Todays Slashdot Updates 78
Todays changelog: I cleaned up the Preferences
Page to organize it somewhat rationally. I also cleaned
up a lot of sticky code in the comments section. In the
process, I added a few useful new options: No Sigs, and
some Order controls. Displaying comments by Score, or
by reverse date are each quite useful. Nate added a few Slashboxes:
Beta News, Be News, Hacker News Network, and someone
else suggested Weather in Hell. I also fixed the busted
ordering controls on the Custom page and started fiddling
around with user definable time zones. I need a good resource
on time zones and stuff so I can make daylight savings and
crap work properly. Yuckus. Ah well. Should eat some
dinner. Its been a few days since I had a real meal.
Nice Config page (Score:1)
Just a question: with all the concentration on Linux, do you (or why don't you) have links to Linux sites (like the documentation project)?
2000 (Score:1)
What's a Slashbox? (Score:1)
What's a Slashbox? (Score:1)
bye, Frank!
HTML updates... (Score:1)
Minor nit: After starting a new post, if I hit "Preview" then "Back" and then "Forward" I get a "Data not found" or some such error. Dealing with this change is not a problem though, (simple change of habit) and is probably an unavoidable side-effect of the html auto-update (however the heck that works).
Overall, the level of craft and thoughtfulness in this site amazes me. Well done!
WebTV (Score:1)
how do i.... ? (Score:1)
there's just one small detail though....
the polling option "Rob sucks Jello, Hemos is object-oriented, I'm obfuscated!" suddenly disappeared when i reconfig'ed everything today. where did it go, Rob?
Enhanced /. for WebTV (Score:1)
Show ad banner [yes/no] (Score:1)
It's like Christmas around here... (Score:1)
Jason Dufair
"Those who know don't have the words to tell
Some Suggestions! (Score:1)
that stupid adfu.blockstackers.com thing is so slow to load!
2) Ability to turn off left navigation left,
bottom navigation list independently. Also the
ability to do the no-graphic layout but keep
the boxes on the right. And when you do the no
graphic layout, remember you *can* still use
background table cell colours - there's no need
for it to be completely devoid of colour!
3) When clicking on a story, be able to have it
automatically pop up into a new window, or each
story pop up into a separate window - check out
the settings options at http://www.newshub.com to see what that's like - quite nice! Though I'd like the option to pop them up into browsers in the background.
4) 'Killfile' - ability to ignore comments by individual users. Super low priority, though.
5) Ability to turn off search box, and the quote at the bottom of the page (individually).
6) Have poll show up on the right only if you've not voted in it!
7) Very important - some of us prefer to use the 'older stuff' page as our home slashdot page - it'd be great to have the new features available there, too! Or a version of the 'search page' that is just designed like that, but not designed for searching - ie: just the titles, poster, time, and # of replies.
8) And how about configurable date formats?
Clue needed (Score:1)
phear the WebTV hackers! (Score:1)
ulTRAX's WebTV Hacking Archive & Resource Page
Humble suggestion (Score:1)
And what about a "Fund Slashdot" box? With links to varesearch (you get a cut, maybe?), amazon.com, cdnow.com, and linuxmall.com, where people can make a contribution to slashdot? Turn on by default, let people turn it off if not interested.
Great job all. Keep it going.
Show ad banner [yes/no] (Score:1)
I wish there was an option to disable the ad banner. I was using junkbuster, but it was disabling all cookies, so I couldn't log in. I'll just have to reconfigure junkbuster.
So how is Rob supposed to keep Slashdot from being Slashdotted then? Hardware is expensive, and VA Research is the only company I know of that will pay to keep an employee who's job consists of updating a non-corporate website.
Jim Cape
http://www.jcinteractive.com [jcinteractive.com]
Suggestion - NNTP SERVER!! (Score:1)
Good Search Suggestion (Score:1)
It rocks. Now if only they would add google to their set of sources...
Even better would be the ability to have a "search box" that would have one input field and many buttons for each selected search engine.
Show ad banner [yes/no] (Score:1)
This isn't Rob you're talking about, is it?
how do i.... ? (Score:1)
Hmmm. Well, now I had written to Rob with a suggestion for a new Slashbox with a button that would just automatically pick the "Rob sucks" selection on whatever the poll happened to be that day. I don't know, but perhaps this is his way of saying "don't count on it"... :-)
But I agree... the new code is a huge improvement.
Uhm...Rob's gotta eat too ya know (Score:1)
Some Suggestions! (Score:1)
The problem is that the MozillaClassic layout engine renders tables rather inefficiently. Since adfu is the last thing to be loaded, it just appears that that site is slow. It's actually not the case. NGLayout fixes this problem. =)
Suggestion - NNTP SERVER!! (Score:1)
Anyway. Email me for details.
MMMmmmmm (Score:1)
You would just end up with idiots trying to get the "Bottom Post" on all the new stories. Moderation might just be a better idea, hopefully Rob implements some decent form of it in the next major /. update.
My site contains 100% GPL'd source code
Yeah! Yeah! Time/Date formats! (Score:1)
I'm so used to 24-hr clock that I arrogantly think that everyone else should be using it. :) I'm an American who has never been in the military, so I guess I'm just odd. I decided a couple of years ago that it was less ambiguous and use it all the time (hrm, not intended...) now, much to the consternation of people who can't mentally subtract 12 from a number.
No Subject Given (Score:1)
set avg file size (on avg client) to 1.2Mb & isn't still enough space
how about a text title description? (Score:1)
it's all a matter of bandwidth. this requires a different mindset.
more on date/time format... (Score:1)
I'd rather see:
1999-03-17 07:48pm
Or whatever. Maybe a way to make your own date/time format - that'd rock.
How about bytecount in comment indexes? (Score:1)
No Subject Given (Score:1)
posting your code (Score:1)
Amen! I had just gotten around to downloading the slash 0.2 script to play with it, and I'd love to see the new and improved stuff.
You do good work, Rob. Slashdot is quickly becoming one of my favorite sites to read, and now it's also becoming one of my favorite sites to play around with.
Jay (=
Posts aren't usually deleted (Score:1)
For example, right before the news about Bruce's objection to the Apple "open source" license got posted, Slashdot responded to all web pages with an "Internal Server Error" message, then briefly was not accepting HTTP connections at all. So, when slashdot was up again, an anonymous coward posted that the server is flaky.
I took offense to this, since I do not like seeing Rob's hard work being not appreciated, and posted this message [slashdot.org]. Now, since this whole thread had nothing to do with Bruce's approval of Apple's license, somone game my post a score of -1 and the post that started the silly thread [slashdot.org] a score of -3.
Some may consider this censorship, but it is not. It is merely the powers that be trying to keep the discussion intelligent, and not diverge in to meaningless flame wars. I wish usenet had this level of moderation.
- Sam
I am sure he would, but... (Score:1)
Use slashv2 even though I have never heard of it working for anyone...I was damn near close once after about two hours of hacking it.
Suggestion - NNTP SERVER!! (Score:1)
more I think about it.... (Score:1)
plain text rules! (and sometimes html sucks, sometimes)
Time Zones (Score:1)
Internet Beat! (I know it started as a cheezy
marketing scam, but who cares! Time zones suck.)
GMT is dead. They closed the Royal Observatory.
The new zero is @000. Who cares where it is?
(And yes, you can use decimal places, like @322.5
if you want more accuracy, duh.)
I am sure he would, but... (Score:1)
I've been hacking on it since and even made an e-mail -> submission gateway that I sent to Rob in case he was interested.
Time Zones? Zoneinfo. (Score:1)
Just look in
Fine Print directonally challenged. (Score:1)
Show ad banner [yes/no] (Score:1)
cool (Score:1)
bugs? (Score:1)
On another note, it's way too easy to click on that 'X' and make something go away.
Fine Print directonally redundant. (Score:1)
New time standards (Score:1)
The new zero should be in the same Random location the old one is, cuz otherwise conversion is a bitch, and days don't change at the right time.
For example, if we used millidays, but keeping the meridian right where it is instead of moving it to some marketing company's headquarters, then you could find out the time as simple as time(NULL) / 86.4, and we could define a new day standard of days since Jan 1 1970, which could be calculated as time(NULL) / 86400, and would simplify date/time arithmetic because then you wouldn't need to convert the day and time into the same format first. So then this post would have been posted at 10668.239IT (239th milliday of the 10668th day)
15mins work... NOT (Score:1)
--Simon Edwards
"enhance"??? (Score:1)
how about a text title description? (Score:1)
Perhaps a different version of the site specifically for things like WebTV and Palm Pilots would be nice to have.
In theory, with strict HTML and the proper use of stylesheets (something that most browsers lack), you can just define different stylesheets for the different presentation layouts (palm pilots, webTV, normal browsers, printed/hard copy)...
Locality (Score:1)
Suggestion - NNTP SERVER!! (Score:1)
cool (Score:1)
cool (Score:1)
fun fun fun!
if you have bandwidth to spare... (Score:1)
Personally, I don't mind the banner ads, and one more won't hurt. If you want to see Rob eat steak instead of ramen noodles (and fix his heater), put this [mit.edu] in your slashbox.
New alphabet? (Score:1)
how about "__________ sucks!" (Score:1)
slashdot layout (Score:1)
Add a box for Redhat news much like their box for slashdot news. slashdot is really a better portal than redhat.
SCORE? (Score:1)
Is there a way to get a higher score than 1?
What will score give me?
If I post enough comments, what do I win?
Is this just a way to ignore anonymous cowards?
There is one now... (Score:1)
Because identifier starts with 'b' (Score:1)
Some Suggestions! (Score:1)
What do you think about having it this way: Once you voted, instead of showing the poll, to show the statistics? Would be neat! I mean, if I'm among the first voters, maybe I'll never find out - how often do you check polls after voting?
God bless you for sig restriction (Score:1)
You did good (Score:1)
Please, sir, just a leetle bit more...? (Score:1)
Some Suggestions! (Score:1)
First, when turning display of icons off, this should include the icons to the right of the masthead (the whole point for turning them off, to me, is to avoid downloading all those graphics, if I'm going to have to download them for the masthead anyway, and they are therefore in my cache, I might as well display them).
Also, I like the way some of the slashbox titles are links and think you should take advantage of this and, at the same time, increase the standarization of the layout by having some of the other slashbox titles be links. Some suggestions would be to have the poll slashbox title link to http://slashdot.org/pollBooth.pl? have the older stuff slashbox title link to http://www.slashdot.org/search.pl?section=&min=30 have the user slashbox link to http://www.slashdot.org/users.pl?op=edituser and etc.
how about a text title description? (Score:1)
param in the img tag, alt="bar"> for instance.
thus not having to make any changes. use of style sheets is a good idea, must have a look for palm optomised ones.
I love the new Slashdot Features! (Score:1)
Amen! (Score:1)
After voting, poll box shows poll stats (Score:1)
I wonder if Rob is reading this stuff...
preference choice (Score:1)