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Youtube AI

YouTube Will Use AI To Generate Ideas, Titles, and Even Full Videos 30

YouTube has announced a series of AI-related features on the platform, including a couple that might change how creators make videos -- and the videos they make. From a report: The first feature is the new Inspiration tab in the YouTube Studio app, which YouTube has been testing in a limited way over the last few months. The tab's job is, essentially, to tell you what to make: the AI-powered tool will suggest a concept for a video, provide a title and a thumbnail, and even write an outline and the first few lines of the video for you. YouTube frames it as a helpful brainstorming tool but also acknowledges that you can use it to build out entire projects. And I'm just guessing here, but I'd bet those AI-created ideas are going to be pretty darn good at gaming the YouTube algorithm.

Once you have some AI inspiration, you can make some AI videos with Veo, the superpowerful DeepMind video model that is now being integrated into YouTube Shorts. Veo is mostly going to be part of the "Dream Screen" feature YouTube has been working on, which is an extension of the green screen concept but with AI-generated backgrounds of all sorts. You'll also be able to make full Veo videos, too, but only with clips up to six seconds long. (After a few seconds, AI video tends to get... really weird.)
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YouTube Will Use AI To Generate Ideas, Titles, and Even Full Videos

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  • because that is fraud and that shit will land you in prison.
  • Finding content worth a damn is going to become very hard in the coming years.

    I would like to see AI make it possible for small video game studios to compete head-on with the likes of electronic arts and Activision and Microsoft. It would be nice to see those nasty little companies taken down a peg. But I don't think they're going to take that lying down and I'm left wondering what they're going to do in response. Whatever it is it won't be pretty.
    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      I have basically given up. I have one engineering content creator now on YouTube and one Cooking channel that I watch. Whenever I browse to find more, all I find is crap.

  • If I (as a viewer) donâ(TM)t get a donâ(TM)t show me AI crap toogle, I am gonna ban the App from my devices.
  • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Wednesday September 18, 2024 @11:20AM (#64796041) Journal

    mass-generated junk. There's simply not enough. The demand for 5-legged cats is astronomical.

    • mass-generated junk

      Is that any better than handcrafted junk? Just look at Amazon's Rings of Power series to see the quality of writing and acting that $1 billion will buy you today. When billion dollar series sound like badly written fan fiction there is at least a chance that AI will actually be better or at least get to be better with time.

    • It already uses AI to create "chapters" or points of interest in a video. Except that Youtube is very very bad at this and it looks very silly at times when it guesses wrong about the highlights of the video.

  • When I see all those 'trending' YouTube influencers who get astounding numbers of views and subscribers for putting out utterly pointless and trivial shit, my first thought is, "Yes, more please!" /sarc

    So sure, let's spend even more of the planet-burning energy required by 'AI' to create content which, by way of comparison, makes even cat videos look like PhD dissertations.

    OTOH, I guess I'm burning the planet just by writing this. :-{

    • Aren't you just being elitist? So what if the proles* enjoy their funny cat videos, social media influencers, & fake news? /irony

      *Quick sound-bite summary of proles = "The proles in Nineteen Eighty-four are depicted as the working-class majority, largely ignored by the Party and considered insignificant. They are portrayed as being kept in ignorance and poverty, yet they retain more personal freedom than other classes. The Party views them as incapable of rebellion, focusing instead on controlling th
  • Unless I can be sure it's a real human being within a few seconds, I'm out of there.

    Because AI material is very "fluffy"... it makes excessive generic statements without every communicating real information.

    So they are going to have to improve AI so it is providing denser information to be worth listening to.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Because AI material is very "fluffy"... it makes excessive generic statements without every communicating real information.

      Indeed. A total waste of time.

    • In 10 years, most will likely prefer talking to it rather than whom. It’ll be so subtle you won’t even notice.

      Starbucks didn’t become a global brand name because of their amazing coffee. They became a global brand because of their consistency. Your favorite double-fuckaccino tastes the exact same in Salem and Singapore. When AI becomes proficient and consistent in any task, no customer will want to deal with the tired/stressed/sick/incompetent human. And no employer will either.


    • "excessive generic statements without every communicating real information"


      Same goes for :

      Philosophy, politically correct anything, etc
  • just what we needed ai spam

    Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!
    Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam
    Lovely Spam! (Lovely Spam!)
    Lovely Spam! (Lovely Spam!)
    Lovely Spam!
    Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam!

  • content creators/channel owners are already having to fight YT's social agenda. This is going to make things even worse for them in trying to decide what topics they want to (will be ALLOWED) to cover and stay monetized.

    "Sorry, you haven't followed the AI's instructions to back this idea. You have been demonetized. No more superchats or donations for you."

  • Most stuff on YouTube is already mediocre or bad. I guess they want more in the "abysmal" group.

  • ...on Youtube are crap
    This appears to be a tool to make it easier and faster to create crap
    They must like crap

  • Every hour, there are 300,000 hours of new video content uploaded to Youtube. "Increasing the amount of content" is not a rational goal for them, either from a business perspective, or from any other perspective. At this point they are drowning in low-quality content, and that makes the platform less engaging. There is already an epidemic of low-quality content which uses AI narration instead of human narration (personally, I find the AI narrators obnoxious and will instantly block any channel that uses

  • I've already vowed to make all my videos AI-Free. I hate AI and I hate what it is doing to video. It can go to hell for all I care.

It's a poor workman who blames his tools.
