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GNU is Not Unix Open Source

Free Software Foundation Celebrates 39th Anniversary ( 11

"Can you believe that we've been demanding user freedom since 1985?" asks a new blog post at Today, we're celebrating our thirty-ninth anniversary, the "lace year," which represents the intertwined nature and strength of our relationship with the free software community. We wouldn't be here without you, and we are so grateful for everyone who has stood with us, advocating for a world where complete user freedom is the norm and not the exception.

As we celebrate our anniversary and reflect on the past thirty-nine years, we feel inspired by how far we've come, not only as a movement but as an organization, and the changes that we've gone through. While we inevitably have challenges ahead, we feel encouraged and eager to take them on knowing that you'll be right there with us, working for a free future for everyone. Here's to many more years of fighting for user freedom!

Their suggestions for celebrating include:
  • Take a small step with big impact and swap out one nonfree program with one that's truly free
  • If you have an Android phone, download F-Droid, which is a catalogue of hundreds of free software applications
  • Donate $39 to help support free software advocacy

And to help with the celebrations they share a free video teaching the basics of SuperCollider (the free and open source audio synthesis/algorithmic composition software). The video appears on FramaTube, an instance of the decentralized (and ActivityPub-federated) Peertube video platform, supported by the French non-profit Framasoft and powered by WebTorrent, using peer-to-peer technology to reduce load on individual servers.

Free Software Foundation Celebrates 39th Anniversary

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Base 8 is just like base 10, if you are missing two fingers. -- Tom Lehrer
