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Americans Shouldn't Have To Drive, But the Law Insists on It ( 763

An anonymous reader shares a report: In America, the freedom of movement comes with an asterisk: the obligation to drive. This truism has been echoed by the U.S. Supreme Court, which has pronounced car ownership a "virtual necessity." The Court's pronouncement is telling. Yes, in a sense, America is car-dependent by choice -- but it is also car-dependent by law. As I detail in a forthcoming journal article, over the course of several generations lawmakers rewrote the rules of American life to conform to the interests of Big Oil, the auto barons, and the car-loving 1 percenters of the Roaring Twenties. They gave legal force to a mind-set -- let's call it automobile supremacy -- that kills 40,000 Americans a year and seriously injures more than 4 million more. Include all those harmed by emissions and climate change, and the damage is even greater. As a teenager growing up in the shadow of Detroit, I had no reason to feel this was unjust, much less encouraged by law. It is both.

It's no secret that American public policy throughout the 20th century endorsed the car -- for instance, by building a massive network of urban and interstate highways at public expense. Less well understood is how the legal framework governing American life enforces dependency on the automobile. To begin with, mundane road regulations embed automobile supremacy into federal, state, and local law. But inequities in traffic regulation are only the beginning. Land-use law, criminal law, torts, insurance, vehicle safety regulations, even the tax code -- all these sources of law provide rewards to cooperate with what has become the dominant transport mode, and punishment for those who defy it.

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Americans Shouldn't Have To Drive, But the Law Insists on It

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  • Car == Freedom (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @11:31AM (#58901610)

    There is very little that compares to freedom of movement provided by owning a car, being able to move on demand between any points of your choosing..

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by MitchDev ( 2526834 )

      Agreed. Buses and trains travel pre-set routes at approximate pre-set times. Nope
      Uber/Lift/Taxi, must be "summoned" cost can get up there, less convenient than owning your own car. Nope

      • Re:Car == Freedom (Score:5, Informative)

        by DaveV1.0 ( 203135 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @02:18PM (#58902938) Journal
        I looked into commuting by bus for one of my jobs. My 30 minute rush hour commute became 1 hour. I am looking at moving to be closer to my new job. One place is about 20 minutes away by car and 2 hours by bus.
    • Re: Car == Freedom (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      No freedom of movement doesnt equate to operating a vehicle. In fact, freedom of movement requires no ownership of any kind, save maybe clothing when in public.

    • How about the freedom of movement provided by one's own legs to roam wherever you will them to carry you?

      I would argue that that is true freedom!

    • by goombah99 ( 560566 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @11:45AM (#58901726)

      Thinking you know how to make society better by taking away freedom is hallmark of overreach weather the passionately naive left or the self righteous religious right or the intolerant conservative. It is also as bad as libertarians who can't distinguish between the notion that what you do is your business as long as it stays your business and the right to bear nuclear arms in private. Society does require regulation but it should be self determined not imposed by principled do-gooders.

      • by Thud457 ( 234763 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @12:01PM (#58901868) Homepage Journal
        There's a great documentary [] on how General Motors schemed [] to buy up and shut down the trolley companies in Los Angeles.
      • bussing (Score:4, Interesting)

        by goombah99 ( 560566 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @12:02PM (#58901876)

        And just to follow up on my post lets pick the most interesting example that has resurfaced recently. Integration and busing. At the time, busing seemed the height of idiotic impositions on local rights. Very controversial and egregious even amongst people dedicated to civil rights. In hindsight it was a good move. Civil rights was stalled because of the structure of american life not because sufficient people could not agree it was a good idea. this radical restructure ended up making a huge difference. but for the bussed kids and their parents it felt like an unsafe experiment in which they were the guinnea pigs. Black kids in all white schools and white kids in balck schools were both out of their safety nets. They spent a lot of time on busses. Parents lost influence over their schools. And money could no longer buy a better education for rich kids like it once could. This last thing is the interesting bit. At once it's good and it's bad. It's good because it shows how Bussing was really the only way to solve the problem. Separate but Equal did not result in equality. Bussing actually assured it in a way that could not be subverted. At the same time it seems like if you have managed to create a lot of wealth for yourself one of your biological directives is to spend it to advance your own kids. It felt like a taking. Your wealth wasnt' worth as much if you could not buy the thing you most wished for anymore. It was very bad in that sense.

        It's thus an example of how radical ideas imposed sometimes do work out well. But I'd say in general there are way too many counter examples of bad ideas being shoved down people's throats by empowered groups using the force of govt to enforce their beliefs.

        THe reason the civil rights issue can be separated out as special is that unlike a lot of controversial ideas (e.g. abortion rights) the essential notion of equality of opportunity that underlies civil rights is enshrined in not just the constitution and not just in the declaration of independence but in the very reason that people both free and indentured ventured to the Americas in the first place and why immigrant continued to come. If you look at the feet of the statue of liberty her legs are in broken chains. Originally it was supposed to be a reference to slavery but it became more generalized as liberty became a symbol. And the land of opportunity is synonymous with civil rights. Inegration was a radical experiment that surprisingly worked out well. It didn't solve everything and it may not even be required for solving the remaining issues, but it wasn't a failure.

        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          by cayenne8 ( 626475 )

          They spent a lot of time on busses. Parents lost influence over their schools. And money could no longer buy a better education for rich kids like it once could.

          All it did was move more affluent kids from public schools into private schools.

          Private schools have proliferated a great deal due mainly to the forced bussing of the past.

          And now...pretty much any parent, middle class and up, even if they have to struggle, they will work and sacrifice to send their kids to private schools and not have to go to

          • Re:bussing (Score:4, Insightful)

            by Kohath ( 38547 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @01:49PM (#58902704)

            And now...pretty much any parent, middle class and up, even if they have to struggle, they will work and sacrifice to send their kids to private schools and not have to go to public schools.....which leaves the troubled, low IQ and worst of the bunch to populate the public schools for the most part.

            Hmm. Parents aren't letting their children be kidnapped and used for social engineering experiments. Who would have guessed?

            Can we learn from this? Utopian schemes that involve using someone's kids as a disposable input don't work.

          • But race correlates to economic class as well. So many of those busing programs could validly be about making sure rich, poor, and middle class people are less segregated and have common access to quality education. If you get rid of prejudice based upon economics you've already gone 90% of the way to getting rid of prejudice based on race.

            Even in modern days when you bus some kids from poorer schools you see parents lining up to protest about "those kids" coming over bringing their gangs with them. Now

    • Re:Car == Freedom (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Oswald McWeany ( 2428506 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @11:49AM (#58901754)

      There is very little that compares to freedom of movement provided by owning a car, being able to move on demand between any points of your choosing..

      In most places, especially most places in America that is certainly true.

      If you compare Europe to the US though, or even Asia to the US, it's a lot easier to get around Europe or much of Asia without a car than it is in the US and that's in part because of public policy. Because cars are expected in the US and much of the country has poor public transportation, places have been spreading out horizontally for decades which means future residents also need cars, and it becomes harder to implement public transportation.

      Even in Europe a car is more ideal because of the freedom involved, but you don't HAVE to have a car. I know plenty of people in Europe who don't even own a car. I also have know plenty of carless bastards who constantly try bumming rides from people that have them. :)

      America is not a very densly populated country- and that makes cars more preferable to mass transit; but the reason why few larger US cities have decent public transit can be traced back to government policies spreading decades. American cities could have been made transit friendly from their early days- but it was decided to be more car-friendly instead.

      It's not easy to convert now, many cities over here aren't really ideal for public transit now because they weren't designed with it in mind and now they sprawl. It's hard to go from a car-centric city to a public-transport-centric city. You can't just put in metro lines and reverse urban sprawl. Once a car city, you're probably always going to be a car city, because it becomes the only mode of transit that really works well.

      • Re:Car == Freedom (Score:4, Informative)

        by Archangel Michael ( 180766 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @12:26PM (#58902062) Journal

        The issue I see with your viewpoint, is that as a European, you might not have any idea how big the USA actually is. The distance between Seattle (North West) and Miami (South East), 4400 km, is almost 900 km more than distance between London(Britain) and Tel Aviv (Israel), 3560.

        USA is huge compared to Europe. Having actual French relatives, they thought I lived near "Los Angeles" (because I live in California) and wondered if I would pick them up from the Airport, or if taking a taxi would be easier. I live 500 Miles (800km) from LAX (airport). Near is relative. Even by Train it is awful, taking 17 hours. But heck it is cheap ($63). but considering you could fly for $89 in two hours.

        Cars aren't a necessity. They are, however, utilitarian in ways that many Europeans just can't fathom, simply because the scale differences.

        Here is a map, to give idea of the size difference. It really helps. []

        • Re:Car == Freedom (Score:5, Insightful)

          by ceoyoyo ( 59147 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @01:01PM (#58902302)

          Your relatives were being kind of silly, just as you would be if you flew into Paris and asked if they'd pick you up when they live in Marseille.

          The difference isn't in the size of the country. If you want to go from Paris to Marseille you can fly, take the train, or drive for a good part of the day. If you want to go from Los Angeles to San Francisco, you can fly, take the train, or drive for about the same length of time. Only difference is the train is a lot slower. Very few people do any of those things every day.

          The difference is that if you live in Paris, you probably live in a multi-family home of some sort and commute by public transit. If you live in LA, you either live in a single family dwelling with a yard in the suburbs and commute by car, or you dream about doing so.

          People who live in rural areas in the US need cars to get around, just as they do in France.

          The population density of France is 122 / km^2. The population of the US isn't much less, at 93 / km^2. But the density of LA is 3000 / km^2 while the density of Paris is 22,000 / km^2.

          • by sconeu ( 64226 )

            But the density of LA is 3000 / km^2 while the density of Paris is 22,000 / km^2.

            The thing that people don't realize is that LA itself (just the city) is big. The LA Metropolitan Area (including surrounding counties, etc...) is HUGE (comparable to some smaller countries).

            I live within the city limits of Los Angeles. It takes me 1/2 hour to get from my house to downtown LA... and that is WITHOUT TRAFFIC.

          • by bigpat ( 158134 )

            People who live in rural areas in the US need cars to get around, just as they do in France.

            The population density of France is 122 / km^2. The population of the US isn't much less, at 93 / km^2. But the density of LA is 3000 / km^2 while the density of Paris is 22,000 / km^2.

            I always hear this Europe vs US comparison and it does seem to me that it comes from the perspective of either city dwellers (outside of New York) or people that visit Europe.

            While it is true that Europe has a lot more train service than the US overall, it is also true that large areas of Europe and many places that tourists don't visit don't have good train service. So the perspective is valid only up to a limited point and doesn't support the notion about Europe being some sort of car free paradise.

            I th

        • Re:Car == Freedom (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Oswald McWeany ( 2428506 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @01:42PM (#58902642)

          The issue I see with your viewpoint, is that as a European, you might not have any idea how big the USA actually is.

          As someone who has spent 20+ years living in the US, I think I have a pretty good idea. In fact, having lived in multiple different countries for various lengths of time I think I'm better placed than most to have an idea.

          The fact is though that very few people travel between Seattle and Miami on a regular basis, and even if they do they don't travel by car usually, mass transit is actually better in that example.

          For small towns and people who travel between small towns on a regular basis cars are a necessity because of the gap between small towns- I won't argue that.

          For city living, it is because cities were built around cars being expected that the spread is so wide. If denizens were not expected to have cars and policies put in place for public transit 60 years ago cities in the US would look more like they do in Europe and Asia today. Nowadays with cities already spread like they are public transit is going to be hard to implement successfully. There's no reason cities in the US couldn't have been built around mass transit- other than that wasn't the desire of those governing.

          Places like New York City that were built around mass transit from the beginning, I'd much rather take the metro most places than actually drive. New York is probably more friendly for being carless than most places in Europe or Asia. Mass transit is always a bit "chicken and the egg". In order to have good mass transit you have to have a compact city and lots of people using it. In order to have a compact city and people using mass transit, you have to have good mass transit. The two things either grow up together (like New York) - or they're never going to mesh well (like LA or Atlanta).

          • Re:Car == Freedom (Score:5, Interesting)

            by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @06:42PM (#58904760)

            For city living, it is because cities were built around cars being expected that the spread is so wide. If denizens were not expected to have cars and policies put in place for public transit 60 years ago cities in the US would look more like they do in Europe and Asia today. Nowadays with cities already spread like they are public transit is going to be hard to implement successfully. There's no reason cities in the US couldn't have been built around mass transit- other than that wasn't the desire of those governing.

            Places like New York City that were built around mass transit from the beginning, I'd much rather take the metro most places than actually drive. New York is probably more friendly for being carless than most places in Europe or Asia.

            Actually, I suspect the cause is more fundamental than "Americans could have had good public transport if they wanted it."

            If you roll the calendar back to medieval times, the upper limit for the physical size and population of a city was the rate at you could transport food grown in the surrounding countryside, into the city to feed the city residents. Basically, enough perishable food had to be grown each day within a day's wagon ride radius of the city to feed the city's population, or the city residents would starve. Europe hit this upper limit in medieval times when the limiting factor was the speed of a horse-drawn wagon laden with goods. There was no way to increase the population of the city simply because you couldn't move food into it fast enough to feed everyone. Consequently, Europe has a lot of small, dense cities fairly close together. With a few cities having grown into large metropolises in modern times.

            The U.S. was colonized towards the end of this horse-drawn wagon period. Large parts of the U.S. were colonized when steam locomotives were the preferred means of moving cargo. The higher speed of a train means your one-day radius becomes much larger. Larger radius = more food = you can support a bigger population in a city. Combine this with the larger land area of the U.S., and you end up with cities much further apart, with larger but less dense metropolises. (The limit was lifted with the advent of refrigerated rail cars, basically resulting in Chicago providing beef for both New York and Los Angeles. When you decrease the density of a city, you decrease the effectiveness of public transport. Buses and trains have to travel further, but you can't increase the distance between stops without forcing people to walk further. Consequently they become less preferable to individual cars and taxis which can travel point-to-point without intermediate stops.

            New York City is the exception which proves the rule. It's built on an island. So although it was growing during the era of industrialization, instead of expanding outward like most U.S. cities did, it was constrained into a limited size by the island borders, making it more like dense European cities. That both necessitated and made it more cost-effective for them to develop a good public transportation system. In a way, NYC ended up with the best of both worlds. High population density which improves the effectiveness of public transport. Yet built late enough into industrialization that they could lay the streets out in a grid, which also improves the effectiveness of public transport.

      • Re:Car == Freedom (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Zontar The Mindless ( 9002 ) <plasticfish DOT info AT gmail DOT com> on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @12:35PM (#58902108) Homepage

        RTFA last night on and it really spoke to me. Thought about posting it here myself, in fact.

        If you compare Europe to the US though, or even Asia to the US, it's a lot easier to get around Europe or much of Asia without a car than it is in the US...

        This was my experience living in Sweden, visiting various other European and Asian countries, and living in Australia as well. In these places, cities are organised into actual neighbourhoods with a variety of shops, public services (clinic, library, parks, etc.), restaurants, and access to public transport within reasonable walking distance of most homes. I lived in a suburb of Stockholm for over a decade and got along just fine without a car, even taking the winter weather there into account. I could get 80-90% of what I needed within a 10 minutes walk, and for anything else, there were subway and bus stations within that distance as well. I had much the same experience living in Brisbane for several years before that.

        Here in the US, I pay something like 5 times as much a month for transportation as I did in Stockholm (car payment/insurance/fuel/maintenance/taxes vs a monthly transport pass). It would be lot more than that if I wasn't able to work at home most of the time and I had to commute to an office every day. In addition, obtaining daily/weekly necessities by car here takes me at least twice as much time as walking 5 or 10 minutes to the shops in my neighbourhood in Stockholm did.

      • It's not just density in Europe that does this either. I knew friends who lived in a rural village and one headed off to university each day by train and the stop was just a short bike ride away. The price too is affordable. For instance, the CalTrain here in Silicon Valley feels very expensive compared to the European or Japanese trains I've taken.

    • Unless your car breaks down and becomes a $1K trip to the mechanic. Unless you're an experienced transit rider, you will find your freedom severely restricted while the car is in the shop for a week.
      • Unless your car breaks down and becomes a $1K trip to the mechanic. Unless you're an experienced transit rider, you will find your freedom severely restricted while the car is in the shop for a week.

        Well, many/most of us have more than 1 car in the family, you double up when needed.

        Or often insurance on a car in the shop, will provide for a rental car.

        Or, you just suck it up and rent a car for a week, it won't kill you. At worst, you should have friends...and usually good friends help you out with rides.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Zorro ( 15797 )

      Buses and Subways are NASTY!

      Then there are all the Homeless using them to crap and puke in.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by bjwest ( 14070 )

      No, car == convenience

      We have the right to freedom of movement, we do not have the right of freedom of movement in the most comfortable/convenient method possible.

      • by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @12:52PM (#58902232) Homepage Journal

        we do not have the right of freedom of movement in the most comfortable/convenient method possible

        Or course we DO.

        Not sure where you get this way of thinking.

        In the US, your rights are natural and inherit from you birth...and they are yours as long as they haven't been restricted by law (ie some things are crimes).

        But yes, by birth, you pretty much have the right to just about anything you want or want to do in life, within current law.

      • Re:Car == Freedom (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Moof123 ( 1292134 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @01:55PM (#58902758)

        Try being a cyclists or pedestrian for a period of time. It is very clear you are low prioritiy, and treated as more of a nuisance than anything else.
        - Bike lanes disappear at random, making safe'ish routes circuitous when possible at all.
        - Cars don't respect right-of-way. Heck, they mostly don't look up from their cell phones before crossing in front of you.
        - Bike lanes are treated as free space to put up construction signs, park in, blindly open doors into, or otherwise block at will.
        - Everything is spread out due to the bloat of giant parking lots, wide roads, etc.

        When I visit Europe for work the public transit system works darn well, I have never wanted a rental car in the times I have been there, though I have wished for a bike.

        The USA has prioritized cars, and it has made a trade-off that has made all the other options lousy as a result. Many schools cannot be reached on foot or bicycle safely, leading to processions of soccer mom's queued up twice a day due to defunded school buses.

  • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @11:32AM (#58901624)

    Don't even bother reading the linked article. It's written by a total Shill.

    • Don't even bother reading the linked article. It's written by a total Shill.

      Note to readers: The above is a lame joke playing on the fact that the author of the article's last name is "Shill". It's actually an interesting article, though.

    • Re:Waste of time (Score:5, Interesting)

      by thereddaikon ( 5795246 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @11:49AM (#58901748)

      Jokes aside I'm not sure what the point of the article is. He doesn't really provide any solutions. Sure, he tries to list things he thinks are solutions but they aren't. And they aren't even directly related to the main subject of his article. The main subject is Americans shouldn't have to rely on cars as primary transportation. However the listed solutions only deal with one of his supporting points, pedestrian and driver safety. He doesn't actually give a way to break anyone free of needing a car.

      The truth is, while it is possible and even practical to not own a car in places like NYC, you can't do the same in the majority of America. And the only point he gives that is even weakly related to solving this problem; relaxing zoning laws. Will not come anywhere close to changing the established make up of communities across the nation. You can't change that overnight and city planning has happened in such a way as to make public transport an unfeasible undertaking in all but the most dense communities.

      Given the author is a law professor this all makes sense. Lawyers can easily get tunnel vision about the ills of society that come before court. Both civil and criminal. You see a lot of bad. I imagine he has dealt with a lot of cases involving traffic mishaps. However the job of lawyers is not to find solutions, it is to argue that their point of view is correct and just. It's up to regulators and policy makers to find solutions, and even they get it wrong a lot. Although not nearly as often as people think.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @12:04PM (#58901898)

        Jokes aside I'm not sure what the point of the article is. He doesn't really provide any solutions. Sure, he tries to list things he thinks are solutions but they aren't. And they aren't even directly related to the main subject of his article.

        There is a very strongly implied message in this completely bullshit article:

        There shouldn't be any suburbs. There shouldn't be any quiet, clean, peaceful neighborhoods. There shouldn't be any freedom or autonomy. Everyone should be forced to live in a large city, crammed together in giant apartment buildings containing hundreds of tiny apartments. The only method of travel, other than walking, should be public transportation, where everyone is herded like cattle, at times and routes of the government's choosing.

      • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

        Jokes aside I'm not sure what the point of the article is. He doesn't really provide any solutions. Sure, he tries to list things he thinks are solutions but they aren't. And they aren't even directly related to the main subject of his article. The main subject is Americans shouldn't have to rely on cars as primary transportation. However the listed solutions only deal with one of his supporting points, pedestrian and driver safety. He doesn't actually give a way to break anyone free of needing a car.

        The truth is, while it is possible and even practical to not own a car in places like NYC, you can't do the same in the majority of America. And the only point he gives that is even weakly related to solving this problem; relaxing zoning laws. Will not come anywhere close to changing the established make up of communities across the nation. You can't change that overnight and city planning has happened in such a way as to make public transport an unfeasible undertaking in all but the most dense communities.

        I don't even want to live close enough to bike/walk to work. The area here isn't that great (the brand new gas station build on the opposite corner of the intersection leading to our building complex has to have armed guards there have been so many robberies), and what decent houses there are, since it is more urban than where I actually live, are both smaller and more expensive.

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      Sounds like it's a personal injury lawyer to me.

      "recognition of the freedom to walk" We already have some pretty comprehensive pedestrian safety and rights laws on the books. So what more is being asked for? The legal right to jay-walk anywhere one wants? Not likely. Keep in mind that all of those quaint 19th century street scenes with pedestrians cross-crossing every which way between carriages and street cars were also pre Prohibition. And one of the significant arguments in favor of eliminating public d

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Looks like someone is having a problem with reality.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @11:56AM (#58901814)

      Author started with a premise: "obligation to drive".
      Author expected to find some laws forbidding people to walk on country roads or such.
      Author didn't find any.
      The Supreme court talks about the complement "obligation to not drive".
      Author sucks at logic and thinks the supreme court supports his premise.

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @11:40AM (#58901682)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • []

      More like 1 hour travel time.

      The Northeast corridor is covered by an "ok" high-speed rail system, primarily limited by using tracks that were designed for freight rail instead of high-speed passenger rail.

      Everywhere else in the US that this has been attempted (and replacing that freight-rail-based route) runs into the problem of purchasing right-of-way is really expensive. So, we could do it, but we've already got these Interstates and cars.....

      • by MobyDisk ( 75490 )

        More like 1 hour travel time.

        It really is 3 hours travel time, the problem is your link doesn't work. It shows travel time from "my location" to "nyc." Yeah, this makes no sense when your search is explicitly "dc to nyc." But if you replace "my location" with "washington dc" the result is between 3 and 4 hours depending on the departure time. That's pretty dumb since that's about the same time as going by car. THAT's the real issue houghi is trying to say: even the US "high speed" rail is slower than traveling by car, and travel b

    • by thereddaikon ( 5795246 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @12:18PM (#58901996)

      This is a false narrative that is brought up a lot. Its usually made by Americans who want to be like Europe or by Europeans who have no idea what America is actually like. Mass transit on the scale and density of Europe is not and never will be economically feasible in the US. Why? Because outside of the major cities like NYC, LA etc the population density is very low. Trains going everywhere works in Europe because communities dense and close to one another. The only open land in western Europe that isn't actively developed is Zone Rouge in France that can't be.

      The EU is 1.7 million square miles while the USA is 3.5 million. I'm not counting the entire continent of Europe because not everywhere on the continent has such an extensive rail network as the west. The EU also has a population density of 303 people per square mile whereas the USA is 87 per square mile. Its a simple math equation. There just aren't enough people packed in together all going a short distance to the same place. American communities are more spread out over larger areas for the same nominal population. This means any rail network would have to have far more stops with fewer people using each. The cost per capita and in absolute terms would be higher while the income would be lower. Its just bad economics.

      Europe also had its rail network destroyed not long before high speed became viable. War is bad and expensive but it did open an opportunity to make better more modern rail lines at just the right time. The US didn't get bombed which means its extensive network didn't get rebuilt. To adopt high speed rail would require a massive overhaul of the existing network which would be very expensive and also cause disruptions to existing operations. And we actually do use our rail a lot. Just not for moving people. We use it to move stuff. Freight rail is a big business in the US and makes a lot more economic sense. Absolute speed and comfort are not concerns and because of the zoning "issues" the article author notes, most cities have one industrial district which means rail only has to go to one place. Its great for logistics.

      So America did not abandon rail. America uses it for what works best given the circumstances. There is no such thing as a one size fits all policy and part of the job of a government is to make policy decisions the best benefit their citizens and make sense. Using rail for freight and cars for transit makes sense in most American communities. In those where light rail transit is viable it is done. In places where it is not then tax payer funds are not wasted on it.

      • by jeff4747 ( 256583 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @12:55PM (#58902248)

        American communities are more spread out over larger areas for the same nominal population.

        That is a zoning decision made by local governments. It's not permanent, and could be changed such that we do build our cities to higher density.

        But it is difficult to dislodge because the current landowners would not make as much money, and the current landowners are the ones who can vote for city councils and zoning boards.

        Europe also had its rail network destroyed not long before high speed became viable.

        100mph rail lines existed in the 1800s.

        Right of way is the thing limiting high-speed rail, because you can't have crossings and you need relatively few turns.

        First, the rail lines in Europe were not as blown up as you assert. Second, the rebuilt rail lines more-or-less followed the old rail lines that aren't all that great for high-speed rail.

        Europeans decided to spend the money to buy the right-of-way they needed for high-speed rail. We USAians decided to spend the money to buy the right-of-way for roads.

        Using rail for freight and cars for transit makes sense in most American communities

        Only because of the decisions we made while building those communities. And those decisions are not set in stone.

  • What will the situation be like if self driving cars become commonplace? Will cars be programmed to trap people to specific areas and you will need a human driver for restricted areas?
    • Self-driving cars will not be commonplace until after we're dead.

      Getting to an 80% solution took a very long time. Getting that 80% solution to 90% took the same amount of time. Getting that 90% solution to 92% is going to take the same amount of time. Then we go from 92% to 93%, and so on.

      It's an extremely hard problem unless we decide to create dedicated right-of-ways that do things like forbid humans on foot and human-driven cars. And ya know, we could put down some tracks instead of asphalt on that

  • Quality of life (Score:5, Insightful)

    by DogDude ( 805747 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @11:45AM (#58901724)
    Having to drive a car every day has a large negative impact on my quality of life. It's enough that I'm actively working to leave the US so that I can live somewhere I don't have to spend 1/8 of my awake life in a fucking car. I could get a LOT more stuff done in my life that I want to do if I didn't have to waste so much of it in a car.

    And of course, my time wasted doesn't even begin to address the very real danger in living in a heavy car culture.

    I love my car, but I've had enough.
  • by fluffernutter ( 1411889 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2019 @11:48AM (#58901740)
    I really don't understand why we don't force corporations to let all workers work from at home unless they can demonstrate a need for them to come into work. This can be done with good leadership and management. This would reduce a great bulk of pollution and stress over night.
  • In America, the freedom of movement comes with an asterisk: the obligation to drive.

    America is a very large place. If you don't live in a dense urban core or if you wish to travel outside the urban core you live in, walking or riding a bicycle is not a practical solution. Pubic or private shared transportation (bus, plane, train, etc.) can get you places, but if you want to have true freedom of travel to get precisely where you want to go rapidly, from a practical sense, you are going to need to drive. Granted this freedom has a huge cost (infrastructure, environment, accidents, etc.) also

  • Road deaths and environmental concerns are only two of a long list of ills that are ultimately caused by overpopulation. Modern life can't be downsized enough to accommodate endless population growth. One day the same article will be written about the carbon footprint of owning personal bicycles, and the need to tax activities like running because participants exhale three times as much C02 as non-runners. There's nothing inherently wrong with owning a collection of cars, an airplane, and a coal fired ste
  • You don't have to drive in the US and everyone knows it.

    The author's wish for everyone else to conform to his preference is petty and childish. Grow up -- the sun doesn't rise and set based on your feelings. No one else has any obligation to validate your preferences.

Computer Science is merely the post-Turing decline in formal systems theory.
