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Businesses United States News

New Boeing Whistleblower Warns of Potentially 'Devastating Consequences' From Plane Flaws (gizmodo.com) 38

A former Boeing contractor has filed complaints with federal agencies, alleging safety issues in 787 Dreamliner production and wrongful termination. Richard Cuevas, a veteran mechanic, claims he observed improper drilling of fastener holes in forward pressure bulkheads during his work with Spirit AeroSystems, Boeing's main supplier.

Cuevas warned that these defects could compromise aircraft safety. After reporting concerns to the FAA and his superiors, Cuevas says he was fired. His lawyers have urged investigations into Dreamliner bulkheads and claim unlawful retaliation. Boeing stated they investigated the concerns thoroughly and determined no safety risk.

New Boeing Whistleblower Warns of Potentially 'Devastating Consequences' From Plane Flaws

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