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United Kingdom Technology

UK Considers New Smartphone Bans for Children ( 14

The UK parliament is considering clamping down on how young people use smartphones. A bill brought forward by a Labour member of parliament proposes both banning phones in schools and raising the age at which children can consent to social media companies using their data. Wired: Calls for smartphone bans have been growing in the UK, driven by fears that the devices are driving a decline in kids' mental health and ability to focus. Smartphone Free Childhood, a prominent pressure group inspired by Jonathan Haidt's book The Anxious Generation, calls for parents to delay getting smartphones for their children until they are at least 13. Florida has already passed a law that bans under-14s from holding social media accounts, and Australia is considering similar restrictions.

But academics warn that smartphone and social media bans are unlikely to be a catch-all solution to the problems facing young people. Experts on the impact of digital technologies argue that the legislation could end up shutting children out from the potential benefits of smartphones, and that more pressure should be put on social media companies to design better digital worlds for children. The latest proposed clampdown in the UK is thin on details, but the MP bringing the bill, Josh MacAllister, told the radio show Today that it would prevent social media companies making use of young peoples' data until they are 16. "We can protect children from lots of the addictive bad design features that come from social media," he said. The bill would also make a ban on phones in schools legally binding.

UK Considers New Smartphone Bans for Children

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  • Just give them a dumb phone instead. All parents really want is the ability to call them and ask "where the hell are you?".

  • by nightflameauto ( 6607976 ) on Tuesday October 22, 2024 @03:47PM (#64885125)

    Experts on the impact of digital technologies argue that the legislation could end up shutting children out from the potential benefits of smartphones, and that more pressure should be put on social media companies to design better digital worlds for children.

    I would like an enumerated list of supposed benefits that children get from smartphones. I get why "experts," paid by the companies making the phones and the social media companies that require *AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE* to be data cattle think there are benefits, but I'd like to know what the actual benefits are. And don't say, "Know how to use a smartphone." My fucking grandparents learned how to use smartphones when they were on the verge of checking into the retirement community. It's not a difficult thing to learn. What are the benefits? Aside from mental stunts that prevent them from being able to engage in meat space and ADHD that makes us eighties kids feel like we really knew how to concentrate on shit.

    No, having mom and dad being able to raise hell with the kid while in class is not a benefit. Try again.

    • by GoTeam ( 5042081 )
      They get the ability to connect to random people with dubious goals in life. What could be more beneficial than that?
  • by sinij ( 911942 ) on Tuesday October 22, 2024 @03:57PM (#64885169)
    Smartphone at this point is just a general computing device with remote data.
    • Why "instead". Social media isn't the only problem with a phone. By all means let's restrict social media, but while we're at it we should do what the little girl in the taco advert said: "Why not both."

      Smartphones are hugely disruptive in schools, and every place where they've been banned it's been a huge success.

  • by Growlley ( 6732614 ) on Tuesday October 22, 2024 @04:05PM (#64885195)
    however they have to send the parents to jail also. (assuming there is any jail vacancies that week).
  • ... more pressure should be put on ...

    Can we put more pressure on tobacco corporations to provide clean (air) workplaces? Can we put more pressure on oil corporations for a cleaner planet?

    When drug-dealers are caught, we don't beg them to sell a 'better' product. When drug-addicts are caught, we don't demand they have "potential benefits". This is moving the goal-posts so that children remain subscribers and remain a revenue stream for soulless corporations.

  • not the device. Age restrictions on certain social media are a much more logical approach to all of the problems attributed to "smart phones."

  • You can't ban technology! That's just a stupid idea! If the children are the problem then just ban children from the UK. Problem solved and just like Brexit, with no negative side effects! ;)

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