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LinuxWorldExpo looking for BOF suggestions 20

The folks over at LinuxWorldExpo sent this over: "LinuxWorld Conference and Expo is now accepting your suggestions for Birds of a Feather sessions to be held at the show in March. If you have a BOF that you are interested in running, please contact Natalie Vercauteren ." Additionally, they also want everyone to know that students who present their IDs at the door are eligible for a 25% discount for the conference program.
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LinuxWorldExpo looking for BOF suggestions

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  • Posted by Charles Bronson:

    But the expo. is during the school year and it's half-the-country away. I think the next one should be in the middle of America and over the summer, so there would be less ground to cover to get there, and more students (like myself) would be able to attend. Of course, that's not convenient for everyone... just me...
  • Posted by oNZeNeMo:

    With any large national expo, there is always an argument over where to hold such an event. Having an expo like that travel would reduce the size of it.
    It would be neat to have a bunch of smaller local events, but isn't that what user groups are about? As of yet, Milwaukee (my locale) doesn't have any lugs that I am aware of though.
  • Posted by Da PartyGangsta:

    BOFH stands for "Bastard Operator From Hell".
    It's a short story line with passages like:

    (l)user : "Sir, Sir, all my files are gone!!"
    BOFH : "Okay, what is your loosername?"
    (l)user : "jerry"
    BOFH : (clickety, click.) "Well, I see your
    .profile, your .sh_history, your .news,
    I don't see whats wrong? All the files are there!"

    And the acronym IIRC stands, IIRC,
    for "If I Recall Correctly".
  • Word 'FUD' was coined by Gene Amdahl, when he left IBM to form his own company and to compete with IBM. Then, IBM used FUD against him, claiming that there is no way a startup can match power of IBM, that Amdahl may go out of business, etc, etc. Basically, scare tactics.
  • how bout a conference in Austin, TX? maybe we could get some of the folks working in the Mexican schools to come and show how they are doing things. we also have IBM, Tivoli, and DejaNews.


  • I must have missed the announcement saying what happened to everything.slashdot.org. Did it move, did it die? Why? Where?

    Please tell me, I thought it was an awesome concept!

  • That makes it sound like you'll be entered in a contest where it MAY be possible to get a 25% refund?

    BTW--does the Student ID card have to be current? I still have mine from undergrad.

Once it hits the fan, the only rational choice is to sweep it up, package it, and sell it as fertilizer.
