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Leaked Russian Interference Report Raises Questions About Brexit, UK Election Security ( 174

A report from the U.K. Parliament's intelligence committee concludes that "Russian interference may have had an impact on the Brexit referendum," reports the Times of London, adding that "the effect was 'unquantifiable.'"

The Associated Press reports: The committee said British intelligence services failed to devote enough resources to counter the threat and highlighted the impact of articles posted by Russian new sites that were widely disseminated on social media, the newspaper reported... [Conservative Prime Minister Boris] Johnson's government has said it needs more time to review the security implications of the report, but it will be released after the election. Critics have alleged the report is being withheld because it shows Russians have made large donations to the Conservative Party, which is seeking to win a majority that would allow Johnson to push his Brexit deal through Parliament....

The House of Commons Intelligence and Security Committee began its investigation following allegations of Russian interference in both the 2016 U.S. election and the Brexit referendum earlier that year. The committee sent its report to Johnson for review on Oct. 17, saying it expected to "publish the report imminently." Committee Chairman Dominic Grieve has criticized Johnson's government for failing to release the document amid media reports it has already been cleared by British security services.

The debate comes amid growing concerns about the security of elections fought in an increasingly digital world. Britain's election laws were written for a time when campaigns pushed mass-produced leaflets through mail slots, rather than flooding Facebook and Twitter accounts with individually targeted messages.

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Leaked Russian Interference Report Raises Questions About Brexit, UK Election Security

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  • American here (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @02:57PM (#59423384)
    1/2 our country's politicians are intentionally doing nothing [] to stop election interference. This is almost certainly because they benefit from the interference.

    At some point we should all ask ourselves if our interests really align with the sorts of people that would look on at a foreign power interfering in our elections to their benefit and say "Yeah, that's fine". Sure, in the short run you'll get some victories, but will those victories be worth it?
    • It's worth it for those who're satisfied living vicariously through their chosen elite.
      • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @03:47PM (#59423534)
        I don't think it's just that, but that doesn't help. There's a ton of levers to control people and make them vote against their own interests.

        In America the big wedge issues are gun control and abortion. They're used to create black and white single issue voters. There really aren't that many of those voters, but you can use them to tip an election your way.

        The crazy thing is there's documents and recordings of the GOP discussing the creation of new wedge issues in the 60s and settling on abortion. It's bizarre that even knowing that it's still an effective issue for us. Then again, it's nearly impossible to have a reasoned conversation on the issue (or gun control for that matter), which is exactly why they were chosen as our wedge issues...
        • by dpille ( 547949 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @05:06PM (#59423858)
          It's not impossible, it's just that most conservatives won't acknowledge what their position really boils down to. If someone told me 'I'm a 2nd amendment absolutist, I don't care what the data says' I'd be fine discussing that. That's defensible. But this relativist idea that there aren't *quite* enough mass shootings, suicides, accidents, etc. to merit gun control, or that the various data aren't real, that's just garbage, and it certainly doesn't cover why my family has to face risks to support their view of freedom.

          Which is crazy, because on the other issue, they are willing to be absolutist. Very few anti-abortion crusaders will actually acknowledge that they understand there is at least one 'righteous' abortion, whether it be rape, lethal defect, maternal mortality, known son of Satan, or the like. Because of that, they'll never address the question of why it's okay to stigmatize those good people. If someone could give me a straight answer of how many babies they have to save to justify making how many people keep a dark secret of a very painful part of their lives, I might actually learn something.
          • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

            by Anonymous Coward
            The rest of the world knows the answer:

            Guns don't kill people - Americans kill people!

          • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <> on Sunday November 17, 2019 @06:29PM (#59424142) Homepage Journal

            If someone told me 'I'm a 2nd amendment absolutist, I don't care what the data says' I'd be fine discussing that. That's defensible. But this relativist idea that there aren't *quite* enough mass shootings, suicides, accidents, etc. to merit gun control,

            Suicides aren't the issue. Accidents aren't the issue, either. Most gun accidents either involve family members, or cops with shitty trigger discipline shooting people. Gun control doesn't keep guns out of the hands of the cops, who kill over 1,000 people yearly, but only report half of them to the FBI so they can be counted in the list of justifiable homicides. We're left to assume that the other half were unjustifiable. Suggesting that The People should give up guns while their oppressors remain armed and stupid is a fascist point of view.

            or that the various data aren't real, that's just garbage, and it certainly doesn't cover why my family has to face risks to support their view of freedom.

            The data is real, but misleading, and deliberately so. The CDC's 2013 study showed that most uses of guns are defensive, and often do not involve firing the weapon []. But they buried that fact because it didn't fit the gun control narrative, so we only found out about it well after.

            The idea that taking guns away from The People will make a better nation is ludicrous. Start with effective gun control in the police department, where it's defined as cops who don't shoot up women and children in cars and so on, and SWAT teams which don't unload on people who come to the door without so much as a butterknife, and then we can talk about Gun Control again. Maybe then you'll find support for a constitutional amendment which eliminates the 2a, which is what is needed to legally take the guns out of the hands of the citizenry.

            You cannot have freedom without risk. Or put another way, risk cannot be eliminated if you have freedom. If you're allowed to stand up and walk around on hard surfaces, you might fall down and hit your head. The only way to eliminate all risk is to put you in a rubber room, or tie you to a table. And even then, you might die from a congenital defect — so we'd better make sure everyone is made up from the same collection of safe, approved genes, right?

            Very few anti-abortion crusaders will actually acknowledge that they understand there is at least one 'righteous' abortion, whether it be rape, lethal defect, maternal mortality, known son of Satan, or the like.

            Many of them in fact do not believe that there are any legitimate reasons for an abortion, even in those cases. But then, many of them also believe in the death penalty, which is a spectacular disconnect. Those people don't have rational reasons for their belief. That's what religious faith is all about — willfully ignoring logic and reason.

            If someone could give me a straight answer of how many babies they have to save to justify making how many people keep a dark secret of a very painful part of their lives, I might actually learn something.

            To those who oppose all abortion, any price is worth paying, including the lives of doctors — who they see as murderers, at least when they perform abortions. That the same alleged figure that told them not to kill didn't make any exceptions for preventing others from "killing" "babies" is irrelevant because there's so many counterexamples in the same source, where that figure condoned or even commanded murder.

            • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @07:16AM (#59425600) Homepage Journal

              The idea that taking guns away from The People will make a better nation is ludicrous.

              Do you have a single example of a modern country where having an armed populace has definitively improved the country? For example, where a dictator was overthrown using those arms, or where lack of effective policing was made up for by having an armed population? Or any other way that being armed had some quantifiable benefit?

              I was trying to think of a country where hunting was a major benefit, but that would be a bit marginal anyway because most countries do allow people to obtain guns for hunting under licence.

    • At some point we should all ask ourselves if our interests really align with the sorts of people that would look on at a foreign power interfering in our elections to their benefit and say "Yeah, that's fine". Sure, in the short run you'll get some victories, but will those victories be worth it?

      Of course your interests don't align with them; there was a good comment in the last China article about the American ruling class [] and ours are exctly the same, the people even overlap - these people are selling out our countries. The Barclay Brothers, The Murdochs (same ones that run Fox news), Zuckerberg and his lapdog Nick Clegg [] all can see enough to know exactly what's going on. The Russians are likely causing chaos, but they are doing it with the effective permission of the UK's ruling class. Almos

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      You're not naming names, but I'll jump on that grenade myself: The Republican party, 'conservatives' in general, and one Donald J. Trump, whether he was consciously aware of the 'interference' or not, all benefit, and I find it more than just a little plausible that any or all of the above are turning a blind eye to it because it benefits them. Furthermore, too many Republican voters are so rabidly anti-Democrat, too interested in 'sticking it to the libtards', to even concern themselves so much with the id
      • Democrats when I see them. Ever since Bill Clinton moved the party right ward it's been hard to just say "GOP Bad". A popular talking point these days is there's more Billionaires that call themselves Democrats. If you point out that having that much wealth while opposing things like tuition free public university and single payer healthcare is antithetical to the Democratic party's platform you get shouted down with "No True Scottsman!" and that like.

        Ultimately what matters is _policy_. Take a guy like
        • Listen guy, I don't 100% agree with ANY POLITICAL PARTYS' PHILOSOPHIES OR AGENDA. But I agree more with the Democrats than I do the Republicans. Until 2016 I was registered as "NO PARTY". I turned Democrat out of self defense and getting OFF the fence. It was clearly time to take a side that actually mattered and Blue was it. Trump is a monster, clearly and objectively. I don't know at this point which Democrat will take his place but it's overall got to be better than the absolute horror show this country
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Escogido ( 884359 )

      (disclaimer: Russian here, one that hasn't actually lived in Russia since I moved to SFBA 10 years ago)

      Russian interference has been a talking point with many politics shows in the US. I don't think there is any doubt that "we"/"they" (as in Russian government) are doing "something", but there is hardly is any evidence that whatever "we"/"they" is actually effective, well in other regards than reinforcing dissenting opinions of the status quo. During Soviet times, one of the tenets of Marxism-Leninism was t

      • Re:American here (Score:5, Insightful)

        by allcoolnameswheretak ( 1102727 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @06:42PM (#59424174)

        but there is hardly is any evidence that whatever "we"/"they" is actually effective

        Sorry but as a Russian who is fed only the Kremlin-approved 24h newsfeed, you might be excused for being so clueless.

        Russian interference has been very effective. Probably much more than Putin himself could ever have hoped.
        - Britain has been politically paralyzed for years because of Brexit, and the EU as a whole has been weakened by this folly that doesn't make sense for Britain or the EU, and is the canopener for new conflicts with Ireland and Scotland.
        - Donald Trump is consistently undermining democratic institutions in the US, as well as his own intelligence agencies, while further dividing US society with his aggressive, uncompromising style. The country is basically at cold war with itself between die-hard liberals and die-hard Trump supporters.
        - Ukraine is unable to join NATO due to occupation in the east and annexation of Crimea by Russia.

        All of this weakens NATO, who Putin considers the great enemy, responsible for the downfall of the Soviet Union.
        Remember, Putin is a former KGB agent, and at the moment he is applying a wrecking-ball to the West, mostly by supporting right-wing parties (or conservatives, where no viable alternative exists) and flooding political discourse with fake news intended to be divisive, so that societies in western countries fight among themselves, distracting them and weakening them while Russia asserts its influence across the globe, such as in Ukraine and Syria.

        As a Westerner concerned with our liberties and democratic institutions, I'm shocked and worried how much damage Russia has been able to do with relatively small means.

        • It is our intelligence agencies that are profoundly anti democratic and are trying to oust the elected government. You'd think that believers in liberalism would know the "blame the dirty foreigners" rhetoric for the xenophobic garbage that it is.

          Ukraine in NATO? Why? There's no benefit to it whatsoever. The weakening of NATO is being done by Europeans, who publicly state that they would not help other allies if they were attacked. If they took NATO seriously, they'd fund their militaries to the minimum l

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

          Get real. I see a report with the words 'may have' and unquantifiable or lets put in better unmeasurable, that means they found NOTHING else they would have reported it nay 'screamed' about it to the high heavens. Skripals anyone, what ever happened to the Skripals have they been executed by the UK government for refusing to continue with the Novicok scam. Perhaps a balcony diving White Helmet founder, what is going on their. What about this mob [] and that Steele guy up to hi

        • Sorry but as a Russian who is fed only the Kremlin-approved 24h newsfeed, you might be excused for being so clueless.

          Sorry but as a Westerner who is fed only the MSM-approved newsfeed, you might be excused for your vitriol against anyone who happens to voice anything that goes against the narrative you're used to. In particular, the part where a claim that "X would benefit if A happened" is enough of a reason to believe that "X made A happen" is clearly impact of propaganda rather than rational thinking.

          - Britain has been politically paralyzed because the split over Brexit is real in the country, and also because the poli

        • "As a Westerner concerned with our liberties and democratic institutions" you should be much more concerned about your domestic problems. What Russia does is stirring shit up a bit, but that shit is completely home-made. Brexit is purely a result of the woes of their conservative party, Trump is a president the USA absolutely deserves, Ukraine is, well, a tragedy, but one that has been secretly welcomed by all sides.

    • Well, and of that 1/2 a sizeable portion is deliberate interfering - or using all the tools and resources available for them at a cost.

      People like Mercer, Bannon and companies like Cambridge Analytica and AggregateIQ etc were integral for devising and executing the strategy of Leave campaign. They specifically wooed swing voters with over one billion micro-targeted messages on Facebook and elsewhere.

      Thatâ(TM)s legal but is it fair? They got enough of people on board and won. If new referendum was organ

      • As well as Cambridge Analytica's influence the Brexit side just outright lied again and again to get what they wanted.
        I suspect the Remain side assumed there would be a campaign following the normal rules, and never had a counter-measure for the repeated outright falsehoods the Brexiteers came up with.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by l0ungeb0y ( 442022 )
      If it results in a Far Right Christian Conservative Dictatorship with the all non-whites, non-christians, illegal aliens, gays, poor and homeless people sent to death camps? YES! That is the agenda, anything else is un-American liberal hating upon our great democracy
    • As a Canadian, fuck you. Obama made a public endorsement for a specific candidate here just weeks ago, during the formal election campaign. (Link []).

      So Americans can chime into foreign elections on social media platforms, but the Russians aren't allowed to? Is it the "doing it in the open" versus anonymously? Isn't anonymous speech and saying things differently a core part of your First Amendment?
      • Exactly. He also endorsed Macron in France. "Russian interference" means "something happened I don't like so I need to blame some external force".

        • He was doing it out in the open. It was unseemly, but not the same issue, which is Russia and China astroturfing fora without letting you know it is a state-level actor doing it.

      • Re:American here (Score:4, Informative)

        by ClickOnThis ( 137803 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @07:15PM (#59424252) Journal

        As a fellow Canadian, I say get a grip.

        False equivalence much? Obama expressing an opinion about someone he likes in the Canadian elections is in no way the same as a covert astroturf misinformation campaign to confuse, anger, frighten, and divide voters.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Besides, Trump has said on several occasions that he supports Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage.

      • So Americans can chime into foreign elections on social media platforms, but the Russians aren't allowed to? Is it the "doing it in the open" versus anonymously?

        In short, no. It's "doing it in the open" versus fraudulently. Russians subverting the American political process aren't just doing it anonymously, they're pretending to be someone they aren't. In fact, they're often pretending to be American citizens.

        Isn't anonymous speech and saying things differently a core part of your First Amendment?

        Yes. But fraud is not protected speech. In fact, high value fraud is felonious.

        • Although false political speech is still protected. But foreign governments have to register and let you know they are speaking. People have a right to speak anonymously in the US, but foreign governments do not.

      • Russians can. It's about doing so without not only registering, but even letting people know who is speaking. Everyone should know who is astroturfing forums, pretending to be grass roots opinions, be they countries, parties, companies, politicians, Zima, whoever.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by _Sharp'r_ ( 649297 )

      Ok, please show us how it's done.

      How much have you condemned Clinton for arranging for the Steele Dossier (purchased gossip from the UK and primarily Russian agents) and Comey and Brennan and others for pushing it and the resulting Russia investigation?

      Have you condemned Ukraine's attempts to interfere with the 2016 election on behalf of Clinton yet?

      Please tell us what you think of those incidents, the first of which generated a multi-year investigation and media frenzy.

    • Ah yes the old interference nonsense. People didnâ(TM)t vote the way you wanted so you blame people interfering with your message and tricking the....
  • by slashways ( 4172247 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @03:00PM (#59423392)
    This needs to consider that some events are always a consequence of some well defined external forces. They only want one thing: Implementing 'The Ministry of Truth'!
    • >"They only want one thing: Implementing 'The Ministry of Truth'!
      Flag as Inappropriate"


      It is interesting that now anytime the "elite" don't like the political winds of "the people", it must be due to outside interference. They just can't fathom anything else.

      • It is interesting that now anytime the "elite" don't like the political winds of "the people", it must be due to outside interference. They just can't fathom anything else.

        I think you're confused about who the true "elite" is. It's the top 1%, who in recent history have held consistently about 40% of the wealth. [] They tend to lean Republican, and they benefit from Russian influence in the direction of the "political winds."

        Robert Mueller's report and his congressional testimony made three things clear:

        1. The Russians interfered in the 2016 election.
        2. The Russians are still interfering in the US electoral process.
        3. We need to be concerned about it.

        I can certainly fathom that

        • I meant "call out such misinformation", not "call out for such misinformation." Edited and hit submit too quickly.

        • OK, but this is about the UK. Where, apparently, the Russians have also interfered.

          Is it still the 1% holding 40% in the UK? Or is it higher, or lower? I presume this varies from nation to nation, however slightly (or not.)

  • Oh, ya think? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Hentai007 ( 188457 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @03:02PM (#59423404)

    Brexit was the trial run preparing for Trump.

  • Kim Philby's Ghost (Score:3, Insightful)

    by BlindWillieMcTell ( 5553362 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @03:05PM (#59423416)

    Johnson's government has said it needs more time to review the security implications of the report, but it will be released after the election.

    Does anyone else find it interesting that Johnson only wants to release the report about Russian election interference after the next election?

  • I always thought that the James Bond villains foaming at the mouth with bad hair were ridiculous caricatures. I now know better. They manage to get elected through devious means, lies and conspiracies, just like in the movies. The only difference is that James Bond sucks at his work in the real world. Otherwise those morons would have ended in the crocodile pit long ago.
    • The only difference is that James Bond sucks at his work in the real world. Otherwise those morons would have ended in the crocodile pit long ago.

      The difference is that James Bond is a fictional character, but Bond story-like villains are real.

    • Orangefinger bad!

  • by Rick Schumann ( 4662797 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @04:00PM (#59423570) Journal
    Pretty much as soon as I heard about the original referendum movement, I suspected it wasn't totally home-grown just based on the patterns of it, and of course the timing.
    Consider this: look at how much utter chaos Brexit has thrown the UK into; it's scrambled their entire government thoroughly, doing a great job of paralyzing them from getting anything else done, and more to the point, distracting them and UK citizens from so many other things going on in the world.
    Futhermore, being one of the principle members of the EU when it was formed, it creates chaos in the EU and distracts them as well. An EU without the UK is a weaker EU overall. No doubt there would/will be (depending on whether UK exit actually happens) animosity between the UK and the EU, which could have other long-term effects (like their continued desire to be members of NATO, for instance).
    Confuse, confound and foment chaos amongst your enemies.
    Sounds almost like a kind of guerilla warfare to me.

    As a sidebar to this, consider the timing and patterns to the unrest in Catalonia. Given the revelations of this news story, and past associated news stories of Russian interference in various countries' politics, what do you think the likelihood of Russian influencing in Catalonia, whipping the separatist movement into high gear? I'd say pretty damned high, and it would further destabilize western Europe, and provide a massive distraction to the Spanish government and citizenry in the process.
    Meanwhile Russian aggression (and of course it's precursors) is less noticed, and can proceed with much less interference. Sounds like a workable plan to me.
    • by Cederic ( 9623 )

      Pretty much as soon as I heard about the original referendum movement, I suspected it wasn't totally home-grown just based on the patterns of it, and of course the timing.

      Is this the 1975 EC referendum, the call in the 90s for a referendum by The Referendum Party, the promise by Blair for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty or the calls by the Liberal Democrats in 2007 for an EU referendum?

      I'm just checking, as your comment on the timing is tricky to understand without that clarity.

  • Russia wants GB to stay in the UE just ask their mole in British politics comrade Jeremy Corbyn.
  • by Tom ( 822 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @07:39PM (#59424306) Homepage Journal

    It's becoming ridiculous. Are we back in the 50s already, with evil communists lurking behind every bush?

    These elections are a failure of the system. For decades, our political parties have worked hard to divide us into two pretty equal groups in order to play us against each other and distract from the fact that they're all corrupt fuckers out for power and money and with zero interst in any part of their oath of office.

    Result: All elections are now even things decided by tiny margins. Which means a small influence of recent events, random chance or people with an interest can swing it. Maybe some of those people are Russians, maybe not. But stop crying, because you fuckers broke the system in the first place.

    • It's becoming ridiculous. Are we back in the 50s already, with evil communists lurking behind every bush?

      What does communism have to do with Russia, which has social classes and currency?

      All elections are now even things decided by tiny margins. Which means a small influence of recent events, random chance or people with an interest can swing it. Maybe some of those people are Russians, maybe not. But stop crying, because you fuckers broke the system in the first place.

      Nobody is crying. There are only people trying to stop the Russians for illegally manipulating our systems, and those trying to enable them.

      • by Tom ( 822 )

        What does communism have to do with Russia, which has social classes and currency?

        First price for taking the exact wrong part out of a statement.

        Apart from the fact that the Russians were the scapegoats for everything before, the point isn't about Russia or communism, but about building up a boogieman and making a specific type of people (jews, communists, Russians, immigrants, whatever) responsible for whatever.

        Nobody is crying. There are only people trying to stop the Russians for illegally manipulating our systems, and those trying to enable them.

        Every binary division of any group of people is guaranteed to be wrong. There is always at least a third class, in this case, for example, trivially those who never stop nor enab

  • ... you people are the sorest losers I have ever had the displeasure to see.

    I'm not sure how to get this through your head. It's not illegal to disagree with you. Uncool, perhaps. Illegal, no.

    Sometimes, you are going to lose. Not because of sinister forces, but because you lost.

  • Trust me, the Russians didn't do it. Guys like me did it! I VOTE against the NWO bitches!

You must realize that the computer has it in for you. The irrefutable proof of this is that the computer always does what you tell it to do.
