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Germans Decry Influence of English As 'Idiot's Apostrophe' Gets Official Approval (theguardian.com) 153

A recent relaxation of rules around apostrophes in German, permitting their use in possessive forms like "Eva's Blumenladen," has sparked criticism from traditionalists and concerns over the influence of English on the German language. The Guardian reports: Establishments that feature their owners' names, with signs like "Rosi's Bar" or "Kati's Kiosk" are a common sight around German towns and cities, but strictly speaking they are wrong: unlike English, German does not traditionally use apostrophes to indicate the genitive case or possession. The correct spelling, therefore, would be "Rosis Bar," "Katis Kiosk," or, as in the title of a recent viral hit, Barbaras Rhabarberbar. However, guidelines issued by the body regulating the use of Standard High German orthography have clarified that the use of the punctuation mark colloquially known as the Deppenapostroph ("idiot's apostrophe") has become so widespread that it is permissible -- as long as it separates the genitive 's' within a proper name.

The new edition of the Council for German Orthography's style guide, which prescribes grammar use at schools and public bodies in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland, lists "Eva's Blumenladen" (Eva's Flower Shop) and "Peter's Taverne" (Peter's Tavern) as usable alternatives, though "Eva's Brille" ("Eva's glasses") remains incorrect. The Deppenapostroph is not to be confused with the English greengrocer's apostrophe, when an apostrophe before an 's' is mistakenly used to form the plural of a noun ("a kilo of potato's"). The new set of rules came into effect in July, and the council said a loosening of the rules in 1996 meant that "Rosi's Bar" had strictly speaking not been incorrect for almost three decades. Yet over the past few days, German newspapers and social media networks have seen a pedants' revolt against the loosening of grammar rules.

Germans Decry Influence of English As 'Idiot's Apostrophe' Gets Official Approval

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  • by viperidaenz ( 2515578 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @10:19PM (#64847053)

    Make den der das and die all interchangeable, itâ(TM)s confusing trying to learn German as a native English speaker.
    Why do words need genders?

    • by shoor ( 33382 )

      We could do away with a lot of baggage in English too. Why have fly flew flown when we could have fly flied flied. I remember hearing about a radio sportscaster saying some hitter 'flied out', that is, hit a fly ball that was caught. So, just make fly as in what airplanes do be the same as fly when hitting a fly ball. And do the same for all the other strong verbs, like swim, see, run, etc. Oh, and why put an s after a verb in 3rd person singular, make it I run, you run, he run, they run.

      Lerners of Eng

    • by RightwingNutjob ( 1302813 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @10:37PM (#64847077)

      Why do words need genders?

      Oh the many reasons:
      1. Because they've always had gender.
      2. To add a little spice to puns, jokes, and other wordplay.
      3. The best reason of all: to piss off the gender-weirdos in the Anglosphere.

      • by ArmoredDragon ( 3450605 ) on Tuesday October 08, 2024 @12:10AM (#64847225)

        Well genders are painful. Or something.

        There are, of course, plenty of people—including many women—who have no problem being addressed as “guys,” think the word has evolved to be entirely gender-neutral, and don't see a reason to change their usage. But others aren’t so sure.


        In my reporting I heard from several people who said that the word is particularly troubling for trans and gender-nonconforming people. “As a transgender woman, I consciously began trying to stop using guys some years ago,” says Brad Ward, a college counselor at a high school in Atherton, California. She added, “When I’m included with a group that is called guys, there’s some pain, since it takes me back to my male days in a way that I’d rather not go.”

        https://web.archive.org/web/20... [archive.org]

        Doesn't matter how you use language or what your intentions are. People who want to be offended will find a way to be offended by it. Being oppressed is a virtue now, get with the times dude.

        • by will4 ( 7250692 ) on Tuesday October 08, 2024 @12:25AM (#64847243)

          If English is sanitized, cleaned up, de-cluttered, or simplified how will the media write articles which

          - use softening language if a crime is committed by a media favored person or group
          - use incendiary language if a crime is committed by a person or group hated by the media

          Two quotes from - https://www.worthwhileconsulti... [worthwhileconsulting.com]
          The dangers of “softening language”

          "For example, Ghislaine M is often described as “sourcing” girls who were “abused.” This softening language does not accurately frame her (alleged) crimes the way “sex trafficking” and “raped” does. It makes her actions seem less intense, less concrete, less horrible."

          "Softening language is often used to humanize wrongdoers, and shift the focus from their harmful impact to compassion for their experience. It is a subtle mechanism to maintain current power structures and avoid accountability."

          This last point is important because the media is doing a lazy disservice by whitewashing via softening words one political party, one gender, one X group and not any other groups. Suggestion here is that they report the facts trying to use equal language regardless of the incident, group or person involved. ...

          • I remember reading a news article where the reporter's kid learned the definition for the word 'pelt' as 'to throw something which hits a person'.

            The news article then went on to mention that pelt also means animal skin, as in a beaver pelt, which had importance in the settling of Canada and the USA.

            Is this were it's headed, where inconvenient words and inconvenient word definitions are systemically removed from what is taught in schools, appropriate for work conversations, in the media and books?

            Words do g

          • by Kokuyo ( 549451 )

            This phenomenon is not something you can regulate with orthography. Enemies of truth will always find a way to bend language because one of the beautiful aspects of language is that it can be bent and manipulated artfully.

            If you were indeed able to remove the mere possibility of abusing language, you'd simply kill all of literature in the process.

            What needs to happen is for people who do that to receive public shaming and excluding from proper society until they do better.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 07, 2024 @10:39PM (#64847083)


      Ah... a classic case of the idiot's apostrophe.

    • itâ(TM)s very confusing to me

    • Incormation coding (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Okian Warrior ( 537106 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @11:19PM (#64847147) Homepage Journal

      Why do words need genders?

      They clearly don't (viz: English), but can be used for denser information coding.

      A language can have few words and encode a larger number of meanings using stems such as masculine and feminine.

      To take a synthetic example, you could have a numeric stem to indicate size of a (piece of) wood: the word for twig would be "one-wood", branch is "two-wood", limb is "three-wood", and trunk/log could be "four-wood". Applying the numeric stem to words allows multiple concepts to be encoded in fewer words.

      Gendered nouns operate the same way - it lets people communicate more meanings using fewer words. In information theory, it would be considered a more dense encoding.

      Italian: La capitale (= the city that is the official center of government of a country) / il capitale (= large amount of money)

      English is a bit odd, right around the year 1000 the Normans settled on the coast of England, and the Saxons were the original inhabitants, and the two cultures needed to communicate for trade and such, so they both learned the basics of each others' languages. Any person (either side) only learned the basics of the other language, only what was needed for trade, and the result was a sort of new, simpler system, and English grew out of that. (Fact check me if I've gotten this wrong.)

      So basically, English as a language is a) fairly new, and b) started as a simpler language used by two cultures to communicate for trade.

      • But there are no rules to say which word is which gender.

        You just need to learn it for each word.
        Why is a fork masculine and a spoon feminine?
        Gabel and LÃffel

        Why are cows and pigs feminine but goats and chickens are masculine?

      • by cstacy ( 534252 )

        You could have a numeric stem to indicate size of a (piece of) wood: the word for twig would be "one-wood", branch is "two-wood", limb is "three-wood" and "four-wood"

        Conversely, you could add even more words
        such as "Fleegle", "Bingo", "Drooper", and "Snorky".

        This idea is giving me four-wood.
        Also I want an ice cream dessert for some reason.
        La La La, la-la-la La!

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Sometimes I wonder how this sort of thing affects the way people think and listen.

        In Japanese they don't have gendered pronouns, and generally speaking the language is quite efficient. When people speak they often omit a lot of context words that English speakers wouldn't. The result is faster communication (speed-runners often play the Japanese version of a game because the dialogue is shorter), but also a need to concentrate and follow what is being said more carefully than in English. Your brain has to d

    • When I try to speak German, I use die for everything, as in my first language. English actually harks back to Frissian - Friesland is on the border between Nederland and Germany. So if the Germans blame English, they are actually blaming themselves.
    • Because the gender allows your brain to ingest more information with a single word. It's like a word metadata. Enriches information and provides clarity. Just because you don't like genders (for political reasons, I presume?) doesn't mean that everyone else would like to have a dumbed-down, bland language, too. In fact, most Indo-European, South American and Norther-African languages are gendered.

    • The same reason as for any grammar rules, to reduce ambiguity. The garden path sentence "the horse raced past the barn fell" wouldn't work in German, among other reasons because the barn (die Scheune) is feminine, while the horse (das Pferd) is neutral. English is actually a weirdo among the Indo-European languages for having lost the grammatical gender. In fact, of all the IE languages in Europe it is the only one without.

    • Just use the article that people use when they don'want to misgender anyone. I don't know what it is... May be dir? Or de? The latter case would put it too close to English, though.

  • I assume that there's greater symbolic value when the official standards nerds throw in the towel; but it seems like a really bad time to kick up a fuss. Official language regulation bodies are typically reactionary lagging indicators, even changes they approve of take a while to hammered out and written up and there's generally no requirement that they acquiesce to those crazy kids and their slang talk.

    If it has reached the point where the RdR has gone with a "fine, do apostrophes" position German speak
  • I've nver seen this:

    The Deppenapostroph is not to be confused with the English greengrocer's apostrophe, when an apostrophe before an 's' is mistakenly used to form the plural of a noun ("a kilo of potato's").

    It's always been potatoes.

  • by Tony Isaac ( 1301187 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @10:54PM (#64847105) Homepage

    English speaker's don't know how to use apostrophe's either!

  • In spite of the fact that far too many native-English-speakers make a lot of cringe-worthy mistakes, English doesn't assign gender to inanimate objects. Checkmate.

  • by Mspangler ( 770054 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @11:11PM (#64847129)

    English is German with a French overlay. The other overlay is Norse, which is also German.

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

  • by davidwr ( 791652 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @11:14PM (#64847135) Homepage Journal

    Ze drem vil finali kum tru. [upenn.edu]
    Linguistic humor, English spelling reform
    Source: An old chestnut. In its globalized incarnation below, via Steven Gearhart.
    English in the Future

    Directors at Daimler Benz and Chrysler have announced an agreement to adopt English as the preferred language for communications, rather than German, which was another possibility.

    As part of the negotiations, directors at Chrysler conceded that English spelling has some room for improvement and have accepted a five-year phase-in plan. In the first year, "s" will be used instead of the soft "c". Also, the hard "c" will be replased with "k". Not only will this klear up konfusion, but komputers have one less letter.

    There will be growing kompany enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replased by "f". This will make words like "fotograf" 20 persent shorter.

    In the third year, DaimlerKhrysler akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reash the stage where more komplikated shanges are possible.

    DaimlerKhrysler will enkourage the removal of double letters, whish have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of silent "e"'s in the languag is disgrasful, and they would go.

    By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps sush as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" by "v".

    During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be droped from vords kontaining "o", and similar shanges vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.

    After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis, and employes vil find it ezi to kommunikat viz eash ozer.

    Ov kors al supliers vil be expekted to us zis for all busines komunikation via DaimlerKhrysler.

    Ze drem vil finali kum tru.

  • by Roger W Moore ( 538166 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @11:21PM (#64847149) Journal
    It's interesting that Germans are complaining that this is "corrupting" their language when English itself got the 's' for possession from the Old English practice of adding -es to denote the genitive (the 'e' then got replaced by the apostrophe). Old English was a Germanic language derived from earlier West German languages. So, arguably, this "corruption" originated in Germany. If the Saxons had not invaded Roman Britain bringing with them their early Germanic language we'd probably never have this way of denoting possession.

    So don't think of this as corrupting german, it's a feature improvement from the original that we came up with after almost 2,000 years of patches!
    • Fun as a trivia fact, but those people were a few thousand illiterate, bedraggled barbarians running away from other illiterate, bedraggled barbarians to another coast where they found better crops and discovered that the native illiterate, bedraggled barbarians were a bit softer than them. That's not a real origin story. Our language just happened, like most things.
  • Weirdos speaking other European languages: "Aaahhh, not English, our pure mother tongue must go untainted!"
    English regarding any other language, slang, or new word whatsoever: "We'll take it."
  • News for Nerds? That's a big 10-4, good buddy.

  • by piojo ( 995934 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @11:49PM (#64847205)

    I thought the "idiot's apostrophe" would be "it's" for possession (or lack thereof for the contraction), as in: "The dog licked it's paw". Intuitively this actually makes some sense, as it's parallel to "Spot's paw". But native English speakers might not realize the division is clear: possessive nouns have an apostrophe, while possessive pronouns ("his", "hers", "mine") do not.

    Why don't verbs date pronouns? Because the pronouns can get possessive. Also, it gets expensive.

  • Hey! (Score:5, Funny)

    by PPH ( 736903 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @11:59PM (#64847213)

    It should be the idiots' apostrophe. Not the idiot's apostrophe. There's more than one of us.

    • It should be the idiots' apostrophe. Not the idiot's apostrophe. There's more than one of us.

      It's fine. Most of us idiots don't know how to write a plural possessive correctly anyway.

  • Back when they did away with the double-s character 'ÃY' or removing a third 's' in a row in a compound word.

  • Germans have a better chance at understanding Old English than Modern English speakers do.
  • Excuse my French, but the Deutschen volks' schadenfreude is like France's own "grammar Geheime Staatspolizei" as described:

    https://www.languagemagazine.c... [languagemagazine.com]

    An interesting video about how English lost genders is...

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]

    Progress as German evolves...???


  • I wonder what they call someone in Germany who is a stickler for correct grammar?!
  • You'll let you drop the apostrophe if you introduce spaces in your language.

  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Tuesday October 08, 2024 @03:38AM (#64847459)

    If you feel you need to formally protect your language via legislation or via some other official manner... you've already lost the battle.

  • to make them mad:

    Modern English is derived from Anglo-Saxon. It's the version of German that has evolved.

    And then if they're not mad enough, I tell them I speak Dutch, which is exactly like German but without the needlessly complicated grammar (added bonus: this also makes the Dutch mad).

  • I would argue that to preserve the true nature of native language we should only use organic paint in our caves and continue with grunting instead of words. It's very important to protect traditions because we might lose our sense of identity if we just started changing stuff...now where's my hunting spear, I've got a three day journey to the savannah - plains I'm hungry.
  • Shakes cane, "when I was a boy", etc....

    In Dutch, this has become the thing people do now as well. Being a Germanic sister language of German, Dutch also does/should not use the apostrophe in this sense, but people do it anyway. Then again, a language is a living thing, and in the end, it is what people speak and write. I can live with this.

The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
