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RT America Ceases Production, Lays Off Staff and Moves To Rumble ( 126

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the New York Times: The Russian state-controlled news network RT said on Thursday that it would start broadcasting on the video site Rumble, two days after YouTube announced that it would be blocking channels connected to RT and another Russian state-backed outlet, Sputnik, across Europe. "After a multitude of platforms have moved to knock out our broadcast and limit social media, you can stay on top of our LIVE broadcast," RT posted on Twitter Thursday.

Rumble, which was founded in 2013 to compete with YouTube, is one of several alternative platforms that have attracted millions of users with the promise of a space untethered by what many on the American right have called a censorship of conservative voices. Prominent voices on the platform include Stephen Bannon, former President Donald J. Trump's onetime chief strategist, and Sean Hannity of Fox News. On Thursday afternoon, Misha Solodovnikov, the general manager of the production company behind RT America, T&R Productions, told staff that RT "will be ceasing production" and "must lay off most of its staff who work at all its locations," according to a company memo seen by The New York Times. RT America has offices in Miami, New York, Los Angeles and Washington. Mr. Solodovnikov cited "unforeseen business interruption events" as a reason for the company's announcement.

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RT America Ceases Production, Lays Off Staff and Moves To Rumble

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  • Stephen Bannon,
    Donald J. Trump,
    Sean Hannity, ...
    Russia Today.

    • Eventually the only place for the right wing to talk was on the specific r/conservative forum because every other form couldn't keep up with the people using the n-word or actively inciting real life violence and their channels will get banned.

      The way that r/conservative does it is that they have a list of approved posters and every time anything moderately controversial happens let alone something on the level of January 6th they block everyone but those improved posters from posting or even commenting
      • Thank you for saying this. We don't agree on much, but you are speaking truth here.

        Don't cozy up to shitheads, and you won't have to explain why you are so cozy with shitheads. This used to be well understood. Then grievance politics came on the scene. Don't bother with policy - we can just outrage people and get their votes, and we don't have to actually do anything once elected except act like overgrown assholes any time a microphone is capable of transducing your voice.

        I used to identify as a moderat

        • by Moryath ( 553296 )

          Then grievance politics came on the scene. Don't bother with policy - we can just outrage people and get their votes, and we don't have to actually do anything once elected except act like overgrown assholes any time a microphone is capable of transducing your voice.

          You literally just described the Republican playbook since Nixon [], and what Fox Lies and hatemonger talk radio propaganda stations were designed to do [].

          • and his "Contract With America", which was his name for the Republican policy of total obstruction during Democratic presidencies followed by grabbing as much power as they can during a Republican one. Seriously go read the Wikipedia article on it.

            Personally I just call it "smash and grab". Rolls off the tongue better.
        • I'm a left wing conservative. I support left wing policies, but I want them *carefully* implemented (hence the conservatism).

          So Medicare for All? Sure, it's a very well understood policy. "Defund the police"? Ok, we can take some money from the public safety budget and give it to social workers, I don't like cops driving around in APCs anyway.

          Do away with the police? No. If a crazy guy with a knife is outside my apartment I'd like somebody with a gun and the training to use it to show up. Collective
      • I don't think actively inciting violence falls under freedom of speech. Like falsely yelling fire in a movie theater.

        Reddit could be held legally responsible (party to) if those incitements led to an actual act.

          This is why people get procecuted for "incitement to riot" even if they didn't participate in the actual riot.

    • by mspohr ( 589790 )

      LetsGOPutin !

  • "Prominent voices on [Rumble] include Stephen Bannon, former President Donald J. Trump's onetime chief strategist, and Sean Hannity of Fox News."

    Isn't that just the sweetest thing...Putin and his besties all together on the same social media platform. It almost brings a tear to your eye.

  • I used to listen to his podcast and I think he was under the RT umbrella. Either way, I think this is a practice for China, the CCP and their elites. If they try to invade Taiwan, they know what to look forward to.
    • by spun ( 1352 )

      I firmly believe China has been whispering in Putin's ear, urging him to invade Ukraine. Because if it works, they destabilize and demoralize the west, and they can proceed to invade Taiwan with impunity.

      But if it fails, Russia is cut off from the rest of the world. And who will Russia come crawling to then? The only ones who will have them: China.

      So China either gets a demoralized, splintered western world and a green light on invading Taiwan, or they get an enfeebled client state who still owns nuclear we

      • Based on the response from the greater world, even beyond what we would consider the "west" it should be clear that China has everything to lose with a war against Taiwan.

        It owes it's rapid economic rise to becoming a global trading partner and exporter, it would be a huge gamble to try an amphibious invasion of a nation that would be defended by the US, Japan, Australia etc. It would also have to deal with a grueling occupation against a hostile populace.

        Basically the only upside they have is the historica

        • by spun ( 1352 )

          Well, yeah. But authoritarians aren't smart. They can't be, surrounded by Yes Men who are afraid to criticize them. So who knows what China will do?

          • That is absolutely true but the impression I get from China is a bit more like the USSR where yes there's an authoritarian leader but things are still underpinned by "the party". I don't think Xi could move on Taiwan just by himself the way Putin seemingly has acted. As memey as it is China probably has an actual "deep state".

            But like you said, rationality certainly isn't assured these days...

      • by dryeo ( 100693 )

        Well, this war does do quite bit of damage to China's belt and road initiative to sell stuff to Eastern Europe. Huawei for example is behind much of Ukraine's cell network and currently giving Ukraine free network equipment. Ukraine also sells (sold) a lot of wheat to China. Likewise China has been involved in much of Eastern Europe and now the trade route using the Siberian railway is broken.
        They're probably pretty conflicted at this point, originally happy at the idea of Russia invading Ukraine thinking

    • At one point without even realizing it I had subscribed to one of their channels because they had touched on quite a bit of left-wing conservative issues like Medicare for all and universal tuition free college. I started noticing little bits and pieces of what were frankly Russian propaganda and then it dawned on me what I was watching and unsubscribed. But you can't just do non-stop crazy propaganda 24/7. You need to bring people in on a pipeline and move them along that pipeline until they become true be
    • I used to listen to his podcast and I think he was under the RT umbrella. Either way, I think this is a practice for China, the CCP and their elites. If they try to invade Taiwan, they know what to look forward to.

      Funny-cute cat videos?

  • That the IRS or someone goes after Rumble to force it to close if they give ad revenue to an entity under sanction. I do feel sort of bad for the people based in the US who are now out of a job, but a few dozen people being on unemployment vs a country of millions being shelled and shot at... not really a difficult calculation to make.

    • > That the IRS or someone goes after Rumble to force it to close if they give ad revenue to an entity under sanction.

      Rumble doesn't host any illegal content (by policy). If RT's content is deemed illegal then they won't host it. But it's a high bar for the US Government to ban speech, especially press speech (unless it's Wikileaks and you're Trump, apparently). RT is partially state-funded, like CBC, BBC, NPR, VoA, etc.

      • You may not have checked the news the past week, but state-funded Russian stuff is almost guaranteed to be under sanctions. If it isn't now, it probably will be in a few days.

    • by Moryath ( 553296 )

      I do feel sort of bad for the people based in the US who are now out of a job...

      I mean, it's kind of like shutting down an Indian scam-call center and having their "Money Mules" in the USA put out of a job. They chose to work for a criminal entity...

  • by MachineShedFred ( 621896 ) on Thursday March 03, 2022 @06:32PM (#62323637) Journal

    So is it censorship of conservative voices, or is there just a large overlap in the venn diagram depicting the relationship between conservative voices and pro-authoritarian lying fraud-cunts?

    Seems to me that it's authoritarian lying fraud-cunts that are getting banned. There's still plenty of actual conservatives that have no problems whatsoever still posting shit to YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, et. al. Or are we saying that the ten most conservative voting records in the Senate aren't "conservatives" anymore? They're all still posting just fine. As are most of the "conservative media" that aren't full-blown authoritarian boot-licking lying fraud-cunts themselves.

    • I listened to boom bust, William Shatner and Chris Hedges on contact. They're all under RT and would argue not conservative or pro Russia. Some of the other junk on RT is though.
      • When RT was just a viewpoint from the other side of the world, like Al Jazeera, it was just fine. But now there are sanctions on Russia and the situation is different. Also it was clear from the start that RT was just an official state mouthpiece, and not just partially state funded. They lie more often than Steve Bannon which is quite an accomplishment as that takes tremendous breath control.

        • RT doesn't have "a viewpoint". They exist to destroy the concept of truth itself. They aren't "lying", they promote chaos and division between all people with endless hypocrisy and "what-about-ism" so the people are always angry with each other and never "wake up". This allows the top elites to retain power and control.

    • So is it censorship of conservative voices, or is there just a large overlap in the venn diagram depicting the relationship between conservative voices and pro-authoritarian lying fraud-cunts?

      Lol, if you destroy free speech, you are going to create a lot of strange bedfellows, at least in where people try to go to speak.

      Pro tip: if you are trying to stamp out all speech that you don't like, you are the authoritarian. (Or one of them, anyway.)

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      So is it censorship of conservative voices, or is there just a large overlap in the venn diagram depicting the relationship between conservative voices and pro-authoritarian lying fraud-cunts?

      Seems to me that it's authoritarian lying fraud-cunts that are getting banned. There's still plenty of actual conservatives that have no problems whatsoever still posting shit to YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, et. al. Or are we saying that the ten most conservative voting records in the Senate aren't "conservatives" anymore? They're all still posting just fine. As are most of the "conservative media" that aren't full-blown authoritarian boot-licking lying fraud-cunts themselves.

      I'm pretty sure that no form of free speech has explicitly protected deliberate falsehoods. They're usually the exception to the rule.

      Nowhere, does free speech protect deliberate falsehoods against criticism. That really is the opposite of free speech... Kind of like what Russia is doing by making it a criminal offence to call the "war in Ukraine" an invasion.

    • RT was Russian propaganda disguised as news and I think did a better job than Faux News at hiding their true purpose. They'd do some decent reporting when they just repeated 3rd party reports because why waste Putin's money on real journalists? Got to mix in some truth with the lies and spin.

      It's about as much "news" as Scientology is religion... because we let anybody self-declare what they want to present as...

  • When you can't win an argument, just censor the other side. It works perfectly, especially in the US where no one wants to hear the other side of the argument.

    • What argument are you talking about? The argument that Putin is a good guy fighting the supervillains in Ukraine, or the argument that the government sanctions are not legal, or the argument about what to have for lunch?

    • by spun ( 1352 )

      If you don't agree with everything I say, AND repeat it to everyone you know, you are censoring me.

      That's how you sound. Forcing people to say things they don't agree with is NOT censorship. Quite the opposite. Funny old world but under the Capitalist system, freedom of press only applies if you own a press. No press? Go stand on a street corner and shout. Or pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and buy your own press, you freeloader.

      Saying you want to regulate private companies so that conservatives can f

    • When you can't win an argument, just censor the other side. It works perfectly, especially in the US where no one wants to hear the other side of the argument.

      Censorship isn't used to stop arguments, it's used to stop disinformation. Specifically, people push invented narratives that lack a factual basis even after they have been rebutted and debunked. If people were only making good faith arguments and accepted empirical evidence then there would be no need for censorship.

      Right now, we have people claiming climate change isn't real despite damning evidence to the contrary. We also have people claiming the former president won re-election despite all evidence

  • "Uncensored" (Score:4, Interesting)

    by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Thursday March 03, 2022 @06:48PM (#62323691)

    with the promise of a space untethered by what many on the American right have called a censorship of conservative voices.

    I can guarantee if I put up a post outlining all the lies and crimes committed by the con artist and his cabal, it would be removed before the end of the day. Guaranteed. No way facts and truthful information like that would be allowed to stand.

  • And lots of others who understand that YouTube and Twitter will shamelessly censor anyone if its convenient to do so.

    Twitter's head even apologized to the NY Post for knocking them out over their revelation of Hunter Biden's laptop. []

You are an insult to my intelligence! I demand that you log off immediately.
