Pirates of Silicon Valley 13
bjb writes
to Entertainment Weekly, TNT will be broadcasting in
May a show called "Pirates of Silicon Valley", which will
follow Steve Jobs (Noah "ER" Wyle) and Bill
Gates (Anthony Michael "Wierd Science" Hall).
Supposedly this should be "accessible even to the
non-computer savvy" " In other words, it probably won't
be interesting to us. But I'm curious- We should SlashNET
simulcast it and MST it into another dimension. Anyway, that
link requires a paid login, but I've seen this elsewhere too
so it's definitely true. Someone post some free links
if you find 'em.
Wierd Science! (Score:1)
----------------- ------------ ---- --- - - - -
Poetic Justice (Score:1)
TNT's statement (Score:1)
Through: http://tnt.turner.com
I heard TNT was making a film about Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates. Can you give me some more information?
"Pirates of Silicon Valley" starring Noah Wyle as Apple Computer founder Steve Jobs and Anthony Michael Hall as Bill Gates is an upcoming TNT Original and will air on TNT in
May 1999. Joseph Slotnick will co-star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. Screenwriter Martyn Burke ("The Pentagon Wars") will write and direct the film.
URL that doesn't require a password (Score:1)
http://us.imdb.com/T itle?Pirates+of+Silicon+Valley+(1999)+(TV) [imdb.com]
Who's playing RMS? (Score:1)
Episode 1 "Gates invents software hoarding"...
STriker RedWolf (Score:1)
That puzzled me too at first when I read that
Pirates: It's gonna happen (Score:1)
It's weird seeing these actors portraying Steve and Gates... the guy who plays Gates is a little too buff.
But yeah, it's gonna air in April.
DiMaggio as Ballmer (Score:1)
Anthony Michael Hall's offical homepage. (Score:1)
Make sure to check out his latest album in real audio. It's a keeper.
TNT's statement (Score:1)
funny comedy (!) about the design and testing of
the Bradley (alleged) Fighting Vehicle. No really,
it's *funny* (although I guess it helps to have
spent 8 years in the military and the defense
racket). Check it out. If Burke did "Pirates of
Silicon Valley" anywhere near as well, it will be
a real hoot!
"Secret Diary" Movie (Score:1)