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LoU's Iraq/China Attack Correction 73

PDG writes "Last nite, Legions of the Underground, or LoU, hosted an IRC press conference to dispell rumours regarding their recent statement on cyberwarfare against Iraq and China for human rights violations. They claim that their intentions were not cyber-terrorism or the destruction of network systems. This release came after the denouncing of their idea by a coalition of the 6 oldest US based hacking organizations (CDC, CCC, L0pht, etc) "
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LoU's Iraq/China Attack Correction

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  • I agree that LOU souldn't tear down your country's networks, but the stuff you said about us attacking you because your "poor and diffrent." Is the biggest pile of bull shit I have read on the internet. Their is this thing called Dicatorship that your country belives in. The USA started out by breaking away from a country with a similar government. Your goverment hinders your countrie's growth by trying to us Military force to harass others. Saddam is like a toddler who runs up and hits some one and then runs away and repeats it.

    Yes you are diffrent, and it sure as hell isn't the USA's fault your country is poor it's your damning goverment. If we wanted to attack some one "different" we would go after Canada (just kidding.) Actaully we would probably go after India .

    How dare you blame us for your contries problems and then tell us that all hackers and crackers are racist. We are so called "Racist" because we see hate filled people like you in Dictator ships don't know how to accpet the fact that you situation is YOUR DAMN FAULT. I sure as hell didn't live back in 1776, but if our country could break away from England I would think that if your people really had that horrable of life your would rebel against Sadam. Instead you fuck heads are acting as human shields for him.

    People like you aren't diffrent, your in denail and afraid and to lazy to get out of your poor lifes. Its your damn Leader who blocks the UN from droping food. Its your damn Leader who rules over a country the size of one of the U.S. states that dosen't listen to the rest of the world (U.N.) and then people like you that support him blame us Americans.

    Have you ever one thought that its your fault or at least your peoples and your goverments fault and maybe even your fucked up system of belifs and values that makes your county small, poor and stupid?
  • I stopped reading your post when you started talking about "Main Stream" press. I don't like that term. Yes main stream press might suck but as far as them telling us lies and getting their information from us I think that is highly unlikley. As long as all the News Papers, tv networks, magazines and Internet pages aren't owned by one company they keep each other in check. The is not yellow journalism. If you like Iraqs goverment so much why don't you move their.
  • Umm, the correct term in this case is "hacking organizations." The Cult of the Dead cow and L0pht are unquestionably respectable hacker groups, not hax0r d00dz. And i dunno where ESR got this cracker thing from. I don't like saltines.
  • Please research before posting idiotic crap here.

    The Chaos Computer Club is more than 15 years old, not two as you asserted.

    Jeez, talk about "false information."
  • Posted by OGL:

    I agree wholeheartedly.

    Has any of these guys ever had a girlfriend?

  • Posted by VIiMprovedlon.crosswin:

    You are correct in alot of ways, however, the iraqis cant do anything to anyone, the sanctions make sure of that. Also, I would like to know how on earth anyone is going to 'hack' them when they most likely arent even on the internet.

    Another thing I would like to add is, all people that are good with computers arent like the LoU, and all people that are hackers arent like the LoU. 'hackers' come in two different varieties, wannabes like the LoU etc. Then you have people that make programs and do things that help people. I think that the cDc would qualify in that group, because they dont flaunt themselves like the LoU and the rest of that line of so-called 'hackers' they push to try to get places like China to reforem and reconize human rights.

    LIz-arD AKA. VIiMproved
    "Trust No One"
  • by pingouin ( 783 )
    Not to be an apologist for Desert Whatever, but isn't Saddam at least a little bit to blame for the sufferings of Iraqis? Doesn't Saddam, via his "Presidential Palaces" and fleets of Mercedes and weapons programs, have more toys than even the US's own BillG? If Saddam weren't so concerned with spending money to maintain his House of Saddam royal family, maybe he could divert a dollar or two towards assisting his subjects^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hcitizens. No?


  • Yawn. Every group has to have a name, They chose LoU, so what? You don't even act like you know what the word hack means. I hack my own machine to see what security flaws it has, and most people do, I don't see why that sould be looked down on just because a Group of people who use computers to access networks or computers in ways that they normally would not be. (hackers)

  • The fact that mainstream media uses these terms and treats these groups as if they were real, honest-to-god organizations just rubs me the wrong way. The more these pathetic little IRC channels get recognized, the more these pathetic little IRC channels are going to do lame things.

    With the web site hacks and announcements like this coming about in recent months, all that the media is doing is ENCOURAGING others to follow in these footsteps. So long as these gimps keep getting their names in lights, others are going to keep trying.

    Every time I see the phrase "IRC press conference" I can't help but just laugh, both at the l33t little IRC channels hosting these things AND at the media source using these terms.
  • and i'm gonna allege that they really weren't! but while "massive generalizations" are generally bad (if not indeed massively bad!),

    All generalizations are bad.

    Sorry, I just love that quote. Heh.

    I agree with the rest of your points.

  • You would think that people who use their keyboards that much would learn sufficient typing skills to type entire six letter words like "people" instead of crying that it's too hard and typing "ppl" instead.

    Not to mention mastering that horribly difficult skill of hitting the shift key at the start of sentences or for words like "I".

    Granted, many of us old-timers started with computers with no lower case, so we only had to hit shift for special characters, but the more intelligent of us have adapted with the times.

    It should be noted that the rules of spelling, grammar, and capitalization are not that difficult to master for a native English speaker. And it's a basic syntax problem that anyone who can code should have no difficulty with. Now, one shouldn't expect perfection any more than one expects code to compile and run perfectly the first time, but really, people with that poor of typing skills are obviously incapable of mastering the art of computer programming.

    Luckily, cracking doesn't require that much skill...

    Starting reality daemon: realityd

  • Here you go. [] Save your fingers.


  • If they plan harm to some system, I would call that cracking the system, like a detective would crack a case. To fix something with a hack is what I call hacking. I looked at the semantics that they used and it looks like sensationalism. They ought to keep sabotage to themselves if they know any good. The difference as I understand it, is a hacker will do what it takes to get a system to work and a cracker will go beyond that even with destructive means to gain control of a system. Not cool if the system integrety is compromised to get it to work.

    I work at a manufacturing plant as a senior technician on the night shift and electrically things go wrong. If I were to troubleshoot and repair a job, one might say I hacked. Now, if I were to cross some fine line and decided to compromise information or resources on the computer or telephone network, you could call that cracking.

    I seem to remember when a hack was novel, something like a valuable shortcut. Like before surge protectors were popular, putting a MOV in the wall socket if computer equipment kept getting smoked was a hack. Now the media seems to call hacking a declaration of war. I call that sensationalism and unresponsible.
  • What does the Center for Disease Control have to do with this? ;-)
    Aaron Gaudio
    "The fool finds ignorance all around him.
  • I read the press release and the logs from the IRC
    session on HNN. Their intenetions seemed pretty clear to me.
    Regardless of how stupid an idea it is in the first place they ought to have the balls to stand up for what they said.
  • by rcooper ( 5719 )
    I agree. How these immature numb skulls call themselves hackers is quite offensive. IMO people like Linus and Alan Cox are the only one's deserving of of the title 'HACKER'. The rest are just hacker wanna-be's.

  • You call those guys politically aware?
  • Ahlan wasahlan,

    1. The slashdot-relevant part:

    How much of a communications infrastructure do you guys have left? I'm Israeli, and if anything my interest would be in reaching your X25 net to try to put it through that no, we're not putting crocodile eggs in your lakes. Keeping it up would be very much in my best interest.


    I'm just wondering, as an Iraqi, do you think there's a chance Iraq could adopt a political system other than the Ba'ath? I've yet to find an American politician to whom the thought had even come to mind. They keep the sanctions in place because they don't think it is even possible that Iraq would be ruled by someone who isn't a crazed Ba'athist dictator.

    Even though you guys did place sanctions on us, a lot of us ain't to keen on them. But, we're not to keen on getting gassed, either.
  • Ummmm..... before you start throwing stones, remember that the attitudes of, "What a bunch of cry babies..." expressed here are an exact mirror of the attitudes of conservatives when speaking of the "Free Speach" community as it rallies around the issue of censorship and pornography. Just because someone is standing on a different soapbox than yours, does that mean they are a Fool?

    Be careful of those glass houses....

  • Iraq doesnt have any Internet connection. They have some internal networks crackers can probably dial in, but none connected to the Internet.
  • Resignation is not the way to face that. Crackers are not hackers. The unaware public may use the term hacker for crackers, but thats no reason for doing that too or not pointing out the difference.

    After all, the term cracker is IMHO recognizable enough to be understood by the public, so theres no reason not to use it where appropriate.
  • by doomy ( 7461 )
    Jonathan, this seems to be a bit racist and contradictory to what you were saying. This is sad.

    This was the last place I expected to see a posting like the one above.

    good luck
  • And any dictator wants to avoid that. If anything, Iraq's internet infrastructure should be encouraged to grow.

    Perhaps the bombers should be dropping computers and networking equipment instead?
  • LoU, besides having a lame name, does not use their heads. What do they hope to accomplish by denying the people of China and Iraq access to the Internet. The only "results" I can see arising from this are that internet/network/computer access in China and Iraq becomes much harder to obtain. I thought I was the only one who thought LoU were a bunch of idiots until know. I'm glad CCC, 2600, L0pht, etc. made such a big stink.

    Some of you /. hax0r kiddies may want to check out my site. :)

    Ex Machina "From the Machine" []
  • > ...would we want to check out your site. Like
    > there aren't enough exploit sites out there
    > already. I'll take my hax0ring elsewhere,
    > jerkwad.
    OK. Thanks for the intelligent remarks. Ok... I'm sorry I don't have AOL4Free and ICQ flooders. I really wanted to give you those. Oh.. I'm sorry I can't give you precompiled copies of smurf in rpm format. You'll have to `gcc -o smurf smurf.c` yourself.
    > Wait, since you're the "Geek Mafia" (that's an
    > oxymoron, moron!) you'll probably come and break
    Gee, I never knew that that was an oxymoron. Thanks for pointing it out.
    > muh legs or something right?
    No.. I think I'll stay here and throw insults at people on slashdot. After all I am the Anonymous Coward.
    > Go back to China you wannabe communist pig.
    What do I have to do with communism? And by "pig" I assume you mean, "cop" or "facist?" Please.

    Ex Machina "From the Machine" []
  • a lot of l0pht, phrack, cDc, etc. people write GNU stuff under their real names. In addition, phrack often includes kernel mods for *BSD and Linux.

    Ex Machina "From the Machine" []
  • Almost picked 352 as my favorite instead, when i posted as an AC. A tear came to my eye when I originally read it, it reminded me of years past....

    The net will probably never return to the good old days but small pockets of freedom will always exist, like hidden oases." - Stein Gjoen

    I like to think of /. as a new oases. (even w/ the ads)
  • In this discussion there are some things to consider. From what I remember, one of the crackers who was caught by Cliff Stoll in his cyber-sting, as covered in the book "The Cuckoos Egg," turned up dead under suspicious circumstances. Recently China sentenced some crackers to death for embezzlement. Needless to say, the evidence of the real world shows that the consequences of cracking can be serious.

    Any cracker who is successful in disrupting a nation's IT infrastructure in a big way can become a target for reprisals. The same can be said for the location where the cracker's computer equipment is situated. Both can become subject to retaliation. Between nations often the only law is that of the jungle. In this world there are plenty of people who play it rough, and play it for keeps.
  • Wow, I am glad that all these groups at least take themselves seriously.


    Calling for the 'power of hacking' to not be abused?


  • by PDG ( 100516 )
    You're prolly right. I was just paraphrasing the article I read from the Hackers Internation News. My bad.
  • It's funny how the other groups denounced what would seem to be a perfectly good idea. The LoU backtracked pretty quickly. I'd imagine that it was pointed out to them that it would be a bad idea to get mixed up in international politics without government protection!

    I can just imagine all the other hacker groups saying "Jeez, they tryin' to get us killed?!?!".


When you are working hard, get up and retch every so often.
