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Apple Vision Pro's Content Drought Improves With New 3D Videos ( 17

More than a dozen new Immersive Videos are coming to Vision Pro, with the first, titled Boundless, launching last night. "The announcement follows a long, slow period for new Vision Pro-specific video content from Apple," writes Ars Technica's Samuel Axon. "The headset launched in early February with a handful of Immersive Video episodes ranging from five to 15 minutes each. Since then, only three new videos have been added." From the report: Tonight's Boundless episode will allow viewers to see what it's like to ride in a hot air balloon over sweeping vistas. Another episode titled "Arctic Surfing" will arrive this fall, Apple says. Sometime next month, Apple will publish the second episode of its real wildlife documentary, simply titled Wild Life. The episode will focus on elephants in Kenya's Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Another episode is in the works, too. "Later this year," Apple writes in its newsroom post, "viewers will brave the deep with a bold group of divers in the Bahamas, who come face-to-face with apex predators and discover creatures much more complex than often portrayed."

In September, we'll see the debut of a new Immersive Video series titled Elevated. Apple describes it as an "aerial travel series" in which viewers will fly over places of interest. The first episode will take viewers to Hawaii, while another planned for later this year will go to New England. Apple is additionally partnering with Red Bull for a look at surfing called Red Bull: Big-Wave Surfing. In addition to those documentary episodes, there will be three short films by year's end. One will be a musical experience featuring The Weeknd, and another will take basketball fans inside the 2024 NBA All-Star Weekend. There will also be Submerged, the first narrative fictional Immersive Video on the platform. It's an action short film depicting struggles on a submarine during World War II.

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Apple Vision Pro's Content Drought Improves With New 3D Videos

Comments Filter:
  • Wow! (Score:4, Funny)

    by msauve ( 701917 ) on Friday July 19, 2024 @09:35PM (#64639596)
    >will allow viewers to see what it's like to ride in a hot air balloon

    Now that's what people call a "killer app!"
    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      cruel ...

      • Maybe, but does anyone remember the claptrap IMAX was putting out to justify its early existence? Granted some nice flying camerawork and fantastic visuals, but...travelogs at best. Disc: Haven't seen any of these videos; I do not have the Apple thing.
    • Headline should say Vision Pro's content drought continues despite new 3D videos.
  • Woohoo! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Pf0tzenpfritz ( 1402005 ) on Friday July 19, 2024 @10:01PM (#64639620) Journal
    If I'd ever find myself desperately awaiting being allowed to buy "video content" from Apple I'd hopefully kill myself. An existance so empty and pointless would be worse than death.
  • by iamnotx0r ( 7683968 ) on Friday July 19, 2024 @10:06PM (#64639622)
    Apples high brow marketing is stifling sales.
  • Who has time? (Score:4, Informative)

    by ThumpBzztZoom ( 6976422 ) on Friday July 19, 2024 @11:04PM (#64639712)

    Where will anyone find the time to watch more than a dozen (13?) short videos in the next 5 months?

    In only one year, they have produced (single digit) hours of special programming for the Vision Pro. And such timely content, the NBA All Star Game highlights will be watchable only 7-9 months after the game!

    Why spend your money on an actual hot air balloon ride and a trip to Hawaii when you can pay much more than both for the immersive video experience?

  • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Friday July 19, 2024 @11:29PM (#64639738)

    Dedicate 2 minutes showing a few 360 stereo perspectives and narration in each of these (make it possible for the viewer to pause at any point and look around):

    1. What are the top 10 tourist destinations in the world?
    2. What are the top 10 megalithic sites in the world?
    3. What are the top 10 sites of ancient archaeology?
    4. What are the top 10 museums in the world?
    5. What are the top 10 mega-factories in the world?
    6. What are the top 10 raw material processing sites in the world?
    7. What are the top 10 construction sites in the world?
    8. What are the top 10 ship building sites in the world?
    9. What are the top 10 aerospace sites in the world?
    10. What are the top 10 science facilities in the world?
    11. What are the top 10 combat sites in the world?

    I figure they could do all 11 of these within one year with a $15 million budget total.

    • Re:Easy VR tours (Score:4, Informative)

      by martin-boundary ( 547041 ) on Saturday July 20, 2024 @01:30AM (#64639892)
      It's been done before. Back in the day, I had a Samsung Gear VR headset. It was light and tether free, pretty comfy to wear for the life of the battery. It had plenty of virtual tourist style destinations where you could look around and feel like you were there. Still not compelling.
      • Really? Have some links? Cause all the stuff I've seen so far are *very* badly done. Also, you can't compare the low-res experience on a Gear VR to the AVP.

        • Also, you can't compare the low-res experience on a Gear VR to the AVP.

          Of course you can. You're doing it right now.

          Also, of course you can. High resolution matters very much for pretending your HMD is a series of monitors or whatever, but it matters far less for video content. I'm not going to say high res doesn't look better or more immersive, of course it does, but it doesn't take much resolution to have reasonably convincing video.

        • It's been years since I played with it, but this page has some familiar app names:


          Virtual tourism is an obvious app offering that sounds good in theory but in practice it's been tried many times and there's not enough demand to drive VR tech sales.

    • That is exactly the kind of content that does not justify the massive price inflation over the Quest 3, which already has all of that and much more.

  • Seems to me Apple could generate SOME interest in the Vision by putting all those 3D movies made around the 2010s into their catalog and playable on it. Would certainly generate more interest than this.

  • It would be more entertaining to exsanguinate myself.

You might have mail.
