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Batch of LinuxWorld Bits 46

I'm still here from the floor (Thanks again to LinuxWorld for giving us a booth and Linux-HW for flying us out here). Its crazy. It's absolutely gigantic relative to ALS. The mega-stars are here in full force- Caldera, Compaq, LinuxCare, Red Hat, and VA Research each have absolutely huge booths. I've been snapping pictures and trying to talk to keep up with the email and stories from here, but keeping up is proving near impossible. In the meantime, its entertaining to note that the press room is compaq boxes... running windows. And Shayde from Freshmeat is posting updates. Wired has a bit too, complete with a terribly out of context quote from me. Anyway, soon things will calm down and I can hopefully post pictures and write up a real report... hang in there.
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Batch of LinuxWorld Bits

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  • Van Kempen was using Linux in 1989? Um... really?
  • Debian???


    By FAR the most crowded mini-booth (right next to /.) and hacking away gleefully. I couldn't get a shoulder in edgewise.

    I want to die peacefully in my sleep as my grandfather did...

  • btw i'm not the (AC) poster you're replying to, I just felt like posting...

    I wont trust that, redhat is the 2nd last thing these morons would use. They think that RH must be the "M$ of the linux world" only because they are successful. They happily ignore the fact that RH licenses everything they do under the {gpl,lgpl}.

    Depends on your type of script kiddie. The ones who just want to run teardrop and bonk install RedHat, because it lets them get to the Denial of Service attacks with the least amount of time invested in actually learning how to use a computer. However, you do have a point, the ones who want to look uber-3l33t anti-establishment will install whatever happens to be the least popular OS at the moment. However, I don't see a switch to *bsd among script kiddies in the works soon, since most of the established *bsd userbase and IRC channels tend to be a bit more mature, so the script kiddies would feel more out of place than with Linux.

    [some stuff and ad hominem attacks deleted]

    Oh and let me guess, you are still in your teens, and listen to punk rock, right?

    What exactly is wrong with punk rock?
  • Ahh, those punk rockers. Yeah, unfortunately, I've had too much experience with them. Any band that sells more than 15 copies of their record is automatically a sellout and not punk.
  • by avm ( 660 )
    Not true. I've been using Slackware since Volkerding first started packaging it, mainly on boxes with small amounts of disk and/or RAM. Most script kiddies I've noticed (which is a small number...most aren't worth more than the time it takes to block some packets) seem to use Red Hat or Debian.

    As for *BSD, most of the BSD users I've met are a lot more mature than that, though there are exceptions.

  • Posted by AnnoyingMouseCoward:

    List of possible responses

    "Go away"
    "Come back later"
    "Fuck You"
    "Fuck you Asshole"
    ------------------ Beep! Beep! Beep!

    "Fuck you asshole!"

    [all quotations are from the movie "The Terminator" and are the copyright of the original script writer.]

    Typical lame AC idiot! Have you got *any* idea of what's going on out there? Obviously not! As much as I resent having to resort to vulgar profanity, you certainly deserve it! Consider the following *idiot*!

    1). IBM has announced that it will be distibuting Linux on several of it's machine ranges ( these are obviously intended to compete with Sun Workstations ).

    2). Corel has announced that it will be producing it's own distribution of Linux specifically to support it's own desktop package ( details to follow! ).

    3). Points 1) and 2) alone make this "News for Nerds, Stuff that *definatly* matters!" Don't be suprised if a lot more news comes out of this before it's over.

    In short, we are seeing history in the making, even if your too lame to realise it. In the years to come, people will look back and see this time as the crucial point where the market *finally* began to realise the absurdity of proprietary OS's on the desktop and started to move towards open, accessible standard systems.

    In that respect, it doesn't matter if Linux wins the OS wars. Whats important is that people realise the futility of OS's that are closed and inaccessible to public scrutiny and peer review.

    In this respect alone, Rob Malda and company have every reason to be there.

    "...If you can't lend a hand then get out of the way, for the times, they are a changing..."
  • Posted by AnnoyingMouseCoward:

    Thganks dude! I really needed a good laugh! After spending the entire day cleaning up uncle Bills mistakes, you tell me "...WINDOWS, THE GREATEST OS OF ALL TIME..."

    Good one dude, but please stop. It would be very undignified if my Pointy Haired Imbecile of a boss came in tomorrow morning and found me dead at my keyboard from terminal humor.

    Windows, an operating system?


    Please stop! My sides are starting to hurt!

    As I was dealing with the collateral damage of a RH5.0-to-5.2 upgrade (simple my ass! - it ignored a couple of ext2 partitions and tried to install 400M of files into a lone 70M partition... it got worse from there...), I was stuck with using Windows (ye olde original Win95) for a couple of days. It's not bad, actually. But I felt dirty and disoriented - where's my bash prompt? where's my excellent GIMP-fashioned wallpaper? why can't I move my little mousie to switch to another virtual screen? didn't they include egcs on this thing? why does nothing happen when I click the middle mousie button?

    Windows: the OS of last resort. A nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

    What would we do without these trolls trumpeting VisualDOS++^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HWindows?


  • by mackga ( 990 )
    Damn! Thanks to all the folks who posted the pics and summaries from the expo. Nice to get a feel for what all is going on. Guess I'm going to have to make a real effort to get to one of these cons.
  • Yes, I fed the gnome to support the FSF and bought a /. shirt. [Does this count toward community service?]
    The FSF/Debian/slashdot corner did have the most geeks/sq. ft. as mentioned by a poster above. They didn't have any CDs though. I admit to being a software whore. DSL isn't getting installed for a while (sigh) and I can't wait all night for downloads.
    What happened to free stuff? I've gotta stand in line 10 minutes for a shirt? Toss them to me! I'm offering free advertising by walking around with a company's damn name on my back and they need more info?

    Oh well. I came by to say hi to Rob, but someone was parked next to him discussing AC posts.


    Well, you got the ALL CAPS bit right...and multiple exclamation marks are good, but you spelt "losers" correctly! Try "loosers" for that proper ranting feel.

    You might also want to throw in random apostrophes like "is for nerd's" or, overall not bad, but you could do better...



  • Um... Punk rock has nothing to do with this. I'm a punk rocker and I hack code, but this is irrelevant. I know people who are code hackers but perfer to listen to the sweet sounds of funk. The one thing that hackers all have in common is their undieing quest to figure things out and to make things work.

    And I resent the fact that you associate punk rock with script kiddies.... That is not cool man.
  • I suppose Red Hat CDs are free.
  • I really wasn't too impresssed with this article. They are really trying to make linux users look like a bunch of foaming-at-the-mouth zealots. Most linux users welcome the commercial players to the linux platform. The detractors are merely a vocal minority. Rob mentions that his quotes are taken out of context.

    I really have the feeling that they wanted to create the picture that the commercial players would be chased out by a group of rabid cultists chanting Open source dogmas ...

    Dissapointing (but not surprisinmg ) .

    However, these cultists are doing an awfully bad job at scaring away Oracle, IBM, Sybase, Corel, 3dfx, Sun , Adaptec , et al ...
    Donovan Rebbechi

  • Oh, it was big enough, thankyouvermuch...
    As soon as I saw the overflow of (fashion impaired) geeks wandering around in my (bad) neighborhood, I knew it was Linuxwhirled time...
    AND they scared all the wimmin away from my usual hangout least it was only Monday..
  • I was at the show this morning.
    Wandering around looking for some new boxes for work. Exhibition only.

    My impressions:
    More free tshirts than siggraph (free as in beer).
    No free mugs or yoyo's though.
    The debian/slashdot/gnome corner was where the action was. More nerds per square foot than anywhere else. The gnome booth even had a pool-table and table footy.
    Noone (compaq varesearch etc) wanted to sell me anything. I got directed to webpages instead.
    Rob needs to shave.
    Nice demos of civ3 for linux - looks good.
  • by davek ( 18465 )
    Anyone see the bit that CNBC did on the Linux conference for Business Center yesterday? That's the cable station's biggest prime time business news show, it is sure to attract some investers. It was (yet another) fluf piece, but it was exposure on something that more people watch than CNN (IMO).

  • Uhm did I read that right....did you say the press room had machines running Windows in it? You figure they could have flown some Linux-competent reporters in.
  • Very nice reading for us who weren't there (but who would have wished we were). I also very much enjoyed Nick Moffitt's show reports which are posted on the same page.
  • ummm excuses me, how are are you?

    tho rpms are handy sometimes,like installing drivers and such. if you were a true unix hacker you wouldn't be concerned with such things and wouldn't be so inscure about the system you were running that you had to make fun of others.

    use the src, luke

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