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Full Quickie Assault 97

So I'm here at the Babylon Cafe, and all these people are chatting and drinking and having fun, and I'm in the corner posting morph- is asking for someone with a lick of design sense to design a Logo for SlashNET- email him if you come up with one. 600x150 pixels on black. mschmitt linked us to the UNIX pronunciation HOWTO. Carlie Fairchild wrote in to plug The Linux Journals online Store. An anonymous reader sent us a link to an InfoWorld article that talks about the recent warring in the free software movement. President John F. Kennedy wrote in to tell us that Propoganda 4 is out if you're looking for sweet background images. cpfeifer sent us a link to a site that is selling aluminum light sabers. I bet they don't work, but I still want one. Brian Craft sent us a link to the most Unusual Ergonomic Keyboard that I've seen in awhile. Lord Hiades sent us a link to a t-shirt based on Adminspotting. cpfeifer sent us a link to The Jesus Dance. An anonymous reader sent us a link to a freaky site where you can get funky contacts to scare your friends with. An anonymous reader sent us a link to the truth about Steve Balmer
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Full Quickie Assault

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  • Propaganda is a secret government program begun several decades ago by JFK. The eventual goal is total world domination.
  • What's with this pronouncing on acronyms?? In Canada, we spell them out.
    HP-UX is "h pee you ex"
    AIX is "ey eye ex"
    chown is "see h own"
    chmod is "see h mod"
    du is "dee you"
    /etc is "slash ee tee see"
    egcs is "ee gee see ess"
    vrml is "vee ar em el"
    GUI is "gee you eye"
    FAQ is "eff ay que"
    UPS is "you pee ess"

    Got it? We wouldn't spell out WYSIWYG, because that would be stupid.
  • Insanity [] at it's finest.
  • .shtml (server-parsed HTML) = shit mill.
  • Ooh, SlashNET.. Isn't that the place with those people that do stuff or something? Thought so.
  • by drwiii ( 434 )
    Hey!! It's RMS []!
  • Pronouncing VI as vye will immediatly brand you as a newbie in several circles.
  • There was an article about that thing here ages ago... well, Internet ages, anyway. Six months or so.
  • what about vim (the new-and-improved vi)? vih-m or vee eye em?
  • Yeah well the creator of Linux pronounces it lee-nooks (listen to the .au), but nobody listens to him do they?
  • Yes, but SQL (as in the SQL database control language) is pronounced as "sequel" by anybody I've ever known who uses it.
  • Posted by The guy in the next cubicle:

    I pronounce SVR4 as "Sis-five-are-four"

    I pronounce daemon as "day-mun" (beacuse I am not a moron).

    I pronounce ed as "Ed" and vi as "Veye" (eye with a V sound in front).

    I pronounce lib with a short "i" sound. Yes, I know it's short for "library," but I like the way it sounds with a short i better.

    .gif is pronounced with a hard "g," otherwise we're talking about peanut butter.

    ~ is "tild-uh" I don't know where this guy gets "twiddle." Never heard that in my life.

    Biggest pronounciation war I have with my roommate: I say "debian" with a short "e" and he says "deebian" with a long "e"

    However, I am right about everything, because I said so.

  • Posted by The guy in the next cubicle:

    Jif is peanut butter, not an image format.
  • Posted by The guy in the next cubicle:

    The original Latin pronunciation of Ceasar was *probably* "Kay-zar" or "Kay-sar." C had a hard C sound, ae was pronounced "ay." I spend most of my time doing Liturgical Latin pronounciation (I sing in a choir), in which it would be pronounced "Chay-sar." But ae always, always, always carries an "ay" sound, not an "ee" sound.
  • Just because it isn't common in English doesn't mean you can't strip the vowels when pronouncing something. I pronounce "SQL" as "sql". When I feel the need to put in vowels I say "squirrel", but that's not often.
  • Dnash did some really awesome work for me last Halloween. I wish I had a picture that shows my fangs. They're very realistic and I get quite a few double- and triple-takes. The comment I get most often is "Wow, those look REAL!"

    Having the dental mold made was the trickiest part; it took me a while to explain to the dentist exactly what I wanted a mold for. Once he was enlightened, he was happy to make the mold and prescribe a shade for a nominal charge.

    Just as Dnash's page claims, they fit so well that they don't require any adhesives at all.

    Caring for them isn't as hard as the website makes it out to be; you do have to be careful, but I've seen them survive a three foot drop to the floor.

    Finally, the overriding reason I picked Dnash for this particular service (and yes, he DOES have competition): Dnash seems to have very strong ethics. He chooses molding and sculpting methods that produce the best product at the least risk to the customer's dental health. He lets you know exactly what you can expect, and he delivers. For something as expensive as these fangs, that's important.

    Yes, I have been known to wear them at work.
    No, I've never drawn blood with them. :)

  • Petreley misses the real advantage to developers of an open source OS. It's not the level playing field, it's having no insurmountable obstacles to doing one's development. With Windows, driver or OS problems are largely unsolvable -- if it doesn't work, you're out of luck. And if the documentation is wrong, you have no way of knowing how the code really works.

    Likewise, open source development tools can be a big win, simply because developers can fix problems with them. I work doing NT development with Visual C++, and there are an amazing number of little delays here and there. I try to open a file -- and type the filename well before the "File Open" dialog appears. I'd also like to see color syntax highlighting for parentheses and brackets, but there's no way for me to do it with Visual C++. Open source dev tools would be nice not because of the cost -- the cost is far less than salaries -- but because of the things I could fix and improve, and thus save time and get more done.
  • I actually had a boss once who raised concerns over this .shtml stuff on our web pages. She demanded to know why I couldn't change it to something with less chance to offend. This was at a large university where this kind of thing was not at all unusual. The end result was that we ALWAYS spelled out the acronym.
  • I couldn't stop laughing at the Balmer comparison. I can only imagine that they were making similar noises at the time.

    It was funny. Hence, you're wrong.
  • What's with this pronouncing on acronyms?? In Canada, we spell them out.
    GUI is "gee you eye"
    FAQ is "eff ay que"

    Um, nobody says Gee You Eye. Gooey is a pronunciation that even novices today know. Fack is universal too.

    Canadian, last he checked.

  • Looks like K-Jofol. iirc it's a winblowz player that uses the mpg123 engine. I don't think it's been ported to Linux yet so it's probably running through Wine or just a skin for some other player, like eMusic or something. Email the guy and ask him.
  • Heh - Gary, are you reading this? If the Crocketts don't make it big, at least this Aberystwyth offering will hang around... :)
  • Instead of hacking up a keyboard, why not use a whykey adapter? It merges the output of two keyboards into a single stream of keystrokes. Much easier that way.
  • The most comfortable computer experience that I know is to stretch out on a recliner in any position with the computer on a table at its side, the keyboard (dvorak, of course!) on an armrest, and the mouse slides very well across the fabric. This has got to be the laziest way possible to sit at a computer.

    To finish off the experience, all my CD's are ripped to mp3's, because loading the tray every time I get sick of a song gets old quick.

  • Just some crap Bowie Poag came up with after he got bored of saying that "AmIgA r00lz Pc sux" and advocating violence against homosexuals.
  • what the hell is this propaganda thing?

    can anyone help me...

  • When my friend answers the phone at work, he says "A I X tech support..."
  • not a word in it's own right ... unlike etcetera which is pron et set-ra (from the latin blah blah)
  • SQL was not "originally going to be called SEQUEL". SEQUEL was another language that SQL was developed to replace. That's why you should pronounce SQL "S-Q-L", not "sequel", because the latter refers to the language SQL replaced.

    I sometimes like to call SQL "squeal" though... It's non-ambiguous, and it gets on the nerves of people who write SQL.
  • Any acronym without a vowel should not be pronounced phonetically!

    If it ain't pronounced phonetically, it ain't an acronym at all.

  • I just checked* for references to this thing, and it is being taken seriously. It may not work, or be economical, but it is a valid concept.

    Of course, my first reponse was "How Preposterous!", and then I tried to see if I could spot where they photoshopped the image together, but no, it's actually real.

    And if it works, DAMN cool!
  • So you greet your friends with "Aitch-eye", and refer to 3 and a bit as "Pee eye"?

    And what about the jazz "So danso samba, so danso samba, vi vi vi vi vi"?

    The last of course was a red herring. Everyone knows that the Knights Who Say Ni pronounce it "knee", in a shrieky voice.

    I thought # was hash, or sharp. What's an octothorpe when it's at home? Or even when it's at college writing a program to generate pee-eye ;-)

    I've yet to see anyone justify the pronunciation of "vi" as "vee-eye" without their eyes watering and them bawling "it just sounds dumb". That's not an argument. Drawing a parallel with "hi" and "pi" however _is_ a valid argument, and until I hear better I'm sticking with "vie". I MIGHT be persuaded to join the Knights (why, are they coming apart?) and pronounce it (shriek) VEE!

    I don't have a lift, I have a program.
    : Emergency Medical Hologram, Voyager.
  • lift^He

    Okay, so I should have used submit.

    Cor, you should have seen the flames when I missed out an "R" and an "H" and just referred to "Linux 5.2". The ultimate in elevator lacking ess ay dee cases really came out of their shells (pun intended).
  • I love the adminspotting shirt idea, when I first saw the adminspotting post, I took it and made it into a 11x17 poster (grey-scale laser), and it's been on several walls in this area ever since. I should try to use the D size plotter I have access to... that could be cool...

    Bring on more quickies!
  • I pronounce "HP-UX" as "aitch-pee-sucks".
  • I don't know what I am...
  • I've heard it pronounced 'squeal' me, hearing Sequel is much better.


  • Yeah, I remember his gifviewer program (Was that what it was called?) for DOS like ten years ago had a sample GIF of him in front of the red rocks of Sedona and in big blocky letters it said something like

    GIF-- It's prounounced "JIF"!

  • I like slashdot's green logo, why change it? I'd imagine once the logo is changed the whole site would have to change somewhat as well..I mean, what's the point?
  • ...for years, as a kid, I'd dreamed of these things. Reading Gibson's Virtual Light only managed to reinforce the desire ;)
  • ..i should try one
  • All acronyms are meant to be pronounced. Not all abbreviations are. There is a difference. But really, it all depends on what everybody says. Are you going to get really annoyed the next time someone says "SCSI"?
  • by Enthrad ( 11463 )
    I tried saying "Krahn" and it made me sound American. I've always pronounced it "cron" :)

  • Wouldn't it be easier to wire the output of two keyboards together, a full one on each side?

    That would probably be more difficult to make, ironically. Specs for the signals being sent are reportedly very difficult to actually find, and I strongly suspect that there is state information stored in the keyboard, which means messy synchronization between them. In my younger days, I installed my own int 9 handler on an x86, and was amazed at the strangeness that came down the line (multiple codes encoding certain single keys, among other things).

    By all means go for it if you want to, but I'd probably stick to soldering if I were to do this myself :).

    Depending on the setup, two USB keyboards might be an option. You might be able to get away with just writing a custom driver to merge the input streams and duplicate the output stream.

  • You are, of course, missing the main point which is that "jif" sounds really dumb.
  • With you talking like that, it would take forever! There's nothing wrong with pronouncing your acronyms, it makes speech more efficient. If you're going to spell out all of them, you might as well just say what they stand for.
  • I agree with the Iron Rule of Acronym pronunciation, almost.
    vi=vee-eye, because "vie" sounds stupid.
    var=var like car, but with a v.
    lib=lib because that's how it's spelled.
    latex=latek the x is the greek character.
    gif=gif because jif sounds excessively dumb.
    #=octothorpe, it has an e on the end.
    ~=tilde duh. there's little enough tilde awareness as it is.
    daemon=day-mon might as well, because the it's 'ae' instead of the squished together a and e.
    fsck=fsck that's not that hard, cmon.
    chown=chown that's a simple one!
    so there. now you never have to worry about it again.
  • *laugh* these people are sick and twisted ;) Who started the 'dance' thing anyway?

  • The UNIX mispronunciation HOWTO is a joke. I've never heard anyone say 'effsuck' or 'aches' in reference to a CHKDSK-like utility or an IBM operating system.

  • Internet Fridge [] its a fridge with a built in 233 pentium and 32 megs a RAM and win 95. bet you could over clock that puppy like there is no tomorrow!! (depending on where the CPU is of course...)
  • Have a look at this guy's arms. They are stick thin. I wonder how much he works out?

    If you have arm pains, it may very well be because you don't exercise enough. I've had symptoms like this guy three times. They took months to heal and actually nobody could say what caused them or what made them go away. The last time was longest and most frustrating. I rested well, took medication, got some massage and was careful not to screw up my arms for good. In the end one doctor told me to stop resting. "Work out, type on, use your arms." Well I started throwing shot put, playing volley ball and it helped. My arms healed in less than a week and remained in great shape.

    So do take care of your body. Being a geek and not able to type really sucks.
  • One thing I noticed: On the description of the Destroyer model, it calls it the "Ultimate non-working saber prop." (or something close to that) And I was looking forward to fighting the Evil Armies of Darkness...
  • Doesn't Linus pronounce Linux Leenix?
    Meh. I'm just recovering from the bad habit of Lyenix.
    I figure, pronounce it how you want, i can't hear you. :)
  • by Fizgig ( 16368 )
    Shouldn't it be Lah-teck?
  • Just remember: It's all fun and games `til someone loses an eye ... then it's just fun.
  • Not to nit-pick, but the belt on the light saber page [] says that it can accomodate waists from 30"-40".

    Ummm... That has got to be either too much or not enough.

    (At least if my Con days back in the ealy 80's is any indiciation...)


  • That silly poo-head got a bunch just plain wrong! Sh-bang my big fat butt -- that's `pound-bang' where I come from, Hoss. And SVR4? How about `ess vee are four', the way the folk who developed it say it?
  • You guys do realize that it's only a matter of time until we get the "Mr. T ate my Balls Dance" web site...


  • Biggest pronounciation war I have with my roommate: I say "debian" with a short "e" and he says "deebian" with a long "e"

    Tell your roommate he owes you a beer. It's "debian" (short e), named for Deb and Ian Murdoch.

Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries, knows nothing about grapes. -- Philippus Paracelsus
