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'Butterfly Emergency' Declared as UK Summer Count Hits Record Low ( 26

A national "butterfly emergency" has been declared by Butterfly Conservation after the lowest Big Butterfly Count since records began. From a report: An average of just seven butterflies per 15-minute count were recorded by participants in this summer's butterfly count, the lowest in the survey's 14-year history. It was the worst year on record for once-ubiquitous species, including the common blue, small tortoiseshell, small white and green-veined white. Eight out of the 10 most-seen species have declined -- in many cases dramatically -- over the count's history. Previous lowest-ever numbers of butterflies-per-count were logged in 2022, 2021 and 2020.

Butterfly Conservation is calling for the government to declare a "nature emergency" and ban insect-killing neonicotinoid pesticides, with no exceptions. Britain and the EU banned neonicotinoids in 2018 but the UK government has authorised an exemption for the pesticides to be used on sugar beet every year since 2021. Before the election, Labour promised to ban all neonicotinoids.
Further reading: UK Nature Chief Sounds Alarm Over Ecosystem Collapse as Butterfly Numbers Halve.

'Butterfly Emergency' Declared as UK Summer Count Hits Record Low

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  • by felixrising ( 1135205 ) on Saturday September 21, 2024 @01:25AM (#64804865)
    Whilst Australia is known for inspects, spiders snakes and a lot of wildlife. Growing up here (40 years ago) flies, moths and other inspects were very common, you *needed* fly screens on every window and door, and night time lights were surrounded by moths of all sizes and shapes. Today, we don't need fly screens at all, leaving the house open and lights on, barely a single noth to be seen, barely any insects at all. The annual pest control spray around houses is working, a little too well.
    • by labnet ( 457441 )

      Same here.
      In Queensland bugs used to be so bad around lights you would turn them off.
      Now I hardly ever see a bug... plenty of flies in summer though!

    • Here (south-west Netherlands), I've noticed a decline in birds and insects over the last two decades (mornings are relatively quiet now).
      Even mosquitos, while any is still too many.

      It's mostly farmland around here, not nature. The colour is green, but that's all there is to it. So few places with wildflowers that I haven't seen a bee in years.

  • habitat destruction (Score:3, Interesting)

    by cats-paw ( 34890 ) on Saturday September 21, 2024 @01:33AM (#64804867) Homepage

    There's little doubt that pesticides are taking their toll, but habitat destruction is every bit as bad.

    At least you can stop using pesticides, altough, as usual, the chemical industry is excellent at getting government to sell out the environment and cheaply.

    The problem with habitat destruction is it's very difficult to undo. What do you do about recovering fields when there's now a subdivision there ?

    One way is to educate people to make their yards insect friendly, starting with not using pesticides, and to try and make it habitat.

    Gardens, and I mean food gardens, seem to be excellent habitat. I see bugs that I've never seen before hanging around when tomatoes or brocollini or some other plant in the garden is blooming.

    • One way is to educate people to make their yards insect friendly, starting with not using pesticides, and to try and make it habitat.

      I'd be fine if we were only talking the harmless sort of bugs that prefer to stay outside in the yard. However, here in Florida if you don't go scorched earth with the pesticides, your house is soon to be infested with all manner of crawly bitey stingy things. Also, we've got a particularly large sort of flying roach, which usually surprises people unaccustomed to seeing something that looks like it belongs in a horror flick. []

    • More recent changes in pesticide regulation, post-Brexshit, are more than likely also a strong contributor. See: [] Bascially, the Tories de-regulated as much as they could while they could to satisfy their corporate sponsors. Expect ex-cabinet ministers to have busy "speaking schedules" & get paid extra-ordinarily large fees, as well as doing "consultancy" & sitting on executive boards without actually doing any work. The last 14 years were what it looks like if you l
    • What do you do about recovering fields when there's now a subdivision there ?

      If there were fewer people there wouldn't be a need to pave over fields and other open spaces.

  • England's economy is in a tail spin and they'll be in worse shit if they did away with insecticide. They'll have to import even more food, as crop yields will collapse.

  • And our parents used to have to wipe bugs off The car windshield? Notice how you don't have to do that anymore?

    There's been a mass die off of insects in the last several decades that we've all just kind of been ignoring. There is a variety of reasons for it and none of them good.
    • Notice how you don't have to do that anymore?

      No shortage of bugs here in Florida. In fact, with all the rain we've been having recently the mosquitos chewed me up pretty good while I was walking from my car to the grocery store, because I made the mistake of going out right at sunset.

    • I think that is due to improved aerodynamics of cars?
      • by hendric ( 30596 )

        Germans have noticed a collapse in insect populations in biological reserves for a while.

    • Anecdotal, but the last two years have seen an uptick in bug guts on the windshield here in Texas to the point where the windshield now needs a proper scrubbing every two weeks. 30mi daily commute for the past 5 years.

    • Its admittedly rather tenuous, but when millions, perhaps billions of insects are killed by vehicles every year natural selection for those that fly slightly higher up (and yes, risk getting eaten by birds) will be intense.

  • Listen. I'm no butterfly, but if I were, I'd avoid these people at all costs. Sometimes I'd totally be a flower, sometimes I'd just fly by.

    I don't speak for all butterflies, but, Leave Us Alone!

    Thank you for leaving us alone but giving us enough attention to boost our egos. - Mick Jagger

    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      some people just don't realize that a tornado in australia might produce a butterfly wing flapping in uk several weeks later.

  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Saturday September 21, 2024 @03:33AM (#64804967)

    the UK government has authorised an exemption for the pesticides to be used on sugar beet every year since 2021

    They took control of their country back and made it worse.

  • This is happening in many places. The problem is a combination of three things:

    - Monoculture in huge fields, leaving no plants that insects can use as a food source.

    - Herbicides that kill off any "weeds" that could have fed the insects. With wind drift, these are killed off even in borders and in areas outside the fields.

    - Insecticides (obviously) that kill the insects directly.

    All of this comes down to: mass agriculture. We want cheap food, and mass agriculture with lots of chemicals is how it is prod

  • Buy them before it is too late!

"If it's not loud, it doesn't work!" -- Blank Reg, from "Max Headroom"
