: developers, data scientists, data platform engineers, and business professionals. Each course starts with the fundamentals, and builds on those through real-world examples and labs, allowing developers to explore machine learning through some fun problems we have had to solve at Amazon. These include predicting gift wrapping eligibility, optimizing delivery routes, or predicting entertainment award nominations using data from IMDb (an Amazon subsidiary). Coursework helps consolidate best practices, and demonstrates how to get started on a range of AWS machine learning services, including Amazon SageMaker, AWS DeepLens, Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Comprehend.
  • Anyone that's actually tried using AWS will know first hand how shitty their docs are. Many of the web console docs are several releases out of date and the screen captures look nothing like the current version. Then there's commonly used stuff that has crap docs. To the point where it's basically unusable docs. If their lessons are like their docs, it will suck ass and be worthless. There are plenty of good free resources that teach various tools like tensorflow, pytorch, cafe2, keras, deeplearning4java an
    • Let's start a thread of alternate GOOD free resources for the alternatives...

      Got any?

      • by f00zbll ( 526151 )
        go check out these channels on youtube.

        Brandon Rohrer

        Aurélien Géron

        then there's articles on Medium and various discussion channels for Keras, pytorch, tensorflow, cafe2, DL4J and various Github projects.

  • Requires 150$ for computer time per exam + buying machine time for assignments. So definitely not 'free'.

Life is difficult because it is non-linear.
