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Fewer Americans Than Ever Believe in God, Gallup Poll Shows ( 517

Belief in God among Americans dipped to a new low, Gallup's latest poll shows. While the majority of adults in the U.S. believe in God, belief has dropped to 81% -- the lowest ever recorded by Gallup -- and is down from 87% in 2017. From a report: Between 1944 and 2011, more than 90% of Americans believed in God, Gallup reported. Younger, liberal Americans are the least likely to believe in God, according to Gallup's May 2-22 values and beliefs poll results released Friday. Political conservatives and married adults had little change when comparing 2022 data to an average of polls from 2013 to 2017. The groups with the largest declines are liberals (62% of whom believe in God), young adults (68%) and Democrats (72%), while belief in God is highest among conservatives (94%) and Republicans (92%). The poll also found that slightly more than half of conservatives and Republicans say they believe God hears prayers and can intervene, as well as 32% of Democrats, 25% of liberals and 30% of young adults.
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Fewer Americans Than Ever Believe in God, Gallup Poll Shows

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  • by kunwon1 ( 795332 ) <> on Monday June 20, 2022 @03:26PM (#62636804) Homepage
    And belief without evidence is fucking stupid
    • Who gives a shit? Almost every person whoâ(TM)s answered that question for me says it has to do with religions imposing their philosophy on other peopleâ" thatâ(TM)s pretty obnoxious but is present in every realm where groupthink takes root. People will find an excuse to hold irrational beliefs no matter what. Scientism? Nothing to do with organized religion. Most genocide? Political. If people can manifest things in their life through the placebo effect by believing a man in the sky makes it
      • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @03:48PM (#62636910)

        If people irrationally want to impose their philosophy on other people, then address that antisocial tendency.

        We did. The Founding Fathers who observed various forms of Christianity and Deism as a whole, spelled out in a document there shall be a separation of Church and State in this country. You want to worship? Have it. The government will not intefere. Conversely, you don't get to dictate to the government how to run things.

        Unfortunately, there is a large segment in this country who likes to spout, "It's not in the Constitution!" ignoring something which is literally in the Constitution.

    • The Universe exists Q.E.D. my God made it.

    • by jbengt ( 874751 )

      And belief without evidence is fucking stupid

      So no axioms or postulates for you. Gonna make mathematics awfully difficult to develop.

      • by kunwon1 ( 795332 )
        There's a big difference between 'belief' and establishing a mental framework within which you assume X is true for the purposes of testing/discussing/dissecting Y
        • by gweihir ( 88907 )

          Exactly. Forming a hypothesis does in no way entail "believing" in it. Or the converse. Forming a hypothesis is merely a step to formalize a question so that the existence and nature of an answer can be investigated.

      • Other than the Pythagoreans and their persecution of anyone who hinted at irrational numbers, there aren't very many violent mathematical belief systems remaining.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by geekmux ( 1040042 )

      And belief without evidence is fucking stupid

      Do you believe in love? Have you ever been in love? If so, show it to me. Hold it out in your hand, because I don't believe "love" exists. It's a belief without evidence, which according to you, is fucking stupid.

      And don't point to your significant other and claim that is love. That's not love. That's a human being. Ask your doctor if you don't believe me.

      • by kunwon1 ( 795332 )

        Do you believe in love


        • Not loving anything around you...even what created you, is one thing.

          Not loving yourself, can be self-destructive.

      • Oh man you just disproved most of physics!
      • by Brain-Fu ( 1274756 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @05:31PM (#62637390) Homepage Journal

        By definition, "love" is not an object. It's a state that objects might wind up in (specifically, human brains).

        But since it is a state, and not an object, it doesn't make sense to demonstrate it by holding it out in one's hand. The same way you cannot hold "falling" in your hand, even though "falling" is a real state that real objects might be in.

        If you want evidence that love exists, it would come in either of two forms. You could query people and ask them if they are in this state or ever have been in that state. Alternatively, you could look at brain scans of people who report being in this state, and people who do not, to see the differences that define it.

        My point is that you are committing a strawman fallacy. A claim like "love exists" is an entirely different kind of claim than the claim that "Elon Musk exists," and so the nature of the evidence that one would need to present is different in the two cases.

      • because I don't believe "love" exists

        No joke: this is the saddest thing I've read today.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      Characterizing an entire group of people based on a single facet of their life, and distilling something as complex and dynamic as religion to a single soundbite is bigotry, which is often the refuge of the ignorant and insensitive.

      Profanity is also the refuge of the ignorant.

    • by Inglix the Mad ( 576601 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @04:21PM (#62637096)
      To be fair most of them only respond that way out of politeness or reflex. Even most Republicans don't really believe in God/Holy Spirit/Jesus or they wouldn't act, nor vote for people whom act, in a manner that is antithetical to the book they profess to follow.
    • As is ruling out the hypothesis without evidence against it. Agnosticism makes some sense; atheism doesn't.

    • Religion may appear stupid and inefficient, but throughout history, most successful societies have had significant religious belief. It appears to at least in the past made societies more likely to thrive.
    • by ArmoredDragon ( 3450605 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @11:23PM (#62638272)

      I think everybody believes something without evidence. For example, I'm an atheist, but I believe rsilvergun is a closet Stalinist.

  • GOOD. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MikeDataLink ( 536925 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @03:28PM (#62636808) Homepage Journal

    The sooner religion disappears the better. Religion is single handedly responsible for more deaths than any other cause.

    • Re:GOOD. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Darinbob ( 1142669 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @03:43PM (#62636868)

      The problem isn't so much how many beielve in "a" god, but the numbers who believe that theirs is the right and and want their beliefs legislated into law and given primacy. Also the numbers who feel that religion must be tightly tied to partisan politics. That is, those who still want the harmful bits of religion.

      I don't care if some people are religious. As a philosophy, there's some good stuff there that would be great if people followed it, rather than ignoring or distorting the teachings. As in "love your neighbor as yourself". If everyone did that it'd be great. But we've got modern pharisees who reinterpret it all, they don't think someone they disagree with is their neighbor. If they'd just go about trying to lead a better life without forcing others to lead the same life there wouldn't be a problem.

      • at least for Christianity. God has, on multiple occasions, punished everyone for the sins of the community. He's destroyed cities, tortured entire ethnic groups and at one point destroyed terrestrial all life on earth.

        Now, if you read these as they were meant to be, as non literal stories, that's not really an issue.

        But if you take a more simplistic and literal approach... well the result is pretty clear. Every time you sin you're contributing a certain amount of "sin points" to the world. And if th
    • Re:GOOD. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by organgtool ( 966989 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @03:43PM (#62636870)

      Religion is single handedly responsible for more deaths than any other cause.

      Many wars over "religion" are not actually about religion. Much of the time, it's some greedy asshole who wants more resources, land, and people to rule over but they don't want to risk their own life, so they set up a bullshit premise that will rally other people to risk their lives to get the greedy asshole what they want. Sure, religion is a common premise, but if it suddenly went away overnight, all of the greedy assholes aren't going to just call it quits. Instead, they'll pull from the dozens of other forms of tribalism humans engage in and use that as their tool of manipulation.

      • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @03:59PM (#62636960)
        by any means, there's more to it than war. Religion siphons trillions of dollars away that could go to all sorts of things. It's also used an an "opiate of the masses" as it were, which is to say an excuse to avoid improving things. There's also lots of folks who ignore climate change because "God will provide".

        All of these have clear bible verses that speak out against doing them, but that's kind of the trouble with God's word. It's way, way too open to interpretation because rather than write it himself he left it to mere fallible men to do so. We know, for example, that Genesis isn't meant to be taken literally, but millions do. We know the Gospels weren't written by who they say they were, but again, millions believe that. We know that the bits about homosexuality in the new testament were mistranslated and refer to pedophilia and adulatory (look it up) and that the bible doesn't address trans rights, but here we are...

        It's all too open to interpretation, which is why there are so many different sects of Christianity let alone other religions.
        • by organgtool ( 966989 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @04:14PM (#62637064)
          I don't disagree with most of what you say, but the thing that really annoys me is that so many people, like the OP, cherry-pick data about deaths attributed to religion, and then they completely ignore how many lives are saved by religion. Every day, many thousands of people are fed by donations made by religious parishioners. I'm not even talking about missionaries, I'm talking about local churches. Almost every day, local churches have people who struggle to make ends meet come to them asking for food. Many parishes provide that food directly out of their own pantries in prepared bags. Sure, food kitchens and food banks are available, but they're often not easily accessible, especially to people who have children but can't afford a car. Parishes also run many ministries, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and grief counseling. I'm certainly not blind to the terrible things that have been done in the name of religion and there's absolutely no excuse for such behaviors. At the same time, let's examine the positives and negatives in their totalities rather than just cast religion as the best/worst thing ever.
      • You're 100% right on this. People often point to the Crusades, but the Crusades were not at all about religion. They were in fact a broader symptom of an ongoing geopolitical conflict between the Near East, which made up many nations and are thus referred to as "Islamic nations", and the Western culture which was generally Christian.

        Religion factored in because, particularly in Christianity, there was a serious dichotomy. Many of the warrior class in their feudal society spent their entire time learn

      • by Pascoea ( 968200 )
        I'm fine with that. At least it's a little closer to honesty than "My sky person told me to do it."
    • by Jhon ( 241832 )

      "Religion is single handedly responsible for more deaths than any other cause."

      Not really. It's an excuse. If those folks across the river had nicer caves and stuff and there was no religion, we'd make up something about their eye-color, or how they lace their shoes as to why it's OK to go all "Moon-watcher" on them and club those outer lacing knuckle draggers to death and take their stuff.

      And believing that everything will be rainbows and unicorns if religion vanished is a pretty big leap of faith itself

  • by Entrope ( 68843 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @03:37PM (#62636852) Homepage

    This result is not surprising, given that there is still no evidence that such a thing as "Gallup poll shows" exists. What is surprising is that 81% of Americans would believe in them anyway.

  • People need to stop believing in ridiculous bullshit like religion and start believing in simulation theory. St. Thomas Aquinas was wrong when he argued that it was more sensible for God to exist rather than not exist. But people like Rogan, Musk, and Scott Adams are right for saying it's more likely we were created by a simulator than all this just existing naturally. It just makes more sense for there to have been a simulator and us his/her/them's simulated beings.

    While we're at it, it's preposterous to p

  • Wonder how long before both parties are nicknamed "party of the godly" and "party of the godless".

    Am surprised there is still over 81% of Americans who believe in god.

    I wonder if devil worship/wiccan/etc is part of this.

  • So why should they believe in me?

  • by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @03:54PM (#62636930)

    We had it right the first time, the Sun is the only thing worthy of our worship. It provides everything we need, asks nothing of us.

    George Carlin - The Sun Worshipper []

    • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Tuesday June 21, 2022 @04:55AM (#62638836)

      “You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with.”

        George Carlin

  • But this... (Score:4, Funny)

    by LordHighExecutioner ( 4245243 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @04:03PM (#62636988)
    ...requires to believe into Gallup poll!
    • Rubbish. Trust in Gallup polls is belief with evidence... you have many chances to estimate the value of Gallup polls from the actual evidence that often follows. Not all the time, but sufficiently often to establish credibility (or lack of it). That's really the point: the difference between credibility and credulity.

  • by r2kordmaa ( 1163933 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @04:32PM (#62637122)
    Believers dropped from 87% to 81% in 5 years, doesn't sound so impressive right? But no answers had 46% growth in same time, if you think from that end it's some pretty fast societal change going on there. Of course, it's not so simple believe/not believe question, most people wiggle themselves somewhere between blind faith and hard atheism. Many that profess belief actually cant be arsed to attend church, they don't really believe the preacher has anything worthwhile to say to them. Many that profess disbelief still allow themselves to get suckered with all sorts of magic woo-woo, they don't firmly believe that all magic is fictional and not real.
  • by aerogems ( 339274 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @05:11PM (#62637308)

    “Tell people there’s an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure.” ~ George Carlin

    • “Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

      But He loves you. He loves you, and

  • by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Monday June 20, 2022 @06:06PM (#62637544)

    Only 43% claim to belong to any church,synagogue or mosque, so half of the 'believers' seem to be to lazy to go to church.

    It's dead, Jim.

  • by ffkom ( 3519199 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @06:20PM (#62637612)
    The article kind of fails to clearly state which of the many gods that some people believe in they asked about.
    I guess it is fair to say that at least 99% of all deities described in literature are not believed in by any significant share of Americans. Among them ones that were in the first place in terms of number of believers for centuries.
  • by clambake ( 37702 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @06:42PM (#62637668) Homepage

    Nobody *in* the bible is ever convinced by arguments. They're ALL convinced by seeing miracles right in front of their face. So... why not just keep doing that? Obviously, because it's always been garbage, but it's funny how even the apologists are SO convinced that miracles aren't really possible that they don't even *attempt* to do them in front of unbelievers.

    Of course, the REAL miracle would be watching churches help house the homeless and feed the hungry (other than on holidays), instead of preaching hate, blood and greed, and calling for executions of gay people. Maybe if I saw a bit more of ACTUAL GOODNESS coming from churches I'd start to wonder if what they have is wholesome after all. As it stands they seem like the scum of the earth and I don't see how good people could ever accept such filth as anything but bronze-age goblin worship.

  • by Nocturrne ( 912399 ) on Monday June 20, 2022 @11:35PM (#62638300)

    I'll show myself out...

  • by Micah NC ( 5616634 ) on Tuesday June 21, 2022 @01:19PM (#62639966)
    People have pushed all authority out of their lives.

    They believe no one looks out for them.

    Their hopes and their standards are low.
  • by groobly ( 6155920 ) on Tuesday June 21, 2022 @01:35PM (#62639998)

    More Americans than ever are willing to risk ostracism and admit to pollsters that they don't believe in God. Oh yeah, and that is based on asking like 3000 Americans, many of whom probably are not American, and then using a plethora of fudge factors to claim that it applies to 100,000 times that number of Americans.

  • by memnock ( 466995 ) on Tuesday June 21, 2022 @05:12PM (#62640462)

    or any other poll on issues like this ("The country supports X") never really seem to answer the question the way the media phrases the poll results. I doubt the results of this poll. For one thing, I don't believe people are completely honest when they respond to these polls. And let's not forget self-selection bias. Of course, I did not RTFA, and most polls are supposed to account for the bias at least, so I have no idea about the methodology or what the poll's results are actually stating.

    Most of my neighbors seems to have some kind of belief in God and I have not run into anyone lately who says that they've renounced such a belief. Anecdotal, but that's still part of my priors.

Computers will not be perfected until they can compute how much more than the estimate the job will cost.
