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Music Media

CNN special on Digital Music and mp3 18

BOredAtWork writes " is running a special on mp3 and digital music. A new article on Rio is here, and an interesting one about groups getting started with mp3 here, to point out two of the newest articles. "
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CNN special on Digital Music and mp3

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  • by drwiii ( 434 )
    Are there any (modern) MP3 encoders for Unix with source available?
  • I organize mine using a highly advanced cataloging system called "ext2fs". :) I've got a directory structure set up such that it's "/usr/data/music/Artist Name/Album Name/Song Name.mp3".

    If I want to random-play through all my songs, I can just do a "splay -s /usr/data/music/*/*/*.mp3". Playing all songs by a given artist or on a given album, or even playing all songs by the same name ("Learning To Fly", by Floyd, ELP, and Tom Petty, for example) are all almost as trivially easy. With a little creative symlinking, it's possible to match on just about any other criteria with nothing more complex than wildcard matching.
  • I've started ripping some of my CDs with cdparanoia and bladeenc, but I haven't really organized the resulting files. How do those of you with huge collections deal with them? I just have them all in the same directory. I go to the playlist (I use GQmpeg) and add all.

    It would be really great if there were some kind of database interface that would generate playlists based on search criteria. Kind of like the Windows softare for the empeg car player.
  • I propose to start "The Coilition Against First Post AC's". Some tactics I can think of to rid /. of this scum:

    Insert code into the comments coding check the first 10 or so comments posted.

    If any of these messages...

    (1) are from an AC
    (2) contain any of the following words:
    "first, post, 1st, yahoo, whoopie, loser, lamer"
    (3) are less than 100 characters

    ...then delete the message entirely.

    I also propose that /. run a Poll asking what to do about these obviously pathetic forms of life with nothing better to do than to abuse a wonderfully informative website.
  • I found it rather annoying that CNN claimed that
    the only ones interested in mp3 up until now were
    file swapping music pirates. (or something of that sort)
    I've been using mp3 and I've never swapped mp3 files with anyone. It's a great way to load all your music collection onto a couple hard drives and then play it back however you want.
    Who needs one of those ridiculous 200 cd players when you've got mp3?
  • Poor old Richard Stallman.

  • I don't really remember what section I read it in-but I believe Rob was talking about randomizing the first few posts-very good idea-make the first 5-10 posts randomized, that way you won't get any IFPO's. I think it may have been the /. FAQ that was talking about that...
  • Hey Rob-maybe you should name them: by Anonymous POS-you figure it out.

"I'm not a god, I was misquoted." -- Lister, Red Dwarf
