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Pando Editor Sells Site, Quits Journalism, Citing Sexual Harassment and Threats in Silicon Valley ( 137

Former TechCrunch writer Sarah Lacy started PandoDaily in 2012. But now she's "selling the company, quitting journalism, and ditching Silicon Valley after 20 years," reports Business Insider, citing Lacy's blog. She says her decision comes from years of sexual harassment and threats in her two decades covering Silicon Valley. "I have absorbed so many more stories than I have reported, more than I can ever report, about the dark side of Silicon Valley," she said in the blog post...

"It's a place where I've been lied about, where VCs have arm-twisted editors to fire me, where billionaires have threatened those doing business with me to cut all ties. It's a place where I've had people turn on me again and again and again simply for doing my job. It's a place I've been betrayed by people I trusted. It's a place where one-time friends threatened my children because I wrote about things they did."

Some incidents she mentioned were related to Uber's threatening her over her reporting of the company's misconduct.

Lacy's blog adds that "of course I'm not the only one, and my experience was far from the worst: In the last few years I have been overwhelmed by stories of sexual assault and harassment told by so many incredible women in the Valley..."

The blog post also notes journalistic travails she's faced over the years. ("We withstood a combined threatened $400 million in baseless legal fights.") But in a reminiscent passage, she also calls Silicon Valley "a place where I've gotten to know some of the most fascinating people on the planet and made many lifelong friends. It's a place where people have believed in me enough to give me millions and millions of dollars to build my own companies....

And yet..."
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Pando Editor Sells Site, Quits Journalism, Citing Sexual Harassment and Threats in Silicon Valley

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  • Might have made for a good story when all of this happened and went down. If only she were a journalist and knew how to get the story out there. And if someone is threatening your children you call the police and make a report to them.

    And I wonder how many stories didn’t get covered or didn’t get looked into because that’s same people were her friends up until they weren’t. I’m sure she had her reasons for keeping quiet in those cases.

    As much as he’s reviled we real
    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Sunday October 27, 2019 @12:18PM (#59352640)
      It says right there that she repeatedly had wealthy people twisting arms to get her fired, using business contracts as leverage.

      When you have that happen a few times you learn to keep your mouth shut or you leave the industry. The only other option is to try and strike out on your own like The Young Turks did on YouTube, but you're constantly under threat from wealthy and powerful people would just want you to go away and have the wherewithal to make it happen.

      I don't blame her for getting out.
      • Sure, that's her side. I think there's probably a middle ground between her Silicon Valley Deep State and "don't believe anything anyone says!" I'm sure she's been harassed -- nobody disrupts without ruffling feathers, as VCs and startups we'll know -- but it's her decision how to react and respond to that as well. If she doesn't want to deal with that, that's her decision to make, but it's still a decision, not something that anybody forced her to do.

      • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Sunday October 27, 2019 @01:07PM (#59352724)

        It says right there that she repeatedly had wealthy people twisting arms to get her fired, using business contracts as leverage.

        Then actually report on that and expose it to the rest of the world. That's what journalists are supposed to do. Maybe the first time something like this happens to you, it catches you off guard. But if it's happening so consistently you think you have to leave then you're just not doing a good job. The free press is the most powerful instrument in a democracy for fighting against the wealthy and powerful and when you give in to their threats instead of fighting back that instrument has become horribly blunted.

        The only other option is to try and strike out on your own like The Young Turks did on YouTube

        And they were quite successful at it as well. No one stopped them and they've built up their own brand and get to write whatever stories they want. I'd argue that they're just as slanted and biased as the rest of the mainstream news media and ultimately no better because of it, but that's their own choice that they got to make.

        I don't blame her for getting out.

        I don't either, but if you let yourself be pushed around that's what people are going to keep doing to you. Expose a few of these people who are threatening you and they aren't going to bother with a tactic that clearly doesn't work.

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          Then actually report on that and expose it to the rest of the world.

          Gosh if only she'd spent the last 20 years reporting on the misdeeds of the rich and powerful in silicon valley.

          OH WAIT SHE HAS.

        • America is. If you don't work you don't eat. There is no dole. Not for people under 67.

          So she is understandably terrified of being blackballed. She's leaving the industry rather than risk that.

          Not everybody has what it takes to go up against the Uber powerful. It's terrifying. I could ask "why don't _you_ do it?" and you'd say "I'm not a Journalist". Well, now neither is she.
        • lined up against her. This isn't something you just "Stand Up" to. When you piss off a billionaire they can destroy you. They have virtually unlimited resources. They can tie you up in courts. They can buy out the companies you work for or even might work for. They can use their media outlets to smear you, etc, etc, etc.

          It's a little like saying "Why don't all those Russians who don't like Putin just Stand Up" or "Why don't all those North Koreans in labor camps just Stand Up".

          America is a little le
        • by robsku ( 1381635 )

          It's almost like you haven't even bothered to research ,well, anything about her work.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by phantomfive ( 622387 )

        I don't blame her for getting out.

        She came to Silicon Valley, hustled, got rich, got out. Lucky her, she's rich now and can complain about how she doesn't like it. No sympathy from my ear, though.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Sunday October 27, 2019 @12:47PM (#59352680) Homepage Journal

      Smart people threaten your kids in person so that there is no evidence for you give to the police.

      And until quite recently the police would just ignore this stuff anyway. Remember that with Weinstein they actually got one of the women to wear a wire and had recordings of him pressuring her to go to his room and more, and still didn't prosecute.

      Everyone knows the rich are above the law because they can afford better lawyers than their victims.

      • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Sunday October 27, 2019 @01:36PM (#59352802)
        Then get it recorded and if the police fail to do anything about it, get it published in the press, which is ultimately what did bring down Weinstein. He was powerful and above the law up until the moment he wasn't. Then he was exposed for the whinging little pissant that he actually is. But when you actually file a report, it can get brought up later. Same thing if a person claims that they were raped. Go to the police. Maybe they can't do anything in this particular case because there's insufficient evidence but if it happens again or the person ever does go to trial, having another report on record makes it harder for them to get away.

        The thing about someone who's going to threaten another person's kids is that they're not the kind of person who's only done something like that once. It's the same thing with rapists, domestic abusers, and other criminal types. They don't ever do it just that once and keeping quiet about it only ensures that they're going to be able to do it again.

        I'm reminded of the quote "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil was that good men should do nothing." She did nothing for all of those years and look what she got, the same exact thing happening over and over again. Maybe the next person in her shoes will realize that sitting on your hands and doing nothing for you whole career does nothing. As another quote goes "If you can't be a good example, you can always be a horrible warning." So here's another horrible warning that when you roll over and take the abuse that's all you can expect to get.

        Maybe that all seems harsh, but it's true. The world is not a kind place and reality cares little about your expectations of how things ought to be. But learn from this example so that if you should find yourself in a similar situation you make certain to document everything and to get the information out there. Social Media has made it easier than ever before to fight back against the rich and powerful and if you don't think Twitter wouldn't jump all over a story about rich silicon valley types threatening someone's kids you've been living under a rock.
        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          "get it published in the press" you say, as you read about it in the press and post your complaint in the comments section.

        • by serviscope_minor ( 664417 ) on Sunday October 27, 2019 @01:59PM (#59352846) Journal

          She did nothing for all of those years

          Nothing apart from reporting as a journalist, founding a news organisation and running it while reporting on stuff. Jesus Christ man, what the fuck do you expect of her? Actual literal blood?

        • by doom ( 14564 )

          I know what you wrote, but what I hear is:

          I'm reminded of the quote "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to cease their tireless efforts to tell other people what they should've done about it."

          Clearly, the world needs hard-hitting journalists with your steadfast personal integrity. Feel free to get in the game.

        • Google "Catch and Kill" and go read the book. Jesus, it's how Wienstien got away for so long. Hell, he's still getting away with it. As it stands it's looking like it'll be tied up in courts so long he'll be dead before he faces punishment.
        • Take a look at Ronan Farrow’s writing. He was digging deep into the rumors and stories about Weinstein while he was working at NBC. NBC execs kept trying to force him to kill the story [], even going so far as to work with Weinstein’s lawyers and provide guarantees that they wouldn’t publish! The biggest revelations around #metoo aren’t that there are predators who have been preying on vulnerable women. It’s that media organizations, legal teams and industry leaders have been work
    • Call the police! Lol! And what precisely do you expect that you do other than a big fat pile of nothing?

    • As much as he’s reviled we really need more people like Alex Jones that aren’t afraid to get in someone’s face and push back, or who doesn’t care if they ruffle feathers.

      No, I don't think so

      Like the Hugh Mongus [] lady?

      She wasn't afraid to get into people's faces. Or like the Jerry Springer show?

      We don't need more people like that.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by ClickOnThis ( 137803 )

      Alex Jones is reviled for good reason. You could not hold up a worse example to emulate.

      This generation has its Woodwards and Berensteins. They are the ones who should be held up as paragons of their profession.

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Sunday October 27, 2019 @12:20PM (#59352644)
    check. Whole paragraph about wealthy billionaires using their influence to put pressure on a journalist? Check.

    So then, let's run the headline about Sexual Harassment. Because that's the story here, that a snowflake got melted. Not that after years of fighting pressure from the top [] she got tired and gave up.
    • by Rockoon ( 1252108 ) on Sunday October 27, 2019 @02:43PM (#59352964)
      The headline should read "Left Leaning Dot Com Media Site Sold For Pennies On The Dollar to a Scummy Advertising Firm" and begin "While most left leaning media sites have been downsizing and laying off, ..."
      • It is tough for the actual left leaning news outlets to survive. While the right leaning ones get fat sacks of cash from billionaires and even the DNC backed ones (like Vox and Politico) have some cash flowing in from the rich guys, folks like TYT are stuck with advertising dollars and donations.

        TYT did some pretty amazing reporting around Pete Buttigeig's scandal [] around firing a black mayor. So much so that their reporting will be used by the local city counsel as part of an investigation into said sc
        • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

          Basically when I want actual journalism I'm often turning to itty bitty independents now. It's crazy.

          Welcome to where conservatives 2002.

          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
            • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

              Not only conservatives.

              The reality today is that going by the rhetoric of mainstream democrats and progressives in the US, anyone who insufficiently fails their purity tests are conservative. Thus 'alt-right' or 'nazis' ymmv of course.

        • TYT also go fat sacks of cash from rich fucks, to the tune of $20 million.
  • I think everybody knows that.

    But the fact that they do nothing, shows that they are not much different.

  • You need to have a thick skin to be a celebrity. Do a search for "celebrity death threats", for example - no shortage, and that's just what is reported. Even the creator of Flappy Bird [] gave up his lucrative income stream just to become a normal, less known person again. There are too many haters, crazy people, obsessive fans, gold diggers, etc. - you have to know what you're getting in to. How many celebrities live wondering whether their friends are really friends or if they're just hanging around beca

  • If your experience the same problems no matter where you go, then the problem is likely with _you_, not with other people. Some people never get this and continue to piss into the wind for their entire lives without acknowledging or addressing the root cause. In fact, I'd say this to some extent applies to everyone, including myself. It just applies to a much greater extent to people who are less self aware and those with the victim complex.

    • by hey! ( 33014 ) on Sunday October 27, 2019 @06:14PM (#59353386) Homepage Journal

      While that's a good rule of thumb, it does not necessarily follow. There are problems that are widespread. Suppose you were a black person who had to travel for business in the 1950s. Everywhere you went, you'd have trouble booking rooms, eating at restaurants and getting harassed by cops. By your logic, the problem then would reside in your behavior.

      Societies, like people, can have character flaws.

      • by robsku ( 1381635 )

        Great reply, much better than what I would have thought of writing - which is why I feel satisfied not making my own reply, since yours already delivered what I would've wanted to say. Would mod up, but have no mods.

  • After reading the article, I understand how difficult it's to thrive in Silicon Valley...
  • Greed makes even the best of us sick. It turns good people into horrible monsters. All the money in the world can't replace good people relationships. Good societies. It must be a very sad and depressing state of mind to be unbelievably rich and have no one that truly cares about you. You can't buy that shit. You can pay people to act like it, and maybe that'll be enough for your sad, small, lonely heart; but in general, people want more than that.

    Good for her for realizing there's more to life than billion

  • by sad_ ( 7868 )

    TIL Silicon Valley is just the same as any other industry.

    surprise, surprise.

  • Corey Pein's book on Silicon Valley, "Live Work Work Work Die", is indispensable. If you still had any romance in your head about Silicon Valley being a place of excellence and innovation.

    It has several topics I'd enthuse about - mostly, in the final chapters where he highlights how most venture capital isn't about investing in the best product, but in any random product where you figure you can buy a monopoly by subsidizing them long and well enough. But the relevant one today is that he says that mos

  • Not being familiar with Pando, I checked it out. The site content appears to be 65% witch-hunting feminazism; 33% salivating over and pandering to anyone in Silicon Valley with a big stack of cash; and 2% useful business news.

    The site appears to be targeted at a small and geographically localized silverspoon & wannabe-rich "Progressive" Nazi demographic. So I'm wondering how much it actually sold for. What's the dollar value for access to a gaggle of useless and vicious parasites?

  • But I say that as an industry insider who knows most of these people, their friends, investors and in some cases their families. And I surely have my own personal biases. Whether we boycott an organization or not as consumers shouldn’t hinge on everyone getting to know them. On the other hand, it’s all too easy to get into witchhunt territory, particularly when it comes to something like parsing college emails.

    Let’s face it: The press (or, occasionally, filmmakers like Aaron Sorkin) freque

  • "Women need to just deal with being harassed - also the tech industry doesn't have an attitude problem towards women."

    Seriously, a woman complaining is Slashdot's biggest trigger I swear.

Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
