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Hoax That Fooled Armed Protesters Was Created By a Socialist Troll on Food Stamps ( 281

Remember that anonymous online hoaxster who urged hundreds of armed protesters to counter a non-existent flag-burning event at America's historic Civil War battefield at Gettysburg?

An investigation by the Washington Post reveals that the hoaxster had in fact been a "lifelong Democrat" before instead registering in 2015 with the Socialist Party — and that he now collects food stamps: Adam Rahuba, a former concert promoter, works part-time as a food-delivery driver and a DJ. [Alternate URL here] At 38, he spent most of the past year staying on a friend's couch in a small town north of Pittsburgh. A Washington Post investigation found that Rahuba is also the anonymous figure behind a number of social media hoaxes — the most recent played out in Gettysburg on Independence Day — that have riled far-right extremists in recent years and repeatedly duped partisan media outlets...

These false claims circulated widely on social media and on Internet message boards. They were often amplified by right-wing commentators and covered as real news by media outlets such as Breitbart News and the Gateway Pundit... They have led to highly combustible situations — attracting heavily armed militia members and far-right activists eager to protect values they think are under siege — as well as large mobilizations of police... His July 4 hoax, a purported burning of the American flag, was billed as an antifa event. Hundreds of counterprotesters, including skinheads, flocked to Gettysburg National Military Park to confront the nonexistent flag burners.

A Post examination of Rahuba's activities provides a rare inside look at the work of a homegrown troll who uses social media to stoke partisan division. It shows that in an era of heightened sensitivity about disinformation campaigns carried out by foreign nations, bad-faith actors with far fewer resources can also manipulate public discourse and affect events in the real world.... Post reporters located Rahuba last week at a friend's apartment in Harmony Township, Pa., where he acknowledged in an interview that he was behind 13 aliases and social media accounts that promoted hoaxes as far back as 2013.... A self-described democratic socialist and supporter of former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, Rahuba said he antagonizes far-right extremists mostly for his own amusement...

"The message here was that any idiot on the Internet can get a bunch of people to show up at a Union cemetery with a bunch of Confederate flags and Nazi tattoos on their necks that just make them look foolish," he said.

The Post also reports that to deal with his July 4th hoax, "A local middle school was transformed into a makeshift command center to help coordinate the 16 federal and local law enforcement agencies monitoring the event. The state provided 100 Pennsylvania State troopers to assist, including mounted officers and a helicopter, according to Gettysburg city manager Charles Gable....

"That weekend, Rahuba said, he went camping with his girlfriend."
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Hoax That Fooled Armed Protesters Was Created By a Socialist Troll on Food Stamps

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 18, 2020 @09:50PM (#60305677) that he has a girlfriend.

  • by Methuselah2 ( 1173677 ) on Saturday July 18, 2020 @09:57PM (#60305705)
    Sounds he running for President? ;-)
  • More like a google searching session and reading the users forum post history because he wasn't trying to be anonymous. Second rate lazy journalism as usual.
    • If you read the article, you would know that people who knew him approached WAPO after they wrote an article surmising that a single person was behind multiple posts

    • If I were a journalist and had a buddy on food stamps who could do this sort of thing, I'd stage the stunt for the internet viewership points. Thanks to Google Page Rank and social media, it's a clickbait world... worse even than "fake news"

    • Get with the times, that googling something is already investigative journalism these days.

      The alternative is cribbing from a twitter feed.

  • Any idiot can tell a bunch of people what they want to hear. A lot of people wanted to say it and do it but didn't want to be the first. Once someone did, all those that wanted to hear it made it bigger and gave it life of its own.

    • by DrMrLordX ( 559371 ) on Saturday July 18, 2020 @11:44PM (#60305925)

      It wasn't actually that many people. You would think there are millions of alt-righters when in reality their numbers are grossly inflated. A few well-placed bullets would probably end most of the alt-right "movement". Antifa's numbers are much greater, and they do a better job of concealing their affiliations.

      The heyday of groups like the KKK are long over, and the Neo Nazi freaks who are trying to replace them are few and far between. They are still a possible public shooter threat (as are members of other groups and lone wolves), but they don't swing elections.

  • ... even that socialist on food stamps has a girlfriend, and here they are, spending quality time with slashdot on a Saturday night....
  • by WoodstockJeff ( 568111 ) on Saturday July 18, 2020 @10:09PM (#60305739) Homepage

    Do they come in "limited series", like other stamps? Are ones from the 1960's worth more than face value?

  • He turned out more white trash than Nascar. Trump should hire that guy.
  • by Rick Schumann ( 4662797 ) on Saturday July 18, 2020 @10:51PM (#60305823) Journal
    So-called 'social media' is a cancerous tumor within our society and needs to be excised, permanently. It's original intent is long gone, it's just been twisted and perverted into something else entirely, something totally wrong.
  • We don't need assholes like this 'Adam Rahuba' character. He can fuck right off. He makes everyone look bad, both sides, and to make matters worse, he's a parasite? Fuck him, sideways with a rusty COVID-19 infested chainsaw.
    • by DogDude ( 805747 )
      Eh, I think it's funny. Gave these boys with their pew pew guns and commando outfits something to do for an an afternoon. It's probably better for them than the afternoon they had planned sitting on their couches playing video games.
      • " A local middle school was transformed into a makeshift command center to help coordinate the 16 federal and local law enforcement agencies monitoring the event. The state provided 100 Pennsylvania State troopers to assist, including mounted officers and a helicopter, according to Gettysburg city manager Charles Gable...."

        how many 10s of thousands of dollars for overtime and a helicopter. Seems like a costly joke that taxpayers had to pay for
      • Sadly, there isn't a whole hell of a lot that's funny right now. If it wasn't for new episodes of Whose Line Is It Anyway I'm not sure what I'd do.
      • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

        You think this couldn't happen just as easily to any group with a passionate issue? How about, we post that we're auctioning off illegal immigrant children? Or, we're going to have a cross burning? It's just as moronic.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 18, 2020 @11:01PM (#60305843)

    Lotta butt hurt out there about how gullible conservatives got played by feeding their insecurities. Grow up and get a sense of humor already.

    • This kid was no better than an idiot who pulls a fire alarm because he likes to see people run around thinking there's a fire. Yeah, people are gullible for thinkiing there's a fire when someone falsely yells FIRE. This mental midget also wasted a lot of government money when law enforcement was mobilized to deal with this non-existent threat. That sort of thing is a crime at least in the US. Do you think that's funny or clever?

      • With the difference that the fire alarm is actually supposed to warn you about a real threat. If anything, this was like someone yelling the boogeyman is on the loose in a nursery.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      It works because they are primed to believe these lies. It's alternative facts and conspiracy theories all the way down.

  • The municipalities involved need to send him a bill for costs to cover police services.
    • Any bill should go to whoever organized the counter-protest, since the actual protest was a nothing-burger. Also, flag burning is protected speech, and so is announcing a protest.
  • "Socialist troll on food stamps teaches hundreds of conservatives that they are very much not alone and their side can indeed organize, in numbers, with weapons, if they want to." This isn't the le epic dunk EditorDavid thinks it is.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by DrMrLordX ( 559371 )

      Very few of those people follow the American conservative model. Guys like this send death threats to people like Ben Shapiro. They would lynch Walter Williams if they could (and Thomas Sowell, and Larry Elder, and others).

      That being said, it's a shame that law enforcement hasn't found a reason to permanently imprison or kill these guys. There aren't that many of them, and wiping them out would remove a lot of "alt right" noise from the Internet. Can't they uh . . . you know, kneel on their necks or som

  • Food stamps? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by t4eXanadu ( 143668 ) on Sunday July 19, 2020 @12:18AM (#60305979)

    Why is it significant that he's on food stamps? What pertinent information does that add to the story? Lots of people are on food stamps, so what? Irrelevant dog whistling.

    • What pertinent information does ...

      The same as the factoid that he joined "the Socialist Party": He's un-American and deserves to be named and shamed.

      They haven't criticized him but it's clear the author isn't offering any niceties. By talking about the rabble-rouser, the antagonist's (AKA patriot's) demand to have more rights than the imagined flag-burning dissidents, is ignored.

    • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

      It shows that he's unhappy with the existing system, but doesn't mind sucking from it's tit.

      • It shows that he's unhappy with the existing system, but doesn't mind sucking from it's tit.

        Or maybe, crazy thought here, he does mind, but finds he has no choice? Whether you like the current system or not, we're all compelled to live within it.

  • by uvajed_ekil ( 914487 ) on Sunday July 19, 2020 @12:52AM (#60306057)
    Maybe those 16 local and federal law enforcement agencies should do a little investigating prior to allocating a ton of resources when they know about an "event" well enough in advance, and maybe they shouldn't trust everything they read on facebook.

    This is like a GI Joe episode I saw when I was a kid. The free world's greatest warriors got all bothered because they got some cryptic messages from someone saying "The Viper is coming." They got all prepared for the worst and some harmless old man showed up and said, "I am dee viper, I come to vipe dee vindows." The lessons I learned: do your due diligence because knowing is half the battle, and don't hire randos with foreign accents when you're drunk and won't remember WTF you did later.
    • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

      You make it sound so easy. When someone is putting out a disinformation campaign, a "little investigating" isn't going to give you all the answers. And most certainly in a short time needed to get them before the phony event. And maybe they did do some, and knew that at least one side planned to be there...time to get boots on the ground organized...even if the other side doesn't show up, because you don't know what either side is gonna do.

    • by Mal-2 ( 675116 )

      That wasn't GI Joe, it was Animaniacs.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      What where they actually there for anyway? Burning your own flag isn't illegal.

  • <Nelson>Ha ha!</Nelson>

    It's so easy to push the buttons of people who already show disordered and/or magical thinking (Trump supporters). You can tell them any crazy ass story and they instantly go to DEFCON 1, lol.

    For example, Comet Pizza or the Q-inspired kook in the Hoover Dam standoff or Glenn Beck's "FEMA camps" or "The Caravan is Comin' Fer Ya!" or "Death Panels Will Kill Grandma" or "Biden and Sanders want to abolish the suburbs".... the list just goes on and on.

    So yeah: anything. You can

    • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

      Yeah, because there are no hot button issues on the other side, right? If you think any group with a passionate issue can't be trolled, you're just fooling yourself.

      • I guess it would be useful to know an example of when a left-wing person was triggered by an obviously ludicrous conspiracy theory, grabbed his gun and went on scene?

  • by Qbertino ( 265505 ) <> on Sunday July 19, 2020 @02:59AM (#60306251)

    Nicely done.

    Wether the guy was a socialist out not make no difference.

    And I'm not sure you know what socialist actually means. Which comes as no surprise of you're living in the US, which I assume you do. ... Just sayin'.

    • Americans have been conditioned to distance themselves from anything socialist and anything union-like as if there is an electric fence around it. It's weird how Sanders calls himself a socialist while he is more a fifties era centrist.

  • If he thinks his antics are in any way useful, he's wrong. He is essentially stoking the polarisation the Russians want to see. An angry, divided nation that is blinded by fake news is exactly what they want.

  • I doubt the Washington Post will get a Pulitzer price for this one. It's no more than an act of public shaming by the press for publicity.

    Every homeless person has got a sad story to tell and there are two ways of telling it. It can either inspire love or hate.

    Just be sure which side you want to find yourself on when you read it.

Everybody likes a kidder, but nobody lends him money. -- Arthur Miller
