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Russia Directing Hackers To Attack UK and West, Says Director of GCHQ ( 47

Russia is increasingly seeking to encourage and direct hackers to attack British and other western targets, the director of GCHQ has said in her first keynote speech as head of the British intelligence agency. From a report: Anne Keast-Butler said her agency was "increasingly concerned about growing links" between the Russian intelligence services and proxy hacker groups who have long taken advantage of a permissive environment within the country. "Before, Russia simply created the right environments for these groups to operate but now they're nurturing and inspiring these non state cyber actors," she said in a speech to the Cyber UK conference, in what she described as a "globally pervasive" threat.

The spy chief, appointed last year to be the first woman to hold the role, referenced the threat from ransomware -- "the most acute and pervasive cyber threat" -- where cybercriminals, typically from Russia, take control of a company's data and systems and demand significant sums to regain access. GCHQ was "doing everything we can" to counter ransomware actors, Keast-Butler said, degrade their ability to attack systems across government and business and to "produce intelligence that means those involved in ransomware are held to account." There is "no hiding place" for cybercriminals she added.

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Russia Directing Hackers To Attack UK and West, Says Director of GCHQ

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  • by zeiche ( 81782 ) on Thursday May 16, 2024 @03:33PM (#64477497)

    i feel like that courting hackers can backfire on russia at some point. once the army has been created, they will need to be kept happy.

    • Do they keep their current army happy after duty? Wasn't there a thing about them taking washing machines and other "luxury" goods? I don't personally have no travel experience to Russia, so I can't validate this: []

      Honestly, I doubt their government will look after any form of service once they're no longer of net gain. As the saying goes, windowsills can be terribly slippery this time of year.

      • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

        by cusco ( 717999 )

        No, that was propaganda, the same as the claims the Russian troops were booby trapping children's beds and the other absurd statements from Ukraine. They actually had a person in charge of writing 'atrocity propaganda', making up stories to make the Russian troops look like barbaric animals. She finally got fired when her stories got so absurd (Russian troops routinely raping babies to death in front of their mothers was the last one) that not even the NYT would publish them any more. Even though refuted

        • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

          by Anonymous Coward

          No, that was propaganda,

          Yes, so much propaganda that the Russians had an open air market [] where they were selling things they looted from Ukraine, such as washing machines [].

          claims the Russian troops were booby trapping children's beds and the other absurd statements from Ukraine.

          And by "absurd" statements you mean real ones []. This is in addition to the mass graves which have the people's hands tied as well as booby trapped bodies [].

          Do try to lie a bit better, Vasily. The truth is out there.

        • by WaffleMonster ( 969671 ) on Thursday May 16, 2024 @07:00PM (#64477929)

          No, that was propaganda, the same as the claims the Russian troops were booby trapping children's beds and the other absurd statements from Ukraine. They actually had a person in charge of writing 'atrocity propaganda', making up stories to make the Russian troops look like barbaric animals.

          Earlier in the war drone and gopro videos of Russians transporting washing machines and toilets were posted to the Internet daily. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of them between telegram, twitter and reddit.

          Russians don't need any help looking like barbaric animals. On a daily basis they intentionally fire dozens of long range guided weapons at civilian housing and critical infrastructure to terrorize entire populations. Official state media explicitly and repeatedly condones heinous acts of barbarism on tape for the world to see.

          Drowning children, burning homes, old ladies wishing they were raped by invading Russians...

          Looks like cusco picked a real winner.

    • Launching a ransomware attack on Russia from within Russia sounds, how shall I put it, like suicide.
    • This is probably one of the two main reasons putler won't end the war. []

      Once the army comes home, they will eat everyone alive, including him.

  • by WindBourne ( 631190 ) on Thursday May 16, 2024 @03:53PM (#64477553) Journal
    China, Iran, N. Korea, Russia are all directing their crackers to attack the west. In fact, both China and Russia passed laws well over 10 years ago that said anybody that cracked their nation would be in serious trouble, HOWEVER, if they cracked western companies and government AND shared information with government, they were fine.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Every nation does it. When was the last time your country arrested and deported someone to Russia for hacking them?

      • "Every nation does it."

        28 modern nations are represented by the parties that acceded to the Paris Declaration, including Russia. The US did not accede to this nor any other treaty which would prohibit Congress from authorizing letters of marque.

      • Wrong. Western nations do not have laws that says that it is OK for citizens to crack systems in your nation.
        Xi would get mad at us for doing to you what you are doing to the west.
        That does not mean that western groups are not targeting your nation and Russia, however, there is a difference in having military/intelligence target your military/intelligence, vs your nation allowing citizens to legally sell drugs to the west, esp to America, as well as legally being able to crack these systems.
        HUGE differ
        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Who is "you"? I live in Europe. The UK does prosecute and try to extradite people to the US for hacking... But not China. No extradition treaty, although in theory if they ask we will consider it.

    • by Wokan ( 14062 )

      Sounds like the appropriate tactic then is to hack the hacking groups and make it look like they're attacking their host countries.

  • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Thursday May 16, 2024 @03:54PM (#64477555)

    We know Russia's been doing this since hacking was a thing. Presumably we're now past the point of being concerned with the diplomatic issues that may result from openly acknowledging it.

  • by Eunomion ( 8640039 ) on Thursday May 16, 2024 @04:17PM (#64477619)
    Not only is Russia "permissive" of hackers who target the West, they groom both anti-Western elements and people even in the West as extreme as domestic terrorist / school shooter types to attack us. Russia is at war with us already. Which does not, btw, mean we have to accept their framing of the situation, but we do have to be aware of it.
    • At this point, Russian Hitler is openly stating that Russia considers itself to be "at war" with the entire "collective west."

      ... Which in terms of relative conventional military ability, is about like an anemic 5th grader declaring himself to be "fighting" Mike Tyson in Tyson's prime, but the kid's going to keep their delusion going on because Tyson doesn't want to deal with the consequences of being the guy who broke a kid's neck with a single swat.

      As before, the forces of authoritarianism and fascis
      • "As before, the forces of authoritarianism and fascism are trying to use the openness of democratic society against it... They spout their vileness here, then hide behind freedom of speech while at the same time this is, of course, absolutely denied in Russia (or other authoritarian states)."

        Indeed. My current tag line is something I'm glad I realized, because it boils down our authoritarian enemies to their essence. They are failures who have not progressed beyond the toddler state of absolute self-in

    • by cusco ( 717999 )

      Oh, good grief. Now even the school shooters are Russian operatives? Damn, that is a really heaping helping of stupid.

  • Didn't they kill her off in Skyfall?

  • ... any existing communications line to the evil russian empire. We did that back in the ussr time so why not now again?

  • Of course the US and UK would never dream of interfering in another country's electoral process ....
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion

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