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Exploding digital camera batteries 20

slambo writes "32 Bits Online is reporting today about a recall by Kodak on certain model AC adapters. Full details are at Kodak's site . " Don't ya hate it when your camera blows up?
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Exploding digital camera batteries

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  • ... and to think that breaking cameras because of awful looks has been a *joke* all of these years--it actually happens!
  • The adapter's what causes the problem, but the problem is that the batteries can explode.
  • "Mmmmmm Mmphhh Mphhmm Mpphh" - Kenny

    "Cheese" - Stan, Kyle, Cartman


    "Oh my God! Kodak killed Kenny!" - Stan

    "You Bastards!" - Kyle

    "Ah gross you bastards, Kennys all over my cheesy poofs" - Cartman
  • 32 Bits Online? Is this a 32 bit camera? :)
  • If someone is capable of cracking a mirror with their visage (i unfortunatley know a few people who can), then I would not be one to take their picture with this camera =) (Mebe we can trick Bill gates into taking a picture of monica's ass with one, that would get rid of two problems...)

  • "Jimmy? I know we've been enemies for a long time, but I figured it was time to put that behind us. Here, take my Kodak as a show of my good intentions"
  • This has actually happened to my Mustek DigiCam. I left it pluged-in with Duracell Ultra's inside for about two weeks, the batteries exploded and ate though my desk. Luckily, I had all my 300 pics from my around the world vacation on the inserted Compact Flash which I was able to save.

    Just a warning, other DigiCam manufactures may use the same AC manufacturer.
  • I have a digicam. I don't want my camera to blow up!!!
  • Imagine taking your camera with you on holiday...

    Customs Officer : Nothing to declare, sir ?
    You : Nope
    Customs Officer : Please walk through this scanner then please, sir.
    You : Okay
    Customs Officer : LOOK OUT ! HE 'S GOT A KODAK ! TAKE COVER !

  • by I-man ( 95468 )
    "...thermal or checmical burns..."

    At least now I know what camera not to take nude pictures of my girlfriend with...

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