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India Reports First Case of Highly Transmissible XE Variant ( 64

Mumbai's city administration reported India's first case of the highly-transmissible coronavirus variant, XE, on Wednesday. From a report: The hybrid of two omicron strains BA.1 and BA.2 was detected in a 50-year-old woman who had traveled to the city from South Africa in February, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation said in a statement. The asymptomatic patient had no cormorbidities and had been quarantined after being diagnosed almost a month later in March, the BMC said. The hybrid strain, which was first detected in the U.K., could be the most transmissible variant yet, according to the World Health Organization.
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India Reports First Case of Highly Transmissible XE Variant

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  • by bjdevil66 ( 583941 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2022 @03:42PM (#62423078)

    You never know... []

    • Given that typical coronaviruses are not particularly "bad" for most people, I'd think the mutation trend over time should head gradually that way. Not sure I'd say "good", though; it's not likely to mutate into the giving plague.

      • Given that typical coronaviruses are not particularly "bad" for most people, I'd think the mutation trend over time should head gradually that way. Not sure I'd say "good", though; it's not likely to mutate into the giving plague.

        It isn't gradually heading that way, it arrived in December of 2021. Omicron is the variant you're looking for.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        The big unknown is Long COVID. There are millions of people with it world-wide. For many of them it means they can't work, which is obviously pretty bad for them but also means that the economy of that country has a large number of people who are no longer productive and are now dependent on welfare.

        It's a horrible, horrible condition. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. We won't know for another year how common it is with the newer variants like Omicron, but all these countries that have decided to just li

  • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2022 @04:01PM (#62423136)

    Oh God, evolution seems to have bought into the whole Agile methodology fad. I'm not worried. Sure, it will have some cool-sounding features that make it appear to solve certain use cases such as rapid infection but then it will fail to produce the result of what a virus is supposed to actually do, which is to bump us off.

    • by ghoul ( 157158 )
      A virus does not want to bump us off. It just wants to reproduce. Viruses that bump you off go extinct or evolve into variants that dont bump you off. Variants that can reproduce in your cells without making you sick have the best chance of spreading.
      • A virus does not want to bump us off. It just wants to reproduce. Viruses that bump you off go extinct or evolve into variants that dont bump you off.

        I doubt that viruses would have the consciousness to want stuff. Now, figuratively speaking, viruses don't really care if we do get bumped off, so long as they're able to reproduce and presumably transfer to a new host, before the host dies.

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2022 @04:35PM (#62423262)
    we have so many folks who got sick with omicron that BA.2 isn't hitting us that hard because if you're likely to get sick with BA.2 omicron probably killed you.

    And by "hilariously" I mean in the morbid fascination sense. Like something out of a dystopian sci-fi novel. And not a good one either. The kind that gets poor reviews for being too far fetched.
    • by mmell ( 832646 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2022 @04:54PM (#62423342)
      I have COVID right now. No, seriously . . . both my wife and I have tested positive. We're both vaccinated and boosted with Phizer's product.

      This thing knocked me down for a full day. My wife's been suffering through it as well. We tested positive on the second. No new symptoms, just some old ones, and we're still testing positive. I'm pretty sure I'm only alive because of the vaccine (but that's purely anecdotal). I don't care if it's Delta, Omicron, or the BA2.baracus variant, this thing's still a killer.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Yes we all know XE is not meaningfully different from X or E. We know that India is completely over covid.

    We were just hoping you would cut us some slack and be scared shitless one last time so that we can make money off of your (f|t)ears. We professional trolls need to eat and support our families too. Have a heart, be afraid.

    ~The Media

  • In all these countries almost all the vulnerable people have caught it, developed immunity or died. So it would by highly contagious, immunize huge swath of the population, but unlikely to kill too much.
    • by mmell ( 832646 )
      So, just out of curiosity - you vaccinated? If not, you must be as nervous as a Christian Scientist with appendicitis.
      • You can see from my profile lots of my postings. Further the handle is very unique. You can google find almost everything I have posted. You can judge whether or not I am likely to be anti vaxxer or q-anon believer or maga or troll or libtard or whatever.
  • Unless it's asymptomatic like the facehugger in Alien was, Lance Henriksen felt nothing more than an urge to consume calories like he was eating for two, and then ..., this isn't concerning unless there's a real risk that it could combine with a variant that can make us ill.

  • While the whole world has opened up and have hardly much issues from covid (omicron or BA2 or XE whatever), how come China is now having such terrible outbreaks with higher numbers than ever before and brutal lockdowns etc ?? Is it that CCP had handled previous outbreaks so successfully that very small % of Chinese have had covid and so they are more susceptible to omicron /BA2 /XE now ?
    • by ecalkin ( 468811 )

      A large part of the Chinese population spent a large part of their lives in horrible air pollution, including lots of large particulate stuff. I would tend to believe it makes them more susceptible to getting it *and* having worse outcomes.

  • Isn't that the name of Elon Musk's next kid? "Coronavirus XE"

Power corrupts. And atomic power corrupts atomically.
