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United States

US To Exit WHO ( 320

The United States will withdraw from the World Health Organization, according to an executive order signed by President Donald Trump, who cited WHO's mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic and demands for "unfairly onerous payments" from Washington.

The order -- which takes a year to go into effect -- halts U.S. funding to WHO and recalls American personnel working with the organization. It also revokes a January 2021 letter that had kept the U.S. in WHO after an earlier withdrawal attempt. The White House ordered officials to find new partners to take over WHO-led activities and directed a review of the 2024 U.S. Global Health Security Strategy.
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US To Exit WHO

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  • WHO cares? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rossdee ( 243626 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @01:14PM (#65106537)

    I still reckon that Tennant was the best Doctor

  • by TheMiddleRoad ( 1153113 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @01:15PM (#65106539)

    It's not like global pandemics are a thing.

  • by Midnight Thunder ( 17205 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @01:15PM (#65106541) Homepage Journal

    The more crazy actions we see here, the more we will see China and Russia fill in the gaps. This is nothing about making America (the US) great again, and all about destroying its legacy. Former presidents and veterans must be rolling their graves.

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @01:25PM (#65106567) Journal

      will see China and Russia fill in the gaps...Former presidents and veterans must be rolling their graves.

      Most GOP representatives probably also know this, but Don has them by the gonads, they gotta tow the Party Line, or Don backs their competitor in their district and accuses them of eating preachers or whatnot.

      • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @01:38PM (#65106601)

        Cowards, the lot of them. They do evil to hold on to power rather than lose power standing up for their constituents.

        • It's comments like this that make me so disaffected with politics. When I read this morning that trump granted blanket clemency to the January 6th club, I let out a quiet groan. Not a few weeks prior, I did the same when Biden issued blanket pardons to other people for who knows what reason, especially damning was his son.

          Not a god damn one of you like to hold your own guy to account, so stop pretending that only the other guys do it. Shit, I live in a one-party state where incompetence on the part of elect

        • The irony being that they already lost power when they decided en masse to become a rubber stamp brigade for whatever the King of Snowflakes wants. Instead of losing it to voters, they lost it willingly through abdication.

      • Well, the last four years proved that antiamerican terrorists and their sympathizers don't need Donnie to terrible shit all on their own. They're not that self aware, and they lost their self awareness watching Donnie blame other people for his own failures. Case in point, blaming the WHO for a botched response after telling the public to eat Ivermectin and inject bleach.
    • Members of Congress have been passing laws that have been handing more and more authority to the executive, and now people are shocked and aghast when a recently elected POTUS uses this authority to meet his own goals on government policy? Maybe the congresscritters should have given more thought on how much room they gave POTUS on what would normally fall on Congress to decide. If Congress, and by extension the members of the voting public that elected these congresscritters, didn't want Trump to have th

    • by Toad-san ( 64810 )

      Sigh ... no surprise here, only the beginning.

      I'm making plans on how to sit down on the Pope Field (near the former Fort Bragg) runway to block the C-17's on their way to Greenland, Panama, wherever. You know, kind of like the little Chinese guy with his bags in front of the Tienaman (sp?) Square who became so famous.

      I'm _pretty_ sure the C-17 pilot wouldn't run me over like a dog. But you never can tell about those flyboys :-(

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Indeed. Lets hope the EU can take up some of the slack, but the US will basically get the leftovers in the next crisis.

  • by TheStatsMan ( 1763322 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @01:18PM (#65106543)

    Before he defaults on the debt and starts a war over it. This is the exact strategy he uses in business.

  • To be or not to be, that is the question.
  • Because birds don't exist.
  • Trump revisionism (Score:2, Informative)

    by Pimpy ( 143938 )

    If one follows the WHO timeline, they took a measured and incremental approach from when the first cases were discovered before declaring it a pandemic in March 2020. Meanwhile, Trump was already declaring it over in February 2020. Out of these two, it's not the WHO that mismanaged the US response.

    • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @01:42PM (#65106621)

      Trump didn't mismanaged it, he maliciously managed it - there's a difference.

      When it was mostly killing in Blue areas he wanted it to burn through. When PPE was looking profitable, he redirected it for his own gain. When it was killing in Red areas but the cult has drunk the koolaid, he used it to gain power politically.

      • Your fantasy world apparently is incredibly insightful.

        Do you now believe that his giving up power from 2021-2024 is part of some malicious, genius plan as well? Like him or hate him, Trump is more powerful today than he ever was - is this because he's an evil genius who managed to kill off blue voters, and gain loyalty of red voters even while killing them?

        Was Biden just another Trump op to kill blues and reds, and gain loyalty of red voters? Is this Trump's effective 3rd term?

      • Trump didn't mismanaged it, he maliciously managed it - there's a difference.

        When it was mostly killing in Blue areas he wanted it to burn through. When PPE was looking profitable, he redirected it for his own gain. When it was killing in Red areas but the cult has drunk the koolaid, he used it to gain power politically.

        Wow, you really are nuts, aren't you?

        I know the Dem leaders don't believe this crap. But I guess you guys really do, or some of you, anyway. Maybe it's a doublethink kind of "believe".

    • until March 13th. See here here []

      Meanwhile here's a timeline where WHO warned him in January []

      What little Trump did was with great reluctance and only after he was told our entire healthcare system was going to collapse killing tens of millions.

      We are one minor mutation of H5N1 away from a disaster that'll make COVID look like a fond memory. H1N1 had a 50% fatality rate. Obama kept it in Asia. I remember reading about RAM shortages because of it.

      The next 4 years are going to be a disaster. At be
      • H1N1 had a 50% fatality rate

        I'm not seeing any estimates higher than maybe a 10% CFR. Which is still very high. But that's on the high end of the estimate range because of how many people were not confirmed cases.

    • If one follows the WHO timeline, they took a measured and incremental approach from when the first cases were discovered before declaring it a pandemic in March 2020. Meanwhile, Trump was already declaring it over in February 2020. Out of these two, it's not the WHO that mismanaged the US response.

      Of course. Whenever there are errors or problems, someone has to get blamed, but not Trump himself - ever. Trump's game is to distract people with something else so they overlook something about him, then he takes credit for anything good and blames others for anything bad. And, for some reason, people believe him, or are willing to overlook the obvious lies. But, Trump was right that if we had only stopped testing for COVID, there would have been a LOT fewer cases -- I mean, that we knew about; he alw

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Bah, facts? We need no lousy facts to be sure they are to blame!

      In other news, the average person cannot fact-check for shit and has an extremely short memory.

  • by smooth wombat ( 796938 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @01:39PM (#65106605) Journal
    If the convicted felon doesn't want to support the WHO then the WHO should stop providing any information to the U.S. Our medical personnel can fly blind to whatever outbreak is occurring and might come into the country on travelers or other medical matters which affect U.S. citizens. If you don't want to pay for something then you don't get to benefit from it.
    • That's not even the benefit the US gets from the WHO. The benefit that the US gets is preventing global pandemics from reaching the US in the first place by helping fund research and coordinating international efforts. From a relatively small line item on the federal budget.

  • When the Saudis wanted to crush the shale energy companies in the US by flooding the market and cratering oil prices, the unintended effect was to force them to be efficient and well run. In effect, they built worthy competitors.

    As the US withdraws from the world stage, countries are already building the capability to function in the vacuum. Militarily, economically, and politically, the US is slowly making itself a secondary consideration. Trump will speed up that process.

    And the one thing Trump is already

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @01:52PM (#65106671)

    US halts billions in funding for Israel.

  • Don is exiting WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY.

    It's being replaced by ME, ME, ME, ME and ME.

  • It beggars belief that he accuses the WHO of anything when his administration allowed COVID in, responded WAY too slowly, spread disinformation left right and center, allowed Red states to flout mask & social distancing rules, slow walked a vaccine. Oh and Trump himself got COVID and so did some of his GOP cronies including some who died because he was so fucking stupid he held rallies and social events.

    While he cannot be blamed for all the deaths he IS responsible for some of them. He killed US citizen

  • by Zontar_Thing_From_Ve ( 949321 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @02:18PM (#65106763)
    I say this as an American who voted 3 times against Trump, so I'm not a fan, but he's not wrong here. China basically runs WHO and it does whatever China wants whenever China wants it. China has threatened WHO members over allowing Taiwan to simply participate as an observer. Just so you know, various other non UN member entities are allowed to participate as observers, such as Puerto Rico.
    • It's almost like asking Pam Bondi about who won the 2020 elections! WHO is not a political organization, and they are trying to avoid controversy. And of course, China also has influence on it. Duh.

      The US had a similar effect, it had been blocking Palestine from joining the WHO until this summer.
    • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @03:24PM (#65107083)

      That is obvious BS. Look at the funding. But the WHO needs to be diplomatic in all it does or it becomes ineffective. Yes, that does include some public, but really meaningless bowing to China.

    • by test321 ( 8891681 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @04:48PM (#65107427)

      China basically runs WHO and it does whatever China wants whenever China wants it.

      If this is true, then the only sensible course of action is to be the most active member of the WHO so you develop your network of friends and conquer influence to counterbalance other parties. To win at diplomacy, you need to play.

  • by That's What She Said ( 1289344 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @02:22PM (#65106779)

    Now if only the USA would exit UN and NATO, it would be a dream come true!

    Go, Donald Duck! America can live without these shitty imternational âoealliancesâ!

  • by sdinfoserv ( 1793266 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @02:32PM (#65106841)
    This would be funny if it wasn't so reckless. The US, with 4% of global population suffered 25% percent of the cases and 17+% of the deaths: [] . Sorry Trump, but it was the US that bungled, not the WHO.
    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Like a fucking "shithole" country. Well.

  • The United States is the biggest WHO source of funding by far and we want a better deal

    • You don't understand the current deal, how would you know what a better one looks like?

      The US got access to outbreak info in otherwise hostile nations. It had influence over how things were investigated and responded to.

      That's going away now.

      • You don't understand the current deal, how would you know what a better one looks like?

        The US got access to outbreak info in otherwise hostile nations. It had influence over how things were investigated and responded to.

        That's going away now.

        Other countries did too, for much much much less money

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 ) on Tuesday January 21, 2025 @05:12PM (#65107501)

      Bullshit. Bill and Melinda Gates fund the WHO almost as much as the whole US does, and in 2020/21 the US was third behind Bill & Melinda and Germay. Per capita I doubt the US is in the top 10.

  • Hah! I'll bet not one pastor suggests that their flock donate to the WHO rather than writing them a check.

If you do something right once, someone will ask you to do it again.
