"Hackers" are Dumb 69
_alpha_ wrote
in to send us an article about
Detectives in
a digital age which makes the most blatant Hacker/Cracker
error I've seen lately... "Hackers are dumb" . Read
the article, its obviously about crackers. I think that the
media can just s/hacker/Script Kiddie/gi; and call it good.
Digital alchemists (Score:1)
More hype for the clueless. These "digital Sherlock Holmeses" are the alchemists of the digital age. They promise gold from lead, but all they're doing is relying on the gullibility of law enforcement and the courts. Their signature parlor trick is examining the swap file entrails of the suspect computer system--they rely on a security hole to work their magic. The forensic text search software that the courts recognize is awful (I've used one of the two--a DOS app compiled with Turbo C++) and can't even do regexs. Try finding the string "John Smith" without a regex when it was written into 16-bit integers or some other non-char scalar. The best I could testify to, based on the results produced by the program I used, was that I didn't find the string I was looking for--fortunately, the case didn't go to trial and I didn't have to sit in the box and sound like a moron. (No, I didn't have access to grep or Perl at the time, I had to use the DOS app).
As for a hacker "wiping out a disk" to cover his tracks, there is some real magic available there if you have the dough to pay for it. Last time I read, it was possible to get a decent read of data that had been written over as many as nine times.
These guys couldn't catch a real (cr|h)acker if their lives depended on it. They rely on the holes in unsecure Operating Systems and other widely-known and easily circumvented clues, like IP trails, to produce evidence. Bah, humbug.
Incorrect usage of "hacker" and "cracker" (Score:1)
...not to mention the problem that "cracker" in reference to computers already applies to the skilled assembly coders who remove copy protection schemes from software.
Dumb 'Hackers' (Score:1)
Slowly but surely, the nomenclature's changing (Score:1)
Sure, the mainstream media will continue to use and misuse the term "hacker," but personally, I think the whole open source/Linux wave is changing that. I have the privilege of covering both the open source movement and computer security issues. When I see a bunch of brilliant Linux coders calling themselves hackers, it makes me review just what a hacker is, and how I might differentiate them from a) "good" computer security hackers, and b) crackers.
Over the past year, I think the use of these terms has improved, while at the same time, I think the more enlightened press people have been able to communicate these basic ideas to their readers -- and that's the tough part. Thanks to WarGames, you've got a general public that sees the word "hacker" and automatically thinks of a pimply-faced anti-social pubescent malcontent breaking into NORAD.
If the open source-ers keep it up for a few more years, that pesky nomenclature might just change once and for all. But it won't happen overnight.
Can't they get anything right? do the math (Score:1)
$480,000 seems small to me. Perhaps that is because I'm used to the mainframe world where a minute of downtime costs $1,000,000. (each minute ass another million) Since companies had to take servers down, they felt some loss from that.
If you figgure a tech makes $300 a day ($80,000 a year) This is only 8000 sysadmins working for two days. (what a previous poster claims it took his company) This allows each company in the fortune 500 to use 16 sysadmins. Now granted not all fortune 500 companies were affected, but even still this starts to look small when you remember that these are the largest companies. Looks to me like $480,000 won't even cover the salery of the systemadmins who were not taking care of normal buisness in response to this. No Think of what the cost of business is (see above), and it looks like a bad estimate.
Now I will grant that NT was taken down more then mainframes, and NT doesn't run anything mission critical, but even still we can expect there were losses due to this downtime that aren't figgure in.
To be fair (Score:1)
Change the locks (Score:1)
the term ``hackers'' is dead (Score:1)
"So-called IP address"? Is there any doubt? (Score:1)
And the author of the Melissa virus didn't "sign" it, MS did that for him and he just didn't try and remove it (perhaps he was unaware). Also, from what I've heard, the guy who wrote the virus isn't the one who released it.
//"You can't prove anything about a program written in C or FORTRAN.
It's really just Peek and Poke with some syntactic sugar."
Bias (Score:1)
And your point is??? (Score:1)
So "All those hackers [examples of lately caught hand-in-sack people there] are dumb" does not prove anything, nor is helpful in evaluating the damage done by crackers.
I read it as a "nice" way to downplay the involvment of Word macros in industrial piracy ;(
Crackers don't make money, Hackers need new name (Score:1)
let's see (Score:1)
Hacker vs. Cracker is Wrong Approach (Score:1)
Gartner Group (Score:2)
I am a network security admin/manager by profession, have been for almost 4 years now, and have NEVER heard anything from Gartner that wasn't:
a) So completely obvious that it wasn't even funny.
b) Marketing-speak
c) Guesswork; or
d) Completely wrong.
I especially (dis)liked the last quote:
"The good thing about the Sherlock Holmeses of the Internet is that they are showing us that the locks are not so good," says Gartner's Zboray. "And if Sherlock says so, then you better go out and get new locks."
Huh? It's not the 'Sherlock Holmses' of the FBI or Gartner group or Phar Lap that are examining the locks. The locks are already busted. Nor is it the 'script kiddies'. Its the hundreds of security people and programmers that continously watch their networks, test software, examine code, report to BugTraq and CERT, and get little or no credit for it. Many of them are true 'hackers'.
And we ALREADY knew that the 'locks' were weak in many areas. Puh-LEASE!
Incorrect usage of "hacker" and "cracker" (Score:1)
I mean really...who gives a shit?
People...spend a little less time whining over a word and a little more time coding....
Can't they get anything right? (Score:1)
The numbers are linked to specific computers, you can however have multiple sites per IP.
There is nothing in this article that has any truth. PS Does anyone believe that the Melissa virus caused $480,000 worth of damage? I seriously doubt even $20,000.
Crackers don't make money, Hackers need new name (Score:2)
What has happened to "hacker" is the same thing that happened to "negative feedback". A good engineer knows that negative feedback acts to preserve the current state, but your typical suit thinks of negative feedback as something that discourages what someone is already doing.
It is noble to try to clear up the confusion surrounding the misuse of terms, but the problem is the confusion is too strong. "Hacker" now means both enthusiast and criminal, just as negative feedback has two contradictory meanings.
I don't have a good suggestion for a replacement, however, and after all these years there isn't a replacement for negative feedback either. A good name would have to be immediately recognizable. If anyone has a suggestion I'd like to hear it.
Crackers don't make money, Hackers need new name (Score:1)
A String of Quotes... (Score:1)
This article is nothing more than a string of quotes from security "experts". Let's not lambaste Wired just yet. In fact, perhaps they ought to be congratulated. They just associated names with some very odd uses of the term "hacker".
At this point, I'd be pretty embarassed to have my name show up in that article. I, for one, think that Wired's article wasn't so bad and may insidiously work to alter the hacker/cracker misconception.
It's the Gartner Group again, (Score:1)
Oh please...can slashdot get any more retarded (Score:1)
musta confused Katz with a hacker (Score:1)
Crackers don't make money, Hackers need new name (Score:1)
I common problem. (Score:1)
Crackers don't make money, Hackers need new name (Score:1)
So, while we can study software engineering, calling myself a Software Engineer would be misleading and possibly illegal.
(Please note that I AGREE with this setup. Being an Engineer also makes you responsible for your work in a legal sense. Controls on the title make it more meaningful and valuable.)
Career change announcement (Score:1)
Ok, when I was a little kid two weeks ago, I wanted to be a technology columnist. It looked like an easy way to make some bucks -- just spew wild predictions about the future of computing and cash the checks.
I've changed my mind. Now I want to be a computer security consultant who TALKS to technology columnists.
It seems all I have to do is print up some business cards that say "DonkPunch -- Information Security Consultant" and I'm in business.
Best of all, the columnists will fawn over me as a modern-day Sherlock Holmes ("Elementary, dear Watson. He used MS Word to create a macro virus which gave him remote access to little Jenny's hard drive").
How much can I charge per hour to tell people to turn off macros in MS Word?
/* Remove toungue from cheek */
Can't they get anything right? (Score:1)
I'd say 480,000 is a pretty good estimate. The company I work for, which I will not name, spent a whole lot of time and effort on this, even though we weren't hit all that hard. In addition, we took a lot of early precautions that stopped Melissa from being all that bad. Keep in mind, with the press coverage this got, there were a lot of people from above throwing resources at it. I'd say we probably had 1/4 - 1/3 of our people working on this for the better part of two days, including some overtime, because we're busy even without some jerk's idea of a practical joke. With the companies that were hit even harder, and had to take machines and servers down, I wouldn't be surprised if 480000 dollars was the damage tally.
And your point is??? (Score:1)
Cracker=Hacker for us Old timers....NOT (Score:1)
Now that's where you're ol' days start, you young kid you.
Cracker=Hacker, Potato=Potahto (Score:1)
Got to agree with that, fellow old-old-timer. ;-)
good. (Score:1)
enlightened minority.....hmmm, sounds like a cult thing?
later all.
Can't they get anything right? (Score:1)
The world is full of dimwits (Score:1)
Crackers don't make money, Hackers need new name (Score:1)
[Cr|H]acker (Score:1)
Does it really matter that "they" misuse the term ? What is the definition of a word other than what is generally accepted, or written in a dictionnary ?
It is as though we are all so self-righteous that only WE know the REAL definition of hacker (as opposed to cracker).
This reminds me of the whole nonsense regarding the word 'queer' and it's re-capture. As far as I'm concerned, 'queer' will always be a derogatory way of referring to homosexuals, much as hacker will always be the word to refer to crackers, and script kiddies (and maybe hackers by our definition too).
Career change announcement (Score:1)
USD 150 an Hour if you can utter advise as "buy a virus scanner"
USD 500 an Hour if you can explain why they should : "disconnect the intranet from the internet to be sure"
Crackers don't make money, Hackers need new name (Score:1)
Perhaps that's a little tame for some of you...
Dial M for "Muthafucka" (Score:1)
Just like copyrights... (Score:1)
GOT BRAIN? (Score:1)
I would go into a full story but most people here and abroad know that hacker's are not at all dumb. Well the majority of "HACKERS" and not little wu-ftpd exploit script kiddies.