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ElasticSearch Keeps Fighting Open Source Fork by Amazon AWS ( 161

In January ElasticSearch made what it calls "an incredibly hard decision" — to change the licensing on its scalable data-search solution. They called this an effort to "stand up to" Amazon's AWS for offering ElasticSearch functionality as a service "without collaborating with us... after years of what we believe to be Amazon/AWS misleading and confusing the community." Amazon then forked ElasticSearch, releasing a new "OpenSearch" product under the original Apache 2.0 licensing. Last month AWS's fork reached General Availability/1.0 status.

Now Mike Melanson's "This Week in Programming" column reports that ElasticSearch is "making further attempts at closing off access to ElasticSearch and shutting out AWS — while AWS is fighting back: AWS says that "OpenSearch aims to provide wire compatibility with open source distributions of Elasticsearch 7.10.2, the software from which it was derived," making it easy to migrate to OpenSearch. While Elastic can't do anything about that, they can make changes to some open source client libraries that are commonly used. "Over the past few weeks, Elastic added new logic to several of these clients that rejects connections to OpenSearch clusters or to clusters running open source distributions of Elasticsearch 7, even those provided by Elastic themselves," AWS writes. "While the client libraries remain open source, they now only let applications connect to Elastic's commercial offerings..."

AWS is again coming out as the savior of open source in this scenario, it would seem, this time promising to offer "a set of new open source clients that make it easy to connect applications to any OpenSearch or Elasticsearch cluster" that "will be derived from the last compatible versions of corresponding Elastic-maintained clients before product checks were added."

"In the spirit of openness and interoperability, we will make reasonable efforts to maintain compatibility with all Elasticsearch distributions, even those produced by Elastic," they write. In the meantime, while the OpenSearch community works on creating the replacement libraries, AWS recommends that users do not update to the latest version of any Elastic-maintained clients, lest their applications potentially cease functioning.

"It's disappointing to see this," reads a comment (upvoted 35 times) on the ElasticSearch repository announcing the change in late June. "You're forcing us as bystanders in a battle to choose sides." And Amazon responded with its own take on the situation in their AWS press release this week. "Our experience at AWS is that developers find it painful to update their already-deployed applications to use new versions of server software, so backward compatibility for clients and APIs weighs heavily in our designs..."

The press release also calls ElasticSearch's changes "disruptive," adding "The most broadly adopted open source projects generally emphasize flexibility, inclusion, and avoidance of lock-in..."
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ElasticSearch Keeps Fighting Open Source Fork by Amazon AWS

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  • by Ostracus ( 1354233 ) on Saturday August 07, 2021 @11:49AM (#61666981) Journal

    Ah for the days when open-source didn't have politics.

    • by dogsbreath ( 730413 ) on Saturday August 07, 2021 @11:52AM (#61666989)


      When was that again?

      • Pre-sabotage the competition days.

      • by hawk ( 1151 )

        Why, in the years B.S., of course . . . before Stallman . . .

        • by higuita ( 129722 )

          there was no "open source" before Stallman ... yes you could look to the source and even change it ... but then finding either that you could not distribute it or get your own code merged in some commercial unix (with bugs) and unable to update it and even being forced to pay for using it. There were no politics, few licenses but then commercial companies started to limit the established freedom with laws, money, licenses and that sparked the free software movement (and later the open source movement)
          If yo

      • When [was Open Source not political] again?

        I think it was between the announcement of the words "open" and "source". During the few milliseconds between those two words, there was no politicking.

    • Ah for the days when open-source didn't have politics.

      "Open Source" was a specifically political organisation and ESR, in founding the OSI, had very political aims in coming up with it, specifically wanting to push far right / libertarian (but at least probably not fascist) politics. This was in reaction to a feeling that, whist the Free Software Foundation is explicitly capitalist [] and pretty clearly partly liberatarian [], it wasn't far right enough for ESR.

      Other founders may have had other ideas, however that is quite likely why they were forced out later.

      • by ninjaz ( 1202 )

        The way I remember it, the Open Source Initiative was created as a way for us to be able to us Linux and other DFSG-free software at work. Microsoft had been telling people that Linux is a cancer ( [] ), implying that running anything on Linux would render it subject to the GPL.

        The Open Source name also helped frame the market for companies like Red Hat with Enterprise Linux offerings. UNIX also had source code available and was licensed with support contracts available for

        • The way I remember it, the Open Source Initiative was created as a way for us to be able to us Linux and other DFSG-free software at work. Microsoft had been telling people that Linux is a cancer ( [] ), implying that running anything on Linux would render it subject to the GPL.

          Note that your history is the wrong way round. The OSI was already formed in 1998, your Balmer campaign comes from 2001. SCO group started their claims in 2003. In my work Linux was already in use by 1998 also. In fact it's more likely the other way around; the formation of the OSI was one of the triggers for Microsoft to take Linux seriously and start their campaign against it. It's not a coincidence that the Halloween Documents [] were leaked to ESR who was a co-founder of the OSI.

    • by Aighearach ( 97333 ) on Saturday August 07, 2021 @01:24PM (#61667207)

      Open Source doesn't have "politics," Amazon is using Apache 2 license correctly, these people are whining that they didn't get to play politics, and now they're wishing they could force somebody to collaborate with them. But they can't.

      This type of situation is the purpose of the Apache 2 license; the source has already been given away, nobody even has to tell you they're using it, nobody has to collaborate with anybody. They have the source, and it is open.

      Whining loudly doesn't mean there is politics. Here, it means somebody wishes there was politics. But there isn't, because license. They don't matter. Nobody has power over anybody else in this situation. Having people in charge of things is a necessary precondition for "politics."

    • Ah for the days when open-source didn't have politics.

      Ha ha, you made me laugh.

      The last time open-source "didn't have politics" was sometime in the early 1940s.

      • "early 1940s" is indeed accurate. Turing had this to say in 1947 which I think was more prescient than his overrated "Turing test" (which he actually proposed as a thought-exercise, not a goal).

        "As time goes on the [computer] itself will take over the functions both of [programmers] and of [users]â¦The [programmers] are liable to get replaced because as soon as any technique becomes at all stereotyped it becomes possible to devise a system of instruction tables which will enable the electronic com

  • by Ecuador ( 740021 ) on Saturday August 07, 2021 @11:49AM (#61666983) Homepage

    That's how open source is supposed to work, it's great if you can open source your project, but make sure you are perfectly fine with it and have some monetization scheme that you are comfortable with, as after you release it with a flexible license, it is mostly out of your hands.
    When your project becomes big partly because people who make money off of it use it, you can't start going back and closing it off. I mean you *can*, it's your choice, just don't expect others to applaud you or not fork your stuff to ensure interoperability.

    • Audacity comes to mind.

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Audacity comes to mind.

        Exactly, I can't believe the audacity of ElasticSearch to break backwards compatibility!

    • Join the fork. It's the nicest thing you can do, in this case with AWS funding.
  • If the open source no longer works for the owner, then changing it to a more closed source model is the solution. The only protection open source really can provide is insuring that innovation is sourced back to community and insuring that software is not retroactively closed and made a closed commercial product. It does not limit open source innovation or enforce arbitrary desires of the original owner.
    • If the open source no longer works for the owner, then changing it to a more closed source model is the solution. The only protection open source really can provide is insuring that innovation is sourced back to community and insuring that software is not retroactively closed and made a closed commercial product. It does not limit open source innovation or enforce arbitrary desires of the original owner.

      Retroactively changing to a closed source license is difficult and dangerous as we can see in this case. The solution is to stick with strong copyleft licenses from the beginning of all projects. E.g. the SSPL or the AGPLv3 (if server delivery is not an issue). If there's a good reason and you ensured you got the correct assignments for all the software you want to change, you can always easily change to Apache or MIT later but going the other way is liable to lead to unwanted competitive forks, as seen h

    • The only protection open source really can provide is insuring that innovation is sourced back to community

      No, that's "free software" not "open source," and the result is that companies choose not to contribute to it very often, so you don't actually ensure anything by using it. I mean, you ensure that a competing project with an open source license will be more popular. That's all that is ensured.

      The community will get the source that it is convenient to release, they don't need to be greedy for more. In fact, there is a glut of available source, including from companies, because there is a lot of PR (and other

      • by q_e_t ( 5104099 )

        No, that's "free software" not "open source,"

        Free software is a subset of open source. The defining characteristic is that the source is available. Numerous possible licences are possible other than various GPL versions as other subsets of open source.

    • If the open source no longer works for the owner, then changing it to a more closed source model is the solution.

      Who owns it? If various people contributed code und a contributor license agreement, they hold the copyright to their code and going closed source could violate that agreement. So, depending on the agreements and codebase no one entity may own all the rights to it.

  • by Viol8 ( 599362 ) on Saturday August 07, 2021 @12:14PM (#61667043) Homepage

    ... that open source actually means open source. It doesn't mean open source only to the nice fluffy cuddly libertarian people you like, it means its open to any shark infested corporation to do what they like with so long as they follow the GPL/BSD license. Don't like that? Tough, go to your safe space and cry about it, no one is interested in your sour grapes.

    • It means that if you want corporations to give back, you should use a license that requires it. There are multiple licenses now for this purpose.

  • Open source reached it's limit and companies are pushing the edge of the licensing model to make it legal not the share the source code or kidnap the open source component to only work on their platform. Maybe we should take another look at the copyleft idea... just the idea, not the people, not the ideology, no the fighting for purity.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      The problem isn't the idea, its people. People want. Its human nature. Greed is part of that want. People will always find ways to create workarounds, and otherwise bend environments to suit their wants. Fix human nature, fix the problem. Good luck.
    • Sorry, but that is horseshit. No one is pushing anything here. Elasticsearch actively chose a license that doesn't require sharing source or prevent locked in derivations. The "companies" are not the bad ones here for doing exactly what they were told they could do.

      You don't need copyleft or any other radical agenda. You just need people to have the balls to stick by a decision they make when they pick their license.

  • Naive idealism (Score:4, Interesting)

    by taustin ( 171655 ) on Saturday August 07, 2021 @12:40PM (#61667095) Homepage Journal

    "Software should be free! The user should be able to do whatever they want with it! (Unless we don't like them.)"

    Their objection isn't how the open source license is being used, but by whom.

    This kind of bitter wake-up call isn't even rare enough to be noteworthy.

    • Their objection isn't how the open source license is being used, but by whom.

      Amazon modified their source code, and didn't give back the modifications. Elastic has since switched to a different license that prevents that.

      • Re:Naive idealism (Score:5, Informative)

        by Registered Coward v2 ( 447531 ) on Saturday August 07, 2021 @01:30PM (#61667225)

        Their objection isn't how the open source license is being used, but by whom.

        Amazon modified their source code, and didn't give back the modifications. Elastic has since switched to a different license that prevents that.

        However, the original license allowed that, and once Amazon forked it Elastic is SOL. Amazon can do whatever tehy want with the fork as long as they follow the original license.

  • by dfn5 ( 524972 ) on Saturday August 07, 2021 @01:12PM (#61667181) Journal
    This would be like not being able to offer DNS hosting because you aren't allowed to use BIND as a service, or host email using sendmail, or host a web site with Apache httpd, etc. etc. This seems like a completely crazy policy. You either have freedom or you don't.
  • ... I'd just go with Splunk. Elastic is shooting themselves in the foot.
    That being said, AWS had plundered open source projects for their own gain.
    "Embrace and extend" used to be a Microsoft saying, but now AWS is the M$ of the Cloud.

    • by ffkom ( 3519199 )
      Yes, and Elastic is like those many long gone small companies who naively thought they could "partner" with Microsoft. If you don't want to become the next one to finance Ballmer's Yacht or Bezo's space tourism, then don't be naive and apply a license that requires sharing alike.
  • If only there was a license that would force Amazon to make its changes public.

    Right, Affero GPL...

    They still might get fucked over, but not as hard.

    • MongoDB was AGPL and pulled the same move, because AWS had a whole load of nice management tools they surrounded their MongoDB offering to make it easy to work with - no changes to release back upstream. Mongo didnt like that, so switched licenses to hurt AWS - because they now had their own SaaS offering and didnt like to compete with AWS

  • by u19925 ( 613350 ) on Saturday August 07, 2021 @04:31PM (#61667573)

    It looks to me that Elastic is forking the Elastic search. First they changed the license and now they changed the client API. Amazon is giving the same ElasticSearch (before fork) under new name (but with the same license) and giving the same pristine client library which works with all ElasticSearch (original and forked version). Afterall, if I am stuck with Elastic's ElasticSearch only, then it is no more open source under the OSF definition. So Amazon wins by 2-0 over Elastic.

  • I'm currently working on an Elasticsearch project using the Node client and am pretty up-to-speed on it.

    Although the client is convenient it is far from essential. The real API into Elasticsearch is the REST interface over HTTP(S) not the language level library -- whether it is Javascript, Java, Python, or whatever.

    Had the Node client not existed I really don't think my project would have been delayed much if at all. I would have just written a set of routines to compose and receive the well-documente

If at first you don't succeed, you are running about average.
