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Free LWCE Exhibits Passes! 11

Well, the nice folks over at LWCE have sent us a bunch of free Exhibits-Only badges for LinuxWorldExpo (which Linux-HW has made possible for Rob and I go to)-that's the one in San Jose, March 2-4, for the Expo. Again-note this is only an Exhibits pass-so don't try and claim more then that, or Rob'll show you his chest. Eck. Anyway, I'll ship these out to the first fifty people to send me a stamp and an adhesive label with their name and address on it. Click below to get the address-and we hope to see you there.
LWCE Badges
116 E.18th
Holland, MI
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Free LWCE Exhibits Passes!

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hey! This isn't fair!
    I live in Australia, and it would take a few days for the postage to arrive.
  • Are you going to give some reward to your mail carrier? He/She is going to get /.'ed with all the extra mail.
  • by RealUlli ( 1365 )
    Well, they could use them as wallpaper. :-)

    They wouldn't even need glue!
  • You can get free passes at
    _______ KB7PWD @ KC7Y.AZ.US.NOAM
  • Doesn't anyone want to complain about how Slashdot is obviously starting some sort of mailing list with this information? They're offering 50 prizes to get thousands of names and addresses, which they will no doubt then turn around and sell to the highest bidder, by placing all those stickers on one long roll of toilet paper. They don't even have to retype all the info!

    This is on a par with the lunacy of Intel's new chips.

    That's it -- let's boycott!


    P.S. Yes, this was all done tongue in cheek. The pass would make a nice birthday present, since my b-day is March 3. But I'm not flying out to California, thanks. =)
  • by mdmbkr ( 14384 )
    you DO realize you're going to end up with thousands of self-adhesive labels?

The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
