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Earth Australia

Australia's Great Barrier Reef Status Lowered To 'Critical' and Deteriorating ( 43

The health status of Australia's Great Barrier Reef has officially declined from "significant concern" to "critical" for the first time, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) announced this week. CBS News reports: It said climate change is now the biggest threat to natural World Heritage sites, including the world's largest and most spectacular coral reef. According to the new report, one-third of the 252 natural World Heritage sites are now threatened by climate change. Previously, invasive species were listed as the top threat.

The Great Barrier Reef must contend with ocean warming, acidification and extreme weather to stay alive amid record heat waves. It has lost half of its coral to climate change since 1995, with its status now listed as "critical" -- the most urgent designated status in the classification system of the UNESCO advisory board. Sites listed as critical are "severely treated and require urgent, additional and large-scale conservation measures," the report said. Additionally, the report warns that plans to protect the reef long-term have been slow to implement, failing to stop or reverse the reef's deterioration.
The report adds that four other Australian world heritage sites have also deteriorated and received lowered statuses -- the Blue Mountains, the Gondwana rainforests, the Ningaloo Coast and Shark Bay. "Overall, more sites have deteriorated than improved since 2017," reports CBS News.
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Australia's Great Barrier Reef Status Lowered To 'Critical' and Deteriorating

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  • At least we were warned
    • Good thing global warming is a hoax, else we'd be fucked in so many ways.. /s
    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      Yeah, by a whole bunch of ice ages, at the beginning and end of every ice age, the great barrier reef is totally destroyed, it springs back every time (it goes from being hundreds of metres ABOVE sea level to hundreds of metres BELOW sea level). They have done cores that prove it but they do not seem to have done much research on ice age reefs for millions of years they have been thriving in the dominant time periods, something like two to one.

  • by h33t l4x0r ( 4107715 ) on Saturday December 05, 2020 @07:03AM (#60796912)
    Let's downgrade the name to match the status. It's only fair.
    • by Matt_H ( 34421 )

      After watching the HBO Chernobyl miniseries, I'd rather go for the "Not Great, Not Terrible Barrier Reef"

  • Twenty thousand years ago, the place where the Great Barrier Reef is located was above sea level. So the Great Barrier Reef is fairly recent in terms of the earth's history.

    Obviously it would be better if the reef was not threatened, but I wouldn't be surprised if it creeps southwards. It might die off at the north end, and extend itself at the south end, in response to changing temperatures.

    Reefs form quickly around scuttled ships or sunken tires, if they are at the right depth and with the right currents.

  • rent's due at the end of the month.

    This is something I wish I could get the environmentalists to understand. You're not going to get anywhere attacking climate change unless you fix the economy for working class people. Until you do they'll fight you tooth and nail because 70% of 'em live paycheck to paycheck and anything you do might push them over the edge to homelessness.

    Climate change is years from now, rent's due at the end of the month.
    • Jesus F. Christ. If we don't start doing things NOW, it could very well be too late to avoid some serious consequences of AGW. Time is running out. We don't have to wait to address the problem until after your Marxist paradise is achieved. It is possible to do two things at once.
      • and it's pointless. Would you be homeless and suffer constant food insecurity to save the environment? Most won't even take that risk.

        Also, FFS stop straw manning. We don't need Marxism to address climate change. Make food, shelter & healthcare into human rights and then the problem will get solved. Until you the people living paycheck to paycheck will fight you tooth and nail to stop you from making any changes to their lives.
        • So you believe that climate change isn't happening now, it's years away. Furthermore, you believe it's "pointless" to do anything about it now because 70% of Americans will fight climate action "tooth and nail", believing it will hurt the economy and their standard of living. Climate action will even increase homelessness and starvation.

          Have I got that right? I think I do.

          First, let's start with a few quotes:

          "We must ask whether these...policies are worth the lost jobs, lower take-home pay, higher gas and electricity prices, and so on,"
          Sen. John Boozman, Louisiana Republican

          [the Green New Deal is] "a jumble of halfcocked policies that will dampen economic growth and hurt jobs."
          Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican

          "But I am astute enough to understand that every proposal that has come out of this administration to deal with climate change involves hurting our economy and killing American jobs."
          John Boehner, Speaker of the House, Ohio Republican

          So, Slashdot's favorite Marxist is swimming in the Republican Kool-Aid, saying taking action on

          • I never said anything about my personal beliefs in climate change. I said that so long as most people are in a constant state of mild terror at the thought of being instantly homeless you're never going to be able to solve climate change.

            What I want is immaterial. What matters is what the body politic wants. And they want food and shelter before they'll risk anyone doing anything about climate change.

            Also, are you one of those Russian trolls? Your entire post is inflammatory. It's designed to push e
            • It takes many sentences of truth to counter a single sentence of lies.

              I never said anything about my personal beliefs in climate change.


              Christ, you clearly stated climate change is "years from now". An overwhelming majority of Americans say climate change is affecting their local communities right now. Your own damn candidate, not to mention much of the scientific community, says climate change is "already devastating our nation and planet".

              You also clearly believe that action on climate will negatively affect people's' economic security. Thing is, it's ent

  • Pumping, spraying, dropping vast quantities of pesticides and fertilizers onto the land and caring less if large amounts wash out to the ocean

"All my life I wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more specific." -- Jane Wagner
