2 Scoops of Quickies 20
Crocodile wrote in to say
that x11amp 0.9 alpha2 is
out for those of you MP3 junkies out there.
Remember that article awhile back about the pictures from
Pi? JHoyt sent us a link to a script fu
that will do it. Neato. Infinite background possibilities.
Jeff Davis sent us a link
to Beowulf Underground,
a new news site for those interested in news revolving around
Beowulf Linux Clusters.
From the random Slashdot Mainstream References box, we've got
a bit Stephen Horne sent at ABC News article on
the Windows Refunds.
Now that the boring old serious stuff is out of the way, let's
take a break.
Ok, that's enough. Now some funny stuff to help end your day on a good note. The Cunctator sent us link that can only be described as the hamster dance. GloiDemon sent us a link to DrZaius.com, a new humor site. How can you resist Dr Zaius? Phil Gregory sent us a link to a Segfaultstory called the Gospel of Tux. Check it out. Rishi Hemrajani sent us a link to a book that everyone should own. I think we posted this a few months ago, but it warrants a rerun.
Question (Score:1)
... (Score:1)
Microsoft (Score:1)
Bloody Weasels (Score:1)
God, I can't wait for Mozilla.
x11amp question (Score:1)
Question... does setting x11amp
Thanks in advance.
Yes! Yes! (Score:1)
DrZaius.com? Bah! Zaius.com!!! (Score:1)
OFF TOPIC (Score:1)
Did anyone else see an article on Slashdot earlier today that disappeared? It was about wooden computer parts and cases, and Rob made an appalling joke about the mice being something you would "pine" away for.
Anyway, I can't find it and I am curious what happened.
onastick.net (Score:1)
It used to prevent skipping (Score:1)
Again? Golly. (Score:1)
this time around. Nice to see people like it.
That ScriptFu 'text-image' script (Score:1)