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Chris Anderson Is Giving TED Away To Whoever Has the Best Idea for Its Future ( 38

Chris Anderson, who transformed TED from a small conference into a global platform for sharing ideas, announced today he's stepping down after 25 years at the helm. The nonprofit's leader is seeking new ownership through an unusual open call for proposals. Anderson told WIRED he wants potential buyers -- whether universities, philanthropic organizations, media companies or tech firms -- to demonstrate both vision and financial capacity.

The organization, which charges $12,500 for its flagship conference seats, maintains $25 million in cash reserves and reports a $100 million break-even balance sheet. The future owner must commit to keeping the conference running and maintaining TED's practice of sharing talks for free.

Chris Anderson Is Giving TED Away To Whoever Has the Best Idea for Its Future

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Did you hear that two rabbits escaped from the zoo and so far they have only recaptured 116 of them?
